Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 48: Land exchange technology

The theme of the two-person dialogue is actually a deal.

After receiving the news that His Royal Highness Prince Eric took over as the king of the Kingdom of Lampari, Xu also proposed to the Earl of Weilun that he would like to rent another piece of land from his name to expand the new flying farm and transfer it to the reserve. Used by various chambers of commerce factories and research institutes.

At first, the Earl of Weilun was very refreshing, and one promised to provide the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce with another piece of land of the same size as before, which is about 100,000 hectares.

Moreover, the Earl of Weilun even agreed very generously that Xu could also arbitrarily choose the land lease under his name, so that according to Xu’s plan, the two pieces of land could be linked, and the new Feishang Chamber would have a very large The base, no matter how you want to develop, no problem.

However, with the changes in the situation inside the Kingdom of Lampari, the situation of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce has gradually become somewhat unsatisfactory on the surface, so the pre-existing attitude of Wei Lun has become subtle.

As for Xu’s request for renting land, the Earl of Weilun was dragged on and on again, and it was no longer as refreshing as before.

When the New Flying Chamber of Commerce was announced by the Magic Industry Management Agency of the Kingdom of Lampari to ban the production of any magical machinery in the Kingdom of Lampari, the attitude of Earl of Weilun suddenly changed dramatically, and the attitude towards Xu was extremely tough.

He did not want to rent the land of the new Flyer Chamber of Commerce at all, but took the opportunity to ask for the price.

The same is 100,000 hectares of land. When the new Feifei Chamber of Commerce rented the piece, the rent for one year was only 300,000 gold coins. Now, when the new Feishang Association asks for the same rent of 100,000 hectares of land, the Earl of Weilun will actually rent it. The child has raised to an amazing one million gold coins!

It has actually increased by more than three times!

Xu is certainly not willing to agree to the request of Earl Weilun. So the negotiations between the two sides fell into a deadlock.

In these few months. Xu also negotiated several times on behalf of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and the Weilun Count. But did not get satisfactory results once.

Today, I don’t know why, after knowing that Xu also came to the wedding of Aki and Lei Ya, the Weideng Earl actually came to the wedding and took the initiative to find Xu Yi, once again mentioned this matter.

But like the previous rounds of negotiations, the Earl of Weilun was still eager to bite the price of one million gold coins.

This makes Xu also annoyed.

Since you are not planning to give in, why do you still take the initiative to find your own negotiations?

Seriously, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has opened up new bases because of the need. The demand for land is more urgent, and Xu also feels that the most suitable place is the Principality of Stantin, but the development of the black rice wilderness by the new Feishang Association is already on the right track. If it is really inconsistent with the Earl of Weilun, Xu Yida can Relocate the factory floor where the new Feishang will occupy more land to the black rice wasteland, and it is not necessary to expand here.

During this time, the attitude of the Earl of Weilun has always been very tough, and Xu has already made preparations for the follow-up, not as urgent as before.

In this case, the Earl of Weilun is still in such an attitude, Xu is naturally very upset.

"The Earl of Weilun. I have said it countless times. This price is not acceptable to our Chamber of Commerce." I thought that I am still on the other side of the site. Xu also reluctantly endured the anger in his heart, Shen Sheng said: "And this year our Chamber of Commerce invested a lot, suddenly took out a million gold coins to rent land that is temporarily unused, it is not a wise choice."

The Earl of Weilun squinted at Xu Yiyi, and Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "I certainly know that your Chamber of Commerce has invested a lot this year. After all, I have to re-establish the factory base. I understand. But Xu Huichang, the reason why I am today Taking the initiative to find you is an alternative solution."

"Oh? What?" Xu asked a little strangely.

"Mr. Xu, you said that your Chamber of Commerce is too big to invest, so it is difficult to come up with one million gold coins at a time. I understand. But the transactions between us are not necessarily cash." "The count of Wei Lun picked up his eyes and smiled.

"No cash?" Xu also frowned slightly, stunned the Earl of Weilun, and saw that his moment revealed a fat face that was obviously greedy, and some of his mind understood. "what do you want?"

"Hey, Xu Huichang is really a smart person." Earl Weideng smiled and his face shook and said: "In fact, compared to cash, I am more interested in other things, such as the uniqueness of your Chamber of Commerce. Technology……"

Xu Yi was really surprised.

He did not expect that the things that the Earl of Weilun looked at were actually the technology that the new Feishang Association had.

When Xu also made any trade with him, his mind was filled with gold coins and never asked for anything else.

How come he suddenly cares about technology now?

Could it be irritating to him?

"This... I will first ask, Count Weilun, what technology do you mean? Which kind of technology?" Xu asked.

"Of course it is the production technology of those magical machines." Earl of Weilun is of course natural. "There are so many chambers of commerce in the Kingdom of Lampari that rely on the technology that you have transferred from the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. Now I have made a fortune, so I am very interested in them now."

"That is... you want to invest in the construction of the Magic Machinery Chamber of Commerce?" Xu also asked.

"Almost." Earl of Weilun nodded. "

Xu couldn't help but laugh.

It’s not really strange how the Earl of Weil will come up with this idea. After all, if you manage well, it’s obviously more attractive to master the technology to produce magic machinery than to simply rent it.

However, Xu also could not connect the Weilun Count and the Magic Machinery Chamber of Commerce anyway, even if he could not connect the whole country of the Principality of Constantine with the production of magic machinery.

The reason is very simple. It is really that people here are too lazy.

The Xinfei Farm employs a lot of locals, but compared with the Lampari who moved from Bangta City, these locals are so lazy, and the work efficiency is almost one-fifth of the Lampari’s To.

If it is not the scruples and the relationship between the Earl of Weil and the local people, a friendly attitude is conveyed. Xu is afraid that these local workers have already been driven out.

Now the Earl of Weilun actually wants to establish a chamber of commerce to produce magic machinery. Even Xu also gives him technology. Give him equipment, he must only hire local workers.

And with the low productivity of local workers, what kind of future can such a factory have?

Of course, these words will never be said. He just smiled and asked: "Well, Count Weilun, what specific technology are you interested in?"

"This is the first thing... the first is the canned fruit factory. I want to start one myself. Don't worry, Xu Huichang, I am not rushing to do business with your new Feifei Chamber of Commerce. The canned fruit produced by your new Feishang Chamber is far from being included. There is no conflict between us of all kinds of fruits in the Principality of Constantine."

"Well... is there still?" Xu also refused.

"Others, I am also very interested in the production technology of several home magic machines. The most interesting ones are the production technology of Magic Refrigerator, Magic Freezer and Magic Air Conditioner. You also know that we have a big year in the Principality of Constantine. Part of the time is very hot, these things are very popular with us."

Xu Yi’s heart is a bit funny.

If it is climatically, the Principality of Stading is indeed suitable for these home magic machines.

But if you look at the level of consumption, the Principality of Standin is far from enough.

The Principality of Constantine is a country with a much larger gap between the rich and the poor than the Kingdom of Lampari, except for the lords like the Earl of Weil. Most of them are civilians who are so poor that they have almost no clothes, and even a number of slaves far beyond the Kingdom of Lampari.

Such a market environment. How can you sell how many home magic machines?

You know, even the cheapest magic freezer at the moment, at least 20 gold coins.

Although Xu also does not know the specific data, but he is sure that at least 98% of the people in Standin can not afford the cheapest magic freezer.

Of course, Xu also still does not tell these words to the Earl of Weilun. He just smiled and nodded. "This idea is good. So the Earl of Weilun, let us transfer the technology is not impossible, but the technology transfer fee is not cheap..."

Earl of Weilun extended a fat finger to Xu.

“How about a one-year rent for 10,000 hectares of land?”

Xu Yi stunned, and then he almost laughed and laughed.

Before the price of the Earl of Weilun to Xu Yi was 100,000 hectares of land and rented one million gold coins a year. If it is calculated according to the current conversion ratio of Weilun, it is equivalent to he wants to buy an item with an average of 100,000 gold coins. technology.

The technology transfer fees that Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has already transferred are more than 100,000 gold coins, and some even exceed 200,000 gold coins.

Earl of Weilun clearly has some understanding of this aspect, so I think he is very suitable for this offer.

If Xu also promised, according to the technology transfer fee, he would make a big profit.

However, for Xu Yi, he even transferred the technology of many home magic machines to the ten chambers of commerce designated by the Magic Industry Management Bureau for free, and it was transferred to many chambers of commerce in the Kingdom of Lampari. So in fact, these related technologies are not at all too confidential, and Xu is not very important.

With the theoretical knowledge of the body behind the earth brought by Xu, and with the strong research resources of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, the new Feishang Chamber will inevitably emerge a new type of magic machinery far beyond the existing technology.

These technologies are simply not worth mentioning in Xu Yi.

If they are used to exchange the land that is currently needed by the new Feishang Association, it is clear that the new Feishang Chamber will make a big profit.

Xu also deliberately frowned, and made a meditation for a long while, which made a very embarrassing appearance, and grinded the count with Weilun for a while, then pretended to agree to this condition very helplessly.

After the transaction was completed, the Weideng Earl was in a great mood. After a few months, he used his fat hand to grab Xu Yi’s hand and shook it. He laughed and said: “Very good, Xu Huichang, we need cooperation in the future. There are more places, I hope we can always maintain a happy cooperation."

Xu also smiled and nodded: "Sure."

The head of Wei Lun’s eyes turned, and suddenly he was close to Xu Yi. He whispered: "Mr. Xu, you will discuss the techniques of military magic machinery..."

"Impossible." Xu also directly interrupted his words, and categorically said: "The technical relationship in this area is too great, and it is impossible for us to transfer it to anyone."

"Hmm... ok, it should be..." Earl of Weilun nodded and asked again, "So... Xu will be long... Technology does not say, I will buy some military magic machinery from your chamber of commerce... is that OK?"

Xu also looked up at the count of Weilun, and his heart was a bit weird.

The Earl of Weilun is pushing himself against the arms dealers. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!