May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 169 - Chapter 169: be your girlfriend

Chapter 169: Chapter 169: be your girlfriend

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Yunting's words were like bombs detonating in the banquet hall, causing an uproar.

Everyone was shocked!

The parents of the Qin family and the Ha family were also stunned. This was a lot more serious than the video. The video could be easily dealt with.

This involved a child, a life that needed to be taken care of!

"Impossible! Qin Yunting, you are too shameless. You dare to falsely accuse me!" Ha Siqi was the first to react. He did have such a relationship with Qin Yunting, but they'd always used protection. "If you insist on playing this game, I will not play along with you!"

He always took protective measures and never gave Qin Yunting a chance to get pregnant.

Qin Yunting sneered and said, "I accuse you? Isn't the person in the video you? Are you a child? Don't you know that you can get pregnant just by doing that?"

"I used protection! How could you get pregnant?" Ha Siqi immediately retorted.

"What a joke! Which contraceptive tool in this world is one hundred percent accurate? Anything is possible! If you don't believe me, I can't do anything about it. We can wait for the child to be born and go for a DNA test!" Qin Yunting said.

She turned to look at Qin Sheng. "Cousin, I'm sorry. It seems that you have to be the stepmother of my child before you get married!"

The corners of Qin Sheng's lips curved. Her small face was as calm as usual. There was not a hint of happiness or anger. "Cousin, let's think about how to do a DNA test. I heard that you can take an amniotic fluid test these days."

To be honest, she still believed in Ha Siqi. However, she also knew that accidents could happen. Be that as it may, she didn't want to see Qin Yunting show off, so she deliberately said it for all to hear.

Qin Yunting's face suddenly turned pale, and she forced a smile. "Amniotic fluid test? Sure, whatever, I'll accompany you for one!"

She braced herself. She didn't expect that a test could be done so quickly! However, she couldn't panic and could only endure it.

Zheng Min immediately ran over. "Oh my God! The child is barely developed and you want to draw amniotic fluid? Are you trying to take the baby's life? Madam Ha, no matter what, this child is the grandson of your family. You can't treat the child like this! You have to wait for the test!

"My daughter is pregnant with the grandchild of the Ha family! I demand that the young master of the Ha family be responsible for my daughter. Today's engagement ceremony must be given to my daughter. Let them get reengaged!"

She hurriedly fought for an opportunity for Qin Yunting. The big diamond on the ring had long dazzled her eyes. If Qin Yunting could marry into the Ha family, all of this would be hers!

The faces of the Ha couple were so gloomy, as grey as rain clouds. Although Qin Yunting and Qin Sheng were both granddaughters of the Qin family, one was driven out of the family by the Qin family, and the other had a dowry of a hundred billion.

The Ha couple weren't stupid. How could a grandchild be worth 100 billion yuan? Moreover, Qin Sheng could have children at any time after she married into the family!

"We will talk about this matter after we find out the father of the child! The daughter-in-law of the Ha family will not change from Qin Sheng. If the child is really the child of Ha Siqi, we can definitely compensate you!" Ha Siqi's father made his stance clear Qin Sheng. The daughter-in-law must not be changed.

Zheng Min was furious when she heard that. She turned around and pounced on her mother-in-law. "Mom! You have to make a decision for Yunting! She is your granddaughter! The Qin family can't mistreat Yunting like this."

He Fen couldn't wait for her granddaughter to marry into the Ha family. She turned around and said to Qin Ze, "Master, if Yunting gives birth to the Ha family's child and Qin Sheng marries Ha Siqi, it wouldn't be fair to Qin Sheng.

"She would automatically become a stepmother after marrying into the Ha family! Would our Qin family's granddaughter have to suffer such injustice? "

Qin Sheng only found it funny when she heard this. He Fen seemed to be thinking of her in every way, but she still wanted to stuff Qin Yunting into the Ha family.

Qin Ze's old eyes hid a sharp gaze. He stood up and walked to the rostrum.

"Today's engagement will be suspended temporarily. Sorry for making a fool of myself. As for when to continue the engagement ceremony, we, the Ha and Qin family, will have to investigate the matter clearly. I'm here to apologize to everyone! Please keep your mouths shut!" After he finished speaking, he nodded his head to show his respect.

Many people stood up to express that they wouldn't reveal a single word about this matter.

No one dared to provoke the Ha and Qin families. These nobles knew very well that if they spread such a scandal, they would truly be courting death!

The Ha family members also stood up to speak and apologized to everyone. They asked Ha Siqi to send the guests out. They also sent people to monitor Qin Yunting and sent her to the hospital to check what was going on.

It was only after all the guests were sent away that everyone realized that Qin Sheng had disappeared!

Gong Mochen, who was sitting on the sofa, immediately sent Nie Feng to look for Qin Sheng. He had always been there to suppress the situation. How could Qin Sheng disappear just like that?

The Ha family and the Qin family all went out to look for Qin Sheng. Even Chu Xia didn't know where Qin Sheng had gone!


In a red sports car, a little woman wearing a star headdress was sitting and looking at the scenery outside in boredom, as if the lively scene just now had nothing to do with her.

The man turned his head to look at Qin Sheng and said evilly, "How heartless are you? Your fiancé and your cousin have a child, and you don't want to have anything to do with it?"

Qin Sheng glanced at the man. "I'm not engaged yet! So, he's not my fiancé!"

"What if I didn't show up? Would you have really agreed to marry Ha Siqi?" Li Ang asked.

"You didn't want me marry Ha Siqi, that's why you showed up!" exclaimed Qin Sheng, glaring at the man.

Li Ang focused on the girl's eyes. He didn't know when it started, but her eyes, which were once as clear as spring water, were no longer as clear as before. It was as if she had covered herself with a layer of gauze, so that people couldn't see her emotions clearly.

"You knew that I would come?"

"I knew that you would come, and I also knew that Qin Yunting was brought here by you! You couldn't stand seeing me get engaged. How could you let me get engaged with Ha Siqi and let him take me away? You had to take me away instead," Qin Sheng said coldly.

She knew Li Ang's style, was able to anticipate his movements and actions.

Li Ang's heart twitched. The girl's cold voice had never been like this before. Even if she had been angry and her tone had been tense, it was completely different from the current coldness it emitted. The current her had lost her original childishness!

It was as if she had grown up overnight!

"Yes, I want to take you away. That's why I came! Since you knew that, and you're willing to come with me, do you agree to my proposal?" Li Ang asked in a serious manner, betraying his usual cynical tone.

"I'm thinking about it, but I won't leave now. I want to do something," Qin Sheng said.

"What is it?" Li Ang asked.

Qin Sheng's eyebrows curved, and she smiled like a fox. She moved closer to the man and said, "Be your girlfriend!"

Li Ang looked at the girl in surprise...