Make France Great Again

Chapter 547: On meritorious deeds

For Jerome Bonaparte, who temporarily suppressed the imperial opposition, the capture of the fortress of Sevastopol was indeed a news worthy of celebration, but the premise of all this was that the authenticity of the news itself could stand the test. .

In case there is a joke about a half-time champagne popping on the other end of the telegram, the consequences of sending the news are far more serious than not sending it.

In the case of uncertainty in the information itself (before getting a first-hand report of the battle, Jerome Bonaparte was skeptical, because in his impression, the historical Sevastopol fortress was a It took a year to occupy it) announcing the capture of Sevastopol to the people of Paris in advance was only the icing on the cake.

And once the information is confirmed to be a rumor, the consequences are immeasurable.

Jerome Bonaparte, who had no right to speak without investigation, pointed to the first telegram and ordered Niel: "As soon as you return to the General Staff, send a telegram to Constantinople to ask them to capture it. Full details of Sevastopol!"

Speaking of this, Jerome Bonaparte paused for a while, and emphasized it: "Remember not to let go of every detail!"

"Yes!" Niel hurriedly responded.

Niel, who has been with Jérôme Bonaparte for a long time, understands why his boss is cautious, so he also agrees with him asking Crimea to report the details.

After all, even Niel himself had some doubts about whether the Crimea had lied about military exploits after he got the telegram.

"If the news is true, then you should let them report the main personnel involved in the battle! The merits that deserve credit, the demerits that should be recorded!" Jerome Bonaparte added.

Brigadier General Niel nodded yes.

"As for this second telegram..." Jerome Bonaparte slapped the telegram in his hand on the table and sighed: "Tell the Constantinople Military District Hospital to do everything possible to ensure that St. Marshal Arnault\'s life is safe! If it is absolutely impossible, then take Marshal Saint Arnault back to Paris for treatment! The medical conditions in Paris are much better than those in Constantinople!"

After Jerome Bonaparte said these words, he couldn\'t help but feel a sense of guilt in his heart.

No one knows more about Marshal Saint Arnault suffering from stomach cancer than him as a traveler.

However, even though Jerome Bonaparte had already known about Marshal Saint Arnault suffering from stomach cancer, he still put Marshal Saint Arnault in the position of commander-in-chief of the Crimean Expeditionary Force.

Although this position itself was strived for by Marshal Saint Arnault himself, there was no lack of Jerome Bonaparte\'s own thoughts.

For Jerome Bonaparte, a military leader like Marshal Saint Arnault is both a minister of the dragon and the number two person in the army. If he died in the Crimea, it would be a satisfactory result for both parties (Jérôme Bonaparte thought).

After all, Saint Arnault\'s military rank has reached the point of being sealed (marshal + chief of general staff).

If Saint Arnault did not have stomach cancer, then Jerome Bonaparte had to consider how to properly transfer him after the war.

If given an idle position, Saint Arnault and the group of supporters behind him would definitely not be satisfied.

Moreover, Saint Arnault himself is also a former Minister of War. Among all departments, the only positions that can be slightly higher than the Minister of War are the Minister of State, the Minister of the Seal, and the Speaker of the Legislative Council.

Two of these three positions (the Minister of State and the Minister of the Seal) are related to the right to formulate national policies. To have a military chief serve as the country\'s decision-maker is simply sending France into the pit of military force.

Even if Marshal Saint Arnault really showed the corresponding ability, then Jerome Bonaparte would not have any joy, instead he was even more afraid.

Why can\'t a general who can both fight and govern the country kick him off as the ruler of France.

Others do not understand the essence of the French Empire, so does Jerome Bonaparte still understand it!

The current French Empire claims to be a democratic empire with universal suffrage, but it is actually a semi-**** regime with a bayonet wrapped around a tricolor flag.

The leader of any **** regime does not want his original behavior to be copied by his successors. Jerome Bonaparte, who mastered the bayonet, is no exception. He needs the bayonet of France to support his rule, and he is also afraid of it. The bayonet turned and stabbed himself.

To sum up, if Marshal Saint Arnault has no stomach cancer, Jerome Bonaparte will only have the following three situations.

Let St. Arnault continue to stay in the position of chief of the general staff: the general staff has completely become a hall of words for St. Arnault.

Send St. Arnault to the Senate (the House of Lords serves as a life-long elder): Outsiders are talking about the emperor\'s majesty killing the donkey, which is not conducive to the unity of the army.

Transferred from the General Staff to serve as the Minister of State/Master of the Seal: The ability is poor, and the emperor is worried about the country. The ability is too good, the emperor will worry about his position.

Marshal St. Arnault\'s stomach cancer effectively avoided possible conflicts between the two sides, and he took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the Near East, which was equivalent to hastening his own death, making the conflict even more invisible.

Now Marshal St. Arnault has only a positive image left in Jerome Bonaparte\'s heart. Everything he did before was subconsciously beautified by Jerome Bonaparte, and he felt guilty for Marshal St. Arnault. And a sense of guilt followed.

"Hey!" Jerome Bonaparte sighed again and blamed himself: "It\'s all my fault! If I knew this earlier, I shouldn\'t have let the Marshal go to the Near East!"

After hearing Jerome Bonaparte\'s self-blame, Niel, who did not understand Jerome Bonaparte\'s inner thoughts, immediately felt a sense of admiration.

As a subordinate, the most fearful thing is that the boss will throw the blame down. There are very few bosses who can take the initiative to take the blame.

Not to mention, a boss like Jerome Bonaparte who took the initiative to share the worries of his subordinates.

"Your Majesty, it\'s not your fault!" Niel thoughtfully pushed the blame for Jerome Bonaparte: "It may be that the marshal himself accidentally contracted some kind of disease!"

"Hey! Anyway, it\'s because I, the emperor, didn\'t think much of it!" Jerome Bonaparte sighed again, and then took out a note worth 100,000 francs from the drawer, "Niel, can you? Please go to the marshal\'s house before returning to the staff and give this to the marshal\'s family! If they ask you who gave the check, you say that the marshal sent it from Crimea! "

Niel took the bill and responded to Jerome Bonaparte with a solemn expression: "Please rest assured! I will definitely complete the task you gave me!"

Jerome Bonaparte was about to say something when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the grandfather clock in the corner. The grandfather clock indicated that it was already 5:10 pm, and the meeting time he had agreed with the President of the Banque de France, Count Argoux, had been delayed by five. Minutes later, Jerome Bonaparte hurriedly changed his words: "Okay! Nieril, you should have nothing else to report!"

"No more! Your Majesty!" Niel shook his head and responded to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Then let\'s talk here first!" Jerome Bonaparte pointed to the grandfather clock and explained to Niel, "I have a meeting to be held here, so I won\'t leave you here!"

"Excuse me! Your Majesty!" Niel hurriedly saluted Jerome Bonaparte, then got up from the opposite side of Jerome Bonaparte and left the study.

Standing at the entrance of the study, Mokar, who had not seen any movement in the study for a long time, looked at the pocket watch in his hand and waited anxiously for the movement of the study.

Just when Mocar was about to knock on the door to remind Jerome Bonaparte to attend the meeting, the door of the study opened and Niel appeared in front of Mocar.

"I kept you waiting!" Looking at Mokar who was waiting outside the door, Niel said subconsciously.

"Nothing!" Mokar also shook his head and responded.

"Mocar, help me send General Niel off!" Jerome Bonaparte\'s voice came from the study.

"Yes!" Mokar hurriedly responded, and then smiled at Niel.

Niel and Mokar walked side by side from the study on the second floor to the hall on the first floor, neither of them said a word.

Standing in the open space outside the Tuileries Palace, Mocar watched General Niel leave in the carriage, then turned around and walked quickly up the steps.

When Mocar entered the hall of the Tuileries Palace again, Jerome Bonaparte actually appeared in the hall.

"Your Majesty!" Mokar responded respectfully.

"How is the carriage prepared? Is it ready to go!" Jerome Bonaparte asked in a gentle tone. UU reading

"The carriage has already been prepared for you!" Mokar hurriedly responded.

"Then what are you waiting for! Let\'s go!" said Jerome Bonaparte to Mocar.

"Please come with me!" Mocar hurriedly brought Jerome Bonaparte to the side entrance of the Tuileries Palace.

A gorgeous double chariot appeared in front of Jérôme Bonaparte, and around the carriage there were two teams of dragoons wearing silver breastplates.

"As for how luxurious it is?" Jerome Bonaparte asked Mocard with a frown.

"Your Majesty! I think this is very necessary!" Mercury said plausibly to Jerome Bonaparte: "If you don\'t do this, how can you show the strength of the empire!"

Facing the fallacy of Mocart\'s "beautiful is powerful", Jerome Bonaparte did not make any refutation.

From a certain perspective, luxury can also enhance the cohesion of the people and make them forget about politics.

After all, the field of music in this era is not yet developed enough!

Jerome Bonaparte and Mocarl left one after the other and entered the long-prepared carriage, which carried the master and servant to the Elysee Palace.


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