Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 7: daughter

Everyone was looking forward to Xu’s rare appearance in front of the public. Xu also was anxiously squatting outside a bedroom in the Stars Manor, and turned his eyes to the bedroom from time to time. The door is equally full of hope in the eyes.

The bedroom door is closed, and only a few shouts can be heard from inside, and Steele’s embarrassment can be heard in a vague way.

There is no difference between a human female on the mainland of Sainz and a human female on the earth. It will also be pregnant with children, and it will be born after ten months of being broken.

That's right, Steele wants to have a baby!

Xu also didn't know what mood he was in the end. He only felt that it was extremely complicated and difficult to say.

When I was on Earth, because of his focus on mechanical research, he had few opportunities to get in touch with girls from childhood, not to mention falling in love. When he came to this Sainland continent, he accidentally encountered it here. Steele, and eventually combined with Steele, is now about to have his own children!

Although the day of the marriage with Steele can be expected to come, but it is really a day, Xu is still a bit stunned and overwhelmed.

Want to be a father?

But what exactly is Dad like?

Is the child born to Steele a boy or a girl?

What should be the name if it is a boy? What is the name of a girl?

Are they with their own last name?

If you are surnamed Xu, what should you name?


A lot of miscellaneous problems are coming and going in Xu’s mind.

It has been more than six years since I came to this world. This is probably the first day that Xu also did not consider any issues related to survival and mechanical knowledge.

However, when the bedroom door was opened, all the messy problems were instantly turned into a problem.

"How is Steele? Is she okay?" Xu also stared at the female nurse who came out of the bedroom and was responsible for giving birth to Steele, and asked nervously.

Since last night, Steele suddenly felt a stomachache. Xu was also asked to go to the private doctor who came home early to judge that it was about to be produced. It has been nearly ten hours since now, but Steele has never had any meaning of giving birth, and Xu can't help but worry.

The female nurse did not have any nervousness at all. In turn, she smiled and comforted Xu Yidao: "Do not worry, Xu Huichang, Mrs. Steele is very healthy. Physical strength is not bad, there will be no problem."

"How come that has not been born for so long?" Xu also asked.

The female nurse grinned: "Xu Huichang. Is it a very simple thing to have a baby? How can it be so fast? This is the first time that Mrs. Steele has a baby, it can't be so smooth. But you Rest assured, her physical condition is normal, there will be nothing."

I heard the female nurse's tone very positive. Xu Yi was only slightly relieved.

"Well, don't bother them, let them concentrate on helping Stil's delivery." Camilla, the magician next to him, patted Xu Yi's shoulder and motioned him to calm down.

"Yeah." Xu also nodded, let go of the female nurse and let her go.

Just retired, the bedroom door was suddenly opened again.

Xu also looked around quickly, but saw Yanis coming out from inside.

"Hey, Yanis. How about your situation with Steele?" Xu also asked her.

The expression on Yanis’s face is a bit weird: “It’s good, I think there should be no problem... but the president, it’s almost like you human beings and our elves are almost the same. I thought that if the race is different, there will be The difference is."

Xu also has some laughs and laughs: "What? You have seen that your family is not a child?"

"Well, in our family, having children is a big event, and the elders attach great importance to it. But we have very few elves. I have grown so big. I have only seen less than ten births in the family. Arnis answered.

I think that although Annes looks like a girl with less than twenty humans, she is actually over eighty years old. Xu also couldn't help but understand the problems that Eleusia had sent to him many times before.

The fertility rate of the elves is too low. Only ten newborns have appeared in the decades that Yanis knew. It is really pitiful.

It is no wonder that Eleutian Elder always worried that even if there were no external factors, the Elf would naturally be extinct because of the low fertility rate.

After glance at Yanis, Xu also suddenly remembered a question.

"Right, Yanis, you said that you have already reached the age of being able to marry and have children. Have you ever seen a handsome male elf, thought about marrying him, and have a baby out? If you fancy you Which male elf in the family, I can help you introduce it."

Arnis did not show shyness on this issue like a human girl. Instead, she thought about it very seriously. Then she shook her head: "No, I don't have the idea of ​​combining with any ethnic group. Really want If you say it, the president, I prefer you more."

Xu Yiyi, then waved again and again: "No, no, I am human, you are an elf, how can you combine with me, this is obviously impossible."

"Is it?" Yanis looked confused. "Is it true that humans and elves can't be combined?"

Xu couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "This is common sense. Isn't Eleuthera elders taught you this?"

"No." Yanis shook her head and looked a little depressed. "It turned out that the elves and humans could not be combined. It was a pity. I originally thought that I liked to be with you, and I will try to make you promise to be my partner."

Xu Yi’s face was defeated by Yanis, thinking about it, patted Janice’s shoulder and said, “Don’t be too disappointed. In fact, you are so beautiful, I like it very much, and I am definitely very popular in the Elves. Welcome. Okay, don't think about these impossible things now. I will give you a task and go in for me to stay with Steele. In case something is wrong, I will immediately report it."

"Good." Yanis nodded hard and turned into the bedroom.

Wait until the bedroom door is closed again. Xu also frowned and turned to complain to Camilla's great magician: "I said this is a **** rule. Why am I as Steele's husband, but can't go in with such a critical moment to accompany her? Can you wait outside? This is simply inhuman!"

Camilla's great sorcerer patted Xu Yi's shoulder and whispered comfortably: "Growing a child is the most important thing in a woman's life, but it is also the most secretive thing. Of course, I don't want to be seen by men. And it is said that when a child is born, a woman It will become very ugly. Stil will certainly not want you to see her ugly look. You should think about it for Steele."

Xu Yi still had some indignation and cursed two sentences in a low voice. But there is nothing to do, continue to walk back and forth outside the bedroom, waiting anxiously.

But fortunately, about half an hour later. Good news keeps coming.

"The president, the child's head has come out!" The first one that rushed out to inform the information was Yanis who had just been sent by Xu.

"Master, the child's arm is also out!" This is Vivienne.

"Master, the child is half out!"

"Master, the children are all coming out!"

"Master, the child's feet are also out!"


Listening to these news, Xu’s face is getting more and more excited.

After waiting for a while, the bedroom door was suddenly opened again. The female nurse who just came out to smile with a smile on her face: "Xu Huichang, congratulations, the child has been born!"

Xu Yi suddenly became overjoyed. Laughed and rushed over.

"How is Steele doing now? Child? Can I go in now? Is it a boy or a girl? How about a long?"

The female nurse pulled the bedrooms apart and let out a gap, indicating that Xu also went in with himself.

Unexpectedly, the female nurse still had to sell a pass, and Xu immediately pushed the door open and walked in without any politeness.

Nuo's bedroom was crowded with people at this time. Yanis, Vivian, and Lisi and Linda were surrounded by the big bed, surrounded by Steele lying in bed.

Xu also made a few steps to the bed. Looking at Steele's pale face, suddenly a tight heart. Quickly grabbed her hand and whispered, "How? Stil? How do you feel?"

Steele was a little weak, slowly opened his eyes and saw Xu Yi, and squeezed a smile.

"I am fine. But... Xu Yi, I am sorry..."

Xu Yiyi said: "I'm sorry? Why do you say sorry?"

Stil's face passed a complicated look: "Because I gave birth to a girl."

Xu also wondered: "What happened to the girl? Why do you say sorry?"

Steele shook his head slightly and closed his eyes. It seemed that he had no strength to speak.

Xu also turned his eyes to a few people at the bedside and found that only Yanis looked normal. Others, including Vivian, had a little look on their faces.

Xu Yi brows a wrinkle, a heart move, suddenly understand.

After thinking about it, Xu also leaned down and kissed on Steele’s cheek, watching Stil’s eyes open again, his eyes firmly whispering: “Steel, I’ve said it to you long ago. I don't have to worry about these meaningless questions, I will make you feel at ease."

After saying this, Xu also straightened up and opened his hands to the female nurse on the side: "What about my daughter? Hold it to me. I haven't seen her father as a father."

The female nurse seemed to feel the strange atmosphere in the room. She looked at Xu and hesitated to give Xu Yi a baby in a cradle by the bed.

Xu also took the baby who was wrapped up tightly, opened the cloth covering her head, and watched her because her face was just born and her face was wrinkled. Even the five senses had not been opened, absolutely not beautiful. With a small face, there is an extremely complicated and inexplicable emotion in my heart.

Is this your own child?

I stared at my daughter's face for a long time, and Xu also took a deep breath. He looked up and looked at Steele on the bed, nodded to her, and then looked in and followed, also at the bedside. The standing Camilla Grand Sorcerer finally looked at the faces of everyone in the room, and then raised the daughter in his hands with both hands.

"Now, I declare..." (to be continued)