Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 83: What attitude do you treat her?

The arrival of Servini made the Stars Manor busy for a while. . . See the latest and most complete novels

Xu also has no habit of hiring servants, so so far, only Lisie and Linda, two female slaves brought back from the Principality of Standin, are doing housework, and Vivian is because most of them When I was at school, I didn’t get involved.

Now in order to entertain Servi, Lis and Linda have to come up with all the spirit and work hard to come up with the best hospitality, naturally it is extremely busy.

Watching the two female slaves keep their hands and feet, even the work of taking care of Steele had to be taken over by Xu Yilai. Sevigny couldn’t help but shook his head and said to Stil: "Xu also does not like to treat people as slaves. I know it, but it’s okay to hire a few servants. Now that you are pregnant, why not find a few people to serve you? He will not be so stingy?"

Steele has been pregnant for three months, and the stomach started to have a small uplift. He heard the words and touched his stomach. He smiled and said, "This is what I mean, because I don't really like too many people at home. I feel too noisy. Lisie and Linda have been here for a long time, and Xu and I both treat them as family members. If you find more unfamiliar people, I will not get used to it."

"Are you afraid of not worrying?" Servini asked again. "If you are worried about this, I can make people look for a few people. It is definitely trustworthy. And it is very experienced for caring for pregnant women, which can make you feel a lot easier."

"Thank you for the kindness of His Royal Highness, but still forget it. I think it is very good now."

Seeing that Steele’s attitude was firm, Sevigny no longer insisted, and instead asked Stil’s current physical condition and so on.

See the two people talk very happy. And gradually introduced the topic to the more ** aspects. Xu also did not accompany him. Turn to help Lisi and Linda.

When the dinner is about to be ready, Vivian is back from the Rickto Baron Magic Academy, and Teresa is back with her.

When I saw Vivian, Xu also suddenly remembered a problem. Last month, the Ryke Baron Magic Academy went to a new student’s graduation, and many of the students accepted the New Flying Chamber of Commerce at the college. The student fund is provided, so according to the agreement, many of the students entered the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce after graduation.

And Xu also left some magical talents not high. The students who have limited space at the level, as well as those who urgently need to start working to make money, enter the factories to complete the work of the magic array. Most of the other students have been crammed into the Xinfei College for further study.

For example, Olin Zetaman, who was most impressed by Xu, was actually asking for Xu’s request to go to Xinfei College for study. It is said that he is also very good at Xinfei College.

Xu Yi’s question is how the students feel about this arrangement.

Because Xu is also the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, he certainly can't get the real answer from the students. Vivian is a student of the Baroque School of Magic, and it is more natural to contact other students in private. You should get a more realistic answer.

"They are very satisfied." Hearing the question of Xu Yi, Vivian answered with a sigh of relief. “I have asked a lot of people. They all said that they have learned a lot of novel knowledge in Xinfei College and they are very happy.”

"That's good." Xu also let go of his heart and turned to look at Teresa. "Terresa, what about you, how do you feel at the Magic Institute?"

When Teresa was just rescued from her, the current Teresa situation is much better, although most of the time she remains silent, but at least when she asks her questions, she will still show a smile.

"It feels good." Teresa nodded. “The colleagues at the institute are very good to me and very happy at work. It is very interesting to study magic machinery, I like it very much.”

"Yes? You are happy." Xu also hesitated, or gave up the idea of ​​asking the things hidden in Teresa's heart.

These things she did not want to take the initiative to disclose, forced to ask her is not a good thing after all.

Dinner was ready, and Sevigny saw Teresa for the first time at the table. He couldn’t help but ask a few more questions. However, Teresa was very silent in front of unfamiliar people. She said that she was either no matter what she asked. Nod or shake his head, even if the promise is just barely screaming, Servini naturally feels boring, no longer ask, turn around and continue to care about Steele's situation.

However, when he finished his dinner and left, Servini specifically called Xu Yi.

"Xu, what is this Teresa?"

"What is going on?" Xu Yiyi. "You just didn't ask about it. It was because I saw her fainting on the road in the middle of the night, so I saved it."

"I am not asking this." Servini shook his head. "What I want to ask is, what attitude do you treat her?"

"What attitude can I still... She is homeless now. Since I saved her back, I will help her. I will arrange her work at our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. I usually rest in the Stars Manor. Nothing."

"You really didn't think about anything?" Servini frowned and looked at Xu Yi. "She is very beautiful."

"It's very beautiful, what's wrong?" Xu asked with sorrow.

Sevigny stared at Xu Yi’s face for a moment, and suddenly he burst into laughter and waved his hand: “Well, I’m worried too much. Our Xu’s head should all be covered by those The cold magic machinery is full, and there are so many strange things to think about. I am right?"

Xu is even more puzzled: "I said the Royal Highness, what do you want to say?"

"Nothing, stay with Stil at night. She is in the early stages of pregnancy and her mood is very unstable. You should care more about her."

"Of course." Xu also nodded. "In order to accompany her more, I only moved back to the Starry Manor from the Rainy Valley. In addition to the better conditions of the Stars Manor, I also handled things in Bangta City during this time, and it is more convenient to accompany her. ”

"You can pay attention to these." Sevigny nodded appreciatively, and then waved to Xu Yi: "Well, go back to Stil, I will go back. You will not go to the city government tomorrow morning." Now, we will go directly to the village of Koror."

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled: "That would thank the master of the city for understanding."

Sevigny showed a smile and turned to the carriage.

Looking at the carriage that disappeared into the night, Xu’s face was a bit weird.

Servini’s visit today is purely private. Although this reflects her good personal relationship with Xu, it will be very positive if she is known by others.

Although President Salak and others did not say it on the surface, there are indications that they have long been quite vocal about this.

If Sevigny is too close to himself, he will only have some influence.

However, after thinking about it, Xu also laughed at himself.

Why should he worry about these problems? Anyway, Servini and his special interests are well known. This is also a fact that everyone agrees with. If you spend your time thinking about it, you might as well think about how to accompany you. What about it?

Thinking of this, Xu also remembered that Servini reminded himself of this problem many times. Before he left, he also solemnly sneaked on himself, and Xu could not help but give birth to a strange feeling.

What did Servin pay attention to Teresa? Does he think that he will have any special thoughts about Teresa?

After thinking for a while, Xu also shook his head and turned back to the Stars Manor, and went straight to the bedroom.

As usual, and Steele spent an hour or so, until Stil was supported by Liz and Linda to go to bed before going to bed, Xu also took the time to go to the study and start working on some work.

The construction of the new industrial zone discussed today with Servini is actually revolving and expanding the former Sanqidun Industrial Zone around the Sanqinton Manor.

In the past, because of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, many small chambers of commerce that produced magical machinery and parts processing built a factory around the Sanqinton Manor, which naturally formed a small industrial zone in Sanqinton.

However, such industrial areas that have not been specially planned may inevitably appear somewhat cluttered. In the long run, there will be many problems.

The most obvious point is that road traffic and other supporting facilities are not easy to lay.

Because of the Earl of Stark, these small chambers of commerce have now moved away from the Sanctuary Industrial Zone, which has made the place empty.

Now that Servini took over as the city owner of Bangta City, he wanted to redevelop the industrial area outside Bangta City and re-planned around the Sanctuary Manor.

According to the first step plan, it is planned to first remove all the original buildings here, first lay the corresponding roads, water supply pipes, street lamps and other supporting settings, and then you can make the various chambers re-established here according to the planned area. Construction factory.

But now there is an important problem, that is, because of the Count of Stark, many new small businesses in Bangta City have lost confidence in Bangta City.

Because for these small chambers of commerce, they can never have the same anti-strike ability as the big chamber of commerce, and with some slight changes, it is very likely that they will be hurt and even shut down.

Last time because of the Earl of Stark, most of these small chambers of commerce were moved out of Bangta City, which has already made these small chambers of business lose.

Now that Servini has taken over the city of Bangta, indicating that he supports business, especially the attitude of supporting the development of the magic industry, most small chambers of commerce still take a wait-and-see attitude and dare not take risks again.

After all, no one can guarantee that after the three years later, Sevigny will no longer be the owner of the city of Bangta, what will be the attitude of the newly succeeded city owner.

When Sevigny and Xu also discussed, the focus was on how to make these small chambers of business regain their confidence. (To be continued.)