Manuke FPS

9 8

The fortified city of Barga, a central city around the area, is surrounded by stone walls 5 m high, which seem to distort the size of the city somewhat, but in a form close to a square of about 600 ha, the population reaches as many as 60,000 people and seems to be a large city in the western part of the Kingdom of Kultomerga.

The reason this city has expanded so far and is surrounded by walls is still because of warcraft, subraces and labyrinths. There is a labyrinth to the north and south and east of the city, with explorers trying to attack this place and adventurers hunting for sub-races and warcraft attracted to the magic vegetables of the labyrinth, plus merchants dealing with them, and knights are now stationed here to deal with sub-races and warcraft overflowing from the labyrinth, and the lord seems to be on his way to enlarge by erecting a castle here.

And if a new labyrinth had been created near Myral village, a labyrinth would have been created in the west, and Ms. Remi said it would develop further, using the east, west and north as labyrinth cities surrounded by labyrinths.

I was worried that something would go wrong when entering the city, but when Remi, an Alliance investigator, presented something that looked like an ID to the gatekeeper at the castle gate, I was able to get in and it wasn\'t confirmed by me or Mr. Ashley.

Rocked by a carriage, it takes a wide, big road that looks like Barga\'s main street. Looking around, there are stone private houses and merchants lined up. Basically stone architecture seems to be the main thing, because there was a lot of wood in Myral Village, this fortified city of Barga was a beautiful city like Carcassonne in France, which I know.

They say the destination in this city, the general guild, is the white castle in the center of the city, the castle of Baldage, where the lords live, but it\'s on the east side there. Looking out at Castle Baldage, confirm to Mr. Ashley what he will do after this.

"Mr. Ashley, I\'m in the guild, what, should I?

"Yes, Mr. Schwartz needs an ID, so register an adventurer first. Explorer registration will not receive your application unless you raise a certain rating as an adventurer, so why not register an adventurer first, present and sell Goblin Mage\'s Crusade Certificate, and then stay in Barga for a while? This is a city with many opportunities to work as an adventurer or to live as other merchants and craftsmen. I don\'t know about merchants and craftsmen, but as an adventurer, Mr. Schwartz would be able to get results soon."

"Ashley, I\'m going to report and apply to the general manager, so I should guide you to Schwartz in the meantime, because the guild is huge, I didn\'t think you\'d be able to talk this much in just half a day, but it would be inconvenient to take an inn or eat. Right, meal, Mr. Schwartz, what do you say we have a great place to stay? The rice is delicious and close to the guild"

"Thank you, thank you. Ashley, please, guide me."

"Oh, you should, Ashley, please. Let\'s have dinner together, \'cause I only eat dried meat on the carriage, and I\'m hungry, too."

"Yes, I understand. You\'ve just arrived, Mr. Schwartz. This is the General Alliance, Barga Branch."

The arriving general guild was not a whole house… it seems that a large, several buildings have been built on the premises and that the buildings heading for the purpose of the visit are different. Mr. Remi manipulated the carriage and headed towards the back of the premises "I\'ll see you later". Maybe a stables or a parking lot? But I guess so, I followed Mr. Ashley into the big bungalow building.

"This building will be the main building of a comprehensive guild for adventurers and explorers. You can place orders for new registrations and requests here. Can you read a contact over there that says new reception? Sign up for new adventurers there."

Inside the General Alliance main building, in a nutshell, it was a bank. Looking to the left and right, objects like bulletin boards stand side by side, a group of people who seem to be numerous adventurers, searching thoughtfully for a request.

There are a number of reception counter desks lined up at the front and many staff members can be seen moving behind the counter. Ashley taught me that the focal point was the one with the chair at the end of the line, would you say that registration would take some time?

"Welcome to the General Guild of the Kingdom of Kurt Merga, the Barga Branch, are you registered as an Adventurer today?

When I went to the desk, there was a skinny, white beautiful receptionist sitting there. Her hair is silver, blue-eyed, small, long ears popping out of her straight hair... an elf woman.

"Hello, Mirimaria. He\'s here to register as a new adventurer, Mr. Schwartz."

Apparently, I know Ashley. That\'s Ashley. Even the guild investigator said... Apprentice, or is it not surprising that those who work in the same guild know each other, even if they know each other?

"Oh, Ashley, you\'re home, welcome back. Is he your good man? It\'s not uncommon to accompany a registration."

"Well, that\'s not the relationship! I met him at the end of the investigation, and I came all the way here with him on that edge."

Mr. Ashley was teased by an elf named Millimaria, dyeing his cheeks a little. Mirimaria is smiling at Nico, wondering if Mr. Ashley\'s reaction is interesting.

There are many longevity settings when it comes to elves, I don\'t know how long the elves live in this other world, but maybe they are quite a bit older than they look. In a sisterly manner, I\'m mocking Mr. Ashley... I\'d like to register soon...

"Go ahead and register faster than that! We\'re going to submit crusade certificates and take the lodging!"

"Yes, yes, then, Mr. Schwartz? Please fill out this form. Can I write letters? I\'ll do the proxy, too. And you don\'t have to fill everything out, but you can\'t change the initial fields later, please make no mistake."

There were a number of entries on the paper that was sent out. Names, ages, origins, main weapons used, main magic attributes used, key skills acquired, key skills acquired, availability of previous tax certificates, and all 8 items.

"… please substitute"

I tried to write with a brush once, but when I said this brush pen, or I didn\'t know how to use a writing device like a feather pen, because I thought it would be cumbersome in case I wrote it wrong.

"Then I\'ll write, is your name only \'Schwartz\' okay?

Ashley, who was lying next to me, said she would receive and write a feather pen, which is very helpful, but I feel something caught in the place "only”. Do they suspect it\'s a pseudonym? Speaking of which, Mr. Ashley was first named Ashley Zepernell. All the other people who have ever known a name are just first names, people with first and last names… aristocrats or are you saying that they were born in more than ordinary people similar to it?

I mean, are you saying I\'m suspected of being noble or something, too?

"Yeah," Schwartz, "please."

"Yes, so how old and where did you come from?

"Age, is, 24 years old. Place of birth, is blank"

"Are you 24, you were older than me? What are the main use weapons and use magic attributes?

"Both, blank, with"

"... Yes. So what do you do with skills and skills?

Skills and skills! Is that him? Appraisals, swordsmanship, that kind of guy? VMB doesn\'t have that, and I don\'t know if I have it now......

"Oh, there, too, blank, with"

".................. Yes. So, finally, do you have a tax certificate for where you used to live?

"Oh, there isn\'t."

In the end, all I got was my name and age, and this is the only information I can present right now. But it may not taste good to say you don\'t have a tax certificate.

Mirimaria\'s eyes, listening to me and Ashley\'s interaction, are getting a little sharp, eyes that are obviously suspicious of me.

"Excuse me, Mr. Schwartz. Have you ever been taxed? In the Kingdom of Kurtomerga, taxes are owed more than to 15-year-old adults: 30 silver coins per year up to the age of 20 and 30,000 ole, but over the age of 21, one gold coin per year and 100,000 ole of taxes are required. When you were able to leave your place of origin or home, did your parents say anything about tax records?

I subtly checked in the carriage until I arrived in Barga, the currency of this world.

Value of gold (ol)

1 Stone: 1 ol

1 Copper coin = 10 Stone coin: 10 ol

10 Copper coins: 100 ol

100 Copper Coin = 1 Silver Coin: 1,000 Ol

10 Silver Coins: 10,000 Ol

100 Silver Coin = 1 Gold Coin: 100,000 Ol

10 Gold coins: 1,000,000 Ol

100 Gold = White Gold: 10,000,000 Ol

They say it\'s this kind of monetary value. But there\'s no way I\'m paying taxes for falling into another world...