Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 6: Just hit the temper

After a while, Xu also sighed softly.

"What? What's the trouble?"

At the beginning of last year, the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce cooperated with the Amrit Chamber of Commerce, the Armani Chamber of Commerce and the Lexton Chamber of Commerce to jointly build a production base on the black rice wasteland.

At first, this production base went smoothly. Many workers of the orc family on the black rice wasteland were hired, which reduced the cost of the employees and made the four chambers of commerce taste a lot of sweetness.

However, in the second half of the year, the orc family on the black rice wasteland began to harass the production base repeatedly, making the production in the base often forced to stop, resulting in extremely serious losses.

Moreover, it was not only the orcs of other tribes who made troubles, but even the orc workers in the factory repeatedly made troubles. One time they even had a direct conflict with the human workers in the base, and almost killed the people.

Due to repeated accidents, the maintenance of this production base was very difficult. As a result, at the end of the year, the four chambers of commerce had lost money at this production base.

Although there is no commercial chamber that will retreat because of this loss, if this situation continues, the production base will eventually not support it.

"Isn't it." President Cruise, helplessly spread his hands. "I really don't understand what the orc people are thinking about in the mind? It's clear that everyone is working together to make money. Hello, I am good, everyone is good. These guys have to have nothing to do, and we are forced to stop production. We don’t lose money. Do they have no loss on their own?"

Xu also stunned his head and sighed: "There is no way, the orc family is so brainless. And their nature is difficult to tame, that is, they are not convinced of obeying our human management, and no one can do anything."

"It’s not right to say no way." President Cruise shook his head. "When the elves were still ruling the continent, the orcs were all like kittens, but no orc group ever dared to make trouble, let alone rebel against the rule of the elves. Finally the first Standing up to overthrow the elves, it is that we are usually looked down upon by the orcs. People who feel too weak."

"Oh? Is there any special way for the elves to make these orc races honest?" Xu asked curiously.

"Which is a special way. It's very simple, it is to fight." President Cruise replied disdainfully. "Tell you, the orc race is a typical bully and hard. If you are tough on him, you have to serve him. Then he will be compliant with you, and dare not resist. But if you are not strong enough for him, Then he will feel that you are incapable, but instead will insult you all in turn."

"How is this like a race on earth?" Xu also had some funny things in his heart. "So what is your opinion?"

"My opinion... To be honest, I have the same opinion as the president of Vincent and the president of Relsa. That is to say that you are too hard to be strong, so that the orcs feel that we are a few The Chamber of Commerce is too weak." Cruise will be honest.

"You said that I was too weak." Xu also gave him a look. "Well, then, do you think... what is it called not weak, or tough? Going to kill the orcs on the black rice wasteland? The problem is that we are making money, not killing of."

"Which is so exaggerated." President Cruise waved again and again. "The three of us mean to strengthen our **** power there. It is better to be able to protect the safety of the production base, but also to be able to leave the production base and show their strength to the orc tribes of the Black Rice Wasteland. Let them fear in their hearts, and they will not dare to harass them in the future."

"So? How do you plan to strengthen your strength? Don't forget that the manpower, especially the qualified guards, is hard to find. Our Chamber of Commerce has spent so much effort, and the total number of **** guards has not exceeded one thousand. "Xu Yidao.

"Do you have the ability to try your escort's elves and dwarves and other guards?" President Cruise took a look at Xu and immediately waved his hand. "But I don't mean it either. The number of qualified guards is not easy to increase. But the way to increase the power of guards is not just to increase the number of guards. Isn't it? For example... give them better weapons and equipment?"

Looking at the president who raised his brow and didn't have a deep smile, Xu couldn't help himself.

"Well. Cruise, you have spared a big circle. After all, I want to buy some military magic machinery from the escorts of your Chamber of Commerce."

"Yes." Since Xu was also said to be worn, President Cruise would no longer cover up. "I am the idea. Since your new Flying Chamber of Commerce has such a good military magic machine, and there is such a strong weapon, it will be equipped with the escorts of several chambers of commerce to ensure that the combat effectiveness can be greatly improved. The harassment of the orcs."

"The idea is very good, but there is a problem." Xu also sighed. "Ordinary weapons and armor are just a matter of course. The various types of military magical machinery are controlled by the king's department. The usual **** guards are not allowed to be equipped."

President Cruise’s eyes glanced: “How come the escorts of your new Flying Chamber of Commerce will be equipped?”

"Because they are not only the escorts of our Chamber of Commerce, but also the private guards of my Viscount. How? The presidents of your three chambers of commerce, who is a noble?"

President Cruise rolled his eyes: "You guys... The whole Lampari Kingdom is the only one who is both a nobleman and a businessman. Do you know what to ask?"

"So, I don't think I can do it if I want to do this?" Xu also spread his hands.

"No, of course, there are ways." President Cruise suddenly showed a sly smile, and he took a document from his arms and handed it to Xu Yi.

Xu also took a look and found that it was a standard aristocratic commercial order.

The order was placed by a small noble clerk in the city of Bangta. The content of the order is that the baron said that he wanted to go to the black rice wasteland for a trip, but because he was worried that the orc family on the black rice wasteland would harm him, he decided to equip himself with no more than 300 members of the nobility council. Private guard.

And for these 300 private guards to better protect his life. He hopes to try his best to improve their combat effectiveness, so he submits an order to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, ordering three percent magical smashing and three portable magic trebuchets.

After reading this order, Xu’s gaze stared at the aristocratic seal of the cut baron under the order for a while, then raised his head and looked at President Cruise in a weird look.

"It’s really a loss for you to come up with this method, but you are sure that this will not be the attention of the Kingdom Council. Are you restricted or even punished?"

President Cruise smiled slightly: "What are you worried about? The Chamber of Commerce is not our family. How do you think the Guards of the Falcon Chamber of Commerce has more than 2,000 people?"

Xu also thought about it and nodded. Looking back at the order, it’s like seeing a door open to yourself.


As soon as the New Year is over, the winter is like a passing moment.

With the spring blossoms, Bangta City has become more and more heated every day because of the constant influx of people.

The city's overall renovation project in Bangta City began on the day when the spring breeze had just blown. It will start again and there will be no one day to stop.

The entire Bangta City seems to have become a huge construction site, and every place is building a variety of buildings.

Almost every day, Bangta City is changing.

In the new urban area outside the city, the road extends outwards little by little. Now, not only has every village outside the city been connected, but it is also well-connected, enabling people to take advantage of the development of the bus magic locomotive from any place in the city. Can easily reach any place.

And in the new city. Not only have a large number of factories been built, but many buildings that were previously seen by people in Bangta City and have never even heard of them have been built.

For example, next to a nursing home next to the hospital. It is said that the Armani Chamber of Commerce donated and built it.

In this nursing home, as long as the elderly are over 60 years old, they can receive a set of clothing for the corresponding season without charge, and they can also receive living materials such as bedding.

And if it is an elderly person who has no one to support and has lost his ability to live, he can move directly to this nursing home. Naturally, someone will arrange a good life for you, so that you can be safe.

In addition to the nursing home. Not far from there is a rescue station that is said to have been built by the Falcao Chamber of Commerce.

The role of this rescue station is to help all those who have difficulties. As long as you are really in trouble, you can ask for help here.

The rescue station can not only provide basic accommodation and accommodation, but also provide him with the opportunity to introduce the work according to the choice of the person in difficulty, or send him to his family and friends.

And not far from the rescue station, it is a wide-ranging vocational skills training college built by the city's main government under the joint venture sponsorship of the major chambers of commerce in the city.

No need to pay tuition fees, anyone can choose a vocational skill to receive training.

The price that needs to be paid is that after the training, if you have learned, you must choose a Bonta City Chamber of Commerce that needs this type of work in the next minimum three years.

Once violated, it will be blacklisted by all chambers of commerce in Bangta City, ensuring that you will not find any jobs in Bangta City in the future.

In these newly built novelty buildings, people from various chambers of commerce in Bangta City were found to be involved, but they did not see the name of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

So everyone feels very curious.

Isn’t the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce always very enthusiastic about the “public interest” that Mr. Xu said? Why are these things that are obviously of a public nature, but there are no new flying companies?

Perhaps in response to the public's doubts, the new Feifei Chamber of Commerce also announced a message at the new spring flying bicycle road race this year.

A week later, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce will hold a product launch conference that has not been held for a long time.

The host of this product launch conference is actually Xu Yi himself. (To be continued)