Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 114: The Sark Kingdom also has a magic trebuchet.

"You are doing the right thing. The military magic machinery is very powerful. It can even be said that it is the core equipment of our Lanpari Kings. Of course, it can't be sold to other countries." Major McKelly nodded and said to Xu. Appreciated the rejection of the request of the Principality of Constantine to purchase military magic machinery.

After seeing the messenger from the Ankerus last night, Xu also came to the military training ground outside the city to find Major Macquarie the next morning.

In addition to meeting in advance according to the agreement, I also told Major Macquarie about the part of the conversation with the Anglo-German messenger last night.

After all, military magic machinery is different from ordinary household magic machinery, and it is obviously subject to certain regulations.

Ordinary weapons and equipment are also a thing of the past, like the military magic machinery, which is also very important for the Lanpari kings. Naturally, we must inform the military in advance and get the consent of the military.

However, the military clearly did not want such important things to flow outside the Kingdom of Lampari, so Major McKelly strongly agreed with Xu’s decision.

Xu Yizhen smiled: "Since the military recognizes that military magic machinery is the core equipment, should it be more orders?"

Major McKelly said with a smile: "This is a thing... you still need to discuss it before you can make a decision."

Xu Yiqi said: "This is not right. When the military had no money before, it also made so many orders to our chamber of commerce. This year the kingdom's finances have improved so much, the military's budget will certainly increase a lot, why is it buying? Military magic machinery hesitates in this regard?"

Major McKelly shook his head slowly, hesitated for a moment, and sighed aloud: "Hui Huichang, you have a close relationship with His Royal Highness. I must have heard that His Royal Highness King Eric is reorganizing the town's northern army and intends to counterattack Sark. Kingdom?"

"I did listen to the title of the royal girl." Xu also nodded. "But what does this have to do with the military's hesitation in purchasing military magic machinery? If you really want to counter the Sark kingdom, shouldn't it be more expensive to buy military magic machinery? Our Chamber of Commerce just developed two new military magics some time ago. Machinery. If it is equipped with the Zhenbei Army, it will definitely make this counterattack smoother."

"I am very clear about this. I also believe in the ability of your new Flying Chamber of Commerce. But..." There was a bitter smile on Major Macquarie’s face. "Xu Huichang, the Zhenbei Army is currently under the leadership of His Royal Highness Eric, and the relationship between your new Flying Chamber of Commerce and His Royal Highness Servini..."

Xu also sneaked a little, frowning: "Wang’s Royal Highness will not ignore the overall situation? No matter what the relationship between our Chamber of Commerce and the Royal Girl, the role of these military magical machinery is unquestionable."

"I understand, you understand. In fact, His Royal Highness understands this. But... President Xu, your position with Wang Dian has decided that many things can't be done. I think you should be able to understand."

"I understand?" Xu couldn't help but sneer.

Although he has not seen this side of His Royal Highness Erik until now, but from the decision he made, it can be seen that the Royal Highness is really a bit of a blind eye.

Even if the positions are different, it is a very important thing for the Sark Kingdom to counter the Sark Kingdom. In this national event, if you still let yourself take the initiative to abandon the advantage because of the position problem, it is not a sacrifice. The life of the soldiers in the town of the Northern Army is even more in the interests of the entire Kingdom of Lampari.

Think of it here. Xu also suddenly moved in the heart.

"Is there no comment on the decision of His Royal Highness under the kingdom?" Xu asked.

Although there are not many contacts with His Majesty the King, it can be seen through a short contact. His Majesty King Lampari X is worthy of being called the Lord, with strength and foresight, and is very determined.

Xu also did not believe that he could not see the hidden problems behind the decision of His Royal Highness Eric.

"The King did not say anything." Major McKelly shook his head. "Because the two kings and His Royal Highness Servini are dispatched, His Majesty has said that he will not interfere with any decision of their people."

"But what Her Royal Highness King Erik wants to do this time is related to the entire Kingdom of Lampari. Is it necessary for the King to sit still and watch?" Xu also said.

"Don't try to guess the idea of ​​the King's Majesty." Major McKelly shook his head gently, but then said: "But I think that His Majesty King may want to see the power of His Royal Highness Eric by this matter... ..."

"Use the entire town of the Northern Army to test His Royal Highness King Eric?" Xu also frowned. "Mr. King is not worried about over-playing, so that the entire Lampari Kingdom is in a disadvantage?"

"I have said, don't try to guess the thoughts of the King." Major McKelly took a sigh of relief and patted him on the shoulder. He continued: "Oh, the discussion about this matter ends here. Let me come over today, mainly to let you see one thing."

Xu also wondered that Major Macquarie came to a warehouse next to the training ground. As soon as he entered the gate, he saw a huge object standing in the middle of the warehouse.

At a glance, Xu also suddenly glimpsed.

"This is... the magic trebuchet?" Xu also walked to the side of the machine similar to the magic trebuchet from the new Feishang, and carefully observed it, but shook his head again. "No, this is a lot different from the magical trebuchets that we have at the Chamber of Commerce. Major McKelly, is it difficult for your military to secretly research and make magic trebuchets?"

"When you have more money in our military department, there is no place to use it? You have a new flying symposium to provide magical trebuchet, why do you have to develop it yourself?" Major McKelly shook his head and glanced at the magic trebuchet in the middle of the warehouse. The eyes became dignified. "This magical trebuchet was captured by the Northern Army in a battle when the Sark Kingdom counterattacked the Murto Mountains."

Xu Yi suddenly said: "That is... this magical trebuchet was made by the Sark Kingdom?"

Maiconli Shaoxia carefully observed the look of Xu Yi's face and confirmed that he did not make any false judgments. This slowly nodded: "Yes."

The look on Xu Yi’s face immediately became extremely dignified. He re-circled around the magic trebuchet for a few laps, and even climbed to the top of the magic trebuchet to carefully examine it.

After all the details were checked, Xu’s face looked even more dignified.

"How? Xu Huichang, how is this magic trebuchet compared to the magic trebuchet produced by your new Feishang Chamber?" asked Major Macquarie.

Xu also gave him a look and asked: "What do you think?"

Major McKelly shrugged his shoulders: "I feel far worse. Although this magic trebuchet looks very big, the power and frequency of the stone throwing are much worse than the magic trebuchets of your new flying chamber. In general, the power is far behind."

"Well, I think so too. But..." Xu also looked up and glanced at the huge magic trebuchet that had his own personal height. There is a trace of confusion in the eyes. "The Sark Kingdom can actually imitate the magic trebuchet. It really can't be underestimated. Except for the magic trebuchet, are they magical to copy them?"

"I haven't found it yet." Major McKelly shook his head. "Mr. Xu, let you look at this thing, mainly to ask, do you think... How many similarities does this magic trebuchet have with the magic trebuchet of your new Feishang Chamber of Commerce?"

Xu also narrowed his eyes: "Are you doubting our Chamber of Commerce?"

"I am really doubtful." Major McKelly nodded solemnly. "Xu Huichang, you once said that the magic trebuchet...

It looks very big, but it is actually a very demanding magic machine. Even if there is a mistake, it may make the whole magic trebuchet inoperable, so it is difficult to develop and produce. ”

"Yes, I said that." Xu also extended his finger and clicked on the magic trebuchet. "A magic trebuchet is used for a few tons of steel, and contains up to two parts. Any one part is required to be precise and strict. If you make a mistake, don't let it work properly, even if you want to It is very difficult to assemble successfully."

"So I want to ask... How did the Sark Kingdom make such a magical trebuchet that was so demanding and so difficult to develop?" Major McKelly looked at Xu Yi’s eyes and suddenly became extremely sharp, as if two The knife stabbed like a deep knife.

Xu also met with Major Macquarie’s gaze, and did not let it go. He said with a serious attitude: "I understand that you doubt our thoughts, but Major Macquarie, I must solemnly explain to you that our Chamber of Commerce will never privately This important thing is handed over to countries outside the Kingdom of Lampari, not to mention the enemy of the Sark Kingdom."

Major McKelly stared at Xu and watched it for a while. Then he nodded gently. "If I don't believe you, Xu will be long. You will not stand here and talk to me now. You should have been put in jail. It is."

Xu also smiled slightly: "If I want to betray the Kingdom of Lampari, it is not just a magic stone slinger."

Major McKelly’s face changed slightly, apparently thinking that if Xu Yi and Xinfei Chamber of Commerce betrayed the serious consequences of the Lampari Kingdom, he pondered for a moment, his face moved and he smiled again.

"I believe that Xu will be your loyalty to the kingdom. But the Sark Kingdom can actually make a magic trebuchet. I hope that you will be able to explain to me and the military as soon as possible. If you can't do it, The military will send someone to assist you."

This last sentence is almost threatening and warning, but Xu also does not care much about the tone of Major McKelly.

Compared with the threats and warnings of Major Macquarie, the first question to be clarified now is whether this magical trebuchet was developed by the Sark Kingdom after seeing the magic trebuchet used by the Zhenbei Army. The research and development materials of the magic trebuchet were stolen from the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and then copied.

If it is the latter, this problem is undoubtedly much more serious.

Look at the magical industrial empire to the wind.