May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 191 - Chapter 191 turned around and ran away

Chapter 191: Chapter 191 turned around and ran away

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng looked up at Ha Siqi. Her eyes were bright and clear. "I'm fine. Is there something wrong on the news?"

"I'm just afraid that you'll be upset about it, but it's good that you're fine! Don't mind the news! We're leaving anyway." Ha Siqi was embarrassed. He had wanted to comfort the girl, but it was a misunderstanding that he thought she was troubled.

"Why would I be bothered about it? Two women fighting over the wind and being jealous and slapping each other... It's not like they're fighting over my man! What are we eating tonight, anyway? I'm a little hungry," Qin Sheng asked.

The news was very big, and her phone had vibrated several times because of the headlines. It was difficult for her not to see it.

"I'm hungry too! I'll get my mom to cook something delicious for you!" Ha Siqi quickly ran out of the room. He informed Nie Feng that Qin Sheng was fine and didn't need to see a doctor anymore.

Qin Sheng stared at the man running out of the room, and sadness emerged from the bottom of her heart. What right did she have to be bothered?

She was just a niece that he didn't want!

The corners of her lips curled up coldly. She was hoping that Qin Zixian's engagement would come soon. The news reported that her cousin, Qin Yunbo, and second uncle, Qin Zirui, had returned to the country, but she didn't think it affected her much. They were here to fight for the family property... And the family property had nothing to do with her.

However, she had no idea that she had become the center of a power struggle...

The next day, she made an appointment with Chu Xia to go shopping in the mall. They needed to buy things for their trip abroad

For example, diapers, cotton, and pure silk fabrics.

In the mall, Qin Sheng touched large pieces of cotton gauze and frowned.

"Chu Xia, are you sure you didn't reincarnate? These aren't diapers... Why do you want to buy this stuff?"

"Reincarnate my ass! You've read too many novels! If I reincarnated, I wouldn't have come back as a woman. I would've come back as a man! F*ck Sikong Jue!" Chu Xia said without any restraint.

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes. It was obvious that Chu Xia hadn't slept the whole night and was thinking about how to teach Sikong Jue a lesson.

If Chu Xia had reincarnated as a man, what would that mean for Sikong Jue?

He was a man!

Could it be that Chu Xia wanted to be in a gay couple?

In an instant, the thoughts in Qin Sheng's little head bloomed brightly. The gay novels she'd read were pretty good... If Chu Xia and Sikong Jue were a gay couple, the scenes would be very beautiful!

"What are you thinking about? Why are you giggling?" Chu Xia pushed Qin Sheng.

"Oh nothing! Don't mind me..." Qin Sheng smiled, a cheeky glint in her eye. Of course she couldn't say what she was thinking out loud! She was thinking about Chu Xia and Sikong Jue having sex!

"Anyway, let's get back to shopping! Mother Tao said that diapers aren't good for the child's development. She thinks that my baby looks like a boy. I can't risk buying diapers that might make him suffer.

"What if it affects him when he grows up?" Chu Xia said as she touched the soft cotton gauze.

"But diapers are widely used in Europe and America. How exactly do they affect development? I don't understand..." Qin Sheng felt that Chu Xia was being a bit stupid and naïve.

"I don't care. I'd rather believe it than not! I don't want to take the chance... What if it does harm him? If my son is unhappy when he's older, he might want revenge! You know that his father is very big. His size is definitely not inferior to CEO Gong's!" Chu Xia said loudly.

Qin Sheng blushed when she heard that. "Stop! First, I don't know anything about your son's father's size. Second, how do you know my uncle's size?"

"I read the news. Didn't you read it?" Chu Xia said.

"What? A news report about his size?" Qin Sheng was surprised. Gong Mochen wouldn't let such news be published!

Chu Xia's face stiffened. "You... you didn't read it? Well, it's nothing. It's just nonsense! Let's pick diapers!"

Qin Sheng stared at Chu Xia's changing face. She was sure that the news wasn't that simple. She immediately took out her phone to read it.

Chu Xia was so scared that she went to snatch the phone away. However, Qin Sheng kept dodging left and right to prevent her from taking the phone.

"It's obviously nonsense. Don't believe it! I didn't expect that woman, Ye Wei, to be so shameless!"

Chu Xia was annoyed. She only hated herself for having a big mouth. Why did she say it?

Qin Sheng finally saw the headlines. Ye Wei had been interviewed by reporters. She was asked about her relationship with Gong Mochen, including some private matters. Among them, Gong Mochen's size was mentioned!

Qin Sheng's face grew pale. She already knew that they had a relationship; she'd bumped into them twice. However, seeing the news like this felt like someone was poking her heart with a stick.

"That shameless woman might be talking nonsense. Don't be angry!" Chu Xia tried to persuade Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng forced a smile. Others might not know whether it was true or not, but she knew that what Ye Wei had said was true, because she had measured it with her hands.

"It's okay. Anyway, my uncle is getting engaged to Qin Zixian. The one who should be angry should be Qin Zixian!"

Chu Xia heaved a sigh of relief. "Yes, the one who should be angry is Qin Zixian. It's so disgusting for her to hear such a thing before the engagement! Let's continue shopping!"

She dragged Qin Sheng away. She really didn't understand. This news had been published for so long, so why hadn't Gong Mochen deleted it? Did he want Qin Sheng to see it?

Obviously, she couldn't find answers to these questions.

She looked up and saw the sign of the bathroom. "Qin Sheng, wait for me here. I'm going to the bathroom!"

Because she was pregnant, she had to pee frequently and needed to go to the washroom whenever she saw one.

Qin Sheng stood in the corridor, waiting for Chu Xia. She took a step back and leaned against the wall, giving way to the passers-by.

A faint fragrance spread out as someone walked past. She was sure she'd smelled it somewhere before...

Suddenly, she thought of something. Her eyes widened in shock. She wanted to turn around and run, but her legs were so weak that she fell to the ground.


Chu Xia walked out of the bathroom and saw the empty corridor.

"Qin Sheng! Qin Sheng!"

No matter how loudly she called, no one responded to her. She took out her phone and dialed Qin Sheng's number, but it went straight to voicemail.

Chu Xia was flustered. She quickly dialed another number and cried out loud before the person could speak.

"Ha Siqi, it's my fault. I shouldn't have told Qin Sheng about the news. I'm afraid she won't be able to handle it. Quickly send someone to look for her!"

"What news?" Ha Siqi was confused for a moment, but he suddenly understood. "Why did you tell her? Where are you?"

"I'm still at the mall!" Chu Xia said.

"Wait there. I'll send people to look for her right away!" Ha Siqi hung up the call after saying that. He pressed on the phone screen with his fingers. Then, he dialed another number. "Tell Uncle that something has happened. Qin Sheng is missing in the mall!"