Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 76: Major hidden danger

"In fact, there is a big hidden danger in Bangta City now..." Xu Yizheng said to Severni. "If you don't handle it well, you will have problems frequently."

Sevigny has taken over as a city in Bangta City for a month, perhaps because he first arrived, or perhaps because of his prudence. In this month, Sevigny did not do anything special. He only stayed in the city government for some basics every day. The affairs of the company made many people who were waiting for her to take over the city and were very disappointed.

Today, leaving the city's main government, and visiting the chemical fertilizer plant that was set up in the Sanfeidun Manor in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, it is already the most eye-catching move since Servini took over as the city owner, so that he got the news of the Bangta Daily. In the first time, a reporter was sent to run and wanted to follow up and report.

The three journalists sent by Bangta Daily were surprised and surprised that the attitude of His Royal Highness Servini was very gentle to them. They even allowed them to follow and track the whole process of her inspection tour. Reported, and also patiently answered a lot of questions, so that all three reporters felt worthwhile.

What made them even more happy was because of the inspection of His Royal Highness, and Xu Yi, the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, made a special trip from the rainy valley to accompany him.

Followed by these two people, just listening to the big men in the two Bangta cities, you can unearth the news without a big book.

For example, now President Xu, with such a serious expression, said that the Princess of the Kingdom had a great hidden danger, and immediately let the three reporters of the Bangta Daily erect their ears and listen to them.

Sevigny was also very surprised. But she is very clear that Xu is never an alarmist. So I also asked very seriously: "What hidden danger?"

"His Royal Highness. You should be aware that Bonta City has been in a state of rapid development over the past few years, and there have been many novelties that have never happened before." Xu Yidao.

"Are you referring to your new flying chambers?" Servini asked.

Xu Yi honestly nodded and nodded. "It is true that most of the various magical machines developed by our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce are very novel. But just because these things are very novel, so before, everyone did not face these novelties. The experience of things. So with the popularity of these things, there will be various problems because the regulations are not perfect, and what I am most worried about now is related to magic locomotives."

"Oh? How do you say that?" Servini asked with interest.

"For example, when we sell the magic locomotive, we also ask the person who has the magic locomotive to have the qualified magic locomotive driving certificate issued by our chamber of commerce, because the speed of the magic locomotive is much faster than the carriage, if the posture If it is not experienced enough, it will be prone to accidents, and serious accidents will lead to casualties."

Xu also has a serious look, so that when he looks at it, he knows that he is not joking.

"We develop magic locomotives to improve and facilitate people's lives. Of course, we don't want to cause more losses because of it, so we are very strict in this regard."

"Well. I have seen the operation of the magic locomotive. It is indeed much faster than the carriage. So the danger is even greater. It is necessary and reliable for you to ask the person who has the magic locomotive to have a driving qualification certificate. Practice." Servini nodded and appreciated the authenticity.

"But now the problem is coming." Xu also spread his hand and said helplessly: "Although the current agreement with the purchaser when selling the magic locomotive, the person who agreed to the magical locomotive must have a driver's license, but we are only a chamber of commerce after all. There is no real binding force, so even if someone violates this agreement, there is no way to punish the magical locomotive without a driver's license."

"I understand. You mean, do you want our city government to make a corresponding regulation?" asked Servini.

"Yes." Xu also nodded. "In fact, seriously, I hope that the Royal Parliament will simply introduce a law that specifically sets out the rules for the operation of magic locomotives, so that there is no way to punish and restrain them when problems arise."

"I am afraid there is no way for this..." Servini frowned slightly. "It is very serious for the kingdom parliament to pass a law. It is impossible to make such a move easily. Although I agree with you, the influence of the magic locomotive is not big enough now, and the kingdom council should not Will consider this issue."

Xu also shrugged and understood the concerns of Servini.

The formulation of a kingdom's law is of course a very sacred and serious matter. The Royal Parliament cannot simply enact a law against a magical locomotive so easily. They will certainly wait and see for a while.

However, Xu can't wait. He needs such a complete regulation. It is not only for driving safety considerations, but also has positive considerations for the development of magic locomotives.

Just the day before yesterday, there was a bad news from the Philsons.

A coachman of Che Ma Xing was not convinced that his former colleague was now driving a medium-sized magic bus, and his salary was two gold coins higher than him. Under the anger, in order to prove that the medium-sized magic bus is not difficult to open, he can also, I boarded a medium-sized magic bus and simulated the actions of my colleagues.

But he didn't train after all. He didn't know much about the magic locomotive before, so he didn't go far, and he hit a wall at high speed.

Although he did not directly die, he was seriously injured and is still lying in bed and unconscious.

When President Pompeii sent a notice to Xu Yi, he also mentioned that the family of the driver was now making trouble at the pilgrimage car, claiming that the driver had seriously injured the driver and demanded compensation. .

If such news is transmitted, it will undoubtedly cause many people to have a fear of the magic locomotive, which is a great obstacle to the development of Xu also promotes the magic locomotive.

Therefore, Xu also urgently needs a formal law and regulation to perfect the restrictions on the operation and driving of magic locomotives, and try to avoid such tragedies.

The reason why he invited the reporters of Bangta Daily in advance was actually to use the "Bangta Daily" report to convey the relevant concepts little by little, thus influencing and changing the people staying in Bangta City. The impression of the carriage.

"The Kingdom Council does have its own considerations, so I am not really urging them to pass this law immediately. But the Royal Woman, you as the city owner of Bangta City, should be considered for the safety of the people of Bangta City. As soon as possible, the corresponding regulations will be introduced to strictly control these issues." Xu Yidao.

Sevigny took a look at Xu and smiled a little: "Xu Huichang, Magic locomotive, but the most important product of your new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, you require me to impose restrictions on all aspects of the magic locomotive, do not worry about it. Does your Chamber of Commerce sell magic locomotives?"

Xu Yi looked serious and replied in a hurry: "Compared with the sale of several magic locomotives, our Chamber of Commerce definitely pays more attention to people's personal safety. I think the city government should also make it to Bangta City when formulating corresponding regulations. The people instilled the corresponding security awareness."

Severini’s mouth was slightly upturned, and he looked at Xu Yi with a deep impression. He nodded lightly: “Well, I will make a good study after I go back. Of course, you should also be strongly involved in this event. After all, no one knows more about the magic locomotive than you."

"This is inevitable. I am duty-bound to this matter." Xu also focused on the key. "But the master of the city, the regulations I am talking about are not perfect, not just the magic locomotive, there are many other problems."

"I understand." Servini nodded. "But the main purpose of my visit today is to inspect this fertilizer processing plant, so these problems are put on hold for a while, and you will be able to make suggestions to me later. As for now, let us take a look at these amazing fertilizers."

Xu also smiled and nodded, making a gesture of asking, bringing the reporters of Servini and the three "Bangta Daily" into the fertilizer processing workshop.

This is the first time that Sevigny has come here, and the reporter of the Bangta Daily has entered here for the first time.

Prior to this, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce had always kept the mystery of this fertilizer processing plant, and did not disclose what was happening inside. At most, only know that this fertilizer processing plant has elves involved.

However, when Servini and three reporters entered the processing workshop, they were shocked to find that this huge workshop was all elves, not a human!

"Hui Huichang... This... Where did you hire so many elves?" Although Severni had heard from Xu that this fertilizer processing plant was a cooperative factory of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and the Elves, and by the elves. The family dominated, but seeing this situation in front of them, but still surprised Servini.

The three reporters on the side were shocked to look at the workshop, and the face was incredible.

Although they know that the Elves have always had a close relationship with the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, and they have also started a night song plastic processing factory sponsored by the elves, they have seen at least 300 elves in the entire workshop. Make them hard to believe their eyes.

Xu also smiled a little, thinking that Servini and the three journalists could not tell. The elves in this workshop are not the same thing as the elves of the night song plastic processing factory.

Because the elves in this workshop are all from the Moon Shadow tribe. (To be continued.)