Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 98: Participate in the battle

The war seemed to ignite the entire Sainz continent in an instant.

At the beginning of June, the Candela Empire army invaded the Kingdom of Rulson.

Immediately afterwards, the Marlow Empire and the Falk Kingdom coalition invaded the Principality of Drake, and a fierce battle took place at the border with the Principality of Drake and the Kingdom of Lampari.

At the same time, the Sak Kingdom gathered troops to attack the northern army of the town of Lampari.

If you connect these three places, you will find that the three major forces point to the same place, that is, the Principality of Constantine in the southwest corner of the mainland.

To be precise, it is directed to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

Moreover, the war is not limited to the southwest corner of the mainland. Before these wars were ignited, forty-seven countries that had previously listed the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce had already exerted pressure on neighboring countries to expel the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. Your own borders, otherwise it will be regarded as supporting the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, will also be listed as a hostile relationship.

Due to pressure and interest considerations, many countries that did not explicitly state their views have also listed Xinfei Chamber of Commerce as an unpopular chamber of commerce, and comprehensively sealed up various bases, factories and shops established by Xinfei Chamber of Commerce in their own countries.

Of course, some countries have ignored this warning and still maintain a cooperative relationship with the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

These countries are the 16 countries that have deep cooperation with the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, including the Nozdorm Business UK and the Welsh Principality.

So after the wars in the southwest corner of the mainland were ignited, the sixteen countries also suffered attacks from one or even several countries nearby.

The preferred target of these attacks is directed at the various bases of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

Since the war between the Candela Empire and the Marlow Empire nearly forty years ago, this time it can be said that the most extensive and wide-ranging war that the mainland of Sainz has launched in recent decades.

The starting goal of this war is not a country. It is a chamber of commerce, which is really the most peculiar war in the history of Sainz.

In the eyes of most people, even the new Feishang will be stronger. How to have a powerful military magic machine, and it is impossible to really compete with a huge empire like the Candela Empire.

What's more, this is the first time since the completion of the Candela Empire and the Marlow Empire. Coupled with the same strengths as the Marlow Kingdom, the Kingdom of the Dro, the Kingdom of Frank, and so on, it is almost a gathering of more than half of the entire Sains continent.

Even if the New Flying Chamber of Commerce also has the support of the Kingdom of Lampari, the Kingdom of Rulson, the Principality of Drake, and so on, how can it withstand the power of such horror.

Therefore, most people believe that the Chamber of Commerce of the New Flyer, which has led the wave of the magic industry industry across the continent, is likely to end.

However, when the war was really ignited, the facts that happened made the whole continent lose its voice.

The first to ignite the war is the Candela Empire.

However, as the pioneer of the Candela Empire, the Guangyao Legion, one of the top ten elites of the Candela Empire, who first invaded the Kingdom of Rulson, was only half a day in battle with the King of Rulson. It was already close to the whole army, and the head of the army, Antusol, even died on the spot.

Subsequently, a total of 60,000 coalition forces between the Marlow Empire and the Frankish Kingdom were blocked by the less than 20,000 coalition forces of the Dracic Principality and the Lampari Kingdom at the border between the Dracic Principality and the Frankish Kingdom.

During the two-day confrontation between the two sides, the follow-up magic artillery units of the Marlow Empire and the Frankish Kingdom coalition forces and the logistical supplies replenishment troops were continuously bombarded by the airborne artillery bombings of the new flying airships of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

The Marfa coalition forces, which lost their supplies and the most reliant magical artillery units, were forced to withdraw from the Principality of Drake, but they also suffered a bombing of the new Flying Chamber of Commerce’s magical airship complex on the way to the retreat.

Although there were two great magicians and several senior magicians fighting with the army, the final result was that two great magicians died on the spot. A total of thirty-seven senior magicians also died. As for the eleven, they barely escaped.

In the end, the coalition forces were bombarded by the air magic airship and the coalition forces of the Principality of Drach and the Kingdom of Lampari. The losses were heavy, and only the remaining 20,000 people fled back to the Frankish kingdom. It can be said that they have suffered a fiasco.

However, compared with the loss of the Sark Kingdom. The loss of both the Candela Empire and the Malodi Empire is nothing.

In order to cooperate with the Candela empire and the Marathist empire, the Sark Kingdom, which had already reached an agreement with them, launched an attack against the northern army of the town of Lampari, with the intention of containing the Kingdom of Lampari.

However, in this sneak attack, six brigades were dispatched, and a total of 30,000 men’s squadrons were unanimously attacked by the northern army of the town of Lampari. The total number of 30,000 people was only less than 4,000. The crowd escaped.

More importantly, the Northern Army of the town of Lampari immediately launched a counterattack against the Sark Kingdom.

If it is said that the equipment is equipped with military magic machinery, then in addition to the new Flying Chamber of Commerce Guards, the other most complete army on the mainland of Sainz is the Northern Army of the Kingdom of Lampari.

From nearly twenty years ago. The Kingdom of Lampari has been working hard to build the Zhenbei Army through its good relationship with the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

After nearly two decades of cultivation and construction. Now the Northern Army of the Kingdom of Lampari has evolved into a new combat force with a complete military magical mechanical system.

The armed magical airship equipped with military magic machinery alone was equipped with fifteen ships. The rest of the military magic machinery is countless.

Such a huge army with a total number of more than 50,000 can be imagined.

Although the Sark Kingdom has been spared no effort to develop military-related magic machinery research and development over the years, it is no doubt that it is impossible to compare with the various military magic machines of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce in the town of Lampari.

So when the battle was over, the army of the Sark Kingdom was defeated.

It took only half a month for the Northern Army of the Kingdom of Lampari to have defeated all the resistance of the Sark Kingdom and successfully defeated the King of Sark, the city of Nodendron.

The current king of the Sark Kingdom had fled with some ministers of the Sark Kingdom before the city was broken, and the king of Sark fell.

At the same time, the coalition forces of the Kingdom of Lampari and the Principality of Drake did not stop here after they defeated the Mala coalition forces. Instead, they directly invaded the Kingdom of Farak, and they all smashed the three majors of the Frankish kingdom. The legions and the reinforcements sent by the Malo Empire finally chose to retreat before the King of Franks, and rebuilt a fortification at the border with the Drakuk Principality.

After this battle, the regular army of the Frankish Kingdom lost most of its losses, and it was so badly wounded that there was no ability to participate in the war against the Duke of the Principality.

The Marlow Empire did not expect that they would lose so fast, so miserable that the support force was still in the organization, but it was not able to launch an attack again for a while.

So the northern part of the Duke of the Principality was temporarily into a state of peace.

However, the southern Kingdom of Rulson is not at all peaceful.

After the Guangyao Legion was almost completely destroyed, even the head of the army, Count Antusol, died on the spot. The Candela Empire was furious and immediately dispatched a large army to fully invade the Kingdom of Rulson.

Although there are certain military magical machinery support in the Kingdom of Rulson, the preparations for the Candela Empire are sufficient. In total, a total of 180,000 troops were dispatched and divided into multiple aspects at the same time.

At this time, it reflects the great influence of the Norton Principality into the Candela Empire.

Originally wanted to enter the Kingdom of Rulson from the Candela empire, only the eastern and northeastern routes of the Kingdom of Rulson can be selected, but after the Norton Principality was merged into the Candela empire, the northern part of the Kingdom of Rulson was fully open to the Candela empire, so much that The invasion of the Candela Empire allowed the 180,000-strong army to be divided into six routes and invaded at the same time.

The total army of the Kingdom of Rulson is only 50,000 in total. It is of course a myth that it is necessary to completely resist the invasion of the 180,000-strong army.

However, at this time, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce issued a statement to the public for the first time to make a public statement on the various accusations of the Candela Empire and the Malo Empire against the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

In the statement, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce said that the new Feishang Association has been adhering to the cooperation with the two empires and vigorously promoting the magic industry industry in the two empires, with the intention of jointly improving the daily life of the two empire people and promoting the development of the two countries. .

However, the two empires turned black and white, smearing the new Feishang Association to participate in the reactionary activities, and without any reason and basis, the various industries in the two empire set up by the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce were seized and banned, not only brought to the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. The huge economic losses have even caused extremely serious casualties.

In this regard, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce expressed unacceptable and strong condemnation.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that in the latter half of the statement, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce said that the Drakuk Principality and the Kingdom of Rulson are long-term strategic partners of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. Now the two empires have launched a campaign against the Duke of Principality and the Kingdom of Rulson. The military invasion, then the new Feishang will not stand by and will inevitably support the two countries in accordance with the strategic cooperation agreement to help them resist the invasion of the two empires.

The New Flying Chamber of Commerce also stated that these supports are not only support for all kinds of materials, but also direct military support.

In other words, the new Flyer Guard will officially announce its participation in the war. (To be continued)