Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v8 Chapter 95: Space plan

Just after the day, Xu also received the news that Alex had personally delivered it to the door.

Hein was killed.

According to Alex, Heinze gathered all his family and friends together in the manor last night, opened a grand banquet, drank a lot of wine, said a lot of words, and played an all night, until the first When the sun shone, it suddenly fell into Ria's arms without warning.

"Until the end, my uncle's face still has a smile." Alex recalled the situation at the time. "When it is dawning, he seems to have felt that he is going to die. He pulled me aside and said that the luckiest thing in his life is to meet the president. If you don’t have it, he will only be able to live forever. It’s a grocery store owner who has been living a quiet life. And because of meeting you, he can enjoy life that he never dared to think before.”

After a pause, Alex continued: "Uncle finally told me to tell you a word."

"Let's talk." Xu also looked at the direction of Heinze's private estate, his expression was light.

"Uncle let me tell him directly according to what he said..." Alex snorted and deliberately imitated the tone of Heinze at the time. "Xu Yi, I thought about it carefully. You still think of what I said before. I have done enough for the Kingdom of Bangta and the Kingdom of Lampari. It is time to take a rest, other things, Don't worry if you can't care."

Xu also stared at Alex: "Is that?"

"that's it."

Xu also thought about it and nodded. He didn't say anything.

After that, Alex told Xu also about the process arrangement of Heinze funeral and asked if Xu was willing to attend the funeral.

Originally, Alex did not need to ask this question, but Xu and Heinz talked directly after leaving last night, so that he had some ideas that could not be decided, so he ran to ask.

"Of course, Heinze is my old buddy. How can I not attend his funeral?" Xu thought about it and added: "I also intend to give a speech at the funeral. You arrange it."

Alex listened to the big joy.

Xu is not only willing to attend the funeral, but even willing to make a public speech at the funeral. This is equivalent to publicly demonstrating the strong support for the Heinze family, which is of great benefit to him and other family members.

"Okay. The president is an adult."

"In addition, Heinze's funeral must be done well. I don't want to see any discordant things happen. Tell me about those unsuccessful relatives. If they dare to make trouble, don't blame me for teaching them to Heinze. Xu also sighed with a cold face.

Alice was shocked. It is clear that this is not only a warning to Xu’s relatives and friends, but also a warning to him. He nodded quickly.

Two days later, Xu also made a public appearance at Heinze’s funeral, and the news of the speech was quickly spread throughout the territory of Sainz.

Xu has left the mainland of Sainz for six years.

In the past six years, he may have returned to the mainland of Sainz, but he never showed up in front of the public. Now he suddenly appeared in high profile, which naturally caused suspicions of countless people.

Is it true that Xu has also led the New Flying Chamber of Commerce to complete the conquest of the Magic Cloud mainland, and feels that it is not satisfied, so he intends to turn back to the mainland of Sainz. Conquer this continent?

"Don't mention this kind of joke." Emperor Candela, opposite Xu Yichong, shook his head and shook his head: "Your Majesty, I came back this time, mainly to see the industrial development of Sainz mainland. Although I can get a lot of these years. The relevant information here, but in the end is not as good as I can see."

Emperor Candela took a smile and sighed for a moment, frowning and asked: "What are you going to do after reading?"

Xu also smiled slightly: "I have a space program. I don't know if you are interested in it?"

"Space plan?" Emperor Candela took the next step. "what is that?"

"Specifically, let us no longer be confined to the planet under our feet, but to develop into a wider space. The first step is to launch a large number of artificial satellites, so that everyone can have a deeper understanding of space. The second step is to launch a manned spaceship that allows humans to move in and out of space freely. The third step is..."

Having said that, he suddenly paused, smiled and shook his head, and continued: "The third step is to be able to fly to Alice and Tedas..."

"Wait." Emperor Candela planned his words. "You said let us fly to Alice and Tedas? That's the moon! How can humans go up? Is there a place to rest?"

"Of course." Xu also answered affirmatively. "Either Alice or Teddy, it's actually a planet. It's just a lot smaller than the planet under our feet. As for going up... Just a short time ago, a dragon has already flown to Alice, and Safely returned."

The news of "flying on Alice?", even if the Emperor Candela heard it, he was extremely shocked.

In the traditional understanding of the world on the mainland of Sainz, Alice and Tedas only appeared in the night sky in the two rounds of the moon.

Because it is out of reach, people have a lot of fantasies about Alice and Tedas, but never thought that one day, humans can personally board Esley and Tedas.

That is because the astronomical sciences that the New Flying Chamber of Commerce has made in these years have made people know more about the sky above their heads, knowing that they are not a flat land under their feet, but a huge ball, knowing that there is still a sky above the head. This more vast space, knowing that the stars, whether seen by the sun or at night, are just huge fireballs. I know that Alice and Tedas are just two planets...

However, no one ever thought about flying into space and going to experience the place outside the sky, let alone going to the moon.

"Yes. The dragon's meat* is far stronger than our humans and other races, so she can fly directly into space and even fly directly to Alice. But we humans and other races can't do it, we must borrow the power of machinery. OK." Xu also explained.

"That is... the space program you said is to let us start developing something that can fly into space? This... is it difficult?" Emperor Candela was suspicious.

"It is really difficult." Xu also bluntly said nothing. "But it's not impossible. We now have the ability to launch satellites, which means we have the qualification to enter space. Now there are dragons helping us collect all aspects of space, which is more conducive to our early entry into space." ""

"Well..." Emperor Candela thought for a moment, spread his hand and asked: "Mr. Xu, I don't believe what you said. But please tell me, I can say that our Candela empire is involved in your so-called space. What are the benefits in the plan?"

Xu Yi smiled and took a picture from his arms and placed it in front of Emperor Candela.

Emperor Candela took the picture with suspicion. Just look at one, and immediately his face sinks.

"Hui Huichang, what do you mean?"

This picture is drawn on a valley that looks a little bit unobtrusive, but the Emperor Candela’s Majesty can see it at a glance. This is clearly the location of the Candela Empire, a military magical mechanical research base established in the eastern province.

This base is the highest secret in the Candela Empire. How did Xu know?

"Your Majesty, no doubt who has leaked the secret, you look at this picture carefully, have you found any problems?"

Emperor Candela carefully watched the picture carefully, and after a while discovered that the angle of this picture is very strange.

It stands to reason that if you are portraying a valley scene, you can either observe it at a distance from a distance, or draw it from above.

The angle chosen on this picture is directly above, but it seems to be very close. So that the situation in the valley is so clear that even the leaves of a tree on the hill next to it can be seen clearly.

This is a bit strange.

The surface of the valley looks flawless, but its defense is extremely strict, and it is impossible to make other people or any flying equipment appear so close to the top of the head that it is not responding.

“How did this happen?” asked the Emperor Candela.

Xu also pointed to the top.

"Your Majesty, if I said that this was taken by a satellite launched by our Chamber of Commerce, do you believe it?"

Emperor Candela looked up and glanced at the sky far from the top of his head, and snorted.

"The ridiculous! The satellites of your Chamber of Commerce are in space. According to the data released by your Chamber of Commerce, there are more than one hundred kilometers from the ground. How can you photograph the things on the ground? Is it so clear?"

Xu Yixiao did not speak.

Emperor Candela’s eyes narrowed and looked at Xu for a long time. Finally, I took a deep breath and slowed down the expression on my face.

Xu Yihe and Xinfei Chamber of Commerce have done countless shocking and unbelievable things. They have broken the common sense of people on the mainland of Sainz on countless times. Even if Emperor Khandra feels that what he is saying now is no longer ridiculous. I still feel that there is a great possibility in my heart.

What's more, Xu did not have to lie to him for this.

"Mr. Xu, your satellite, can you not only see the valley?"

"Of course." Xu also admitted it unceremoniously.

"So... Is there a way to prevent you from seeing it?"

"Of course, there is also." Xu also paused and added an explanation. "If your Candela empire also has the ability to launch satellites into space, and have the ability to record the ground from high-definition in the sky. Naturally, you will know how to guard against being seen. This is a very simple truth, isn't it?"

The breath of His Majesty King Candela became a bit heavy.

Xu Yi’s words are almost equivalent to threats.

But he can't believe it or he can't listen.

If there is any place in the Candela empire that can be seen by the satellites of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, what secret is there?

Seeing the rapid change of the face of Emperor Candela's face, Xu also smiled more and more on his face.

He knew that His Majesty King Candela had actually been shaken, and he would promise to come down sooner or later.

So... After getting the Candela Empire and the Marlow Empire, which country should the next target be placed on? (To be continued.)