Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v8 Chapter 110: Restructuring the government

Similar to what happened in the province of Lamasque and Merlinda, it continued to occur in various provinces within the original Candela empire.

Some are smooth, others are not so smooth.

But no matter whether it is smooth or not, the situation has finally changed a little.

The Marlow Empire, which has been occupying Wimbledon for several months, naturally senses these subtle changes.

If only the local forces that belonged to the Candela empire changed, then the Marlow Empire would not worry about it.

But now the new Feishang Association is involved, even now that the Candela empire has been defeated, the Marlow Empire, which has almost the kingdom of the entire Sainz mainland, has to give some vigilance.

However, the first thing that really moves is not the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, but the Kingdom of Lampari.

The 33-year-old winter of the mainland has just passed, and the Kingdom of Lampari has sent troops into the Kamal province, which borders the original Candela Empire and the Kingdom of Lampari.

The statement made by the Kingdom of Lampari is to protect the people of the Lampari Kingdom who are in the Candela Empire.

However, after entering the province of Kamal, the army of the Kingdom of Lampari immediately clashed and fought fiercely with the local armed forces of the Kamal province and the troops of the Marlow Empire stationed in the province of Kamal.

The kingdom of Lampari is obviously well prepared, and the troops are even more elite. The Marlow Empire is not prepared at all, so it collapses.

The vast land of more than 500 square kilometers in the western part of the province of Kamal has fallen into the control of the Kingdom of Lampari in just one week, including the most important magical industrial city in the province of Kamal.

The Marlow Empire quickly responded to this.

Half a month later, the Marlow Empire declared that the army of the Kingdom of Lampari would immediately withdraw from the province of Kamal, otherwise the consequences would be at your own risk.

This attitude is undoubtedly extremely tough.

But with the Marlow Empire now defeating the momentum of the Candela Empire, it is a matter of course to put such an attitude.

However, contrary to people's expectations, the response of the Kingdom of Lampari is equally tough.

The Kingdom of Lampari claims that the province of Kamal is not the territory of the Marlow Empire. The Marlow Empire has no right to ask the army of the Lampari to withdraw.

The two sides did not retreat, so the war was triggered.

In April of the 33rd year of the mainland, the Kingdom of Lampari invested in two legions, totaling 60,000 troops. The three legions gathered in the Central Plains of the Karma and the Marlow Empire, a total of 110,000 people fought.

The result of the battle was beyond everyone's expectations.

The Marlow Empire was defeated, and the 110,000 people directly killed more than 20,000. The remaining 80,000 people lost more than 10,000 in the process of defeat, but they lost more than 30,000 in one breath. regular army.

And in contrast to the Kingdom of Lampari. It just lost thousands of people.

With less wins and more battle-to-loss ratios, this record will undoubtedly shock everyone.

When analyzing the specific situation, people discovered that the reason why the Kingdom of Lampari can achieve such a brilliant record, in addition to their preparation for fuller, the most important reason is that compared with the military magic machinery equipped by the army of the Kingdom of Lampari. The Marlow Empire is more advanced.

For example, it is also equipped with a large number of troops in their respective military forces and has an extremely important position. The magical artillery that bears the most important firepower in the battle, the three corps of the Marlow Empire are equipped with more than 4,600 attacks, while the two legions of the Kingdom of Lampari are equipped with more than 3,200.

At first glance, the total number of magical artillery in the Kingdom of Lampari is far lower than that of the Marlow Empire, and it is bound to be inferior in firepower in the battle.

However, the actual situation is that of the more than 4,600 magical artillery pieces assembled by the Marlow Empire, only 800 of them are 90-mm high-energy magic cannons developed by the Marlow Empire, and the remaining 3,800 are all It is a small-caliber magic cannon with a lower grade or even lower.

And the more than 3,200 magical artillery pieces in the Kingdom of Lampari, but there are 1,200 large magic cannons with a diameter of more than 100 millimeters, and even a full hundred hundred Lampari The super demon artillery that the kingdom debuted for more than two hundred millimeters!

Calculated in the remaining more than a thousand small-caliber magic cannons. More than the general above is also a multi-tube magical artillery with firepower far superior to the same level.

In this contrast, although the number of magic artillery pieces in the Kingdom of Lampari is less than a thousand, the firepower that broke out in the battle is far beyond the Marlow Empire.

So on the frontal battlefield, the Marlow Empire's army was almost passively beaten from the beginning.

at the same time. In the increasingly important magic tank formation, the Kingdom of Lampari also has an absolute advantage.

The Lampari Kingdom is only two legions, but it is equipped with a full 500 magic tanks.

Compared with only three hundred magic tanks equipped by the three corps of the Marlow Empire, the Lampari Kingdom not only has an absolute advantage in terms of quantity, but also has the upper hand in armor thickness, tank firepower and even moving speed.

In this way, on the ground battlefield. The Marlow Empire was not only passively beaten, but even unable to withstand the attack of the Lampari Kingdom.

Of course, after experiencing the full baptism of military magic machinery, the war on the mainland of Sainz has long been confined to the ground.

The air is also an important war on both sides and is becoming more and more important.

The concept of air supremacy has been increasingly valued by countries since it was proposed by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce more than 20 years ago.

In the war between the Marlow Empire and the Candela Empire, the Marlow Empire relied on its absolute superiority in the air to fight the Candela empire and eventually lost its hatred.

But now, in this battle, the Kingdom of Lampari has demonstrated a superior ability to control the air than the Malo Empire.

During the battle, the Kingdom of Lampari invested in three magical combat airship reorganizations in a single breath. A total of 300 super-fast magic combat airships with a speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour were fully crushed by the magical combat airship of the Marlow Empire. prepared by.

In comparison, the magical combat airship of the Kingdom of Lampari is faster and more flexible. It is also equipped with a large-caliber magical force, a small magical artillery and a five-magic missile. In either case, it wins the Marlow Empire. The magical combat airships naturally take up absolute air superiority.

Both land and air have been crushed by the army of the Kingdom of Lampari, and the defeat of the Marlow Empire army is naturally a matter of course.

After analyzing such a result, people have discovered that although the Marlow Empire successfully defeated the Candela Empire and allowed the empire that has been passed down for thousands of years to almost annihilate, he still cannot become the hegemon of this continent.

Now that the Kingdom of Lampari jumped out, it immediately gave a more powerful opponent to the Marlow Empire.

The situation on the mainland of Sainz has therefore become more confusing.

After the victory, the army of the Kingdom of Lampari continued to be close, continuously defeating the troops left by the Marmaris in the province of Kamal, and the local opposition in the province of Kamal. It took only one and a half months to control. The entire province of Kamal is in the province.

At this time, however, there was a change that surprised everyone.

Under the control of the Kingdom of Lampar, the former Governor of the Karma Province, Duke Noypera, suddenly held a press conference, in which all newspapers and dozens of magical phantom programming departments announced that Kamal The province was renamed the Kamal Dominion, and then the national elections will be publicly formed to form the National Assembly of Kamal, which will then be elected by the Parliament to be organized by the provincial governor of Kamal, known as the Kamar Dominion Government.

One of the most important points is to choose the lord of the Kamar Dominion and command the entire government agency.

If you change it before, in fact, what is the lord of the Kamal Dominion, and there is no difference between the Governor of the Kamal Province.

However, in the announcement of the Duke of Nopela, it was clearly stated that the lords of the Kamar dominion need to be supervised and restricted by the National Assembly of the Kamal Dominion, and any order must be approved by the National Assembly in order to be executed.

This is tantamount to tying a shackle on the hands of the lord, which is completely different from the previous governor of the province.

What is even more surprising is that the Duke of Noypera did not take it for granted as the lord of the Kamal Dominion, but also accepted the election, which was ultimately decided by the election results.

This model is the first to appear throughout the history of the Sainz continent.

Numerous people are skeptical about this. What is Karma doing this?

What is even more strange is why the Kingdom of Lampari will allow the province of Kamal to do so?

However, in the voice of people's doubts, Kamal province... Oh no, the government restructuring work that has now been renamed the Kamal Dominion has been implemented quickly and effectively.

It took only three months, the first National Assembly was formed, and then the corresponding government representative staff were elected, and the Duke of Noira was chosen as the first of the Kamar Dominion. The lord.

Just as countless people were shocked and confused by the splendid transformation of the province of Kamal, the other provinces that belonged to the Candela empire were followed by the same amazing changes.

First of all, the three provinces in the south announced that they would be replaced by the self-governing bodies and carry out government restructuring and elections.

Then, two other provinces that were deeply affected by the workers’ insurgency took similar actions.

However, there are some differences in the middle.

The changes in the previous three provinces were basically the same as those in the Karma province, but the latter two provinces were slightly different.

Because of the influence of the workers’ rebellion, the two provinces have long lost the leadership mechanism of the Governor’s Office when they were under the name of the Candela Empire, and they can only be completely reorganized.

Compared with the three provinces of Kamal and the previous three provinces, the two provinces were the least affected by the old aristocrats in the province, and the civilians in the National Assembly were the majority.

But this has nothing to do with the other people on the mainland of Sainz.

What most people care about is the outcome between the Kingdom of Lampari and the Marlow Empire. (To be continued.)