Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 42: Luxury new flying club escort

The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce began to create a production base at the Xinfei Farm in the Principality of Constantine. At the same time, a site was selected in the north of the farm, less than 20 kilometers from the border of the Principality of Constantine and the Black Rice Wasteland. As the base of the new Flyer Guard. /

The place where Xu Yi and Servini talked was in this **** base.

When they walked out of the door, they saw two large groups of people gathered in the middle of the guarding base. The left hand side was the **** of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, and the right hand side was the 500 private people brought by Severini. Guard.

From this point of view, Anglo before often feels that Xu also deeply understands that "the Principality of Constantine can not be regarded as a country" is very accurate.

Otherwise, it is simply impossible to enter the other sovereign and complete country with his own 500 private guards in the capacity of His Royal Highness Princess Serviel Lampari.

Here, Xu was only informed of the local territory of the Earl of Weilun, and it was easy to let Servini enter the kingdom of Stading with a personal guard.

The two groups of people on the big playground separated into two groups and each lined up. They could see the obvious difference at a glance.

Sevigny’s five hundred private guards are uniformed, and they wear the same style of the royal family of Lampari, and most importantly, they are all human beings. When they stand side by side, they are extremely neat, and at first glance, they are a complete Battle square.

The Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Guards looked a little confused at first glance.

The most obvious is that the components of the new Flyer Guard are extremely complex.

The same is 500 people, but only one of them is a human guard. Another four hundred guards. There are 150 elf guards. Two hundred dwarves guarded, and the remaining fifty were the orc guards recruited not long ago.

And because of the different habits of each race, the weapon armor assembled on these guards is not uniform.

The elf warriors are accustomed to wearing thin soft armor, the dwarf warriors prefer the heavier and better heavy armor, and the orc warriors don’t even wear armor. If not, they must force them to wear special ones. Magic protective armor, they are afraid that they all want to wear only a piece of cloth.

The hundred human warriors were wearing uniform armor. And they all have magic protection, but the weapon selection is strange, what styles are there.

Xu also once questioned the human captain Hart of the **** and wondered if such a messy choice of weapons and equipment would affect the combat effectiveness, but was told by Hart that there was no problem.

The need for large-scale uniform dressing is generally necessary in the army with a large number of people, and the small-scale **** team does not have this need.

If you really want to talk about combat effectiveness, the team like the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Guards looks like a mixed team, but because of the super-combat power of the Elves, the Dwarf Warriors and the Orc Warriors, the power is far beyond the human being of the same size. warrior.

What's more, the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Guards are all equipped with specially developed various types of military military magic machines. Just the combat power of a human guard is far from being comparable to ordinary human soldiers.

Looking at the equipment on the new Flyer Guard. Even Sevigny couldn't help but give birth to a hint of exclamation.

"Xu Yi, when you said that you want to change for my 5,000 private guards, are you planning to replace them with equipment like them?"

"Well... it was estimated that it was not at that time, because there are a few equipments that have not yet been fully developed. For example, the miniature magic handcuffs and the miniature magic bursting arrows are not developed until recently." Answered.

"Micro Magic Handcuffs and Miniature Magic Burst Arrows?" Servini's gaze swept through the new Flyer Guard, but did not find where the two equipment was.

"These two kinds of equipment are currently only equipped with human guards. They are all hidden in the body and they will not be easily taken out." Xu also smiled and explained. "In addition to the human guards, the guards of other races have rejected this thing too small to suit their appetite, so there is no equipment."

"That's it..." Sevigny nodded, paused, and asked: "If you put my escorts in the same set of equipment, how many gold coins do you need to spend?"

Xu also gave her a look and smiled: "Well, if it is a set of military military magic machinery, the current total price is three hundred gold coins. How? Your Royal Highness, are you interested?"

"Three hundred gold coins?!" Servini's big eyes widened. "It's so expensive! The total number of guards in your Chamber of Commerce now seems to have exceeded one thousand. If every guard is equipped with one set, does it cost even more than 300,000 gold coins? This... is fast catching up with us. Li Wang’s military expenses for the whole year!”

"If it is compared with the actual military expenses used by the Lanpari Kings, it is no doubt more than that." Xu also smiled.

Sevigny certainly understood the meaning of Xu’s words. After a moment of silence, he sighed and shook his head. “I want to give my private guards the same equipment, but I didn’t expect a set of three hundred gold coins. If there are 5,000 sets, then there will be a full 1.5 million gold coins. I don’t have that much money."

Xu also shrugged: "In fact, I don't have that much money, so in fact, I am really equipped with a full set of individual military military magic guards. There are only one hundred human guards here. Other ethnic guards are just Let them pick their favorite equipment."

"It's almost the same." Sevigny sighed softly and glanced at the two guards on the playground. He continued: "Well, since they are all ready, let's announce the action."

Xu also made an invitation to the posture: "Please ask the Royal Highness."

Sevigny nodded and boarded a table that had been prepared for a long time. His eyes swept over a **** under the stage, clearing his throat, and sighing: "Where are the warriors, you are gathered here today because of some The orcs have committed crimes that cannot be forgiven..."


After Sevigny ended his short and passionate speech, a fleet of magic locomotives came in from outside the playground.

These magic locomotives are different from the various cargo or passenger magic locomotives previously announced by the New Flyer. The whole body is made of thick steel plates and is completely enclosed, with only two thick glass in front.

The whole magic locomotive looks like a clear angle, and even a bit of awkwardness makes people feel full of dangerous danger at first glance.

Seeing these strange magical locomotives rushing in, Servini stunned and asked Xu Yi: "This is the magic armored transporter that you mentioned to me before?"

"Yes. This magic armored transport vehicle is specially made for both the body and the tires. It can withstand a certain amount of attacks without affecting the people carried in the car. It is very suitable for transporting soldiers to the battlefield." Road.

Severini glanced at the magic armored transporter that had been in the row and had 50 seats in the playground. Some were speechless.

This is called "can withstand a certain amount of attacks"?

With this thick outer steel plate, it is enough to withstand any attack? ‘

Not to mention that the outer steel plate is not flashing magical light, it is obvious that the magic array is also engraved on it.

Needless to guess, these magic arrays must be some protective arrays, which will inevitably greatly enhance the protection of these magic armored transport vehicles, and should even be able to withstand some magic effects.

Take such a magic armored transport vehicle, you can run rampant on the battlefield!

"Not so exaggerated." Xu also smiled and shook his head. "Don't forget, even if you don't talk about the particularly powerful magicians, there is a powerful weapon like the magic trebuchet."

"How can a magician with that kind of strength be free to shoot? Attacking these magical transport armored vehicles is completely a waste of magic." Sevigny gave a look at Xu, and then looked at the magic armored transport vehicles, could not help Shaking his head and sighing: "If our army in the Kingdom of Lampari can have such equipment as the escorts of your new Flying Chamber of Commerce, then there is no need to worry about the threat of the Sark Kingdom."

"This is..." Xu also laughed. "Obviously impossible. I spent more than 500,000 gold coins on the equipment of the Chamber of Commerce Guard, not to mention the cost of other logistics, supplies and training facilities. On average, I At least 800 gold coins are spent on each guard. Does the king department have so much money?"

Servini sighed: "The military has not spent 500,000 gold coins for a whole year. How can it make the Kings team as luxurious as your new Flying Chamber of Commerce Guard?"

"More importantly, the guys in the kingdom, even if they have money, will not be put into the army. It is not enough for them to be busy in their pockets." Xu also sneered. "I heard that... In the name of encouraging and promoting the development of the magic industry, the Commerce Department intends to implement a substantial tax reduction for the ten chambers of commerce designated by the Magic Industry Management Agency. Hey, this guy, when he makes money for himself, I really don’t want a little face."

Sevigny frowned, silent for a moment, and shook his head gently: "I don't want to talk about these things any more. Xu also, let them start acting."

Seeing that Servini looked tired, Xu also sighed in the heart and walked onto the stage. His eyes swept through the two batches of guards that had been prepared. He nodded and said: "I announced that the black rice wasteland cleanup operation. , start now!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!