May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 137 - Chapter 137: Jealousy

Chapter 137: Chapter 137: Jealousy

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Help Qi Qi run away? Let's take Qi Qi in first. That means we'll have something on Qin Zixian. You can start with a price of five million yuan."

A man's voice came from the phone.

"Okay, I'll take her in first!" Qin Yunting hung up the phone and curled her lips. Why didn't she think of taking her in first, and then slowly grinding Qin Zixian for money?

Qin Zixian had such a big problem to deal with, that Qin Yunting believed that Qin Zixian wouldn't dare to not give her what she wanted!

And if she bled Qin Zixian dry, it would be the same as bleeding He Fen dry. She wanted to bleed half of the Qin family dry, and she wanted to trample all of them under her feet!

She walked out of the room to find Qin Zixian and told her the price was five million.

Qin Zixian almost thought that she heard wrong. She thought that Qin Yunting would take the opportunity to extort money from her. Yesterday, she was in urgent need of antipsychotics, so she found Qin Yunting to buy it. Qin Yunting even asked her for 500,000 yuan!

She agreed happily and then brought Qi Qi in.

Qin Yunting arranged for Qi Qi to be put in the attic on the top floor. She told Qi Qi not to come out, and no one went to the attic. As long as there was no search, no one would find out that someone was hiding here.

Qin Zixian arranged everything for Qi Qi and left the nightclub in a hurry. Before she left, she told Qin Yunting to quickly transport Qi Qi away.

Qin Yunting watched Qin Zixian leave and smirked. Why would she send Qi Qi away? Now it was time to turn the whole Qin family upside down!


In the middle of the night, the sound of footsteps could be heard in the hallway outside Qin Sheng's bedroom.

The lights in the room had been turned off. There was only a small night light on. He walked to the bedside and looked at the little woman wrapped in the blanket. He lowered his head and wanted to kiss her cheek. Then he saw her trembling eyelashes.

The corners of his lips curved. The little thing was pretending to be asleep for him.

"What a pity, you fell asleep? Never mind..." He walked out of the door.

"Gong Mochen! Stop right there!" Qin Sheng turned over and jumped to the ground. She threw herself on the man's back and hugged his waist.

Gong Mochen's big hand patted the little girl's hand. "You're not pretending to sleep anymore?"

Qin Sheng's little face stiffened. So, the man had seen through her. She let go of his hand. "I'm not pretending to sleep. Did I say I was sleeping? It's your cognitive problem!"

She walked back to the big bed as she spoke.

A dark cloud floated over Gong Mochen's forehead. What had he done now?

He turned to look at the little woman and was instantly annoyed. "Qin Sheng! You're barefoot again!"

Qin Sheng suddenly remembered her feet. She had been in a hurry to catch the man and forgot to put on her shoes.

She stood awkwardly on the spot, her little feet stepping on each other shyly. "Who told you to leave? I was in a hurry..."

Gong Mochen took a step forward and picked her up. This girl always had the strength to argue with him!

"You're so stubborn at times!" He placed her on the bed and lay beside her. He held her two tender white feet in his hands, then unbuttoned his shirt and placed it on his abdomen.

Qin Sheng's little feet finally found a warm nest. "Where have you been? Why are you only home now?"

Gong Mochen sighed. "I was at the company. Do you want to check the surveillance footage? You're a little jealous."

His fingers pinched the girl's little nose.

"What's the matter at the company? Why are you working so late?" Qin Sheng asked. She couldn't forget that the man had neglected her for a few days, but then started to feel sorry for him again.

"Well, there were things I needed to take care of," Gong Mochen said. The little girl's acceptance letter was coming, and then there was the banquet he was going to hold for her. How could he not be busy?

"Did you see the news? They said you're gay. What do you plan to do?" Qin Sheng asked.

"It's not great, but at least no woman will pester me in the future," Gong Mochen teased his little woman.

Qin Sheng pouted. "Who's being jealous? What was wrong with that little celebrity? You even took a photo?"

"It wasn't taken. Someone made the photo using the face of the little celebrity. They sent her away and gave her a sum of money," Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng raised her eyebrows. It must have been a large sum of money to seal the mouth of that celebrity.

"Have you found the murderer of Tao Bin? I saw that the Internet is still looking for me."

Because the murderer of Tao Bin hadn't been found, she was still wanted for questioning.

Gong Mochen's brows sank. He hadn't yet removed the arrest warrant for Qin Sheng, because if he showed he cared too much, people would guess that the person was someone close to him, and Qin Sheng would be in even more danger.

"Nie Feng and his people will capture Qi Qi. There should be results tomorrow. Stay at home for the next two days. Don't go anywhere," Gong mochen instructed Qin Sheng.

Having a warrant wasn't bad. The little thing just had to stay at home for two days and wait for his men to do their job.

Qin Sheng's little head plunged into the man's arms. "Uncle, can you come home for dinner tomorrow? I want you to be at home."

Gong Mochen's eyes darkened. His poison was getting stronger. How could he dare to eat at home?

"Okay. I'll come home for dinner. But you have to stay safe."

Qin Sheng nodded her head. She never had high expectations. As long as the man could be by her side, she would be satisfied.

Gong Mochen's phone rang and he answered the call.

"President, we found that Sikong Jue and Li Ang were arguing. Li Ang probably asked for the medicine, but Sikong Jue didn't give it to him," Nie Feng reported.

"Okay, I'll come right away," Gong Mochen said and stood up.

Qin Sheng grabbed Gong Mochen's arm. "Uncle, where are you going?"

"I have something to do. I'm going out. You go to sleep." Gong Mochen pushed the woman's hand away and walked out of the room.

After so many days, he didn't go to the Moonlight Club for nothing. He asked people to investigate all of Li Ang's properties overseas and found a heavily guarded place. There must've been something important there. Otherwise, Li Ang wouldn't care so much.

Right now, what Li Ang cared about the most was the thing that could control Sikong Jue. He was certain of this and deliberately order his people to stick close to the villa. It worked.

Li Ang thought that Sikong jue had told Gong Mochen something, so he quickly asked Sikong Jue for the antidote.

Gong Mochen drove to the Moonlight Club, determination spread on his face.


In the Moonlight Club, Li Ang sat on a sofa. "Hand over the antidote, or you know the consequences."

He looked lazily at Sikong Jue, but his words were cold. It was not a discussion, but an order.

Sikong Jue sneered and said, "You haven't given me what I want, and you want the antidote?"

"I will keep to our agreement, but I don't have the suitable bone marrow right now. I'm still looking for it, but you have to give me the antidote first," said Li Ang.

"She needs a bone marrow transplant first, or I won't hand over the antidote! As for the source of the bone marrow, you should know where it is! Or do you deliberately not want to get the bone marrow?" asked Sikong Jue.