Marvel: We Are Venom

Chapter 121 - 118 - Training 2

After taking another shower, Adrian had finally managed to calm down.

Leaving the bathroom, he decided to continue his training. He needed to understand his current skills and abilities first before he goes after new ones.

Feeling that would take up a lot of his time, he stopped overthinking and concentrated on the task at hand.

In his backyard, Adrian sat in a meditative position, calming his mind and body, reading himself for his training.

"Let's start."

Adrian opened his eyes and got up from the floor, taking a deep breath and began with martial arts. If Natasha were around, she would be amazed by what Adrian was doing.

"SHIELD agents are not just average people, they are highly qualified agents. After all, for you to be a SHIELD agent, you need to pass a lot of tests."

Adrian spoke out loud while attempting strange movements, barely recognizable as the styles of Karate, Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, Kung Fu and Ninjutsu.

The movements were strange at first, but the more Adrian performed, the further his achievements become apparent. Transforming from a rookie, and slowly increasing his techniques

What Adrian is currently doing is quite simple. He was assimilating the knowledge of the new symbiotes into his brain.

The new symbiotes were parasitizing 5 major SHIELD agents, and while attached to their hosts, the symbiotes attained a lot of information from these hosts.

While Adrian was practicing according to the memory of the agent he was seeing, he noticed something. "These memories..."

Scream: [Yes, those memories are from my hostess.]

Adrian stopped practicing and closed his eyes.

The next moment, he 'watched' all the memories of Anna Snow, Scream's former host.


Anna had a normal childhood. She was a kind and intelligent girl, growing up in a good family, and had a normal and successful life, up until university.

Excelling in chemistry and biology, she was hailed as a prodigy.

Despite this, she dreamed of becoming a lawyer, and if that man hadn't shown up at her house that day, perhaps, she would have chased after that dream.

A man in a black suit sewed up to Anna's place, he named himself Phil Coulson.

This agent named Phil Coulson made a job offer that she would not have found anywhere.

"In exchange for our support in your life, you will act as a SHIELD agent and take part in some missions on our behalf if you would be helpful."

Seeing this job offer, Anna accepted it easily. She would have support from a large secret organization that she hadn't heard of and all she would have to do was expend some of her time doing simple missions.

She thought it sounded like a great idea because which teenager hadn't thought of being a secret agent during their life, and here she is getting that opportunity.

"Where are we?" Anna asked.

Phil Coulson did not answer, he just walked into the laboratory spaciously filled with equipment, some of which even Anna didn't know of. Scientists calmly analyzing substances or just standing around and chatting, but the most attractive parts of the room would be the 5 slime-like substances isolated in glass cylindrical containers.

"What is that?" Anna approached the yellow slime trapped in a glass container, as she felt a calling from it, just asking her to approach.

Anna slowly extended her hand towards the glass.

"It's like... it's alive" Anna commented when she 'felt' the goo get take shape of her hand that was touching the glass.

"This is an alien." A voice spoke aloud.

Anna turned and saw a bald man with an eye patch.

"Nice to meet you. I'm SHIELD's director, Nick Fury."


Scream: [That was the day I met my hostess.]

"You seem to like your hostess."

[Yes, I have a connection with her, but I still prefer your body. With you, my survival is more guaranteed.] Scream replied.

"...How cold you are."

[Then call it, the survival of the fittest.] Scream corrected him.

Adrian decided not to judge Scream. After all, if he were in that situation, he would probably do the same thing.

"So what are your skills?"

[I have the same skills as you, but I prefer to use thorns through my hair.]

"Oh? Show me."

Suddenly Adrian's hair initiated a lengthening process, as yellow sludge converged together, hardening it and retaining its elasticity.

"Hmmm, I look like that anime character. All I need now is a monkey tail and I would be considered an alien"

Adrian's hair started to clutter and reorganize as if it had a life of its own.


Adrian examined his surroundings, setting his sight on a table that was a little way away.


Scream: [On it.]

Adrian's hair instantly stiffened and took the shape of several thorns.

Abruptly extending beyond ten meters, and piercing the weak points of the table, crumbling the table to the ground

"Strength is not the problem," Adrian spoke when he saw the state of the table. "How do I use this in combat? Do I actually need to use this? After all, I have the spike tendrils on my back."

"Anyway, let's continue training."


Hearing the sound of something being destroyed, Leona commented. "What is that boy doing?"

"He probably went back to training," Natasha replied.

"How carefree can he be?" Jessica just couldn't believe the extent of his carelessness at some times

"There's no point in thinking too much about a problem that you can't solve right away," Leona countered, fully believing in her words.

Jessica looked at Leona. "Now, I understand how he got so carefree."

"Well, I taught him not to think too much about a problem that he cannot solve in the short term, as that kind of concern will only wear him out," Leona replied as she walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Natasha asked.

Leona smiled mysteriously, "A secret."

Listening to Leona, Natasha narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Take this then."

Leona unrolls her fingers and snatches the item Natasha threw her way.

"A communicator?" Leona asked after examining it.

"I don't know what you're going to do, but call me if something happens." Natasha turned and sat on the couch.

"Aren't you curious?" Leona asked in a discredited tone.

"Yes, I'm curious, but I know that you don't do anything useless or dangerous without telling Adrian," Natasha replied without turning around.

Leona smiled a little. 'You have changed Nat.'

If it were the old Natasha, this kind of attitude would have never shown itself.

"Well, I'm going." Leona turned and left the house.

"Is this alright?" Jessica asked.


"I mean, she is leaving without protection."

"It's okay, it may not look like it, but she is a former SHIELD agent."

Eyes widening at the revelation, Jessica thought, 'Is there no one normal in this family?'


Edited by: Slammeron

Advanced Chapters: Pa