Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 41: Do you regret it?

"Don't look at me with that look, I know what you are thinking."

Sevigny licked his face and smiled, and couldn't help but glance at him.

"Don't worry, I am here to find you, but I am not asking why you want to stop working with the Magic Industry Management Agency. Anyway, you do this thing that everyone can't understand is not twice, I am early. I am used to it."

"Oh? Really?" Xu was a little surprised. "Since it is not for this matter, then dear King, my dear, you have come to see the kingdom of Constantine to see me, what is it for?"

"Besides official business, can't you find you because of personal matters?" Sevigny was not very good.

"Private?" Xu is even more puzzled. "Do you have any personal matters that need to come to me?"

"It is because of the things in my territory that I can say that it is my private matter." Sevigny replied. "Last time we didn't say it, would you help me to build a small industrial base on the territory? I used to be the owner of Bangta City, and it was not convenient to do so. Now I have been retiring the city for almost half a year. There should be no more problems with this, so let me ask when you plan to officially implement it?"

"Oh? This is ah, simple." Xu also nodded and said with a relaxed face: "Our Chamber of Commerce is very skilled at setting up an industrial production base. Your private territory is not large, and the people are not particularly large. There aren't many facilities, I think it's easy to set up. But Servini, this industrial base is best to choose a focus, do you think about it?"

"Well, I have already considered it very clearly. I don't have too much resources on my private territory. I don't know what to do with mineral processing. And there are not many people on it. So mechanical parts that require a lot of manpower. The processing factory doesn't work either. So I think about it. It's better to decide whether to do this. Look at it..."

Sevigny took out a plan, and Xu also took a look and couldn't help.

"I said His Royal Highness... Are you planning to grab business from my hands?"

Originally in this plan, Servini planned to transform her private territory into a huge fruit base, and then built a large fruit canning factory and fresh juice drink factory in the territory.

These two kinds of businesses can only be involved in the new Feishang business. Other chambers of commerce think that the profit margins of these two businesses are not high, so there is no interest.

Now that Servini suddenly decided to join the two industries, it is naturally equivalent to grab the business from the new Feishang.

"How can this be a hard grab?" Servini showed a slight smile on his face. "Don't forget. You used to say to me that you shouldn't let a lot of people grab the same piece of cake, but you should try to make this piece of cake bigger, so that everyone who eats the cake can eat it." Full. I am coming in now, not to come and grab the cake with you."

Xu also smiled and shook his head. "Well, how do you tell me how to make this cake bigger? At present, the entire Lampari Kingdom is limited to the average living standard, and the demand for canned fruit and fresh juice has not improved much. And the demand in such a wealthy city as Bangta City is already saturated. We are desperately trying to expand the market, but there is no way."

"If the Kingdom of Lampari is saturated, then look at the place outside the Kingdom of Lampari. Do you not do this often?" Servini asked. "Don't look at me like this, I know you want to say that your new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is not qualified to sell this kind of goods to other countries at will. But I am different, I am a virgin, this privilege is still there."

Xu couldn't help but mutter: "The **** privilege."

Seeing Xu Yi’s dissatisfied expression, Severini couldn’t help but smile, but then sighed.

"Who asked you to voluntarily give up the aristocratic identity? And now unilaterally broke the contract, and stopped the cooperation with the Magic Industry Management Agency. Originally your new flying business association can enjoy a lot of privileges, but your decision this time angered There are many great people in the kingdom, even if it is me, there is no way to pray for you."

"I know that you can't put down this topic after all." Xu also shook his head and sighed: "Well, since you can't help but mention it, then I understand to explain it to you. I used to do it." I will choose to cooperate with the Magic Industry Management Agency. First, because of the situation, and because I have already had the idea of ​​transferring technology and promoting the development of the magic industry in the kingdom. I think you should be very clear about Servini."

"Well, I know your wishes very well." Servini said with a look of regret: "Unfortunately, Eric Brothers and many people in the kingdom do not understand your thoughts. In fact, even if they do not force you like this, you will put these sooner or later. The technology was released. Now there is no difference between this and hard grab. I am very dissatisfied and have protested to Eric Brother many times."

"Thank you for your concern and help." Xu also smiled and nodded. "But these two points are not the main reason. The most important reason for my decision to cooperate is that it is only because our new flyers are not ready."

"Not ready?" Servini looked beautiful and looked at Xu Yi strangely. "So to say... Now that you are ready? So will you stop this partnership so simply? Xu also, do you really understand the seriousness of doing this? Do you know, because of you? This decision has caused many of the aristocrats behind the ten chambers of business to suffer huge losses. Many real power figures in the kingdom have decided to go to a more intensive practice for your new flying chambers."

"Tough?" Xu Yixiao smiled. "Do you think... are they very gentle in their previous practice? Although they talk about cooperation, what is the difference between it and Ming?"

Severinton was silent, and after a while, he sighed softly: "No matter what, Xu Yi, you are still too impulsive this time. I don't know what you are doing, but this time you are offended in the kingdom. Most of the people with the most real power, the days of your Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom will become extremely difficult, and it is even possible that it will not be able to continue."

"Is it?" Xu was not nervous at all. Spread your hands. Shrugging. It’s very easy to say: “If you can’t do it, you’ll not do it. If they feel that doing this is good for themselves and for the whole of the Kingdom of Lampari, I have no opinion.”

Severini frowned deeply: "Xu Yi, what is your thought? Isn’t the new Feishang Association created by you, is your most cherished effort? Are you so willing to give up easily?"

"No, no, Sevigny, I think you made a mistake." Xu also shook his fingers. "What I want to give up is not the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, but the new Flying Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of Lampari. Do you understand the difference?"

Severini’s face became a little hard to look at.

"Do you really want to give up the Kingdom of Lampari? No! You can't do this! Xu also, don't forget. Bangta City can have the present prosperity, which is brought by you and the new Feishang. You give up The foundation created in the Kingdom of Lampari is equivalent to giving up all the people of the entire Bangta City!"

"You are too exaggerated. The New Flyer Chamber of Commerce is just an ordinary chamber of commerce. I am just an ordinary businessman. I can't afford such a big responsibility. And when it comes to giving up..." Xu also sneered. "His Royal Highness, I am nothing compared to your abandonment?"

Servini’s body trembled, and the slightly excited expression suddenly became silent, and his face became grayish.

After a long time, Servini sighed softly.

"Xu Yi. You finally said what you said. For me to give up the battle for the throne, are you still unwilling to do it? Are you still resentful to me?"

Xu also slowly shook his head: "This is not accurate. I am not willing to do that. After all, I have thought about it many times. Once you are on the throne, with your strong support for the magic industry, my dream will be as soon as possible. Realization. However, you simply gave up the battle for the throne, how can I be willing? But when it comes to resentment... it will not be."


"Really." Xu also nodded seriously. "I said that no matter what the decision is, it is your own decision. I have no right to interfere. If there is resentment, there are many people in the kingdom who are far more qualified than me. But at this time, I have a problem that I can't help. I want to ask you. Servini, do you really regret the decision at the beginning?"

There was a painful look on Servini’s face, and he struggled for a long while. He shook his head gently and sighed: "I don't know..."

"Do you really don't know?" Xu also asked. "His Royal Highness, I am afraid that you are not willing to face the reality? The current Bangta City has changed compared to the previous time you were a city owner. I don't believe you don't know. Imagine if we are in the new Feishang Association. Bangta City can't survive, what will Bangta City look like?"

The painful look on Servini’s face was a bit deeper, struggling to rebut: “I think... in any case, it’s much stronger than the civil strife...”

Xu also sighed and shook his head, not wanting to continue talking about it.

He and Servini are in a different position after all. In his opinion, if the Kingdom of Lampari wants to be truly strong, it must change, and the one that is most likely to bring this change is to let Sevigny Ascend to the throne and vigorously promote the development of the magic industry to improve the environment of the entire kingdom.

However, in Servini's view, she felt that there was no civil strife and that maintaining the internal stability of the kingdom was the most important.

It can't be said that her thoughts are wrong, but at least at the moment, after Erik is on the throne, the whole kingdom has fallen into the hands of the stubborn old-school aristocrats who supported him on the throne. .

The so-called support and promotion of the development of the magic industry, through the ten chambers of commerce, in order to gather wealth for them.

It is impossible for Servini to see this fact, but she can't do the kind of decisiveness that Xu also hopes.

Of course, if she really has this personality, she would not give up the battle for the throne.

Contrast that Severni and Ankera, who had only been in the past few days, couldn’t help but sigh.

If you can neutralize the personality of these two people, it would be perfect.

Of course, this is impossible. Xu can only think about it in his mind. He immediately gave up this fantasy and looked at the sky outside and stood up from the seat.

"Well, don't say these things that don't make sense. Sevigny, time is almost up, let's go out together. This joint action, you are the commander in name." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated.) Faster!