Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 159: Higher pursuit

The goal of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce?

The reporters in the audience were slightly confused, while others were shocked.

This topic can be big or small, and I can see what Xu has said.

"About the goal of our new flying business association, perhaps in the eyes of many people, this is a matter that does not need to be discussed and explained at all. Because in the end, we are just a chamber of commerce. As a chamber of commerce, the goal is of course to make money. No. Wrong, I admit that the original intention of setting up the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce was indeed to make money, and even now I have always stressed that I am a businessman."

The reporters in the audience couldn't help but laugh.

The identification of Xu Yi has always been a controversial topic on the mainland of Sainz.

At the beginning, Xu Yi and Xinfei Chamber of Commerce were not famous. Naturally, no one would pay attention to what identity Xu was.

However, afterwards, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce gradually began to have some fame. Everyone found that Xu Yi, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, was actually a fairly good magician.

When Xu Yi’s level of magician is not so high, it’s just that some people feel that Xu is also a noble magician, but he has to run to the Chamber of Commerce, which is quite a pity.

By the time Xu’s magical talents gradually showed up, the level of magic increased rapidly, and even became a senior magician in just a few years, and then jumped to the great magician in the early 30s, and the controversy about Xu’s identity immediately A lot bigger.

The Sorcerer's Union and other magicians on the mainland generally believe that Xu is a powerful magician. Of course, he is of course a magician. As for his merchant status, it is only his incidental.

The magicians have always looked down on merchants, which is taken for granted by many people.

However, Xu has always emphasized to everyone that he is only a businessman, and the identity of the magician is only incidental.

This undoubtedly makes the Sorcerer's Union and other people on the mainland who are also magicians feel a bit uncomfortable.

You are also a great magician, but always emphasize that you are just a businessman. Where does the face of the magicians rest? How to make the magicians feel superior?

So the magicians always emphasize that Xu is also a powerful magician. He started the New Flyer Association just to study the magical props of magical machinery.

Most ordinary people are more likely to accept Xu’s identity as the businessman of the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. Because the various types of magic machinery produced by the new Feishang Association are closely related to the lives of ordinary people, in the eyes of most ordinary people, they would rather have more magicians who are willing to be businessmen.

At the beginning of this controversy, it is undoubtedly the absolute advantage of the magician. Because the magician has a higher status on the Sainz mainland, this is the consensus of all.

However, when the name of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is getting bigger and bigger, the influence is getting bigger and bigger. When the whole mainland talks about Xu Yi, the first thing that comes to mind. It is the identity of the president of his new club, and many times completely ignore the fact that he is a powerful magician.

After Xu’s news that he became a magician, the disputes surrounding Xu’s identity escalated again.

There are still a handful of great magicians on the mainland of Sainz. The great magician of Xu also does not care about his magician status. However, the magician only has two districts on the entire Sainz mainland. More than ten.

As a magician, Xu Yi, if he always emphasizes the identity of his businessman, but ignores the identity of the magician, then where will the magicians on the whole continent be placed? How can they behave themselves?

However, Xu also insisted on the identity of his own businessman. It seems that in his eyes, he became a magician. There is nothing like a big deal.

This view was further exemplified in the war with the two empires.

The new Flyer Guards told everyone that the magicians were unable to determine the outcome on the battlefield.

Later, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce hosted the "Magician Peace Convention", and even took the magicians out of the battlefield.

So everyone understands that the identity of the magicians is indeed nothing to Xu, and what he really cares about is the identity of the president of his new club.

"I don't know everyone, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has made a lot of money in these years. Even in recent years, the annual net profit has exceeded 100 million gold coins."

There was a sound of coolness in the moment.

Although everyone knows that magical machinery is very popular on the mainland of Sainz. The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce must be very profitable, but no one thought that the new Feishang Association would actually make such money!

100 million gold coins!

This is a horrible data that almost everyone can't think of for a lifetime, let alone this is just a year's net profit of the new Flying Chamber of Commerce!

"So, from a businessman's point of view, I have been very successful, and the money I earn can guarantee that my life in this life has no worries. Then the question comes, what should I do after earning enough money? ?"

The audience showed a sigh of expression.

The topic of Xu Yi has undoubtedly been extended to the height of life goals.

Take his current status and wealth. It is normal to consider these issues.

In other words, he intends to achieve his life goals through the new Feishang Association, so what is the specific?

“After a long period of consideration, I thought about the situation when I first started creating the new Flyer. I started the New Flyer because I wanted to make a magic fan to ease the heat of summer. After that, our new flyers have developed a variety of magical machines to help many people solve the problems that have plagued them for many years. Among them, the most satisfying and proud of me is the farmland magic machinery. ""

Hearing Xu also mentioned the magical machinery of the farmland. Whether it was a group of journalists or civilians around the audience, he could not help but reveal a tribute to Xu Yi’s eyes.

Xu Yi is right. The so many magical machines that the new Feishang invented were truly welcomed by everyone and changed the lives of countless people. There is no doubt that it is the magic machinery of farmland.

Because of the emergence of farmland magic machinery, the original Lampari Kingdom completely changed the farming mode, and the grain output increased so much that countless people will no longer suffer from hunger. It can be said that the entire Lampari Kingdom has been completely changed. The face.

And then with the large-scale promotion of farmland magic machinery, now there are countless countries on the mainland of Sainz used the farmland magic machinery. In conjunction with the chemical fertilizer produced by the Elves, the food crisis in many countries has been solved, and the mainland of Sainz has not had a large-scale famine for many years.

In the eyes of countless people, don't mention anything else. This initiative of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce can be said to completely overshadow all other chambers of commerce, and even many people have publicly called Xu a new savior.

“The farmland magic machinery is very good, but I still feel that it is not enough. In my opinion, human beings living in this world are not just satisfied with eating, drinking, and wearing warmth. They can be satisfied. Beyond that, We should also have some higher pursuits."

Everyone in the audience looked at each other.

Xu Yi’s words are too much. For many people on the mainland of Sainz, being able to eat, drink, and wear warmth is already a very difficult wish.

Even on the current mainland of Sainz, there are still countless people who will starve to death because they have no food, and will die in the cold wind.

Xu can also use farmland magic machinery to improve food production and solve the problem of food and clothing for countless people. It is already a great achievement. He now actually said that human beings should have a higher pursuit. This is simply standing and talking without hurting.

"I know that you have doubts about what I said." Xu also seemed to see the thoughts in the hearts of everyone in the audience. He smiled and continued: "It is true that you want to solve the basic life problems of all people. This is not a It's easy. But I and the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce have been working hard and will continue to work hard in the future. I have separated the magicians from the battlefield and hoped that they would be able to invest in a career that is more beneficial to human development. Believe me, as long as there is enough time to solve these basic problems, it is not a difficult thing."

The reporters in the audience looked weird and didn’t know what to use to treat Xu.

In theory, Xu is right.

However, the reality is complicated. Can people on the mainland of Sainz really develop themselves as he thinks?

"Now it's time to talk about the topic I mentioned before." Xu also suddenly looked up. Looking up at the sky, I am half-hearted.

The people in the audience looked up with his curious look, but only saw a clear sky, cloudless.

After a while, Xu also bowed his head and said: "You. Do you know what the land under our feet is like?"

Everyone, look at me, I look at you. After a while, the reporter of the Bangta Daily has tried to raise his hand.

Xu also nodded to him.

"Mr. Xu, I remember that you once published an article in "Xinfei Magic Industry Weekly" and discussed this issue. In that article, you said that what we are stepping on is actually a huge circle. The ball, the land of Sainz is just a piece of land on this huge ball, and on this ball, more is the endless sea. I am right?"

I did not wait for Xu to answer, and the audience was in a daze.

Among these reporters, there are many people who have seen "Xinfei Magic Industry Weekly", but few people have noticed that Xu has published this article.

Even if someone has seen it, it will surely think that Xu is completely cramped for a while, and this kind of nonsense will emerge.

What a joke!

Is a huge ball at our feet? If this is the case, those people in the north will not fall off early?

Xu also noticed the different looks of the audience, and smiled a little. It is obviously not easy to let the people in this world take over the basic astronomical geography.

However, he now has an advantage, that is, his status is determined. He will listen carefully and analyze it no matter what he says.

"Yes, I did publish this article, and that's what I said." Xu also nodded to the reporter of the Bangta Daily and then signaled him to sit down. "With regard to this planet under our feet, our new Flying Chamber of Commerce will conduct a round-the-sea fleet sailing around the world to prove this to everyone."

The stage was once again in vain.

What kind of round-the-world voyage does the New Flying Chamber of Commerce actually carry out?

Although I don't understand what this means, I don't know what it means to be a big investment.

Is it true that Xu intends to invest so much to prove that people are a planet under their feet, and that this planet is round?

Xu also did not control the reaction of everyone in the audience. He continued: "As for today, we are going to talk about something deeper. If you look up now, you should see the sun hanging high in the sky. Then if I tell You, the sun is actually a huge glowing planet, and it is many times bigger than the planet under our feet. What do you think?"

Everyone stared at Xu Yi, and there was no reaction at all. (~^~)
