Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 22: be careful

In fact, the new magical protective equipment worn by the guards and the magic car anti-collision protection device that Camby and others are studying are all from the same system. The cause is naturally from the accident of the previous Servi.

Originally, when designing the magic car, Xu also moved to install a device similar to the protective airbags in the cars on the earth to protect the driver, but because of the development progress and some other problems, the first magic cars did not Equipped with such a device.

And from the perspective of Xu Yi, the maximum speed of the Magic Car is only 60 kilometers per hour. Even if the two cars collide, it is not very serious damage, and the fact is as he expected.

In the past more than a month since the Magic Car was launched, there have been several car accidents in Bangta City, but because the speed is not fast enough, the New Flyer will use the new alloy steel in the production of the Magic Car. It is firm, so the consequences of the accident are not so serious. As long as the seat belt is fastened, at most, the chest is pained by the seat belt.

But the car accident in Servini is not the same.

At that time, because Baron Billier was drunk and drove the magic locomotive, it kept the highest speed and was directly hit by the front, so the impact was actually quite strong.

Although Sevigny and Baron Billier did not encounter any accidents in this accident, they thought of even Sevigny. . The princes and daughters of such a distinguished literary genius almost all had accidents. In order to avoid a similar accident, Xu also ordered the Magic Research Institute and the Magic Machine Tool R&D Center to conduct research on the magic car anti-collision protection device.

As a result, during the development of the magic car anti-collision protection device, a human engineer talked about this matter with a human friend who was guarded by the Chamber of Commerce. A whim. It may be good to think that the same device is applied to the armor. As a result, the magical protective armor that has now been widely assembled to the caravan guards has been born.

It is not unusual for small accidents in this kind of research and development to be encountered on the earth.

After presenting some suggestions for Camby's anti-collision protection device to Camby and others, Xu also came to the Magic Research Institute not far from the Magic Machine Tool R&D Center.

As soon as he entered the door, he bumped into Akali and ran out in a hurry.

Xu was caught off guard, but she was directly hit into her arms.

"Ah? The president, how come?" Akali looked like a frightened bunny jumping to the side, looking at the undecided look, patted the small chest. "Scared me."

Xu is a little funny: "Is it obvious that you hit me? You are scared enough. Say. What are you doing? How are you so anxious?"

"I am going to..." Akali’s eyes turned, but he smiled and changed his mouth: "Don’t tell you."

Xu Yi suddenly laughed: "I said, you sneak out to the outside during your working hours, dare to hide from this president? Don't want to mix it?"

"What? You will grow up, do you want to fire me?" Akali looked awkward.

Xu also shook his head helplessly and waved his hand: "Well, if you don't want to tell me, you will get out of the way, don't be blind here."

Akali smiled and gave Xu a gift: "Get it! Report the president. I am so mellow!"

Looking at Akali trotting away from the Magic Institute, Xu also rolled his eyes. Go straight to the private research lab at Evita.

"Akali? She should go to visit her brother." Evita looked at Xu Yi and smiled. "Her brother seems to be driving a driver's license today. She is not at ease. I took a leave of absence yesterday and said yes. I am going to the scene to cheer her brother. I dare not tell you, I am afraid that you are afraid that she will not work well."

"I care about my brother, why do I marry her?" Xu also shook his head. "Speak up... His brother seems to be only fifteen years old this year, actually he has to take a driver's license? If he is admitted, what does he want to do? Going to be a cargo driver?"

"Well. According to Akali, after her brother has seen you, he is very admired for you, saying that you must work under your hands, so you can also be in the same chamber with Akali. After you get a driver's license, he seems to I am planning to enter the transportation brigade of our chamber of commerce and strive to be a cargo driver."

"When he wants to enter the transportation brigade of our chamber of commerce, can he just enter it?" Xu also frowned slightly. "His age is too small. I won't allow such a child to drive outside on a cargo magic locomotive."

"Isn't it fifteen years old?" Evita looked at Xu Yi with amazement. “In many parts of the kingdom, fifteen-year-old boys are already able to get married.”

"Five-year-old marriage?" Xu also sneered. "If you don't know what age, what kind of marriage?"

Evita looked at Xu Yi strangely: "The president, adults, then what age should you consider to be married?"

"How do you say... at least it should be your age?" Xu also smashed Evita, and he was tempted to ask if Evita had considered this aspect, but suddenly thought that Steele had It was mentioned that Evita also had a more optimistic attitude towards himself, so he talked to him, but he swallowed it back.

Seeing Xu’s words and stops, Evita seems to have guessed something, and the pretty face is a little red. Don’t turn around, pause, and whisper: "The president will suddenly come to the Magic Institute. Should I ask about the progress of the study?"

"Ah... um, yes. Tell me first, how is the progress of the magic airship you studied? Is there any progress?" Xu also immediately transferred the topic with interest.

"It's a bit of progress." Talking about the magic airship, Evita's face will be more relaxed. “The Materials Research Institute introduced a new type of alloy, which is very light in weight, but extremely hard, and the magical performance is also very good, which is very suitable for use as the main material for making magic airships.”

"Well, solving the material problem means that the problem is solved in half. Then what? Have you let Camby help you build a magic airship with this new alloy?"

"Of course." Evita showed a happy smile. "And I have done several tests with this airship and have completed three manned flight tests in succession. The effect is very good. I will grow up..."

"Wait! Manned flight test?" Xu also changed his face. Raised his hand and interrupted Evita's words. "What do you mean... when you do the experiment, let people sit in the magic airship and fly to the sky?"

"Yes." Evita's reaction to Xu Yi was a bit strange. "The magic airship developed now has the ability to install controls directly inside the airship. Of course, someone needs to sit inside and control the experiment."

Xu also frowned, seeing what he saw at the Magic Machine Tool R&D Center and his resentment against Camby and others.

"Remember, this is my bottom line. It is absolutely impossible to use live people to do such dangerous experiments. Do you understand?" Xu also snarled seriously to Evita.

"Well, I understand." Evita nodded. "But when I did these experiments, I sat in myself and experimented myself. The president, you should not think that I am using my magic level. What danger is there?"

"What experiment did you personally do?" Xu also stunned.

"Yeah. You said, this experiment is very dangerous. I can't worry if ordinary people sit in and do experiments. I can't just grab the other magicians in the institute to help. I only have to go and do it myself. And I do it myself. In the experiment, it is very convenient to collect data and various details." Evita smiled.

"Well... if it's up to you, that's acceptable." Xu also nodded. "But Evita, even if you have the ability to fly, pay more attention. If something goes wrong, you can't get out of the airship. It's just as dangerous."

"I understand. I also installed a magical anti-collision protection device in the magic airship to ensure that even a large impact can offset most of the impulse. And the ejecting seat you mentioned is also considered for installation. In critical situations, Directly popping people out. In addition, I can't do it. I can use magic to directly destroy the entire magic airship and escape."

"You really think about it." Xu also praised. "Yes, Evita's thoughts are more prudent than the Camby guys. If the guys in the R&D center can be like you, I can save a lot of peace."

Evita smiled: "But I will be slower in research and development, and not all good."

"Slow is not slow is another matter, the most important thing is safety." Xu Yizheng. "You can all be my precious talents now. Anyone who has damage is an unacceptable loss. As long as you are there, there is hope for any research results. So no matter what, you should give priority to your own for the first time. Safety."

After a pause, Xu also looked a little slower, and the temperature was cold and the earth said: "Even if you leave the relationship on business, you are a friend of Steele. We have known each other for so long, and we can be friends. I don't want you to have an accident. What do I mean?"

Evita showed a slight movement, opened his mouth, but did not say anything, just gently lowered his head, "Hmm".

Xu did not care about the change of Evita's look. He looked around and asked: "Well, in addition to the follow-up research and development work of the Magic Car and the progress of the magic airship, I would like to ask about other aspects of R&D progress. Is there any good news?"

"Well, there are still quite a few. The magical resonance technology that Akali is mainly responsible for research has broken through. Now her newly researched resonance technology not only extends the resonance distance to a maximum of nearly one kilometer, but also the accuracy. It has improved a lot, and it is also possible to use the same magic array to control two magic arrays at the same time according to the adjustment."

"Oh? This is good news, but tell Akali for me, let her study the related technologies, but also to study the means of counter-measure. I don't want these technologies to be cracked once they are broken. passive."

"Is it going?" Evita looked at Xu Yi with a puzzled look, but still nodded.

"So, in addition to Akali, what good news?" Xu also asked.

"The rest of the more important research and development breakthroughs, mainly concentrated on the Camilla magician." Evita suddenly smiled. "The president, when it comes to safety, I think the most important thing you should remind is the Camilla Magi."

Xu also took a forehead with a distressed look and waved his hand: "He doesn't care, I don't take him."

Looking at Xu Yi's face with helpless expression, Evita pouted and snickered. (To be continued...)