Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 75: Unreasonable request

This meal was very enjoyable. . .

In an effort to show his apologies, Mecca deliberately invited Erica to the newly opened one of the most upscale restaurants outside the Rainy Valley, and presented the style of the most gentleman, while relying on the magical locomotive The topic, trying to create a good atmosphere.

In addition, Mecca is actually very funny, so Erica is also very happy when eating, and the two talk about each other.

After the end of the lunch, Mecca once again used the excuse of asking questions about the magic locomotive after using it very wisely, and obtained the consent of Erica, and can come to her at any time.

After returning Erica to work in the rainy valley, Mecca looked at the fascinating back of Erica when she left, and couldn't help but reveal a smile.

I didn't expect that because of this accident, I would be very lucky to let myself meet such a rare beauty as Erica.

However, when I thought about the magic locomotive, Mecca immediately put down these messy things in my mind, turned around and left the rainy valley, and went straight to a new type of public transport medium-sized magic bus that just came from Bangta City to the rainy valley.

When I used to take the bus, the distance from the rainy valley to Bangta City was more than 60 hours, and at least it took more than four hours.

Now, after changing the new medium-sized magic bus, it takes only two hours to get there, and it saves nearly half of the time, so it is quickly welcomed by everyone.

At the beginning, the Philsons and Horses only used a medium-sized magic bus on each bus line to try out the test, but also because it was too novel. At first, many people did not dare to accept it.

But once you try to sit up and experience it once. Everyone found it. Compared to the carriage, this passenger magic locomotive is much stronger than the carriage in terms of comfort and the most important speed.

So just for a half-month trial run, there are countless people who strongly urge the Phillips to change all the bus carriages into medium-sized magic buses.

There are even many people who have suggested that they will refuse to take the bus if they continue to use the bus.

Therefore, on the bus lines that the Philsons and Horses are running now, medium-sized magic buses are increasingly replacing the carriages.

However, due to the current capacity of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, there is no way for the Philsons to replace all the bus carriages with medium-sized magic buses, so that many medium-sized magic buses and carriages coexist. situation.

Of course, Bangta City connects this bus line in the Rain Valley. In the first time, it was replaced by a regular car with a medium-sized magic bus.

Two hours later, Mercadhu jumped from the medium-sized magic bus and headed straight to the newly built Fleming Cars and Horses Headquarters outside Bangta City.

This headquarters was completely completed and put into use last month. The most important reason is that the bus system of Bangta City is becoming more and more mature, which leads to more and more bus coaches and new bus magic locomotives that need to be managed by the Finson Cars. If you continue to set up in Bangta City, it will appear that the place is too small, and even if you want to rebuild it, it is very difficult.

This is also a trend that is now emerging in Bangta City.

With the rapid development of Bangta City, the former small Bangta City has become more and more occluded and crowded, causing many merchants and even ordinary residents in the city to start moving outside Bangta.

And the first two years when Count Satsuma served as the city owner. The concept of rebuilding the new urban area of ​​Bangta City has been proposed, and the roads outside Bangta City are now densely packed. In cooperation with the Amrit Chamber of Commerce for several years, the suburbs outside Bangta City are now fully equipped.

If you really want to compare it, in fact, the conditions of the new city outside the city are much better than those in the city of Bangta. It is not only spacious, but also more convenient and convenient, such as street lamps that can be seen everywhere.

And now the Earl of Stark, the guy who has hindered the development of Bangta City, has finally left, and everyone’s expectation has changed to being the lord of the king of Servini, and immediately let Bangta City live for a whole year. All broke out, and within a month after the successor of the king of the city of Servini took over the city, the new city outside the city seemed to change every day, and now almost completely changed into a new look compared with last year.

This new headquarters of Philson Cars is located in the most prosperous area of ​​the new city outside the city. The west gate of the old city of Bangta is about two kilometers away. It covers an extremely large area and almost reaches the old town of Bangta. One-fifth.

Mercadhu entered the headquarters gate and went straight to the office area in the center. After showing the proof to the receptionist, he quickly met the president of Pompeii in the exclusive office of the president of the top floor.

"Come, Mercadhu, please sit." Seeing Mercat coming in, Pompeii smiled and pointed to the opposite seat, indicating that he was sitting down.

Judging from this very unpopular move by President Pompeii, it is known that Mercat is not the first time to meet him.

After a slight sigh, Mecca sat down opposite the president of Pompeii and handed over the contract for the purchase of a medium-sized magic bus that had just been signed in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

"Oh? Already bought?" President Pompeii took the contract and swept a few eyes. He sighed: "It seems that President Xu is really polite to you. It has not yet completed our Chamber of Commerce and several major chambers of commerce in the city. The order is hard to squeeze out and sell it to you."

Mecca quickly smiled and said: "Mr. Xu is very popular. I know that I want to buy a medium-sized magic bus. I want to use it as a free rental. I am very supportive. I ran to find you in Pompeii, or you will be president. Recommended."

President Pompeii nodded. "Well, if you didn't take the recommendation letter from President Xu, I shouldn't see you." He said that he took a look at Mecca, smiled and continued: "In fact, seriously Get up, you want to do this, and our Chamber of Commerce can be considered a competitor relationship, I should not see you."

Mecca immediately smiled and smiled: "The president of Pompeii is as atmospheric as the president, and certainly will not refuse a small person like me to follow you."

"Don't shoot my flattering, I can't agree with the president." Pombury shook his head. I took another look at the contract in my hand. Also to Mecca. Continued: "To be honest, since President Xu valued you so much and said that the taxi industry will have a bright future, I believe that this industry must be really promising. In this case, according to my previous practice, then I will definitely take this industry into my own hands, and how can I let you take it away from me."

Mecca smiled slyly and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

In front of Erica, of course he can do it freely. But when he faced such a big man like President Pompey, he was really nervous.

No way, although he can now be regarded as a small family, and can even afford a magical locomotive worth more than 800 gold coins, but compared with the big man who controls the Philippine car and horses like President Pompeii. There is no doubt that the difference is too great.

When I thought of it, he suddenly remembered that when he talked with the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, he did not seem to feel so nervous.

It seems that Xu Huichang is born with a temperament that can make people unconsciously relax in front of him. And have a sense of trust in him.

This... Probably the temperament of a real big man?

President Pompeii naturally didn't know that he had made so many thoughts in a moment, and took a look at Merka's face with a slightly flattering smile. Satisfied with a nod.

"But when I discussed this matter with President Xu, he always emphasized to me that I would like to give others some room for development. I agree with him, so this will give you the opportunity to cooperate with our Chamber of Commerce. So You have to remember that although this opportunity is mainly for you to fight for, you should not forget the role played by President Xu in it."

Mercadhu nodded again and again: "Must be sure, I will definitely not forget the help of President Xu. Of course, in my mind, you are the most helpful to me, and I will follow you in the future. Instructions, what do you want me to do, what do I do."

President Pompeii waved his hand: "Not so exaggerated, since I decided to let you do this thing, then you should do it well. Come and see this cooperation agreement first. If you have no problem, sign it first. ”

Mercat took the agreement and carefully read it, confirming that all of the above terms were largely based on the results of his previous discussions with President Pompeii.

Although there are some subtle differences in some places, the overall impact is not great, and even some differences are considered to be cheap.

After reading the agreement, Merkad put a nice gratitude on his face and nodded to President Pompeii: "No problem."

"That's good, sign it if you have no problem." Pompeii will grow.

Mercat took over the pen handed over by President Pompeii, and was about to sign his name at the end of the agreement, but suddenly he moved his mind, opened the agreement, and carefully read it twice on one of the terms. I hesitated, pointing to this article and looking at the president of Pompeii.

"This... President Pompeii, this magic locomotive is purchased by myself. I don't need to go to your Pompeii Chamber of Commerce every year to report for overhaul and accept the qualification review. Last time we talked, you can Did not mention this."

President Pompeii glanced at the clause and said carelessly: "Oh, this is not what I meant, but when he talked to President Xu about this matter last time, he proposed it. The reason why It is for the purpose of standardization, which makes it convenient for you to manage this kind of private magic locomotive. It is also for the sake of our Bangta City, and it has no such big impact on you."

Mekkad frowned. "This is some...something more? This is the magic locomotive that I bought myself. If someone wants to rent it, I will find it. It should have nothing to do with other people. Why do you have to report it every year? Is it necessary to review the qualifications?"

President Pompeii shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Don't ask me, I don't really understand why President Xu is so strict about this. But you don't have to object to this, even our Philson car. All the magic locomotives used by the horse must comply with the rules that he has proposed, and you should not expect to resist."

"Then you have not protested to President Xu?" Mercat asked some incredulously.

President Pomberg’s brow wrinkled and glanced at Mecca, and he was slightly dissatisfied: “I’m not going to be like you. Xu’s president said that this is for the safety norms of the entire industry. In the long run. I think it is for the benign development of the whole industry. I believe his judgment, so there is no objection. As for you... I don't mind if you refuse to accept this agreement if you don't want to accept it."

Mecca groaned, and did not expect that Pompeii’s president was so tough in this regard, thinking about it, no longer saying more, picking up the pen and owing his name at the end of the agreement.

However, until he and Pompey president completed the agreement, and still walked out of the gates of the Flemish car headquarters, they still could not understand.

Why does the president of Xu propose this unreasonable request? What's even more strange is why such a big man like the president of Pfeiffer of the Fleming car is still willing to agree to this request? (To be continued.)