Make France Great Again

Chapter 546: steadfast emperor

"You go back to the embassy now and report the news of the capture of Sevastopol to Paris!"

Under the order of Ambassador Wallewski, Klein, the second secretary of the embassy, ​​turned and left.

Before Klein could take two more steps to the hospital gate, Brigadier General Trosch\'s voice came from behind Klein: "Wait a minute!"

"Brigadier General Trosch, what are your orders?" Klein turned and asked Brigadier General Trosch.

"Can I trouble you to make an extra trip and bring this news to the Ambassador Strasford at the British Embassy!" Commodore Trosch explained to Klein: "This is when the Marshal was in Sevastopol. , promised Commander Raglan of the British Expeditionary Force! One more thing, General Perlisier is also the commander of this operation, so..."

"I see!" Klein nodded and responded to Brigadier General Trosch, then turned and left the military hospital.


Klein, who had left the military hospital, greeted a carriage and sat on it. The carriage carried Klein through the streets and alleys of Constantinople, and soon returned to the door of the French Embassy.

Klein, who got off the carriage, took out a silver coin from his jacket pocket and threw it to the carriage, then turned and left.

"Master, I haven\'t asked for your money yet!" Che Pi shouted to Klein.

"No need!" Klein waved his hand behind him and entered the French embassy.

"What a generous gentleman!" The chariot sighed involuntarily, and then drove the carriage away from the French embassy.

Klein, who entered the embassy, ​​immediately ran to the telegraph room on the second floor of the embassy, ​​pushed open the door of the telegraph room, and said to the telegrapher who had been squatting in the telegraph room all day: "Send a telegram to Marseille immediately. The content of the telegram is as follows: Brave and Fearless. The French army, under the wise leadership of His Majesty Jerome Bonaparte, under the wise command of Marshal St. Arnault and General Pélissier, has now occupied Sevastopol, long live France! Long live the Empire!"

As soon as Klein finished speaking, the two telegraph operators looked at Klein in surprise.

"What\'s the matter? Send a telegram! Look at what I\'m doing!" Klein responded loudly to the telegraph operator.

The telegraph operator turned around and started to send, and the whole telegraph room sounded "tick tock".

After a while, the two telegraph operators stopped and said to Klein, "Okay!"

"That\'s right! Marshal St. Arno is now admitted to the Constantinople Military District Hospital! This is also the content to be sent!" Klein hurriedly added to the two telegraph operators.


The telegraph operator dutifully conveyed what Klein had said to Marseille without a word.

After doing all this, Klein turned around and left the French embassy, ​​and he had to report the news to the British ambassador, Strasford.


When Klein came to the gate of the British Embassy, ​​Strasford Canning got up from the sofa to greet Klein and shook hands with Klein.

"Why are you?" Strathford Canning looked at Klein curiously and asked.

Klein bowed to Strasford Canning and responded, "I am here on the order of Ambassador Valewski to report the news of the Rimian Peninsula to Ambassador Canning!"

"Crimea? What\'s wrong there?" Strasford Canning asked Klein.

Klein immediately reported to Strasford Canning the news that the coalition forces had occupied Sevastopol.

"Really?" Strasford Canning asked Klein excitedly. He couldn\'t believe how fast the coalition troops were attacking.

"Of course!" Klein nodded firmly and said, "This is a war handed down by Marshal Saint Arno himself, so how can it be fake?"

"Marshal Saint Arno? Has he come to Constantinople?" Strasford Canning asked Klein after being stunned for a few seconds.

"This..." Klein paused for a while, and said with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth: "Secret!"

After that, Klein got up and prepared to leave the British Embassy.

Strasford Canning hurriedly got up and sent Klein to the gate. Ambassador Canning, who watched Klein leave, turned around and entered the British Embassy telegraph room to convey the news to the telegraph operator.


About an hour later, the messenger from the port of Marseille sorted the message from Constantinople and sent it to Paris.

After receiving the two telegrams from the port of Marseille, the dispatcher of the General Staff in Paris immediately forwarded the telegram to his superior, and then the oil was transferred from his superior to the then Deputy Chief of the French General Staff. Neil.

"Get ready for the carriage! I want to enter the palace!" Niel, who was carrying two telegrams, hurriedly ordered his state secretary to prepare a carriage for him to go to the Tuileries Palace.

After about 10 minutes, the secretary of state came in and reported that the carriage was ready and ready to go.

"Go!" Niel quickly got up from the pear wood chair, walked out of the General Staff Building, and entered the carriage.

The carriage carried Brigadier General Niel towards the Tuileries Palace and soon arrived in front of the Tuileries Palace.

Niel, who got off the carriage, happened to meet Mokar who was walking down the steps.

"Mr. Mokar!" Niel respectfully said to the palace steward.

"General Niel, please come with me! Your Majesty is still in the study!" Mokar said to Major General Niel.

Under the leadership of Mokar, Major General Niel came to the door of the study.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

After three knocks on the door, Jerome Bonaparte\'s voice appeared: "Who is it!"

"Your Majesty, Chief of Staff Niel asks to see you!" Mercury said to Jerome Bonaparte.

"Niere! Let him in!" replied Jerome Bonaparte.

"Come in! General Niel!" Mokar said to Niel with an inviting gesture.

Niel entered the study and saw Jerome Bonaparte who was working in the study.

"Your Majesty!" Niel bowed to Jerome Bonaparte.

"What\'s wrong with the General Staff?" Jerome Bonaparte asked Niel.

"No!" Niel strode to Jerome Bonaparte\'s desk and handed the two telegrams to Jerome Bonaparte.

"This is..." Jerome Bonaparte flipped through the contents of the two telegrams. After reading the first telegram, his expression changed from calm to shocked.

"Is the news true?" Jerome Bonaparte raised his head and asked.

"This is to be confirmed!" Nierre hesitated for a moment before Jerome Bonaparte, and then responded: "However, I believe the news should be true!"

"It\'s only been about a week since the last battle! Sevastopol won so quickly?" Jerome Bonaparte murmured to himself in a low voice.

If his memory is not wrong, the historical Sevastopol fortress will be breached around this time next year.

Even if he strengthened the French army himself, he would not have won the victory so quickly!

This victory gave Jerome Bonaparte an unreal feeling, and he doubted whether the French army in Crimea had announced to him the victory of the war in advance.

After all, there is no such thing in history, but it was announced in advance that the country occupied by the Sevastopol fortress was not the French Empire, but the British Kingdom.

Could it be that this time it was the turn of the French Imperial Army to release information ahead of time?

Thinking of this, Jerome Bonaparte couldn\'t help but calm down a lot.

For a newly established empire, one of the most taboo things is that the government takes the initiative to act as a disseminator of rumors, and it still breaks the rumors with a poke.

Once the rumors are exposed, it will inevitably damage the government\'s trust in the hearts of the people.

With the collapse of the government\'s credibility, the people living in the empire still lost their reverence for the government. A government that lost its awe was destined to be overthrown by the French people using violent means.

After all, the land under the feet of Jerome Bonaparte is not Britain, known for its compromise, but France, known for overthrowing incompetent and mediocrity.

The French people have used their strength to overthrow the rule of three monarchs (Louis XVI, Charles X, Louis Philippe) and won the unanimous "approval" of all the heirs who want to ascend the French throne.

Even Louis XVIII, who claimed to be Bourbon orthodox and divinely empowered by the monarch, declared peace the moment he set foot on the French border and healed the pains of the past. This approach gave the Bourbon dynasty its credibility.

Of course, the credibility of the Bourbon dynasty gradually fell to zero under the six years of profligacy of Charles X, and then it was overthrown.

Jerome Bonaparte knew that the foundation of the empire he built might not be as solid as that of Louis XVIII. Although the opposition members within the empire were ruthlessly suppressed and incorporated by Jerome But there are still many undercurrents beneath the calm Paris, and they are undoubtedly the diehards who oppose Jérôme Bonaparte.

After the Crimean War began, many people secretly attacked Jerome Bonaparte. The reason why Bonaparte started the Crimean War was just to please the British Kingdom with the blood of the French people.

The more vicious guy even said that Jerome Bonaparte himself was a puppet of the British Kingdom, and that his every move would be at the mercy of Britain.

If it weren\'t for the victory of the Battle of Arma from the Crimean side some time ago, this vicious attack would only get bigger.

Due to the staged victory of the Battle of Armagh, the Empire could take advantage of the prestige of a great victory to carry out precise strikes against the "small group" of rumormongers within the Empire.

A lot of guys who were spreading rumors in the dark were sent straight to debt prison by Jerome Bonaparte.

If the news this time is true, it will help Jerome Bonaparte to establish his prestige a lot.

On the other hand, if it is false news, I am afraid that the undercurrent that was finally contained will be surging again.