Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 99: New and old

On the morning of June 28, a large cargo magic locomotive quickly passed a plain on the northern border of the Kingdom of Rulson and then slowly stopped on a flat land outside the valley ahead.

Romon Reger, the head of the San Joan Legion, one of the top ten elites of the Candela empire, jumped from the co-pilot position of a large cargo magic locomotive in the middle, habitually licking his ass, but found his own The **** didn't feel any sore at all, and couldn't help but turn around and glanced at the soft cotton pad in the co-pilot position and licked his mouth.

"Sure enough, it is much more comfortable to sit on this stuff. It’s sad that the stubborn old guys are not willing to admit it."

After muttering a sentence, Regal waved his hand and recruited an adjutant.

"Spread to investigate the situation in the front valley, make sure there is no ambush."

The adjutant took the lead and went on a short while, and a scout team ran on the fast horse.

Although the fiasco that was obtained during the two battles with the Kingdom of Rulson in the past, the interior of the Candelas began to reflect on himself, and he paid attention to the military magic machinery that most people dismissed before, but Candrati The traditional forces of the ** department are extremely deep. All armaments are closely related to the interests of many people. There is a lot of pressure to reform. Therefore, military dressing has always been a very troublesome issue.

Moreover, the subordinates of Candeladi are more than 500,000 people in the regular army. If you want to completely change them at once, it is impossible.

In addition, the capacity of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has been insufficient, and the control of the sale of military magic machinery has been strict, so the Candeladi Department has not been able to purchase enough military magic machinery to equip the major legions.

In recent years, the Candela empire has acquired some of the technology of military magic machinery from the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, and embarked on the road of self-developed research. It also succeeded in developing a military magic machine sold by the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. A series of military magic machinery, and entered a stage of mass production.

With these things, the Candela empire has the confidence to turn to the face of the new Flyer.

However, this is still far from enough to meet the huge demands of the various military corps under the military, so that the various legions within the Candela empire have presented a strange state, that is, traditional bow and arrow guns, horses, horse-drawn carriages, and so on. It is mixed with new types of military magic machinery and large-scale cargo magic locomotives. It looks very confusing.

This is also a no-brainer, the military can not meet the requirements of all the legions, so they can only be allocated a little.

"Oh, only the idiot of Antosol will always hold the old concept and refuse to change. As a result, now the bones are dead and there are no bones left..."

Thinking of this, Regal's mouth flicked a scornful smile.

In the department of Candela. In fact, there are many people who refuse to accept new things like Earl of Antosur and still adhere to the concept of war in the past. Those who are willing to accept change by Regel are called the old school, and they are the new ones.

Prior to this, the contrast between the old and the new factions in the military was slightly dominated by the old ones.

However, this time, after the glory of the glory of the army of the Count of Antosul, almost all the troops were wiped out, the old faction collectively lost their voices, and the new faction quickly took control of the military department’s voice, making this new army leader in the army that attacked the Kingdom of Rulson. Occupy the vast majority.

Regel is the most active of the new factions. This time he took the initiative to ask the military department to lead the San Joan Legion as the main force of the third army. Invading the Kingdom of Rulson from the north of the Kingdom of Rulson.

If it is a traditional old-fashioned general, although it will be vigilant in the place like the valley, and send a scout to investigate whether there is an ambush, but it will never be so careful like Regal, from the valley full of Scouts were sent more than two kilometers away.

If you let the old generals know, I am afraid that Joke will be too timid.

However, Regal is very clear that the distance he chose is not because he is timid. But because he is very clear, the army of the Kingdom of Rulson is equipped with a large number of magic artillery.

The attack range of the magic artillery can easily exceed two kilometers, or even three kilometers.

Even at this distance, it is not 100% safe.

So in order to ensure that there is no problem, Regal must be careful.

Looking far away, the group of scouts climbed up the cliffs on both sides of the valley, and Regal could not help but shook his head. He bowed a word.

"Mom, the gang of gangsters, why are you reluctant to buy some magical airships? If I have dozens of ships now... Oh no, even if there is only one magical airship. Just send the magic airship directly. Just look at it, where you need to be so troublesome, and send the scout to the past..."

Regal suddenly looked back at the center of the army, where a magnificent carriage stood prominently surrounded by a group of soldiers. It looks very awkward.

In the carriage is the leader of the St. Joan Legion's army magician, the Yale magician who has the strength of a four-level magician.

Regal hesitated and walked quickly to the carriage.

"His Yale, can you please take it?" Regel asked with respect and respect to the carriage.

Although he is the head of the San Joan Legion, the magician system has always been independent of the military system and is not subject to the military leadership.

What's more, the Yale Magician is a four-level magician. In the Candela empire, he is one of the top magicians except the nine great magicians. His position is much higher than that of Leger.

The carriage curtain was opened, revealing the wrinkled face of the Yale Master.

"Hands?" Yale's great magician frowned slightly and looked confused. "I haven't met the enemy yet, what hand do you let me out?"

Regel smiled and explained: "This is the case, Lord Magi, I am worried that the enemy will set an ambush in front, there may be a magic trap, so I hope you can carry out a magical exploration to see the valley in front. Are there any magic traps like that?"

The Great Wizard of Yale leaned out of the carriage and glanced at the valley in the distance and frowned again.

"You are not sending a scout to the past."

"The scouts can only see if there is anyone ambushing, but they can't find the magic trap." Reger shook his head.

"That doesn't need me to go in person?" Yale's great magician waved his hand in disbelief, glanced back, his finger flicked, a red glow shot, and another appearance behind the array. Above the carriage.

A moment later, a young magician wearing a magic robe and about thirty years old flew over.

"Master Jesus, what do you have to tell?" The young magician asked the Yale Magi in a respectful manner.

The Great Wizard of Yale pointed to the valley in the distance: "Go and see if there is a magic trap in it. Our army chiefs can be less assured."

Regel’s face changed slightly, but he nodded and said to the young magician: “Yes. I also hope that you can explore the situation around the valley and understand what I mean?”

For this young magician who is not a seven-level magician, Regal does not need to be so polite.

Naturally, the young magician could not refuse like the Yale magician. After a sigh, he flew to the valley.

"The head of the army, I understand your care, but your performance now, is it a bit too careful?" The Yale magician suddenly said.

Leier’s heart groaned, but his face still had a smile on his face. He said: “Before the military line, be careful that there is nothing wrong with it.”

The Great Wizard of Yah shook his head: "You are not as domineering as the other soldiers I have seen, they..."


The violent explosion suddenly sounded from afar and planned the words of the Yale Magi.

The two men changed their faces and looked at the direction of the explosion. However, they saw a group of smoke in the distant valley rising with the fire. It looked like they had just experienced an explosion.

"This..." Yale's great magician's face was a bit ugly.

He had just accused Regal of being too cautious, and now there was an explosion in the valley, and it was just hitting his face.

At this time, Regal didn't have time to pay attention to the thoughts of the Yale Magician. He looked at the valley in the distance and looked very different.

After the explosion, the cliffs on both sides of the valley kept falling, and the sound of the rumble was endless. From time to time, several explosions of sound were heard, causing more boulder to fall.

In the blink of an eye, the road in the valley that was nearly ten meters wide has been filled with countless boulders, and it has completely blocked the way.

"Yale Grand Sorcerer, I am afraid I really want to ask you to take this shot." Regal smiled bitterly.

"Well?" Yale's magician did not dare to reject it again, but picked up his eyebrows.

"Besides you personally, I don't think anyone has the ability to clean up a path from there. And... I wonder if there are other traps inside."

The Great Wizard of Yale looked at the situation in the valley and nodded silently.

The place where they are marching is bet by a mountain. Only the valley can be passed within 50 kilometers. If you don’t go from here, you can take a detour, at least for a few hours, which will seriously delay the opportunity. .

And if you want to clean up a road from the collapsed valley, the ordinary magician can't do it. Only his only great magician can do it.

"Well, let me go and see the situation first. If you find out that there are no traps, you will send some more people. I need someone to help clean up the debris."

"it is good."

The Great Wizard of Yale confessed, and his body flew into the air, flying to the distant valley.

Just flew in half, and suddenly there were several red-hot lights on the left and right sides that broke through the sky and flew in the direction of the San Joan Legion. (To be continued.)
