May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 101 - Chapter 101 was like a group of eunuchs going to a brothel

Chapter 101: Chapter 101 was like a group of eunuchs going to a brothel

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Sikong Jue's gaze swept around the coffee shop. He did not see Li Ang, but he saw Chu Xia. The corners of his lips twitched slightly. He did not want to see that girl.

The reason was very simple. He, Sikong Jue, was actually drunk and was forced to sleep with that girl. No matter what, it would bring shame to him.

He found a seat far away from Chu Xia and sat down to wait for Li Ang.

Chu Xia's facial features were strained. She was embarrassed to say the least, and the man was so far away from her!

She looked down at her flat stomach and braced herself to stand up and walk towards Sikong Jue.

"Hey, you're here," she said, standing opposite Sikong Jue.

Sikong Jue frowned and said in a bad mood, "I'm waiting for Li Ang. Get out of my way."

Chu Xia pursed her lips. She could tell how much the man disliked her. She wanted to leave, but she really didn't want to have an abortion and marry an old man.

She sat across from Sikong Jue. "Either the Duke is looking for you, or I am. It was me who sent the message."

Sikong jue narrowed his eyes. "You stole Li Ang's phone? You sure have guts! Do you know what kind of crime it is to do that to the Duke?"

Chu Xia sucked in a breath of cold air. "I have a few words to say to you. After that, I will leave. If Li Ang is going to punish me, so be it. I'll admit what I did."

"Speak." Sikong Jue leaned against the back of the chair. He wanted to know why she went through so much effort to meet with him.

Chu Xia lowered her head, her face flushed red. Her hand was twirling her skirt, and she was so embarrassed that she couldn't barely say a word.

"Err, erm... I'm, I'm... err..."

Sikong Jue was a little dazed. He didn't expect this woman to be so shy, not after what had happened last time they saw each other.

After a moment of silence, he lost his patience and said, "Are you going to say it or not? If not, I'm leaving!"

Seeing that the man was about to leave, Chu Xia quickly grabbed his arm. "Don't go, I'm pregnant. Will you marry me?"

Sikong Jue felt like he was struck by lightning. "You want me to marry you and you're pregnant? Are you kidding me?"

He'd had a lot of women in his life. They were all acting for the sake of themselves. He didn't want to marry anyone.

Chu Xia's heart thudded when she heard the man's words. "The child is yours, so of course I wanted to find you."

"If you say it's mine, then it's mine? Who knows how many boyfriends you have?" Sikong Jue complained.

A girl who could take the initiative to rape a man must have seen a lot of men in her time. He didn't believe that he was the only man she had slept with...

Chu Xia's face turned pale. She'd thrown away all her dignity and begged him to marry her, but he did not believe that the child was his.

"How can I make you believe that the child is yours? We can get married first. After the child is born, we can have a test."

"Oh, you are very thoughtful. It will be nine months before the child is born, and you want me to believe you're telling the truth for all this time?" Sikong jue looked at the girl with disdain. "The child might not even be mine, and that'll be nine months wasted! And anyway, even if it is mine, I don't want it!"

He took out a cheque from his wallet. "I will give you one hundred thousand. Settle everything that needs to be settled. This is the first and last time. If you want to play such tricks again, don't blame me for what I might do!"

He threw the cheque in front of the woman.

Chu Xia's heart clenched. It was one thing that he suspected the child was not his, but he also thought that she was trying to extort money from him!

Sikong Jue looked at the wounded girl's eyes. For a moment, he thought that he was wrong. It was not until he saw Chu Xia pick up the cheque that he smiled contemptuously. It was indeed for the money!

Chu Xia tightened her grip on the cheque. She tore it into pieces and threw it directly at the man's head. She didn't look at the man again. Such an insult was enough!

Sikong Jue raised his hand and fiddled with the confetti in his hair. He looked at the girl who had run away in shock. She did not want money?

A figure walked into the café and sat across Sikong Jue. He looked at the man, his hair full of confetti, with a devilish look.

"Such a worried face? Could it be that you failed to pick up a girl and got picked on by a girl instead?" he teased.

Li Ang had watched Gong Mochen leave the school and searched his phone after getting it back off that wretched girl. Naturally, he saw the message Qin Sheng sent to Sikong Jue.

If Qin Sheng was not pregnant, then he guessed it was Chu Xia who was pregnant. and it seemed that she was... Qin Sheng stole the phone and asked Sikong Jue to meet in this café. Li Ang had already guessed what had happened.

Sikong Jue's lips curled into a bitter smile. "How much worry can you have? It's like a group of eunuchs going to a brothel."

That was the true state of his current mood. The girl's reaction made him feel that she was not asking for money. But asking for him...

A soft sigh sounded in the bottom of his heart, filling him with sadness.

"Eunuchs? Ha, ha! How can eunuchs make people pregnant? How much did you give to her to make her run away, anyway?" Li Ang asked.

Sikong Jue glared at Li Ang. "You knew? I gave her 100,000, and she tore it up in my face."

Li Ang sat up straight. "It's not easy. She must not know that you give girls a bottle of medicine to solve these kinds of problems, right?"

Sikong jue kicked Li Ang's leg. "GET LOST! They asked for it. They deliberately made themselves pregnant so that they could blackmail me."

"Actually, the most economical way would be to marry Chu Xia. I think that girl is pretty good-looking, so it's not a loss to marry her. You don't have to spend any money then," Li Ang said.

"Forget it." Sikong Jue's eyes portrayed so many emotions and no one would could understand him. "Aren't you staying at the Qin family mansion? Ask Qin Sheng if Chu Xia will have an abortion."

He thought of the hatred in her eyes when she ran away. He believed that even if Chu Xia was beaten to death, she wouldn't give birth to his child...

"Alright, I'll help you and ask Qin Sheng later. At the same time, I'll settle the debt with that stupid girl for stealing my phone!" Li Ang's eyes flashed with a wicked light.


In the Qin family's mansion, Qin Sheng went back to her room early to review her homework after eating. She wanted to give her uncle a surprise.

When she thought of how shocked the man might be, her lips curved into a happy smile.

In the blink of an eye, the corners of her lips slid down again. She thought of the crying Chu Xia again. That damned Sikong Jue had actually insulted Chu Xia!

She was angry. Sikong Jue didn't want Chu Xia and the baby. One day, she would make Sikong Jue regret what he'd done. He would kneel down and beg Chu Xia, and then be kicked out of the solar system by her!

Gong Mochen walked into the room with a stack of picture albums. His big hand caressed the girl's head. "Take a break and see what kind of cake you'd like to eat."

Qin Sheng took the picture book. It was filled with pictures of the world's top cakes. The prices of the huge twelve layer cakes made her speechless. It actually cost ten million!

"Uncle, this is so expensive. You don't have to buy such an expensive cake!"

"It has to be the best for you. Not only the cake, but also the fireworks. Choose the type of fireworks you like too." Gong Mochen pulled out the picture book under the cake book.

This was the first time he had held a large party for her. It was also the last time. He wanted to give her all the love he could give her. After that, they would be separated, and he wanted her to remember him!

His heart was bleak; his hope exhausted.