Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 36: There is a big magician

On the surface, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has not changed much compared with the previous ones, but those who know more about the internal news of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce are very clear. In fact, as soon as His Royal Highness Prince Eric announced his succession as the throne, the New Flying Chamber of Commerce It has already begun to have plans to move from outside Bangta City.

Although there are no changes in the various factory workshops, equipment and facilities of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce in the Rain Valley, there is no change, but in fact, the most important personnel and software and other things have been Under the control of Xu Yi, the headquarters of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce was moved in a well-organized, planned and purposeful manner.

Perhaps others don't understand the significance of this practice, because for most people, the so-called new flying chambers, the most important are the factory floor, and the various equipment in the workshop.

Only with these actual hardware facilities can the new Feishang Association be called a chamber of commerce, and a large number of new and popular new flying magic machines can be produced continuously.

Losing these hardware facilities, isn’t there just one empty shelf for the new Flyer?

However, for Xu Yi, it is the opposite.

All the hardware facilities in the chamber of commerce are not what he values. In his view, the most important thing is always people.

The so-called "person", specifically, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce to his president, down to every worker, is far more important than hardware machinery and equipment.

Xu has always believed that no matter what the new Feishang will become, as long as people are still there. He can create a brand new new flyer at any time.

I even said a lot of words. As long as he is still there. The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is here.

Of course, in addition to his personnel, there are also grades in Xu Yi’s mind.

In his view, the workers of the Chamber of Commerce are the basis of the Chamber of Commerce, but the workers can recruit and train, so it is not particularly critical.

In comparison, the researchers at the Institute of Magic. And the magic mechanical engineers at the Magic Machine Tool Development Center are the people he values ​​most.

Technology is the foundation of industry, and these institutes and engineers represent technology.

With them, Xu also calculated that some important technologies developed by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce were transferred to the ten chambers of commerce according to the requirements of the Magic Industry Management Agency, but he did not worry at all. .

Because other chambers of commerce may be able to take technology directly from the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, but there is not enough powerful research and technical team, they will never be able to achieve a real breakthrough in technology, so never expect to surpass the new flying chamber.

What Xu said before to the Director of the Magic Industry Administration, Deno Russell, actually meant this.

of course. Not every research technician is willing to leave the Bangta City and the Rain Valley, which have been living for a long time, in accordance with Xu’s arrangement. Run to the base of the Principality of Constantine to start again.

Xu also did not insist on this. After asking everyone's opinions, he simply divided the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute into two, each set up in the new base of the Rainy Valley and the new flying farm of the Principality of Constantine. A branch.

According to Xu’s arrangement, the Magic Research Institute, which stayed in the Rain Valley, is only conducting in-depth research and development on the existing products of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, and no longer researching new products and technologies.

As for the Magic Institute here in the Principality of Constantine, it will focus on the development of new magic machinery and the research and development of new technologies.

Although this distinction is made, both sides are happy, but it inevitably weakens the power of the former New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

For example, Akali originally led two research groups, but now another group of these two groups want to stay in the rainy valley, so the followers of Xu also came to the Apollo of the Principality of Stading. To ten researchers, they can barely cope with the development of magic resonance technology that she is most concerned about, but there is no way to take care of other things.

Therefore, Xu also faces a very important problem, or the problem has always been plagued by the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, but in this case, it is even more serious.

The problem is that research power is insufficient.

Although the New Flying Chamber of Commerce has been well-known in the Kingdom of Lampari, the magic industry has been accepted and recognized by most people in the kingdom, but for most magicians, learning magic is still not involved in the magic industry. What is the relationship, the real magician reflects the value of the place, is still studying the deep magic.

This point, even if many researchers who have been working at the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Magic Institute for several years have not turned around, let alone other magicians.

Under this circumstance, the Truchi Grand Sorcerer announced that he would join the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute, which is undoubtedly a very effective shot for the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

The Camilla Grand Sorcerer chose to join the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Academy, although it caused a sensation in the Kingdom of Lampari, but in many people's view, this is entirely because Xu is also the husband of Steele, is Kami. The reason for the granddaughter's granddaughter is that the Camilla Magi is not willing to study the magic industry.

Now, the Truch Grand Sorcerer also announced that if the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Institute, it represents a completely different meaning.

The Truch Grand Sorcerer has no granddaughter to marry Xu Yi...

More importantly, a great magician joined the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Institute and joined the two great magicians to join the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute. Although the gap is only one person, it is a completely different concept.

One is a special case. Is it a special case?

You know, there are only five great magicians in the entire Lampari Kingdom.

Now two of the great magicians have joined the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Institute, which will be a shock to the magicians in the Kingdom of Lampari.

After hearing that Truch's great magician said that he agreed to join the Magic Research Institute as a researcher, Xu was also excited. Immediately use your brains. I figured out what kind of way I should send this message out. In order to achieve the most sensational effect.

However, I think that during the transition period, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce will have a low-key, and the contradiction between them will be very difficult to coordinate.

After seeing Xu also happy for a while, he frowned. Truch's great magician couldn't help but wonder: "Hey, Xu also, I decided to join the Magic Research Institute. But it made you difficult? Did you suddenly find out? Can't you afford my salary?"

The Truch Magi, who saw the improvement of the lives of the residents of the island of Krasca, was obviously in a good mood, and it was very rare to start a joke.

Xu also quickly put away his mind, haha ​​laughed: "The great magician is willing to join our Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute, that is what I can't ask for. If you open your mouth, as long as we can afford it, I will promise how much salary!"

"Oh, Xu Huichang is really rich and rich. Well, I don't ask too much, as long as Camilla's salary is one more gold." Truj's great magician laughed.

Camilla's great magician immediately glanced at him: "What? You just deliberately find you?"

Truch's great magician smiled and shook his head: "No, I just think... I am not a relative of Xu Yi. How can I be polite with this kid, so say. It must be a little more than you."

Camilla Grand Sorcerer snorted: "I only have one gold coin a year. If you want to take only two gold coins a year, it will follow you."

"Who is this? Don't forget, when you guys just entered the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, the New Flying Chamber of Commerce announced the salary of your 10,000 gold coins a year ago, thinking that I would be so sensational. Can't you notice anything?"

"That is just to lie to outsiders to play. Anyway, I only have one gold coin in one year. You love it or not."

"I don't believe, Xu also you said?"

Seeing the two great magicians turn the center of the quarrel to themselves, Xu also smiled and waved his hand, so that he said that he stopped the two men, and then in front of the Camilla magician, and the Truj the Great Wizard. Finalized his salary.

Since the Truch Grand Sorcerer is a powerful magician at the Great Sorcerer level, he was directly named a special researcher when he entered the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, enjoying the same salary and treatment as the Camilla Great Sorcerer.

The salary is tentatively set at 10,000 gold coins a year. As for other treatments, such as providing a villa for free, free custom clothing, free medical insurance, free travel with family members, etc., benefits and benefits are not enough.

Although the Truj Grand Sorcerer used to be stronger than Camilla's previous magician, he could only earn about 5,000 gold coins a year.

I heard that Camilla Grand Sorcerer can get the annual salary of 10,000 gold coins in the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute. He still doesn't believe it. He thinks that the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is only a chamber of commerce, how can he really give a magician? In one year, I will give you an exaggerated salary of up to 10,000 gold coins.

Now that he has fulfilled his promise to him, he has really improved the living conditions of the residents of the island of Kallasga. He also chose to join the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Academy in accordance with his promise, but he did not expect that the annual salary of not only 10,000 gold coins is true. There are even so many dazzling things, many special benefits that I have never heard of, or even thought of.

These benefits are only roughly calculated, and they must cost at least 2,000 gold coins a year.

It is equal to calculating that he has worked for one year at the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute, and he can profit as much as 12,000 gold coins!

After arriving at this conclusion, the last hesitation in the heart of Truch's great magician vanished, leaving only the only problem.

"Xu Yi, you just said that there is a chance to completely improve the living environment of the residents of the island of Krasca, how is it planned?" Truchi's great magician asked. "If I don't explain it, I will join the Academy, I am afraid that I will have some reservations when I work."

Xu also couldn't help but smile.

The great magician is worthy of being a great magician, and this kind of words can be said in front of him without any scruples.

"The specific plan is a bit long, we..."

Xu Yigang wanted to invite Truch's great magician to go to the manor set up on the seaside cliff, but suddenly heard a subtle buzzing sound from the top of his head.

Looking up and looking at it, Xu also smiled happily.

"Exactly, the information I need most is back. Lord Magi, with this detailed intelligence help, I can explain your plan to you more clearly, and I will be sure that you will be satisfied after listening." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!