Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 82: Feminist

"Xu Yi, is your Chamber of Commerce, is this going to completely abandon the magic fan and the magic kettle business?" Servini asked curiously to Xu. . .

"Opening up all the technology, it is completely different from giving up, the dear master of the city." Xu also smiled lightly. “Even if I have the same technology, I am sure that the magic fans and magic water heaters produced by other chambers of commerce cannot be compared with our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. Do you believe it?”

"Why don't I believe it." Servini gave him a look. "When do I know nothing about the production of magic machinery? In addition to production technology, there are many factors that determine the quality of magic machinery, such as production materials, production technology, etc. Don't forget, these are all before you. Taught me."

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled: "It is really lucky to have a master of the city who is so familiar with the production of magic machinery. In this case, the dear master of the city, this draft of the further industrial planning outside the city, you should agree What?"

Sevigny chuckled and nodded: "Of course. If such a good suggestion, if I don't adopt it, wouldn't it be a lot of people? But Xu also, you have a problem with this draft plan."

"Oh? What's the problem?" Xu also looked at the draft he had placed on the table, thinking that the draft was a plan that he decided after discussing with Kenner and other presidents of other major chambers of the city. It should have been considered very well, and there is a problem.

"Look..." Servini pointed to the map of Bangta City attached to the draft: "The industrial area is re-expanded around the Sanctuary Manor, but you have found out that if you follow this plan, you need to start work. The place will continue to the shore of the Sandy River. It will be close to the Stars Manor."

"What happened then?" Xu Yiyi was puzzled.

"You guys..." Servini hated the expression of iron. With a sigh, he shook his head and said: "Xu Yi, do you think about your convenience, but forget to consider Steele? Steele is now pregnant, you are not afraid to build an industrial zone near the Stars Manor. Are you arguing about her?"

Xu also looked at Severini.

He was thinking about how to build this new industrial zone to benefit the development of Bangta City, but completely ignored the private problem. I don't think that the main man of the city of Servini was considered for him.

"Thank you for your concern..." Xu also indulged for a moment and nodded. "Yes. This is my negligence. You are right. If you are too close to the Luoxing Manor, it will seriously affect Steele. Since it is So... change it a bit here, how are you looking?"

Xu also redrawed two maps on the map, and removed the newly built industrial area from the nearest part of the Stars Manor and moved to a slightly deviated place.

In this way, even if the industrial area starts to work, it is more than two kilometers away from the Luoxing Manor, and it will not have much impact on the environment inside the manor.

However, Sevigny glanced at the map that Xu also repainted, but took the pen and painted another circle on the map. The industrial area was actually moved to a farther position, and it was recently five kilometers away from the Stars Manor.

Xu Yi was speechless.

He felt that it was a big deal to divide the industrial area to two kilometers away. I didn’t expect Servini to be more embarrassed than him, and he increased the distance more than twice in one breath!

"This...Sevigny, we are doing this, is it too public to seek private?" Xu could not help.

Severini glanced at him and snorted softly: "This is the decision of my urban master. Do you have any opinions?"

Xu also can only shake his head.

Sevigny looked at the map again and changed some details again, which was pushed to Xu Yi.

"Look at how it is now?"

Xu also took a glance and glanced: "If you give this plan to President Callan, they will definitely marry me."

Severini glanced at him: "Why do you marry you? You tell them directly that they don't want to affect Steele. Do they dare to have opinions? If you really want them, let them come to me."

Seeing that it was rare to change a very tough appearance of Sevigny, Xu also could not help but be a little funny.

Unexpectedly, it is gentle and quiet, and the kind-hearted Servini is actually a feminist. In this respect, it is not unambiguous.

"Well, I believe that President Sarank will have no opinion if he has any opinions in his heart." Xu also shrugged. "Since you have already confirmed, this new district of Bangta City Magic Machinery Industry will be officially confirmed. As for the specific road paving and supporting facilities, you need to negotiate with President Cruise. Their Amrit Chamber of Commerce is now I already have a lot of experience in this area, I believe that will make you satisfied."

"I believe this too." Servini nodded. "At the very least, the current Bangta urban renewal project has gone very smoothly. Everyone is very appreciative of the Amrit Chamber of Commerce."

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled: "You are satisfied."

The two discussed the details of the industrial area for a while, Xu was preparing to leave, and Severini suddenly stopped him.

"I have nothing to do today, let me see Steele."

Xu Yiyi, looked at Sevigny, determined that she was not joking, thought about it, and agreed.

After the two men walked side by side from the city's main government, Sevigny glanced at the luxury carriage stopped at the main square of the city. He frowned slightly and asked Xu Yi: "Xu Yi, you told me last time that your chamber of commerce will also develop family use. Private riding a magic carriage, it is said to be very comfortable, better than a medium-sized magic bus, is it true?"

"Of course it is true." Xu Yiyao thought about the various luxury cars that ran around the streets on the earth and nodded. "I can guarantee that we will develop this product and it will definitely be welcomed by everyone."

"When can I develop it? I really want to sit and watch now." Servini asked again.

Xu also smiled and shook his head: "I am not sure about this. At present, the main task of the R&D center is to perfect both the cargo magic locomotive and the medium-sized magic passenger car. Other research and development tasks can only be postponed for the time being."

"Well, these two are more important." Servini nodded and glanced at the direction of Philson. "I must admit that it is no exaggeration to say that the emergence of a magic locomotive can change the whole continent. If it is not a magic locomotive, the goods of our Bangta City cannot be transported to all parts of the kingdom so easily. And now when I return to Bangwei City from Bangta City, I can leave in the morning and even catch up to go to dinner. I want to go back at any time."

"In fact, the speed of the magic locomotive is far from meeting my requirements. In theory, the city of Anweimar is only two hundred kilometers away from Bangta City. If the qualified magic locomotive in my mind is successfully developed, only three to four are needed. You can arrive in an hour, so you can go back to Anweimar City to get a morning meal after eating breakfast." Xu also smiled.

“Is it so fast?” Servini had some doubts.

"The speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour is not too fast." Xu also shook his head, thinking that if the f1 car that Cantona said can also be developed, it can reach a monster with a speed of three or four hundred kilometers per hour. More than a hundred kilometers, less than an hour to arrive.

Of course, the requirements for the runway in the f1 car are too high, but on the ordinary road, it is absolutely impossible to run at such a high speed.

In order to continue to improve the speed of the magic locomotive, in addition to continuing to enhance the magic locomotive itself, it is also necessary to upgrade the road.

However, this is a bit too far away.

At present, only the Bangta City in the entire Lampari Kingdom is barely able to spread the road to every main road, but even every village that is required by the company can pass the road, not to mention other cities.

On the entire mainland of Sainz, only the total number of highways in the Kingdom of Lampari is now more than two thousand kilometers. In other countries, only the Principality of Constantine has a completed road with a total mileage of more than 200 kilometers.

As for the road inside the Kingdom of Rulson, because the details of the Kingdom of Rulson and the Amrit Chamber of Commerce did not reach an agreement, the progress is now slow, and there is still no way to go from formal completion.

Of course, Xu Yi’s most anticipated thing is the magic airship that Evita is working on now.

Compared with the magic locomotive, the development of the magic airship is actually more broad.

And although the absolute speed of the previous magic airship is definitely not comparable to the magic locomotive, the magic airship is not limited by the terrain, and it can completely do the branch line. This alone can save a lot of time compared to the magic locomotive.

More importantly, because of the magical effects of wind magic, the most difficult lift problem for all kinds of aircraft on Earth is extremely simple for a magical airship.

To solve this most important problem, the next step is to carry out corresponding research and development on the power system, and the whole process will be greatly accelerated.

Just four days ago, Xu also went to the Magic Research Institute to find Evita. Evita also reported to Xu that her newly developed magic airship could fly a weight of ten kilograms in the air.

According to this trend, a real manned flight can be achieved sooner or later.

"Xu Yi, what are you thinking about?" Servini reached out and shook in front of Xu Yi, pulling him back from his thoughts.

"Oh... I was wondering what kind of private magic car you would like." Xu also smiled back.

“Can it be customized?” Servini’s eyes lit up.

"of course."

"Well, I prefer small, don't look as square and cumbersome as the current medium-sized magic bus. Then I prefer lighter colors, better to have some patterns..."

"Come on, get on the bus and say."

Sevigny glanced at the carriage next to him and sighed: "I was hooked up by my interest. Now I am completely uninterested in riding a carriage."

"But it can't be gone, isn't it?" Xu smiled and made a gesture of asking, and together with Severini, boarded the carriage that had been prepared for a long time. (To be continued.)