Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v8 Chapter 109: Candela Federal Federation

The province of La Masque went south for more than 400 kilometers, and went to the other province of the original Candela empire.

Like the province of Lamasque, the province of Merlinda also announced a long-term departure from the central leadership of the Candela Empire.

However, unlike the Lamask province, the Merlinda province was not forced into control because of the riots in the workers' riots. Instead, the Governor's Office of the Melinda province announced that it was not subject to the Candela Empire.

Although there is no formal declaration of independence, it is almost the same meaning.

Now the city of Wimbledon, the capital of the Candela Empire, has fallen into the hands of the Marlow Empire. The Candela Empire can almost be declared dead. The Merlinda Province does not turn directly into the arms of the Marlow Empire like the northern provinces. Instead, it was declared to be autonomous.

In the original thirty-seven provinces of the Candela empire, the performance of the Merlinda province is considered to be very faithful to the imperial royal family in many people's eyes.

However, there has been no more expression in the Governor's Office of the Merlinda Province, but no one knows the true intention of the former Governor Duke Weilang.

After the fall of Wimbledon and the announcement of self-government by Merlinda, the Governor's Office of the Merlinda Province has been working to stabilize the situation within the province of Merrill, without any contact with the outside world.

Under the efforts of the Duke of Weilang, the province of Merlinda has been relatively stable, which is considered to be a relatively peaceful part of the Candela empire.

On this day, the Governor's Office of Merlinda welcomed a guest.

"The Prime Minister, I am very pleased to see you again." The Duke of Weilang opened his arms and embraced the guests enthusiastically. The smile was full and showed that the heart was really happy for the visitor.

The Grand Duke of Rostov, the Prime Minister of the Candela Empire, and the Earl of Wilan, hugged and smiled.

"I am also very happy to see you, Duke of Weilang."

After releasing his hand, the Grand Duke of Rostov looked up and down the Duke of Weilang and sighed with deep emotion: "The Merlinda province can maintain a stable situation. The Duke of Weilang has been working hard for this period of time. ”

The Duke of Weilang smiled slightly: "As the lord here, this is my duty."

Upon hearing the title of "Lord", the Grand Duke of Rostov picked up his eyebrows and then calmed down. Laughing: "I can still do this at this time, and I don't want to praise the Duke of Weilang often in front of me. You are one of the few loyal ministers in the empire."

"Your Majesty?" The Duke of Weilang smiled and smiled, but did not pick up the topic at all. He turned to look at another middle-aged man next to the Grand Duke of Rostov. "President Montiel. The cooperation you talked with me the day before yesterday, is it related to the Prime Minister?"

“Yes.” Reis Montier, the president of the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce in the Merrill Lynch, smiled and nodded. "Today with the Prime Minister, I hope that I can discuss the new cooperation project with the Governor. You don't know if you are interested in the Governor?"

The Duke of Weilang looked at the Grand Duke of Rostov and then the president of Montiel. He shook his head with a smile: "If I am not interested now, what will the two reaction?"

Of course, this is just a joke.

After finishing this sentence, the Duke of Weilang invited the two to go in and settled separately.

"The Prime Minister, I heard that... After leaving the city of Wimbledon, I went to the Principality of Stadt. I didn't believe it at the time. Now it seems that this is true?" After taking a sip of tea, Weilang The duke first opened.

"Yes. Your Majesty went to the Principality of Stading and was planning to seek help from the New Flying Chamber of Commerce." The Grand Duke of Rostov was outspoken. "Now. Your Majesty has already reached a preliminary cooperation agreement with Frya. This time I came with President Montiel and I want to discuss with you how to cooperate in the province of Merrill."

"Cooperation?" The Duke of Weilang turned to look at the president of Montiel. "Mr. Montiel, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has been very comfortable with the situation within the Governor’s Office during the recent period. I am very grateful. But now this cooperation..."

President Montiel smiled and took a thick document from the bag he carried with him and handed it to the Duke of Weilang.

"Duke of the Duke. This is a plan for this cooperation, please look over."

The Duke of Weilang nodded. This is the consistent style of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. He also convinced him that this so-called cooperation was indeed agreed upon by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. It was not the private consultation of the Grand Duke of Rostov and the president of Montiel.

Picking up the plan and glanced at it, the Duke of Weilang was immediately shocked by the two sentences at the beginning of the plan.

"Cancel the imperial system and change to the Candela Federal Federate, which is made up of various provinces?" The Duke of Wilan looked up at the Grand Duke of Rostov and the President of Montiel. "What does this mean in the end?"

President Montiel looked to the Grand Duke of Rostov.

The Grand Duke of Rostov whispered and explained: "This so-called Federal Republic of Candela, in fact, allows each of the empire's previous provinces to be self-governing while uniting to form a brand new country. The unity and strength of the past can also achieve a high degree of autonomy in all provinces, so that all provinces also have their own power..."

Under the detailed explanation of the Grand Duke of Rostov, the Duke of Weilang finally got a general idea of ​​what the so-called Candela Federal Republic is all about.

"So to say... Doesn't you really want to restore the glory of the empire and re-emerge as the supreme emperor?"

The Grand Duke of Rostov snorted: "Duke of Wie, you think... Is there any hope now?"

The Duke of Weilang silently shook his head for a moment.


"That's it." The Grand Duke of Rostov sighed: "If possible, His Majesty certainly wants to restore the glory of the Empire, but his Majesty is wise after all. He can clearly recognize the present reality and know that this idea is fundamental. It is impossible to achieve. Therefore, the next best thing is to retain the original integrity of the Empire."

The Duke of Weilang was silent for a while, sighing deeply, shaking his head, but did not say anything, and continued to look at the plan.

After a while, he suddenly frowned and looked up and said: "This federal state needs a president?"

"After all, nominally a country, there is always a need for a unified leader that represents the will of the entire federal state." Grand Duke Rostov smiled and explained.

"Do you mean that he is interested in this position?" asked the Duke of Weilang.

"No, after he has experienced these recent things, he has already retired and is unwilling to participate in these things. The place of interest is the Royal Highness of Frank."

"Frank Prince?" The Duke of Weilang nodded and said that he understood.

If the Emperor’s Majesty does not hesitate to lose face, he rushes to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce and seeks to restore the basic map of the Candela Empire. However, there is no idea about the possible establishment of the Candela Federal Republic. The Duke of Weilang absolutely does not believe it.

Now the Emperor’s own choice to retreat behind the scenes, but let Frank Prince come to the front desk, is also a very wise choice, can get more people’s recognition.

After looking at the plan for a while, the Duke of Weilang meditated for a long while, and said to the president of Montiel: "President Montiel, I saw the shadow of President Xu in this plan."

President Montiel laughed happily: "Yes, when we discussed the proposal, we asked the president for a lot of opinions."

"What is the president's final opinion on this proposal?"

"The original words of the president are... I only propose such a model. As for the Candela empire, people are willing to accept it. That is their business." President Montiel mimicked Xu’s tone of voice.

"So, President Xu did not make a clear statement?"

"If the president does not support this model, then it will not make such detailed comments. Isn't it?" Montiel will be long. "The president has not been aware of the things on the mainland of Sainz for many years. Only this time he was very concerned about it. He even had many video conferences with the senior officials of the Chamber of Commerce and made comments in person."

"This way..." The Duke of Weilang nodded and sank for a long while. Then he turned to the Grand Duke of Rostov. "You have a general understanding of your intentions. But the Prime Minister, I can't give you any answers right now. Because I don't see the possibility of successful implementation of this plan."

"With the help of the new Flying Chamber of Commerce, do you think it is impossible?" The Grand Duke of Rostov was amazed.

"If the new flyers will do their best to help, of course it is very possible, but now..." The Duke of Weilang looked at the president of Montiel and shook his head. "I don't see the sincerity of the new Feishang Chamber for the time being."

The Grand Duke of Rostov frowned and just wanted to speak. President Montiel had already taken the lead. He laughed and said: "The Governor is right. The purpose of these businessmen has always been to pay in one hand. One-handed delivery. Now we have not come up with enough valuable things to prove that naturally we can't expect the Governor to believe so easily. Prime Minister, are you right?"

The Grand Duke of Rostov frowned at the president of Montiel, thinking about it and nodding his head.

President Montiel continued: "But please the Governor is assured that our new Flying Chamber of Commerce will not do anything that is meaningless. Since we invite the Governor to work together, of course, there will be no empty talk, then we will have Some corresponding actions, I believe the Governor will see our sincerity when they see it."

The Duke of Weilang was honest and nodded and nodded: "I am very much looking forward to it."

President Montiel exchanged a look with the Grand Duke of Rostov, and he got up and left. (~^~)