Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v8 Chapter 96: He is my brother

Xu also returned to the mainland of Sainz every six years, and his every move has been concerned by countless people. +,

It is believed that he will return to the mainland of Sainz this time, not only to see the last side of Heinze, but certainly there will be other moves.

The facts are just as expected.

After attending the funeral of Heinze, Xu also appeared in two important countries in the mainland of Sainz, such as the two empires, the Kingdom of Rulson, the Kingdom of Mana, the United Kingdom of Nozdormu, and so on. Meeting with leaders in these countries.

No one knows what the content of the meeting is, but after that, these countries have announced new cooperation with Xinfei Chamber of Commerce at the same time, but they have not announced specific cooperation content.

In people's doubts, Xu also turned around in the Sainz mainland after doing this, and then disappeared into the public again.

People are very confused about this.

Xu also came back this time, what is it to do?

"Dad, is that enough?" Fryia looked at Xu Yi with a puzzled look. “Just give them a bit of technical information. Can they master it?”

"Enough." Xu also nodded. "Now these major countries on the mainland of Sainz have already had a basic and perfect magic industrial system and technology accumulation. The so-called space program seems to be very difficult, but as long as there is a foundation, some people have given directions. And the research and development materials of the start, then it is not difficult to study."

"But let them develop their own, the progress will be slow, isn't it?" Fryia raised her eyebrows. "Dad, don't you want these countries to get into space as soon as possible?"

"No, let's go into space alone. In fact, we can do it now. The reason why these countries in the mainland of Sainz are also involved. I just hope that they can put their eyes higher. Don't always limit themselves to small ones. The continent of Sainz is confined to this planet."

Frya shrugged: "They may not understand your thoughts."

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled: "This can not be understood by them. Knowing the benefits of the space program ... or threats, even if they are not willing, they will eventually be involved."

Frye snorted and grinned. "Dad, I sometimes think that you are really bad. These countries on the mainland are always led by you, even if you want to do something, you always have to worry. Your opinion. Do you know? In the past few years, I went to any country. They saw that I was a cautious look and seemed to be offending to me. I think they are not afraid of me, but afraid of you. Let's go."

Xu Yi suddenly smiled: "That is not necessarily, maybe you are afraid of you? I heard a lot of people privately said, Xu also this daughter is more jealous than his father, must not offend."

Frya angered: "Who said it? I am so embarrassed! But this guy is bullying me as the new president, I feel that I am young, do not understand anything, often set a trap for me. If not to see I have already packed them up before Dad always said that I hope everyone can develop together!"

Xu also looked at Freya with some anger on his face. Smiled and asked softly: "Freia. When the president has been working hard for a few years?"

Frya silently, first nodded, then shook his head, Yan Yan smiled: "Beginning is very hard, but I am used to it later."

"So, do you regret the decision at the beginning? If you feel unwilling, if you want to remove the position of the president, I will support you. Your mother often said to me, I hope you and Xu Zhuo can go to the island. , we live together, happy life."

Xu Zhuo is the second child of Xu Yi and Steele.

Unlike Frya, he was born with a Chinese-style name after his birth, and he was somewhat different from Xu.

Xu Zhuo’s character has been very different from Freya since he was a child. He was very calm when he was a child, not as lively and active as Freya, and he was particularly interested in studying magic from an early age.

With his excellent genes from his parents and his superior magical teaching environment, Xu Zhuo has shown his strong talent in magic since he was a child. When he was very young, he entered Xinfei College. After graduation, he directly entered the new flight. Chamber of Commerce, Magic Research Institute.

At the age of 28, he is now one of the project leaders in the Magic Research of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. The main research topic is related to magic power consumption.

"No, I don't regret it." Frye also showed such a full of sunshine and no smile in front of Xu. "In the first two years, I was really trying to stick to it because of my own decision. But after I got used to this position, I felt that the president was very good."

After a pause, Frye told Xu Yi very straightly: "Dad, I really like the feeling that this can determine a lot of important things. It will make me feel that my life is completely controlled by myself and will make me free. feel."

"In such a position of great responsibility, it will make you feel free?" Xu also looked at Freya somewhat strangely, thinking that his eldest daughter is a natural power, but he has a lot of the difference.

"Yeah." Fryia nodded hard. "I have liked this feeling now, so you don't have to worry that I will leave this job."

Xu also laughed dumbly: "Whether you are willing to do it, of course, it is better. I have said that your life should be done by yourself. I am a father. At most, I can only open the way for you. You. Now that you feel so good, let's do it well. But you must also know that the president of the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce has a lot of power and responsibility. It is not entirely possible to do it according to your own wishes and preferences."

"I know." Frye smiled and hugged Xu Yi's arm. "Dad, now that you have controlled the magic cloud continent in your own hands, have you ever thought about building a country, being a king, and ruling the entire magic cloud continent? I think this must be cool!"

"Cool you!" Xu also unknowingly knocked on Frya's head and then glanced at her deeply: "I don't have this interest. If you are interested, go to the Queen yourself." I don't stop you."

Frya touched her head and smiled and said: "I am not interested. Although I like the president's feeling of control, I still feel very troublesome. If I am like a queen, like Aunt Severini, then I will definitely be bored."

"You understand." Hearing Frya should be from the heart, Xu also breathed a sigh of relief. "You aunt Sevigny... In fact, when I first met her, she was also a purely caring girl, very different from now..."

Frya sneaked into the complex look on Xu Yi's face. After thinking about it, he carefully asked: "Dad, are you and Aunt Sevigny... Are you in conflict?"

"No, there is no contradiction between me and her. This is a problem in the Kingdom of Lampari. We are all very clear, but we also know that we can't avoid it. This is no way, but no one can complain."

"Then you went to the two empires this time, went to the Kingdom of Rulson, went to the Nozdorm Business United Kingdom, but went to the funeral of Uncle Heinze in the Kingdom of Lampari and are back After that, I didn’t seem to have met Aunt Sevigny? Raymond asked me yesterday."

"Oh? Raymond asked you?" Xu asked with amazement. "What did he say?"

"Raymond just talked casually and said that he would like to greet you. He did not mention Aunt Sevigny, but mentioned that you went to Bangta City and attended the funeral of Uncle Heinze, but did not drop by. Anvil Mar City." Frya paused, continued: "Raymond seems to be somewhat dissatisfied..."

"Is not satisfied?" Xu also smiled. "I stayed in Bangta City for five days. Didn't Servini not attend the funeral of Heinze?"

Frye blinked and couldn't help but smile.

"Dad, how do I feel... are you and Aunt Sevigny like a couple who are awkward?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xu also scolded. "Severini is the Queen of the Kingdom of Lampari. You must give her enough respect anyway. And your mother heard it..."

"Mom will not say anything when he hears it." Frye smiled. "Mom once said to me, if you were willing to do so, maybe you are now the prince of the Prince of Lampari."

Xu also shook his head helplessly and sighed: "It's all things in the past, don't mention it anymore. In short, now I have two people with Servini because of the position problem, there are some... some uncoordinated places. But she is after all It is an old friend I have known for more than 30 years. The Kingdom of Lampari is also the most important partner and ally of our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, personal contradictions do not represent any problems, and you do not have to worry about this aspect."

"I have never been concerned about these issues with Raymond. I have always had a good cooperation. But this time the space program was personally proposed. You are now deliberately excluding the Lampari Kingdom, so I want to figure out you. Real attitude."

"My attitude is not important." Xu also shook his head. "The Kingdom of Lampari is the country with the most complete magical industrial system and the deepest technology accumulation on the mainland of Sainz. Of course, the space program is indispensable."

"Is it?" Frya smiled sweetly. "Then I understand."

Seeing that Freya promised a good time, Xu also suddenly sounded a question, frowning and asked: "Freia, your relationship with Raymond is very good?"

"Yeah, we often talk privately, the relationship is really good. How?"

"You... you don't feel anything about him?" Xu asked with some hesitation.

"Feeling?" Frya looked at Xu Yi, blinked her eyes and thought about it. Suddenly she understood it and immediately laughed. "Dad, you... you must have misunderstood... misunderstood something. Haha... haha, laughing at me... I know, you... you don't have to worry, how can I like Raymond? I am early I know, Raymond, he..."

Frya couldn't help but smile, and she could barely look up at Xu Yi, with a hint of narrowness in her smile.

"He is my brother, isn't it?"

Xu Yi suddenly became a big man. (To be continued.)