Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 49: Become a foreign chamber of commerce

"The president is an adult..."

Sebas handed the financial statement of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce to Xu Yi last month, which was eccentric.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Xu also took it and asked strangely.

"No problem, just... the profit of our chamber of commerce last month... actually rose!"

Looking at Sebastian's unbelievable expression, Xu Yi haha ​​smiled, flipped through the financial statements in his hand and found that as Sebas said.

According to statistics, the net profit that Xinfei Chamber of Commerce obtained after throwing away all the costs last month actually broke through one million gold coins!

This is not only a big increase from the previous months, but even a lot higher than the same period last year.

It is no wonder that Sebastian will behave so strangely, because according to the original expectation, the new Feishang Association will definitely be affected by the ban of the Magic Industry Management Agency, the overall performance has fallen sharply, and the profit has fallen sharply.

However, the facts are different from what most people expected.

Although in the first month after the ban of the Magic Industry Management Agency, the new Feishang Association experienced a serious drop in both sales performance and total profit, but from the second month, the momentum of the fall completely stopped. And continue to improve, even in the last month actually can exceed the same period last year.

"This is actually nothing strange," said Kenard, the chamber chief of the Chamber of Commerce. "Although we cannot produce magic machinery in the Kingdom of Lampari because of the ban of the Administration, the Commercial Department has not prohibited us from continuing. Wang sells magic machinery in China, so there is actually no big difference."

“Well. Although the overall relocation of the factory floor has affected production, it has been so long. Our Chamber of Commerce has resumed normal production. In fact, it is not much different from the previous one. It is hard to compare. Because we don’t need to be as limited as before. In the overall planning of the Rain Valley, the factory floor has been built a lot more than before, and the production capacity has been greatly improved.” Ankato, the head of the home magic machinery department, added.

"Yeah, the gang of gangs did not even think of it. After the ban on the ban on our Chamber of Commerce, would the people in the Kingdom be more willing to buy the magic machinery of our Chamber of Commerce?"

“That is, even an activity has been launched in Bangta City, calling on everyone to buy only new flying magic machines in the future. Resist the magic machinery of the ten chambers of commerce.”

"I also heard about it. I heard that this event was so big that even several cities around it joined in. Now the magic machinery of other chambers of commerce can't be sold out in Bangta City and the surrounding cities..."


Listening to the discussion in the conference room, Xu could not help but shook his head.

Those of the Magic Industry Management Agency issued such a ban on the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, apparently wanting to directly place the new Flying Chamber of Commerce to die.

However, they did not think of it anyway. The new Feishang Association actually built a new production base on the black rice wasteland in a short period of time. It took only over a month to resume normal production.

The Magic Industry Management Agency’s approach to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce has caused many people’s doubts and anger in the Kingdom of Lampari.

In the newspapers and public propaganda that are close to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, there is a wave of support for the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of Lampari to boycott the Magic Industry Management Agency.

It is also because of this wave that the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce will rebound sharply in the sales in the first few months. Even in the last month, it has achieved new breakthroughs, with monthly profits exceeding a record of one million gold coins.

And corresponding. The various types of home magic machines produced by the ten chambers of commerce designated by the Magic Industry Management Agency were unanimously resisted by the people in the Kingdom of Lampari, and the sales were extremely bleak.

There are even a number of cities that have launched demonstrations against the ten chambers of commerce, and they have given a glimpse of the sales points of the ten chambers of commerce in these cities. Both caused a sensation.

After knowing these things, Xu also smiled a little.

Compared with the ordinary people, he knows more things, and naturally sees it more clearly.

He knows that the attitude of these people in support of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce may be true, but the riots that followed may not be so simple.

There is a great possibility that these people are being used by people.

The cities where these things happen are clearly cities that have previously expressed support for Servini. They can be said to be completely different from the current group of King Erik and the group of stubborn old-fashioned aristocrats represented by the Magic Industry Management Agency.

They say this, no doubt showing their attitude and demonstration to the other party.

The Magic Industry Management Agency gave them a good excuse for the ban under the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

So strictly speaking, in fact, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is now being used.

However, Xu also does not care much about this point.

The faction represented by King Eric made it clear that he would not have any support for him and still suppress it everywhere, so he naturally did not need to think about anything for them.

Even if Servini is now willing to stand up and raise his voice, Xu is entirely likely to immediately express his support for her.

However, when he thought of Severini, Xu also could only smile in his heart.

Since the last time the 500 Private Guards were brought over and handed over to Xu Yi and asked them to cooperate with the New Flying Chamber of Commerce to clean up the orcs on the Black Rice Wasteland, Servini went straight back to his private territory, which is said to be For more than two months, there was no step in the lead.

Her approach is obviously to show everyone clearly that they will not interfere with any internal affairs of the kingdom.

Those who support her have come up with these things, and I am afraid that they will only play the piano.

"Well, anyway, I have no idea about the Kingdom of Lampari for a while." Xu also sighed a little, and raised his hand to interrupt the heated discussion in the conference room.

Seeing everyone's eyes are concentrated, Xu also glanced at the financial statements in his hand and said to Sebastian: "Sibas, don't be too happy too. I am sure, next month. Or next next. Month. Even within the next few months, the financial statements of our Chamber of Commerce will not look good."

Sebas immediately changed his face: "President, do you think of the idea of ​​a large investment? I have to warn you that our Chamber of Commerce has invested too much this year, and now there is not much money. If you If you don't pay attention to this, we will get into trouble if we don't."

"This does not remind you, I am very clear." Xu also waved his hand. "Investing in this kind of thing is originally to make money. It cannot be because of temporary financial difficulties. Is it necessary to resist investment? Is there any loss in the investments I have made so far?"

Everyone in the conference room was silent.

Everyone in their minds recalled all the investment actions that the New Flying Chamber of Commerce had carried out since its establishment. It was found that, as Xu said, there was no loss at all, but no matter what investment, no matter how uninitiated at first, Even being reprimanded by Xu is not crazy, but the final result is that the new Feishang will make a big profit.

After going through so many things, no one in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will now question any decision on Xu’s investment.

But if you are serious about it. Xu also had an investment failure, and this time the failure was extremely serious. It still has a profound impact on the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

That is the investment in His Royal Highness Servini.

Of course, this is political investment, but it is not the same as business investment.

"Well, President, I am not questioning your investment ideas, just want to remind you to pay attention to the current financial situation of the Chamber of Commerce." Sabas thought about it, euphemistically continued: "If it is not necessary investment Project, I suggest that you better wait a few months, at least after the base on the black rice wasteland is fully built."

"I made a note of this suggestion. But Sebas, I suddenly found out... I was completely biased by you. In fact, I am not talking about what new investment projects I think of, but I received a message that would make our financial statements in the next few months more ugly."

"What news?" A group of people looked at Xu Yi curiously.

A message will lead to a decline in the profit of a new Chamber of Commerce for a few months. This is too incredible.

Xu also put down the financial statements and his expression became slightly dignified.

"According to my latest news, the Lanpari Kingdom Commercial Office is about to pass a new regulation to classify the commodities used in circulation in the Kingdom. Produced in the Kingdom and sold in the Kingdom. Classified into one category, it is regarded as the circulation of goods within the kingdom. The goods produced in the kingdom and sold to other countries and regions are classified into one category, which is regarded as the export of goods to foreign countries..."

"Then we are now producing in other places, but sold to the kingdom?" Ankato couldn't help but interrupt Xu's words.

Looking at the eager Ankato, Xu also said: "This category is produced in other countries, but it is sold as a commodity in the Kingdom of Lampari."

Kennard immediately raised his eyebrows: "So, the goods we sell inside the kingdom will be subject to import duties like imported goods?"

"Yes." Xu also nodded slightly.

When the voice fell, the conference room immediately rang, and everyone could not help but smash it out.

"No? Our Chamber of Commerce, but the Chamber of Commerce of the Kingdom of Lampari, how can it be imported?"

"Yeah. We are the Chamber of Commerce under the name of Bangta City. It is obviously a local Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of Lampari. Why do we count our things as imports? Do we build a production base outside, even if it is a foreign chamber of commerce? ?"

"Hey! Is there anything that is difficult to understand? It is clear that the ten chambers of commerce are not competing with us, but also think of new shameless tricks!"

"Yes, it must be like this! These guys are shameless!"

"It's too mean! It's shameless!"


Xu Yi quietly waited for a while, and everyone slowly calmed down and refocused his attention on Xu Yi.

"I understand your anger. But to be honest, when I received this news, I was not very angry, but I felt very funny." Xu also laughed. "You think about it, they even let the Magic Industry Management Agency do the things that we banned the production of magic machinery in the kingdom. So it is not surprising that the ban is issued immediately?"

Kennard frowned slightly: "But the president will grow up. If this is the case, if we continue to sell magic machinery to the Kingdom of Lampari, the cost will be greatly increased because of the need to pay import duties. The profit will be much less. ”

"So I said, in the next few months, the financial statements will be very difficult to see." Xu also spread his hands and smiled. "After all, the Kingdom of Lampari is currently the largest market for our Chamber of Commerce, and we will definitely be seriously affected."

Ankato thought about it and said loudly: "If you are a grown-up, then why don't we raise the price?"

"No." Xu also shook his head immediately.

"Why not?" Ankato was puzzled. "This is entirely a matter for the Commercial Department. We have raised the selling price because the EA has raised tariffs unilaterally. Is there nothing wrong with it?"

"It is not what I hope to transfer the problems of the Department of Commerce to ordinary people who need to buy magic machinery." Seeing Ankato seems to say that Xu also added a tone: "I have decided on this matter, no. Need to discuss again."

Ankatoton paused and could only swallow the words that had already reached the throat.

Kennard took a look at Ankato and thought that this guy had been with the president for a long time. Why didn’t he understand the character of the president?

After thinking about it, Kennard asked Xu also: "So the president will grow up, what should we do next?"

In the face of the news of the people, Xu also smiled: "I said a long time ago, what we want to do is to make a big cake instead of grabbing cakes with others. Since the Kingdom of Lampari does not welcome us. Then, we will turn our attention to more places that welcome us. On this continent, isn’t this country of Lampari not the same?” (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated.) fast!