Marvel: We Are Venom

Chapter 122 - 119 - Training 3

While training his new powers, Adrian noticed that they were changing.

"What is causing this?" He asked himself while trying to work out the changes.

"Does anyone know what's going on?" Failing to form any form of theory, he asked his symbiotes.

[This is happening due to your race.] Riot explained.


[Idiot, explain it properly.] Venom retorted, shutting down Riot's poor excuse of an explanation.

[Shut up!] Riot roared back.

"Both of you, shut up! Speak one at a time!" Adrian shouted, instantly silencing the two.


[Adrian, you are 50% Klyntar, right?] Scream inquired.


[You know that the main characteristic of the Klyntar is to parasitize a host and absorb their powers and knowledge, and when they take those powers, they increase their efficiency by 100%. For example, if a symbiote parasitizes a host that has above average strength, this symbiote will maximize the host's strength by 100%. In exchange for strength, the symbiote will absorb knowledge and parts of the host's personality. These characteristics being its strongest and weakest point. For example, what would happen if a Klyntar becomes parasitic on a psychopath?]

"As the Klyntar absorbs some of the personality of his first host, he becomes a Carnage..."


"But what does this have to do with me?" Adrian didn't understand.

[Adrian, you are 50% Klyntar, so you also have this characteristic.]

"The reason my powers are evolving is that it is adapting to my being and my Klyntar genes are maximizing those powers?"

[Yes. You have all the characteristics of Klyntar, but since you are made of flesh and blood, you don't have to jump from body to body to survive. You are basically the evolved form of Klyntar, and because of that, we can merge with your body without any difficulties. For symbiotes, you are the perfect host.]

"I understand. Thank you for properly explaining that."

[You are welcome, Adrian.] Scream smugly replied, enjoying being praised.

Adrian put his hand on his chin and started to think, 'Does this mean that I have all the benefits of the Klyntar and none of its weaknesses?'

[That is wrong. Well, you are right and wrong at the same time. You have weaknesses against fire and sound, but since you have a human body, you have their resistance to those weaknesses, but that does not mean that you are immune to fire and sound damage.] Venom corrected.

[You could not directly absorb other living beings to gain powers and knowledge as well, but as you have merged with Venom and have 5 more symbiotes in your body, this weakness has been eliminated. Although Venom lost the ability to steal knowledge when it merged with you, as you have me and my brothers, you can now steal the knowledge and powers from sentient living beings.] Scream explains.

'Doesn't that mean I have a very powerful tool? For me to become smarter, I just have to steal the knowledge of a genius!' { E/N: *Ding* You will be arriving at Big Brain Time station shortly. }

[Yes, but this process will take a long time to complete. You have to stay close to the being for at least a week, to slowly incorporate and understand it.]

"Isn't that a long time?"

[Don't complain. For us normal symbiotes it takes a lot longer to understand, organize and use it.]

"Hmm," Adrain grumbled in response

"Mental corruption? What is it?"

[Didn't Venom explain? Symbiotes influence the host's negative thoughts.]

"Oh, that's what you're talking about. To be honest, Venom explained it to me, but I forgot."

Adrian remembers that when he was a child, Venom explained to him about these negative thoughts. But over time, as he deemed the information useless back then, forgot why he didn't feel much of a difference.

"Anyway, let's train my flying skills!" Adrian raised his hands in animation.

Agony: [Would you like our help with that?]

"Hmm, Yes. I will require your help." After thinking about it, Adrian decided to ask for help.


One hour later.

Adrian fell to the floor.

"Damn it! Why is flying so difficult?" Adrian complained, one of the many times in the past hour.


It's been an hour since Adrian started training his flying skills. At first, he thought it would be easy to learn to fly, but soon the harsh reality came up to bite his ass.

Even with the assistance of the symbiotes, Adrian was unable to fly.

It was like training a whole new organ. It was an entirely new sense to understand and get used to.

As Adrian was not making progress on his training, he decided to ask Jessica for help.

When he asked Jessica how she started flying, she responded with nothing helpful to him. "Hmm, I just felt like I could fly and I did"

"... That's it?"

"That's it."

Adrian smiled begrudgingly, 'Is this woman perhaps a prodigy?'

Giving up on the idea of ​​asking for help from someone else, Adrian started training once again.


Getting up from the floor once again, irritated at his current dilemma, Adrian again got ready "Let's try this again."

With his breath renewed, Adrian continued his fruitless efforts of trying to fly.

After enough trial and error, the instinct that Jessica told him about slowly arose from his being.

Thinking about that glow around Jessica's body whenever she flew, he imagined that same sheet covering his body.

Gradually a faint blue light emerged from his surroundings, encasing Adrian's body in its embrace.

This light coated his whole body, producing a translucent neon effect and a thin layer of 'armor'.

Nodding his head in satisfaction, he attempted channeling more energy into his 'armor'.

Little by little, albeit sluggishly, Adrian arose from the ground.

At five meters off the ground, the energy started to flicker out of perception.


Adrian tries to stabilize the energy, but he falls to the floor again, cracking the floor due to him falling from such a height.


"I quit! I'll do this later!" Adrian raged, peeved at the light he once thought good of. He never thought it would be so hard to fly.

Getting up from the floor, he glanced towards the crack underneath him, admiring his hard work's efforts. He didn't need to dust his body, with his hygiene already taken care of by the symbiotes.

Walking back to the house, his thoughts remained active, 'I will train this later. For now, I need to solve an annoying issue.'

Walking back inside to prepare, he caught sight of Natasha just idly sitting on the couch, "Nat, I'm going out. If something happens, let me know, I will be taking the communicator."

Natasha tilted her head to face him, "Okay, stay safe."

Adrian nodded and walked around the living room, before shouting, "Jessica!"


Jessica who was sleeping across the couch below, awoke startled and slipped onto the floor.

Adrian faced Jessica in amus_e_m_e_nt, as she tried regaining her bearings. "I'm going out, you're coming with me."

"Hurr, what?" Quickly shaking her head and regaining a bit of clarity, she responded, "Where are we going?"

Adrian smiled, "Secret."

Making a strange face, still a little jumpy from the wake-up call, Jessica stood back up.

Adrian took his family's communicator and put it in his pocket. Searching around and finding it, he grabbed another communicator, contacting Nick Fury.

After a moment of waiting, Fury answered, while still under Adrian's control.

"Nick, is what I ordered ready?"


"Good, wait for me at that place, I'll meet you there."

Turning off the communicator, Adrian placed his vision towards Natasha.

Natasha said nothing and remained silent. Sure, she was curious about what Adrian was doing, but her pride wouldn't allow her to ask for information, and so, she just waited.

Making up his mind, Adrian extended his invitation towards Nat as well. "Nat, you're coming too."

Willing for it to happen, two black blobs left Adrian's body, merging with Jessica and Natasha's.

"Let's go!" Adrian said as he left with his girls in tow.


Edited by: Slammeron

Advanced Chapters: Pa