Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 115: Stil's sent watcher

I want to figure out the problems in this magical stone body, of course, not a day or two.

Because Major McKelly refused to allow Xu to transport this magic trebuchet to the backwaters of Bangta City and slowly study it, after consulting with Major Macquarie, Xu also wrote a letter to send a new flight. Chamber of Commerce, let Potter and several other magic mechanical engineers who were mainly responsible for the development of magic trebuchets come to Anweimar City.

In conjunction with several researchers who are currently participating in the qualification assessment of the Wizards' Union in Anweimar City, a detailed evaluation test can be carried out on this magic trebuchet.

In addition to determining the source of this magic trebuchet, it is necessary to make a definitive assessment of the power and quality of this magic trebuchet to ensure that the Zhenbei Army will encounter the Sark King’s squad in case of another encounter. Such a magical trebuchet, do your heart.

After doing these things, the morning time has passed, and Xu refused the invitation of Major McKelly to stay at the training ground. He took the rented carriage and went to the south gate of Anweimar City.

Looking up at the sky, I saw that the warmth of the sun in the winter has risen to the top of the head, Xu also knows that time is almost.

Sure enough, after waiting for less than ten minutes, on the road connecting the south gate of Anweimar City, a fleet of dozens of magic locomotives quickly came from the far end of the horizon.

Although the people of Anweimar City have long known through the major newspapers the existence of the newly developed magic locomotives of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, during this time, they can often see the magic locomotive between Bangta City and Anweimar City. But this is the first time I have seen such a huge fleet, and people on both sides of the road can't help but stop. I stared at the train team and drove over.

In the first position of the team is a medium-sized magic bus. Slow down when I approached Xu Yi. Then just stop by Xu Yi.

The door opened, but Kenner was the first to come down.

"The president, the first shipment has already arrived, do you want to check it out?" Kennard asked.

"I don't worry about what you do."

Xu also smiled and shook his head, looking at the two medium-sized magic buses behind him, but found that a group of people came down from either two rabbit ears or a long, furry tail behind the butt, but they were all long. It is very beautiful. The figure is still very slender and beautiful young girl.

“Is Steele finally decided to let the New Moon Song and Dance Troupe come back?” Xu also asked.

"Well, she said that since you will grow up in Anweimar City, she is not used to believe that you can arrange it. Of course, you can't miss this opportunity, so let the New Moon Song and Dance Troupe come with me. President, How do you arrange them?"

"Fortunately, I have already prepared." Xu also shrugged. "Let them go to the city with us for a while, as for living..." Xu also glanced at Kennard and asked, "Yes, you should go home first to see it? Sophia? Why didn't you come back with you?" ?"

"Sofia said that since you are not there, she will stay to take care of Steele for you. So I didn't come back." Kennard smiled.

"She takes care of Steele?" Xu also looked incredulous. "It would be nice if she didn't add to Steele..."

Kennard laughed and said: "I think she should have been away from home for a long time, so I don't want to come back. As for taking care of Steele... I also think she is very difficult to do."

Xu also could not help but shook his head. The first one was biased, but the corner of his eye suddenly saw a familiar figure on the medium-sized magic bus.

"Linda, how come you are here?" Xu also looked at the side and curiously looked at Linda, who came around and asked. "You don't stay at home to take care of Steele, what are you doing here?"

Linda took back the look of the surrounding environment and looked at Xu Yi. The pretty face was a little red, and she lowered her head and said: "It’s the lady who brought me."

"Steel let you come? Why?" Xu was even more puzzled.

"Mrs. said, you have to leave home for a long time, you have to go to the city of Severwell, no one can serve you along the way, so send me over." Linda replied.

"I am not the first time I have been away from home for a long time. What is good to serve?" Xu also rolled his eyes.

Linda looked up and gave Xu a look. She quickly lowered her head and whispered more quietly: "Mrs. said... Master, you should go to Cerver City this time, you should see Caroline County..."

Xu Yiyi, then understood, not only a little angry and a little funny.

"Well, she was worried about this, and sent you to be a watcher..." Xu also shook his head and glanced at a careful and discerning Linda. He sighed: "Forget it, since she has sent you Come over, then let's stay. It can save me a lot of things by being able to have more people who are at ease."

Upon hearing Xu also agreed, Linda immediately responded with a sigh of relief and quickly stood by Xu.

"President, you haven't said how to arrange these orc girls in the New Moon Song and Dance Troupe." Kennard reminded.

"Oh..." Xu also turned to look at the group of orc girls who were looking more curious than Linda and thought about it: "Let them stay with me in the Earl of Satsuma. It’s convenient for me to make arrangements for them.”

"Good. Then the president will grow up, when are you going to leave for the city of Cerve?" Kennard asked again.

"If there is no accident, I will participate in the qualification examination of the Magician Union tomorrow morning and will leave at noon. The Count of Satsuma must wait."

"I understand, I will handle the rest." Kennard nodded.

Xu also couldn't help but smile. Since Kennard served as the CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, he can really save a lot of time and energy. For example, at the invitation of Count Satsuma, he went to Server City to invest in the construction of a production base. There were a lot of things before and after, but Xu also just explained it. Basically, nothing happened. Kennard did everything well, and now he is ready to bring the necessary human resources.

And Xu also can safely hand over everything he left after the city of Anweimar to Kennard to do, no need to stay here.

"It’s been hard for you in the past few days. You should go home and meet your parents. Take a rest and rest.” Xu also took a shot on Kennard’s shoulder and expressed his appreciation.

"It's not hard work either. I want to wait for me to come back. My father may invite you to visit my house. Are you willing to go?"

"Of course, why not?" Xu also laughed. "If it is not because you are coming soon, I will come to the door to see Count Emma in the next few days. But the exact time will be seen, I must rush to the city of Server as soon as possible."

"Well, I will discuss it with my father."

After greeting, Kennard took the cargo magic locomotive behind the various materials and went to the warehouse outside the city. Xu also let two medium-sized magic passengers carry their own, Linda and the new moon dance. A group of orc girls from the regiment drove into the city of Anweimar.

Two medium-sized magic passenger cars have attracted the attention of countless people in the city along the way, and waited for the stop at the entrance of the courtyard of the Earl of Satsuma, a group of beautiful and cute orc girls jumped out of the car. It is even more attractive to everyone’s eyes.

After waiting for the car, a middle-aged man rushed out of the crowd and asked Xu Yi aloud: "Hello, I am a reporter from the Anweimar Daily, who is new. Is the president of the Flying Chamber of Commerce Xu also?"

"Yes, I am Xu Yi. Hello, Ricko reporter." Xu also politely said hello to him.

Ricko looked at the orc girl who was behind Xu Yi with a sullen look. He asked excitedly: "Mr. Xu, from the look of these girls, they should all be orc. is it?"

"Yes. It can be seen from the outside. They are from the fox family, the cat family, the leopard family, etc. in the orc family. They are all young girls in the orc family." Xu also replied.

Upon hearing Xu’s answer, the crowd around the crowd made a burst of exclamation.

For most humans, the orcs are equated with ugliness, cruelty, and fierceness in their minds, but the girls of these orc races are all beautiful and beautiful, with the orcs on them. The characteristics are even more lovely, and there is a bit of cruelty and fierce appearance.

"Mr. Xu, I know that your new flyer will employ a lot of foreign workers. Are these orc girls also employees of your Chamber of Commerce? What do they do at your Chamber of Commerce?" Ricko asked.

“No, they are members of the New Moon Song and Dance Troupe affiliated to the New Moon Chamber of Commerce, and have nothing to do with our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.”

"New Moon Song and Dance Troupe?" Recto showed amazed look. “Don't these orc girls work and dance?”

"Don't believe it?" Xu also smiled and turned and waved to a Fox girl. "Come on, Avril, sing a song for everyone to listen to."

Watched by a group of people around, Avril Lavigne had some market, but after Xu also encouraged her to pat her shoulders, she still had the courage to open her mouth.

A beautiful, but with a strong and charming voice from the mouth of Avril's throat, heard in the human ear, as if someone is using the ball to keep swaying, people feel extremely comfortable, but yet Itching in the heart.

Unconsciously, everyone around them was attracted by the song, and all quietly listened.

Seeing the reaction of the surrounding people, Xu also nodded with satisfaction.

When he first heard of Avril Lai's show, he was taken aback and deeply attracted.

Now, from the reaction after her first appearance in front of everyone, the reputation of the New Moon Song and Dance Troupe will definitely be heard in an instant.

With this powerful advertising base, the task of establishing a new image of the orc family undertaken by the New Moon Song and Dance Troupe will be much easier. (To be continued...)