Magic Swordsman's Wise Dimension Shop

Book 2 Chapter - 12 Magistrate's Wise Dimension Store- Volume 2 Episode 12 Episode 37

The last team match! Survival begins, and all six teams are going to bed!

-Nasiyeon Hunter! What do you think about the future direction of the game?

It must be very boring. Even when I think of the national convention survival game, everyone is in a hurry to hide their bodies first when the game starts.As expected, right? As we speak, Goryeo Academy will set up a base right up the hill!

The Mugunghwa Academy is also trying to defend itself around historical sites!

Each academy representative participating in the survival had a badge with a pattern that represented his academy.

The condition of survival is to win this badge the most.

That means you can't avoid fighting the enemy for victory.

Because of these conditions.In the early days of the competition, the battle of the Academy was often followed immediately after the match began.

However, over the years, survival has changed defensively.

-If you attack the enemy first and lose strength, it's hard to deal with the next one.

- That's right! Because of the nature of the survival where one pot is not provided! The most efficient way is to stay until the end and take down the last team!No matter how well you fight, you will lose strength and get hurt if you fight.

I don't know if it's after the game.

There was no potion or healer support during the game.

In other words, waiting for all the other teams to fight and then attacking the remaining team with full strength!

That was the must-win approach so far.

"I need to go to the bathroom."

"They'll be fighting a war of nerves for a while."

The audience began to leave one by one.

Viewers watching the game with a 7/ were also lifting the remote control.

at that very moment

Jae-deul, it's moving right away.

-Oh! Phoenix Academy! One of the best landscapes, even though it's destroyed by the bushes, it leaves the bushes without a stronghold!

'Huh?' 'What, no way?'

Phoenix Academy, which drew people's attention from the beginning by wearing monster-made equipment.

They started to move.

Soon after, he encountered Goryeo Academy, which was organizing a march on the hill.

Phoenix Academy, we're going straight to battle!

Wow! As expected, Jung Woohyuk! It's really hot.

-Koryeo Academy! We haven't even set up a proper formation yet, and we're stopping Phoenix Academy from attacking!

"Hey, come on! It's on! Cut it off and run!"

"Hey, I believed you!"

"Gonix Academy, let's go."

Breaking expectations that only boring propaganda will continue, at least in the beginning.

Five minutes into the survival, Phoenix Academy's spectacular first battle began.North

Attack! Attack before you're ready.

"Oh, shit! How come already!"The first thing I encountered was the Goryeo Academy.

They were building a stronghold just to take advantage of the topographical advantage of hills.

Well, that's a good way to go."

Hill, bow, magic.

If an enemy is attacked from a high position to a low position, it can exert strong power in terms of range and attack.

In addition, the physical world slows down the approach to the top of the hill.

He had no choice but to lose his physical strength naturally.

It's one of the best terrain we've ever been summoned to.

Well, anyway."Cha Seoyeon, let's go in together.

"All right."

Too much craziness!

That's the story after building the right formation.

Now that team members are dripping to form a stronghold, it's just a mass of weaknesses that are exposed to the mounds everywhere.

Seeing our appearance, the representative of Korea Academy opened his mouth as if screaming.

"You guys don't want to win? It would be a loss for you to attack now!"

"No harm. If you guys form a stronghold here, that's even more damaging."

"Even if they take us down, if they use up their strength from the beginning, they will lose the battle against other academies."

"Well, that's a good idea."

It must be unfair.

If we had formed a stronghold, we could have taken advantage of the topographical advantage to win the survival.

Even if it wasn't a championship, it could have been in the top rankings.

Looking at him, I pulled out a bottle of waist.

A brilliant bottle of red liquid.

That, that word.

"If you're an Academy student, you know what this is, right?"

"Why do you have a physical presence? "It's a big violation of the rules to participate in a fight with a potion," he said. "I think you're mistaken, but it doesn't matter what you make within the potion."

"Gee, did you make it yourself?"

It's understandable.

There have been few cases where students have made equipment or potions themselves among the academy competitions have been held so far.

The rule you just mentioned is just a formality.

To be honest, it was a rule that said, "Don't bring potions or personal equipment."The reason is

"Does Punix Academy have alchemist? Why would Hunter, who has a talent in production, go to Phoenix?"

It was because of this.

The academies participating in the competition are basically physical, but the magic world is all students who have talent in combat.

Students with talent in production such as alchemy and blacksmiths will all be educated in places like the Meister Guild.

For those who rarely fight in their lives as hunters, the education they receive at the academy is meaningless.

"Well, you don't have to answer that."Push!

The representative of Korea Academy collapsed.

Their bodies slowly disappeared and were treated as talas.

In the remaining bed, a badge with a black horse, the symbol of the Goryeo Academy, was dropped.

Pick it up, tuck it in your pocket,

I looked up and looked around.

"Everyone did a better job than I thought."

There was no sign of a terminus or elimination.

Perhaps because they were attacked unprepared, Goryeo Academy failed to respond properly to our surprise attack.

He made it easier to fight than I thought.

"Woohyuk, the equipment you made, it's really useful. It's not the same as the supplies!""I was embarrassed when one of them threw a dagger at me, and I saw him run away with this piece of course."

"What about the Black? I saw the armor on the supplies just coming off."

The reaction of colleagues was also satisfactory.

I guess so, I made all the equipment myself while returning it until the break time.

It needs to be this effective.

When the situation was roughly settled, Yang Ji-hwan approached me."Five contestants. The rest are all Mulking. I used up a little bit of physical strength."

"You don't need a physical potion yet, do you?

"A healer on the side of the wall is enough."

He didn't have to drink physical strength potions.

However, what was more important now was physical strength than injury.

Unlike its name, physical strength potions only heal wounds and don't restore physical strength such as fatigue accumulated in the body.Well, without a solution, I wouldn't have launched a preemptive strike in the first place.

"Everyone has a potion of energy.

"Certainly, two per person, certainly distributed.

"Okay, but the first battle was easier than I thought, so I'll drink it in the next battle."

I couldn't make a lot of stamina potions because the ingredients were ambiguous.

Thanks to the blood of many orcs that appeared before Mercury, 80 energy potions were created.

In other words, stamina and recovery, not injury, were sufficiently possible.

"Woohyuk, why are you taking them?"

While organizing the surroundings, I picked up some of the weapons that the students of Korea Academy had.

Dagger, spear, sword, etc.

Weapons provided by the organizers as supplies.

All of them are inferior to the weapons I made myself using monster materials.Even so.

"Well, it's kind of an insurance policy. You were the first to check my weaponry."

"……the ability to handle all weapons. The first time I went through it, I was really freaked out."

It is enough for one-time use.

Tuchang, Tucham, etc.

These can be great 'consumables' for me with the Weapon Mastery skill.Isn't it too precious to use a monster-based weapon as a disposable use?"Well, are you all ready?"

"Of course! Far away!"

"With this momentum, can we destroy all four remaining teams?"

"Huh, right. I'm full of confidence with the equipment and the potion!"

"Who was the one who whined when we left, 'Woohyuk, can't we just wait and see?'"

"Woo, Woohyuk. It's... "Haha, I'm kidding."

Is it because I won the first battle perfectly?

The eyes of colleagues are full of confidence.

It's a positive sign.

"Well, let's get right on the road!"

"Let's go!"

The atmosphere is getting high.

We've forgotten for a while.

The existence of Won Jong-hyo, who is plotting a murderous plot behind the scenes, is the reason.

"Mugung, I got a real call!"

Mugunghwa Academy.

They were laying bases around magic traps set up at the site.

Although it was not geographically advantageous, it was at least a position to create an advantageous situation if the pitfalls of the site were used.


In front of the representative, a student appeared with a small stone.


It was a very small mana stone that could only be obtained at the gate.

"Really, we don't have any damage, do we?"

"I told you. Won Jong-hyo will take responsibility if you get caught. There's no way you're gonna get caught!"It was not just a normal mana stone.

Manaseok with communication function.

Of course, it was one of the banned items by the organisers.

Ah, can you hear me?

-You can hear me.

Surprisingly, it was Won Jong-hyo's voice that came from there.

I'm sure your friend explained this to you.

"Yes, he asked me to attack Phoenix Academy with the Sarabal Academy - you got it right.

"But why? I can't understand you asking me to drop your academy.”

- You don't need to know that.

"What if it's a trap?"

- I'm responsible for that. If it's a trap or something goes wrong, I'll take responsibility in my name.

A ridiculous offer to attack the academy he belongs to.

In addition, he handed over an item called a communication mana stone, which should not be brought in, and if he is caught, he will be responsible for everything.

Not bad for an enemy, to be honest.

No, it was rather a welcome suggestion.

Phoenix Academy is definitely a threat.'

Representative of Mugunghwa Academy.

The Hanmugung, too, thought this should not be the case, but was open to his suggestion.

It is the common desire of all representatives to lead their academy to victory.

He, too, wanted to lead his colleagues to victory in survival.

in order to do that

It was necessary to organize Phoenix Academy, the most likely candidate for the championship at the moment.

All right."

Crock, that's a good idea.

With the consent of the Hanmugung.

Won Jong-hyo's gloomy laughter came out of Mana Stone.