Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 21: Prohibition of human trials

The guard was taken aback, and the body condition was launched to avoid it, but it was only moved, but he was forced to stop, so it was so stiff that Xu was directly clicked.

The silk electric awning emerged from Xu's fingertips. When it touched the surface of the armor, it immediately provoked a light blue halo on the surface of the armor, turning these few electric awns into their eyes.

"Well, very good, it seems that the protection of magic is also done." Xu also nodded with satisfaction, reaching out to the guard. "Come on, give me the weapon."

The guards stunned and immediately understood that they quickly handed the long swords that were holding their waists to Xu Yi.

"No problem?" Xu asked with a long sword.

"No problem!" The guard patted his chest and shouted with confidence: "The president will slash, you will definitely not hurt me!"

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled: "Well, I can start."

Speaking of his hands and force, the long sword in his hand fell heavily and cut directly to the chest of the guard.

Just as before, the long sword just touched the surface of the armor, and a light blue halo appeared on the armor, blocking the long sword.

Xu also felt that he was seeing a group of soft things. Not only did he not have the heavy feeling of cutting it on the armor, but he even felt that it was not very powerful. It felt extremely weird.

"Very good." Xu was more satisfied. He nodded his hand and handed the sword back to the guard. He patted his shoulder and turned to walk inside the Magic Machine Tool R&D Center.

"President adult!" The guard behind him suddenly shouted loudly.

"Hmm?" Xu also turned around. "What's matter?"

The guard hesitated. He smiled and said: "President, can you add some more people to the list of black rice wasteland? You see, I am wearing such good equipment. With such a good weapon, I just watched the gate here all day. ……Not so good?"

"If you have an itchy hand, just say it. If you take this reason, don't you think it's too much?" Xu also smiled. "Tell you, it's very important to guard the work of the Magic Machine Tool R&D Center. It is trusting you to see the door here. Don't look down on the job."

"No, no, I don't look down on this job. Just...just it's hard to have such a good equipment. If you don't go to actual combat, you always feel wasted, are you right?" The guards laughed.

"Anyway, you just want to go to the battlefield, right?" Xu also asked.

The guard touched his head and smiled, not denying it.

Xu also could not help but shook his head: "Do not worry. This time to go to the black rice wasteland is not only to clean up the orcs who do not have long eyes, but also to train the soldiers, let you familiar with the actual operation of these new arms, will let Every one of you will experience it, and naturally it will be yours. You wait for the truth, and after the first batch of people come back, maybe it will be your turn."

The guard suddenly picked up his eyebrows and said, "Really?"

"Crap." Xu also gave him a sigh of relief, too lazy to care for him. Go straight into the Magic Machine Tool R&D Center.

Just entering the door of the Magic Machine Tool R&D Center, Xu also heard a loud bang.

Looking around, I saw a corner of the R&D center. A ragged magic car crashed into a wall of iron.

From the front of the magic car has been locked and locked together, the speed of the collision has been extremely fast.

Xu also lifted his foot and saw that Ildan, the only elf engineer in the Magic Machine Tool R&D Center, walked down from the front row and shook his head, which seemed to be a little dizzy.

"How? How?" Waiting for Camby and other dwarf engineers to rush. “I feel okay? Is there any injury?”

Ildan stood there for a while and took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes, I returned to normal. I smiled. "It should be no problem. I didn't feel any injuries."

Around a group of dwarves and human engineers cheered at the same time.

"Great! Success!"

"Haha! I didn't expect it to be so easy, it's great!"

"That's great, the test is successful!"


Looking at the cheering engineers, Xu also shook his head and strode over and shouted: "What's so happy!"

A group of engineers stunned, stopped to cheer, turned to see Xu Yi, Camby smiled and greeted.

"President, this magic car safety guard has been developed, why can't you be happy?"

"Happy to you." Xu also gave him a look. "Tell me, have you always let Ildan sit on the test?"

"Yeah, we only have the closest reminder to Ildan and humans. We can't do these dwarves." Camby answered it with a natural answer. "As for Kraft, a few of them are human beings, and they can't stand the test that started."

"You guys..." Xu also shook his head and sighed: "You worry that Kraft can't stand it, don't worry if Ildan can't stand it?"

Camby glanced: "How come that? Ildan is an elf, and the physique is even better than our dwarfs. How could it not be so shocked? Right, Ildan?"

Ildan nodded quickly: "Yes, the president, the impact of the experiment is nothing to me, no problem."

Xu also snorted: "So you can use the living person to do the experiment? Camby, I warn you, I will never allow this to be done again, I don't understand?"

Seeing Xu also solemnly said that the expression is more serious than ever before. Camby’s heart is puzzled, but she still honestly agreed.

"In fact, compared to the experiment with the living people, I am even more angry that you are obviously the top mechanical mechanical engineer of our chamber of commerce. Why don't you know how to work around? If you want to experiment, you can get a fake. People are not too difficult, why do you want to let Ildan go on adventure?" Xu also continued to blame. "If there is any accident in Ildan, will you bear this loss?"

"This is not an accident..." Camby groaned, but saw Xu also sink into the water, but did not continue to refute, but nodded and practiced: "Well, I know, I will pay attention later. But the president, the dummy can not get the most intuitive feeling."

"That's better than experimenting with living people! This is something I can't stand, let me remember it! Let me see you doing this later, believe it or not, I will be the first to pursue you this magic machine. The responsibility of the head of the R&D center?" Xu also shouted loudly.

Seeing Xu also actually be so angry, including Camby, some people in the venue did not dare to have any rebuttal meaning, Qi Qi should come down.

Seeing that everyone was finally honest, Xu also calmed down some anger and sighed: "Camby, you have to remember that you engineers are more important to me than anything else, no matter what one is lost, I can't accept it. Things, so before I do any experiments, what I always ask is to put safety first. And in this experiment, you can let the night song plastic processing factory give you ten eight plastic dummy. Instead, why do you have to go to yourself?"

"Because the dummy can't give us the most intuitive feeling like Ildan." Camby scratched his head. "We don't want to waste time doing so many experiments."

"Dummy people may not be injured or even die like Ildan." Xu also said coldly. "Who else said that the dummies can't give you an intuitive feeling? I always tell you that the most important thing about magical mechanical engineering is the detailed data. Although the dummy can't provide you with feelings, you can control the quality of the dummy. To infer the strength of the impact and the damage."

"Well... I was told by the president, I understand." Camby slammed his head. "I am really stupid. This is a very simple question. Just let the night song plastic processing factory make a dummy that is exactly the same as the human body."

"You are not stupid, but you don't think in this direction!" Xu also said coldly. "And you, especially Ildan, you, Camby let you do the experiment yourself, you actually went, have you ever thought about your own safety?"

Ildan smiled and shook his head. "I really didn't think about it. Because I think this impact will not hurt me."

"That is because the speed of the magic car is not fast enough. If we develop a super sports car with a speed of several hundred kilometers per hour, do you think that it will be fine if you hit it like this?" Xu also asked.

Camby is a group of people: "Hundreds of kilometers per hour? How is this possible?"

"Why not?" Xu also stunned everyone. "Before the magic car appeared, can you imagine a magic locomotive that exceeds 60 kilometers per hour?"

"But the speed of 60 kilometers per hour and the speed of several hundred kilometers per hour is totally different..."

"The magic engine of the fire system and the magic engine of the wind system are completely different." Xu Yidao. "Tell you, Camilla Grand Sorcerer has fully invested in the development of the magic engine of the fire system. According to the report submitted by the Magic Institute, they have already achieved significant research on the most important magical array. Break through. As for you, be prepared to develop a magic locomotive structure for the Fire Engine."

"Really? That's great!"

Hearing Xu also arranged a new task for himself, an engineer not only did not have any frowning and bitter appearance, but all of them were extremely excited. Even on the spot, they began to discuss how to match the magic engine of the fire system.

Looking at the appearance of their excitement and intense discussion, Xu also feels gratified.

It is precisely because of such a group of engineers who are extremely enthusiastic about the research of magic machinery that the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce can make great strides in the research of magical machinery, making him closer and closer to his dream of creating a magical industrial system. (To be continued)