Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 37: Strategic island

When everyone looked up, they found a black shadow in the sky, and projected a shadow on the ground, just covering the dock.

The Truch Grand Sorcerer glanced and asked: "What is this?"

Xu also smiled and said: "Go and see it."

After all, Xu also made an invitation to the Truch Grand Sorcerer, directly added a sacred wind to himself and flew over the cliff.

The Truch's great magician looked inexplicably and flew up.

The weakest of the few people, Steele now has the strength of a six-level magician. Naturally, he also has the power to use flying magic. So the people flew directly, and after a while, they chased the strangeness in the sky. The "black clouds" flew together on the cliff and fell on the open space outside Xu's private estate.

Flying in the last Stil's feet just landed, and the "black cloud" in the sky followed.

When it settled on the ground, everyone looked at it and found that the "black cloud" was an overall ellipse. It was about 30 meters long and less than ten meters wide. It was olive-shaped and looked like a ship at first glance. The same thing.

"This stuff... is it a magic airship?"

The Truchi Grand Sorcerer curiously scraped the past and circled the magic airship, his face full of praise.

"Camilla has mentioned to me before that your Chamber of Commerce is developing a magical airship that can carry people in the air. But when he mentioned it to me, he said that the magic airship you developed is only a few meters long and can only be loaded at most. One person. Now this one... I can hold at least one or twenty people at least?"

"The number of approved passengers is currently set at 18, but it has not yet reached twenty." Xu also smiled and explained.

"That's very bad." Truchi's great magician couldn't help but exclaim: "Eighteen people. Even on average, each person is fifty kilograms. Adding up is close to a heavy one. Can hit a ton of heavy things. Flying in the sky. It’s amazing to fly so fast!”

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled, thinking that the current airship of this magic airship is less than one ton, which is enough to make the Truch master so surprised. If he let him know the big cargo planes on the earth, he must not put his chin. Scared?

A soft whistle sounded from the magic airship. On the side, the door that could accommodate two people in parallel was opened. The figure of Akali rushed out from the inside.

"The president is grown up. We are back!" Akali waved her hand to Xu Yi, her eyes swept over the faces of others, and finally fell on Steele, rushing over and pulling up Stil's hand. While shaking, I screamed excitedly.

"Steel, you really should have been watching the magical airship with us. It was so exciting! I never thought that I could look down in such a high altitude, and it was still so smooth, it was It’s incredible!”

Steele glanced at her: "When you used flying magic, you didn't fly to heaven. What are you so excited about?"

"That's not the same." Akali shook his head. "With flying magic, although it can fly to the sky, but the highest can fly... Flying less than ten floors. It is about 20 meters, less than 30 meters. But in this magic airship, but I can fly up to a few hundred meters of altitude! I tell you, looking down from the height of tens of meters, and looking down from the height of a few hundred meters, it is two different things!"

"Is it?" Steele had some doubts.

"Of course. Do you know? If you look down in the high altitude of a few hundred meters, the people on the ground will become as small as the ants. It will not look clear at all! When I look down I feel that I am getting great at once!"

Although Akali has always been exaggerated, but Steele was the first to see her actually because of one thing became so excited, and suddenly gave birth to interest.

"Well, the next time this magic airship starts again, I have to go up and experience it. Xu also, OK?"

Xu also shrugged: "You shouldn't ask me this, but you should ask Evita. After all, she is the main person in charge of the magic airship project. In this respect, she is an expert and has the most say. If she I agree with you, then I have no opinion."

Evita just stepped out of the magic airship and saw Xu also throwing the problem at himself. He smiled and nodded. "No problem. After these experiments, I have determined that the safety of this magic airship has been guaranteed. Besides, Steele is a magician, and even if something goes wrong, there will be no accident."

Stil immediately looked at Xu Yi, and Xu also nodded. "Well, since Evita agrees, I certainly don't object."

Ignore the feelings of Stil and Akali communicating on the magical airship over there. Xu also walked to Evita and whispered, "Is it finished?"

Evita nodded gently, reached for her arms, and found a thick piece of kraft paper, handed it to Xu Yi.

Xu also took over and didn't open it. He greeted the Truch Magi, who was looking around the magic airship, and led a group of people into the manor.

Everyone entered the innermost room of the manor, and Xu also opened the kraft paper that Evita had just handed him, and spread it on the table in the middle of the room.

This kraft paper is not too small to fold up. This spread is evenly spread over the entire table, which is more than two meters long and more than one meter wide.

On the paper, a bunch of messy lines and annotated texts were drawn. The Truj's great magician took a look at Xu Yi's gesture and looked at it for a while.

"This... seems to be a map near here?"

"Yes." Xu also nodded and smiled, reaching for a point on the kraft paper. "Look, here is the island of Kallasga. Um... When I took a small magical assault boat from the sea, I still felt quite far. From the map, it doesn't seem too far. Evita, this map How much is you drawn in proportion?"

"Probably 1:50000."

"1:500000? I look at it... If you say this, the straight-line distance between Kallaska and here is probably less than one hundred kilometers." Xu thought about it. Nod. "Yes. It takes about two hours to use a small magical assault boat. It's almost that far."

The Truchi Grand Sorcerer looked at the map and looked at Xu Yi.

"Xu Yi, how did you get this map? And... what do you do with such a detailed map? In addition to this nearby, it also includes the entire Principality of Constantine, and even the black rice wilderness and the north. It’s too strange to have the coastline of the Sak Kingdom in the north.”

"How come? I just let Evita use the magic airship to draw it in the sky. Otherwise, why do you have such a detailed map? And the size is still so standard?" Xu also asked for it.

"Well... it's really detailed. As for the size standard... it's really good, at least in this neighborhood, exactly the same as I saw in the sky before." Camilla magic that was carefully studied on the map. The teacher also agreed with the point.

Xu Yiwei smiled: "I might be more accurate than when you were watching in the sky. Because you can fly less than that when you fly in the sky, and you won't be in the air for so long, right?"

"That's it." Camilla's great magician did not deny it. "Flying high, naturally can see farther. This magic airship can fly hundreds of meters high, and even if I am a great magician, the highest can only fly to 100 meters, than this It’s a long way off.”

When listening to Akali's description of the flying height of the magic airship, the Truj Grand Sorcerer was still somewhat skeptical, and now he heard the Camilla Great Magician confirm it. The Truch Magi is even more amazing.

However, it is a magical mechanical device that can fly higher than a big magician. This is too subversive.

More importantly, the flight speed of this magic airship is not slow at all.

Plus it can bring high-altitude even people who don't have magic, which is much more useful than a magician.

"Trouch's Great Sorcerer, you see, this is the island of Kallasga. Have you found out that the geographical location of the island of Kallasga is very important?" Xu Yi's problem will pull the Truch master magician from the surprise Come back.

"Well? How is it critical?" Truch's great magician looked at the map for a long time and didn't see it.

He grew up on the island of Kallasga, but he never felt the key to the location of the island.

"Look here..." Xu also extended his right index finger. He first clicked on the map on the island of Krasca, and then clicked on the coastline on the map. “Look, first of all, the island of Kallasga is only a hundred kilometers away from our current location. Then, next time, look at it again, the distance between the islands of Karasca and the black rice wasteland is shorter or even less. One hundred kilometers..."

"Wait." Truch's great magician raised his hand and interrupted Xu Yi's words. "You said that the island of Krasca is relatively close to here. Why do you mention the black rice wasteland? What is the point?"

Xu also smiled and pointed at the coastline of the black rice wilderness on the nearest stretch of the island of Kallaska. "If you set up a port here, do you think it makes sense?"

Truch's great magician looked at the position that Xu also pointed, and suddenly his eyes lit up, but then immediately dimmed.

"This is not realistic. If there is such a port, it is really significant for the island of Kallaska. But behind it is the black rice wilderness, and it is still close to the depths of the black rice wilderness, the most ferocious and most brutal. A few orc tribes. It is impossible to set up a port here."

"There is nothing impossible." Xu also smiled. "Actually, I have already started to solve this problem. As long as everything goes well, we will solve these orc tribes as the biggest obstacle sooner or later, and then successfully establish this port."

Truch's Great Sorcerer frowned. "Don't need such a big move? The orc tribes are very strong, and they are still deep in the black rice wilderness. It is too difficult to solve them. If it is only for the island of Kallaska... ... even if it is me, I feel that it is not worthwhile. It is better to think of other methods."

"No, Lord Magi, I am doing this not only to improve the living environment of the residents of the island of Krasca, but of course this is also a very important reason, but in my opinion, support me to do this, In fact, the most important factor lies in the strong strategic significance of the island of Kallasga."

"Strategic significance?" Truchi's great magician looked at Xu Yi.

For Karasca, where he was born and raised, all the comments he heard were negative. For the first time, I heard someone actually linked the rankings of "strategic significance" to it.

This Xu also... Is he serious? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!