May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 119 - Chapter 119: How much trouble did he cause

Chapter 119: Chapter 119: How much trouble did he cause

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Gong Mochen's heart was filled with bitterness. "I will not marry Qin Sheng, but I will choose a good man for her and let her be happy for the rest of her life."

Qin Ze was stunned. After a moment, he seemed to have understood something and he nodded his head weakly. "If your surname was only Gong, how good would that be?"

Gong Mochen was indeed unable to marry Qin Sheng. Qin Ze's eyes closed in pain.

Gong Mochen's lips formed into a straight line. Whether he married Qin Sheng or not, it had nothing to do with his surname. for Qin Sheng, he was willing to give up everything. It was just that he couldn't let Qin Sheng be in any danger.

"Write down the will. I'll bring it to the notary. This matter will be kept secret until your death," he said coldly.

Qin Ze took out a pen and paper and wrote down the will. Qin Sheng would inherit all the property of the Qin family after his death.

This was the best outcome he could think of. In fact, if Qin Sheng didn't marry Gong Mochen, it would be more beneficial to the Qin family, as Gong Mochen's property would be given to Qin Sheng. Without a doubt, the Qin family's assets would double. Qin Ze could calculate this debt.

With Gong Mochen's love for Qin Sheng, he believed that he could find the perfect husband for her. His old eyes were droopy, but they still gleamed like an eagle's. If that was the case, Qin Sheng's husband would naturally have a certain amount of assets.

From then on, the Qin family would be a force to be reckoned with!

As Qin Ze's will was written, he now believed that when the Qin family was in Qin Sheng's hands, it would become the most powerful family in the country!

Gong Mochen took the will and went to notarize it. Only after notarization would it have legal effect.

In the corridor, He Fen stared at Gong Mochen from afar. What was the reason for this man's sudden return? She was curious.

Gong Mochen was a workaholic. He would not skip work and come back for trivial matters. It must have been important for him to do that.

Her face sank as a bad feeling enveloped her heart.

A moment later, He Fen's phone rang and she answered the call.

"Madam, I saw President Gong coming to the Notary Office!" a man's voice came through the speaker of the phone.

He Fen was shocked. "He really went there? Show me what he wants to notarize!"

"I don't dare to do that. You only told me to inform you when I saw President Gong coming to the Notary Office. I didn't promise to help you get the contents of the notarized documents," the man said immediately.

This was Gong Mochen! How could he dare to steal the notarized documents of a man like him? Did he still want to live?

However, he could still earn some money from reporting that Gong Mochen had come to the offices.

He Fen didn't know what to say for a moment, and then she came out with it, "I know you're taking a risk. How about this? If you can steal the contents of the documents for me, how about I give you five million?"

The man sneered. "Madam, is my life worth five million? This is courting death. If I steal the contents of the documents, I'll have to emigrate. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't have time to spend money."

He Fen pursed her lips. "How much do you want?"

"Twenty million! With that amount, I can take my wife and children to live abroad. Otherwise, I won't do it!" the man threatened.

He Fen was about to scream. Just to peek at the contents, she had to give twenty million!

She gritted her teeth and replied, "Alright, I'll give it to you."

She was the Madam of the Qin family, but unfortunately, she didn't have the Qin family's assets. The old man only gave her pocket money every month, so she didn't have much money to hand. But she couldn't pass up on this opportunity!

The man on the phone chuckled. "Okay, give me half of the money now and I'll steal it."

He Fen hung up the call and used the phone to transfer ten million yuan to the man.

Her heart was in her throat. She was afraid that the thing she was most worried about would happen...

She could barely control herself. She wanted to hit the wall. Later in the afternoon, the man finally called. Along with his voice, there was the noise of an airport speaker informing the passengers to board the plane.

"Madam, I've stolen the content. You transfer the other half of the money, and I'll tell you its contents!" the man said.

"Okay, okay, just you wait!" He Fen hurriedly transferred the money.

The man received a notification from the bank and called He Fen. "The notarized contents are the inheritance."

He Fen was shocked. "Who does the letter give the inheritance to? Tell me quickly!"

"The inheritance doesn't mention your name," the man said.

"Do you have the names of my son and daughter?" He fen asked.

"No, only CEO Gong's name and Qin Sheng's name. That's all. Don't call me again!" said the man, and he hung up the phone. He removed the cover of the phone, took out the card and threw it into a trash can.

The woman beside him said, "Hubby, are you sure about what you saw? What if it's not a will?"

The man's finger poked the woman's head "Don't be stupid! What do you know? These rich families are afraid that the inheritance will fall into the hands of others. Since she wanted to know about the inheritance, I told her. That way, she'll feel that her money hasn't been wasted.

"If I told her that her name is in the inheritance, won't she be exposed if she asks the Qin family's old master about it? I can't lie to her, even if I wanted to. I told her that the inheritance has been given to Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng. Would she dare to ask Gong Mochen about it? I don't think so!

"This was an opportunity given to me by the heavens. I've earned 20 million just by reporting the contents of a document! Let's go and live abroad now! Even if she tried to seek me out in the future, she won't find me!"

The man happily hugged his wife and carried his son onto the plane.

He had earned 20 million just like that. He just had to get as far away from this place as possible, so that he didn't suffer any retaliation. His life could be at stake. But it was worth it!

He Fen couldn't believe what she had heard. The whole inheritance was going to Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng! How much trouble had this news caused her?

He Fen quickly informed her son, Qin Zirui, and daughter, Qin Zixian, and asked them to think of a way forward. She told them the old man's inheritance had been given to Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng.

Qin Zirui asked his mother and sister to calm down first. He would return to the country after settling matters in his current country. It was just a will. As long as the old man didn't die, it wouldn't take effect. They had plenty of time to think of a way to get the old man to withdraw it.


Qin Sheng hadn't seen Gong Mochen since she came back from school. During the meal, the servant reported that Gong Mochen had called and said that he wouldn't be coming back to eat.

Qin Sheng's forehead was furrowed. She was still waiting for the man to apologize to her, but in the end, he wasn't coming?

She chewed the rice in her mouth and couldn't swallow it for a long time.

Li Ang moved closer to Qin Sheng's ear. "What's wrong? You look like you're not satisfied with your dishes?"

Qin Sheng turned around and glared at the man. "Get lost!"

Li Ang's eyes narrowed. He was sure that there was something wrong with the girl. Otherwise, she wouldn't only reply to him with two words.

Qin Sheng looked at the rice in her bowl gloomily. The Qin family couldn't leave any leftovers, but she really couldn't eat.

As if sensing the little woman's dilemma, Li Ang took Qin Sheng's rice bowl and gobbled down her leftovers.

Qin Sheng's lips pursed. She didn't care about the leftovers, anyway. She told Qin Ze that she wanted to rest and then went back to her room.

It wasn't until later in the night when she fell asleep on the revision questions. After some time asleep, the voice of Gong Mochen in the corridor disturbed her slumber.

She rubbed her eyes, got up, and rushed out of the room. "Uncle..."