Manuke FPS

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On the second day I fell into another world, my destination seemed to be determined one after the other, where it had nothing to do with my will.

"So, Mr. Schwartz, why don\'t you join us in the fortified city of Barga?

The first time I was taken to a village in another world, I was already taken late at night and led to the inn with a rough night lane, but I had no words, and my sleepy innkeeper aunt explained to me, "It\'s two silver coins with an overnight morning and evening meal," and the monetary value was grated, and I don\'t have any money... It solidified in front of my aunt, but a male guild employee named Barold who led me right here paid for it.

And the next morning, when I managed to get up at breakfast time, when I could get my first meal in a day, I just took a seat in the dining room on the ground floor of the inn, and Remi and Ashley, whom I met yesterday, came and talked to me as we ate together.

No, I was listening.

The fortified city of Barga? We were brought to this village to confirm what happened in the nest hole, but what are we going to do in that city? Am I supposed to get arrested or something?! Last night, I was briefly interviewed in the room I was staying in, but was it still too suspicious that I didn\'t have any ID or similar...

"Schwartz, you haven\'t registered adventurers or explorers, have you? You won\'t be a merchant or craftsman from what I\'ve seen, and if you\'re going to make an ID, the closest thing is Barga. So make your ID, and let\'s redeem your Goblin Mage belt there, sign up as an Adventurer and submit, and you\'ll earn Alliance Points."

Adventurers...... somehow know, but what\'s the difference between being a seeker? But apparently, you\'re not under arrest. I do want an ID, I want to blend into this world as soon as I can to gather my knowledge and see if I can go back to the original world or not.

I nodded to Remi and accepted the suggestion. While the two of us were talking, Mr. Ashley was eating quietly and silently... I don\'t know what to say, don\'t eat in an elegant way this guy... but he\'s really beautiful. Medium-bobbed length blonde hair was illuminated by morning light and glowed to divinity, and looked like something different from dyed blonde hair and European and American blonde hair, seen in the original world.

"Well, if you\'ll accompany me, then departure is just a short meal away. Schwartz, can you ride a horse?

I shook my head and denied it. I just don\'t have a horse on VMB, there was a motorcycle or something......

"Then Ashley, please arrange a carriage. The carriage will take half a day, but the extra luggage will be lighter if you put it in the tool bag, I want to be in Barga by dusk. And borrow some kind of picture book from the village chief. On the road, Schwartz, I\'ll teach you the pronunciation of the Orlando common language, if you can hear or read it, you\'ll be able to speak it soon."

"Yes, I understand. I\'ll be there as soon as I can, Schwartz."

Ashley, who finished his meal first, left the dining room immediately. Indeed, thanks to automatic translation, I can listen, and if I read the letters over the head goggles, the translated text appeared. This is due not only to the translation of voice chat on VMB, but also to the translation function of text chat. It will also be a matter of time before you can speak if you know the pronunciation or intonation.

Originally on the face of VMB as well as other international competitions with FPS titles, I was able to speak several words from the Western European side without any problems, starting with English. That\'s why the automatic translation feature was turned off at first.

When I confirmed that Mr. Ashley was leaving, Remi\'s eyes were a little sharper than earlier to look at this one. She\'s also very pretty with short brown hair, but the signs were such an atmosphere, like she was trying to peek deep into something here.

"I want you to be able to speak the Orlando common language soon, because I want to hear a lot about it. I don\'t know why I didn\'t even have the tools to travel around here..."

Apparently, there\'s still no zero chance of being arrested...

"I don\'t think you\'d believe me very much if I told you. I fell into this other world myself... I don\'t know what I dropped it for. And I still don\'t know what I can do in this other world, whether I\'m going to live here or to return to my original world... but when I can talk, I\'m going to think about some kind of fabrication that you\'re going to believe."

I loosened my mouth and stared straight into Remi\'s eyes, knowing it wouldn\'t pass.


Yu, the shake is amazing... now I\'m in a carriage or a carriage. Mr. Remi sits in your seat and operates the carriage.

Me and Mr. Ashley are sitting side by side cushioning hay and reading a picture book or something like a fairy tale of horse bait loaded in a carriage. I mean, they make me read it.

However, the running path of the carriage is not beautifully paved or rough, but the hips float with occasional bouncing vibrations, and every time the book goes up and down, so if you watch this for half a day, you\'re going to get a carriage sickness without a car sickness...

The book we\'re reading is the story of the founding of the Kurt Melga kingdom that Mr. Ashley borrowed from the village chief, there\'s always one in every village or city, and in a small village it seems one of his tasks is to make the village chief read it to the children of the villagers, is that part of patriotic education?

To sum up, the story of the founding of Kurt Melga is that one adventurer, born about 500 years ago, was determined to raise a new nation in order to save a people suffering from oppression, and for that reason became an explorer to challenge numerous underground labyrinths, to dominate and purify many underground labyrinths, spreading to the southwestern part of the continent of Orlando, where he was pleased with the country. And he says he has embraced many people suffering from oppression, bounced back the pressure of other countries angry at it, and built a peaceful nation.

I mean, you\'re dividing people who work on the ground from adventurers, people who work in underground labyrinths from explorers... I also feel like doing the same monster hunting, but is there a clear difference?

Mr. Ashley taught me how to pronounce letters one by one and how to intonate them, while the carriage was lightly headed for the fortified city of Barga. Nothing happened and I thought I would arrive in Barga, but apparently I\'m not going either.

I can hear more than one run of something in my ear, the map is masked and there is no light point in the searchable range, is it a little farther?

"Hey, hey, I\'m coming."

I laid my hand on your podium and told Remi and Ashley of some approach as I stood up.

"Mr. Schwartz, is that true? I don\'t see anything around me..."

"I can hear, I can hear, I can run."

"Ashley! If you were to be attacked around here, it would be \'Glasswolf\', the aim would be a horse more than ours, once you stop and welcome depression!

Yes, when Mr. Remi judged, he stopped the carriage and jumped off your platform. Mr. Remi lifts the large sword that he put to sleep on the stand, pulling the sword out of his sheath and placing it in eight phases. While the sword assumed both hands, the sword was a great sword called Claymore, with a blade width slightly wider with two blades at about 1m.

Mr. Ashley also came from a bag that was packed in a carriage...

Oh, come on, I\'ve got a sword longer than a bag? And even a round shield, no matter how you look at it, it\'s bigger than a bag...... is that an alle? So-called item boxes, infinite bags, that kind of cross-dimensional pocket bag?

Mr. Ashley\'s weapon looks like a short sword and round shield buckler gear of about 70 cm in length. Mr. Ashley is pulling his sword out of his sheath and increasing his alert to the rear of the carriage.

"Mr. Schwartz, I don\'t know how to fight you, so I need a medium guard. And which way does Glasswolf come from?

I get on my knees on the carriage and turn the MP5A4 safety device to a 3-point burst. And as I pointed out to Mr. Remi, he pointed into the woods that spread on the north side of the street. My map already captures the light point.

There are about 3 of them or they travel fast! Beyond the trees in the woods, I saw a flicker and a black dog. Is he about 1.5m long? Coming through the woods soon.

"Attack, I will!

I declared a firing start, aimed at the three leads, pulled the trigger twice with a torso shot and fired two shots in a row. Glasswolf was faster moving speed than I thought, but I can\'t seem to emulate this degree of speed, I can\'t possibly win a shot on a VMB that can also be fast 3-D manoeuvre, I shot through the lead without difficulty and let the crosshair slide backwards as it was, 2 shots in a row -2 shots, 3 Glasswolves rolled around with their running momentum and stopped moving as it was.

"Wow...... (as reported, an unaccounted for magic attack or still a magic weapon). Mr. Schwartz, you\'re brilliant, what do you do with a glass of wolf skin? Strip it and bring it back, and it\'ll be gold."

"No, let\'s go ahead, snobby,"

Strip it off, I\'ve never done anything like that... and it\'s not normal for me to be told to peel it off, as is normal in this world. I can\'t let them know that, they don\'t think I already have enough common sense or knowledge, but I can\'t do that anymore, I don\'t need to build it up if I don\'t know. So we set out again, and then we arrived in the fortified city of Barga without a thing.