Magic Swordsman's Wise Dimension Shop

Book 2 Chapter - 13 Magistrate's Wise Dimension Store- Vol. 2 Episode 13 Episode 38


"Darn it! You guys don't want to win the game! You've been attacking recklessly since the start of the game!"

"The representative of the Cheesy Academy said the same thing."

"What, back? You mean, you've already knocked down Goryeo Academy?"

"Yes, you're the second."

"No way! You look so flabby.

"This is what tempo is."

The second thing I encountered was students at the Blue Academy.

Maybe they haven't decided where they're going, but they're moving flat.

The open terrain caught our eyes looking for enemies.

"Fraud! It's against the rules! Not just the equipment, but the potion.

"That line, the Goryeo Academy already did the same thing."

"The Six Evil


The head of the Blue Academy collapsed in vain.

But it wasn't that easy compared to the first battle.

Looking around, quite a few motives were injured, unlike the first battle, when there were only five casualties.

He was not in perfect condition due to two consecutive battles."Healers, please take care of it immediately.And everybody, have a potion of energy.

"Oh, finally! Gulp! Gulp!"

"Wow, I've never had a potion before!Gulp……Wow.

"It's not good.

"It's made of monster material. Of course it's not good. What, did you want it to taste like strawberries?”

Energy potion.

It also has a function to keep you energized, but the biggest function of a potion is to keep you energized.

Honestly, it feels more like a physical presence than a physical presence.

If you have the ingredients, it's possible to make a joke 'sell' flavor'.

I couldn't even satisfy my sense of taste because I lacked ingredients right away.

And as proof of its effectiveness.

"It's not delicious... Wow! So energetic!"

"Oh, that's crazy.

The colleagues who drank the potion began to cheer up.

"It's easier than I thought.*

"There are only three left.

Thanks to winning the battle in a row, his colleagues were already overflowing with insufficient confidence.

Moderate confidence is good, but.

You don't know what kind of accident will happen if you go too far.

And it's my role as a representative to control this decision properly.

"Everyone, calm down. You guys know that, right?The rest of the team."

"Mugunghwa, Seorabeol, Jeju Academy, right? Oh, they're all famous for their strong teams.”

*I want you to drop a team before we go."

There are three teams left.

They are all famous for being strong.

Still, it didn't matter much if the situation was like this.

If it's this equipment and potion in the first place, my colleagues and I wouldn't be defeated even if it's an all-out war.As such, the power of Tempe was enormous."He's doing that to the end.`

I glanced at Won Jong-hyo in the corner.

Starting with the first game, the Golem break, until now.

He didn't use magic even once.

He was just looking at us with his arms folded in the corner until the end, with an arrogant look on his face.

Now that arrogant expression feels rather pitiful."Hey, Won Jong-hyo."

"Why don't we chew together since yesterday? If you do that in the competition, you'll be the only one who loses."

No matter how much he's the son of the Ket Eye Guild Master.

The academy competition was like the last place to show the ability of charity to seniors before becoming a full-fledged hunter.

Even though there's still an individual match left.

Playing no part in the team competition was enough to cause people a bad misunderstanding.

Nevertheless, Won Jong-hyo remained silent until the end.

"There's no useless pride.

I thought about it and talked to you first, but you reacted like that.

It is Won Jong-hyo who will lose anyway.

I don't have to bother taking him."Well, you're all ready, right?"

"Of course! Let's get going!"

"Thanks to the potion, I'm full of energy!"

"Well, let's go!"


Open to

- Phoenix Academy, Blue Academy.

Defeat the beauty and leave for another prey!

Woohyuk, way to go for it!

Me, Na Siyeon Hunter. If you're so biased in broadcasting...….

"Phoenix Academy, cool!"

"I've been watching since the first round of the Academy, and I think this year is the best."

"I've managed to make it to the top of the charts for five years, so I thought the title of Korea's best academy was over, but it's definitely Phoenix Academy.

The stadium was more rattled than ever.

It was because of the Phoenix Academy's move.

He's very active in searching for enemies.

It was a scene that has never been seen in a survival match so far.

Besides, how are you doing?

Already defeated the academy for the second time, no one seriously injured or eliminated.

Unlike the boring survival that has been held so far.As the fierce battle continued from the start, the audience was forced to be red.

-Phoenix Academy, enter the cliff. I think he's trying to find his next enemy and move to the field on the other side!

The holograms were already shining only on the Phoenix Academy.

Rather than the boredom of other academies cringing and building strongholds,

This is because the dynamic appearance of Phoenix Academy was much more interesting.

And. - Wait! Hey, isn't it the Gomugunghwa Academy on the cliff?

I'm telling you! Mugunghwa Academy is waiting on the cliff!

Is it to stop Phoenix Academy's relentless moves?Shortly after the Blue Academy was defeated, another battle broke out around the Phoenix Academy.

By the way, things were a little strange.

There's another team in front of the cliff. Isn't that the Sarabal Academy?

-That's right! The Sarabal Academy, too, attacks Phoenix Academy!

I think those two academies are allies.

-I'm telling you! Mugunghwa and Serabal, these two academies are working hand in hand to hand for Phoenix Academy!

"It's an alliance."

"Alliance in survival, have you ever done this before?"

Survival is literally survival.It is a game in which only one team survives.

Therefore, there has never been an alliance between the participating academies.

But what does it matter?

What mattered to the audience was the fact that there was another interesting battle.

"Go, Phoenix!"

"Break it this time!"

"But wouldn't it be hard for the two teams? It's like Mugunghwa and Seorabeol.

"I vote for you!"

While the audience is heating up with excitement.

Nasiyeon Hunter, sitting in the relay seat, squints.

"Oh, this is a little weird, isn't it?"Whistle-poo-boo-boo-boo!

Glow, too much!

"Woohyuk, how did you open it?

"First, hold on as long as you can, and beep one step back."

Mugunghwa Academy's attack comes from the cliff.

Bow and magic.

Had it not been for my handmade armor made of monster material and harder than supplies, the shield would have already broken and rolled down the cliff.Chaeyoung!

"Look, you're a cowardly!

From the front, the Seorabal Academy pushes in.

The two academies have been raiding at the same time as if they had pre-arranged it.

"What happened? Coincidence?"


It couldn't have been a coincidence.

As proof of that, the two academies were now only attacking our academies thoroughly, ignoring each other.

This means that it is a matter of prior agreement.

"How did they know where we were even if they had an alliance?

They were perfectly lurking on the cliff for us.

As if we were comfortably predicting that we would pass through here.

Did they send a scout to locate us?

Within this short period of time, we were positioned, allied with each other, and then preparing for a surprise attack here?No way.

There were a lot of things that I couldn't understand.


"Landslide ([.30091106)."


"Woohyuk, I'm stuck behind you! There's nowhere else to retreat!"

Due to landslides on cliffs, roads were blocked by huge rocks.

At least if the motivations hadn't reacted properly and changed the path of the landslide, they would have been swept away.

"Why don't you give up now?In front of us, the representative of the Sarabal Academy walked slowly.

An expression that looks so relaxed.

They're already extending their victory.

"How do you know we're going through here? It's also an alliance, and it's a big deal.”

"Home, I don't think it's a very important issue." Swing-.

They pointed their swords at us.

I was confident enough to deal with them, but with the advantage of the equipment.

The problem was the Mugunghwa Academy.

They were pulling bows, aiming at us with their magic wand.

The bastards who are on a thoroughly long-range attack in a safe place.It was several times more threatening than the Sura Star Academy, which is now pointing its sword in front of one's eyes.

"No, I think it's important."

One thing.

I'm not sure, but there was a losing side.

But, too, they didn't answer my question.

"Did you think I'd answer sincerely if you asked?"

"Well, let's make him answer sincerely.""Ha! Such nerve in this situation. That spirit is acceptable.”

"What spirit. You've got a 2-1 attack, and you're right to say that."

"You mean the alliance? You're not gonna say it's a tie, are you? Our "Operation."”

"You're talking like a plan."

"Well, I'm sure that's enough."


Yay! The sword of the Servarian Academy was brilliant.

I was confident that I would get this much attack.

As I said before, the problem was Mugunghwa Academy.

But now, he was in a close race with the Seorabal Academy, although the offensive of Mugunghwa decreased.

Even so, he could not ignore a sharp long-range attack that was aimed at a chance.

"Woohyuk, is there any way?" "Oh, my! It's time to hold on!" Woohyuk, are we really done like this?"

"Give me a little more butter!

Cha Seoyeon and Yang Jihwan.

Motivations with physical abilities, led by the two, butter the attack of the Serval Academy.

They're usually good enough to cut down on the enemy.

It was impossible to make a proper attack because I had to pay attention to the long-range attacks from above."A little more!"

"That's it!"

Miss Gua-you'really!

As if you can't wait any longer.

The full-scale attack by the Serabal and Mugunghwa Academy continued.

Swords and spears are rampant in front of you, and arrows and magic baptism are poured from your head.

Total attack from two academies.

In addition, both academies were considered favourites for the championship.

After such a spectacular attack, there was a frightened dust around us.

A student at the Serval Academy who was watching this said with a confident face.

"Are you screwed?""Hey, you crazy man! Don't give me that line!"

"If you say that, it's like we're going to get stabbed in the next episode!"

You know that, don't you?"

I can't believe you shouted a magic spell at the right timing.

I can only thank you.

"Everyone, drink the potion first."

Oink oink-.

The fishy taste passed through my throat.

Not only energy potions, but also advanced muscle potions made from the blood of Twin Head Auger.

Then, a hot storm came out of my body.Side effects will appear at the end of the duration, but it was not a leisurely situation to save strength and think about the future.



The rare armour I was wearing vibrated.

Thanks to the muscular potion, the strength that had been rising seemed to burst now.

And one more thing.[The power of the dimensional stone falls on the body]

"It took me a while to shop."

It is difficult to deal with this large number of enemies simply with the dimensional stone that makes me stronger alone.

Therefore, it took a little time to choose the most appropriate dimensional seat for this situation.

Leonidas I - King of Sparta. Greek Hero]

The Battle of Thermopile, which had only 300 elite troops and 1 million Persian soldiers, is still a legend.

-70616 15508000!1

"Now, it's time for a counterattack."