Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

Chapter 98: Magic array that can be programmed

Watching Lord Fisher leave with three companions, and the head of Ram is coming to Xu Yi. Some people are worried about the truth: "Mr. Xu, you... do you treat the officials of the Agriculture Department like this? The Earl is not I have told you that you and the Agriculture Department will work together to promote the things you have done in Bang Ta City?"

Xu also pointed to the direction in which the four people left: "Do you think they are a cooperative attitude?"

The head of Ram was speechless.

Just now, Lord Fisher, the four of them, was a high-ranking, arrogant, fully-conceived Xu as a subordinate, and even said that Xu also handed over the farmland magic machinery, which is really no point. The meaning of child cooperation.

You must know that even the Earl of Satsuma is also very respectful of Xu in his letter. His tone is very polite. It can be seen that this president is not an ordinary civilian.

Coupled with the close relationship between Viscount Lesley and him, it is normal for Xu to not take the officials of the four Agricultural Departments in this area.

"Lam supervisor, how do you know that the four of them are officials of the Agriculture Department?" Xu also suddenly asked.

When Ram was in charge, he immediately reacted, and Xu also now began to doubt the identity of the four people.

He quickly replied: "The uniforms on them are the uniforms of the Agriculture Department, and they carry the badge of the Department of Agriculture. In the city of Anweimar, no one is so bold and free to pretend to be an official."

Xu also nodded and did not ask, but returned to the house to continue testing the six machines.

The test results are still optimistic.

After all, these six machines are all iron products, and the quality is strictly required in the manufacturing process. Together with the exquisite craftsmanship of the dwarves, these six machines are extremely strong and difficult to damage.

Except for the magical array inside one of the small magic excavators that could not be activated, the remaining five can be considered intact.

Xu also did not have the right materials to repair, and of course there would be no corresponding materials to be spared in the hospital. So Xu also confessed to the head of Ram, once again left the other house and walked into the streets of Anweimar.

Compared to yesterday, the number of magicians wearing magical robes on the streets today is even more. No matter which direction you look at, there will be two or three or more magicians coming into view.

If it is only these two days to come to this world, then it will definitely create the illusion that everyone in the world is a magician.

Xu is only to find a magic material store to buy some materials to arrange the magic array, it will be more than half an hour to buy the team, it can be seen.

When I was about to leave this commercial street that specializes in the magician-related items, a small shop in front of me suddenly rushed out.

"I have said it for a long time, no one will see your broken stuff, and will not come again in the future!" A young man who looks like a man rushes out of the store, swears at the man and kicks his ass. A foot, this is back to the store.

Looking at the back of the man who was dragging his body, Xu suddenly felt familiar.

After thinking for a while, Xu also recalled that this person was the guy who was rescued when he first came to Anweimar City yesterday.

Watching him limping away from the commercial street, Xu also moved in the heart and followed.

After leaving the commercial street, the man turned into an alley and found a remote and quiet corner. He did not care about the coldness of the slate. He sat down straight and then felt a black lacquer from his arms, which seemed to be bread. The same thing slowly picked up.

He is very hungry, but he eats very slowly. After taking a bite of dark bread, he chews it in his mouth for a long time before he swallows it. It’s like this piece of black bread that is thrown on the ground and no one cares. Enjoy the delicious meal in general.

Xu also looked at it not far away, thought about it, left the alley, bought something, and walked up to him.

"Hey, eating bread will be very thirsty, drink a cup of milk." Xu also kneels in front of the man and handed over a bottle of hot milk that he just bought at a street shop.

The man paused and looked up at Xu Yi. Xu also immediately showed a kind smile.

The man took another look at the hot milk in the hands of Xu Yi, and his eyes showed a longing look.

Xu also sent the hot milk to him. However, after his throat slammed, he lowered his head again and did not mean to overheat the milk.

Xu also had some accidents. The man was ragged and his hair was dirty like a chicken coop. It seemed that he had not eaten enough food for many days. No matter how you look at it, he couldn’t think of it and refused to give up his charity.

After thinking about it, Xu also smiled and said: "Hey, brother, this is not for charity. I am a businessman. I want to do business with you. This cup of hot milk is just a meeting."

The man raised his head again, and his dirty face showed a confused look.

Xu also pointed to his chest: "I saw that you just came out of the store and listened to what the guy said. You should want to sell this thing in your arms to that store, right? Oh, right. In addition to being a businessman, I am still a magician. I can feel that the magical array attached to the thing in your arms is very strange. I am very interested in it. Can you show it to me? If you are satisfied, I can buy it."

The man hesitated for a moment, suddenly reached out and took the hot milk in Xu’s hand and poured it in.

The temperature of this cup of hot milk is still quite high, and he immediately burned himself up.

Xu also patiently waited for him to recover, and then handed over the food that had already been prepared on the other hand.

The man did not refuse this time. After picking up the past, he gorged on the hot milk.

Until the hot milk was drunk, and the food was swallowed in with some slag, the man spit out a sigh of relief, and then he looked at Xu Yi and finally said: "You... want to buy?"

Perhaps it is because he has too few opportunities to talk to people. Although he is only three words, he is very hard.

Xu also shook his head: "I am not sure if I will buy it. I am a businessman. I will not make a decision easily until I see the real thing. Of course, if my sensory is not wrong, I should buy it."

The man nodded and reached out and touched him in his arms. He took a round crystal ball and handed it over.

Xu also took the crystal ball and looked it up carefully. He found that the crystal ball looks no different from the ordinary toys of the children on the surface, but with the magical exploration, you can know that there should be a wind system attached to the base of the crystal ball. Magic array.

"Can you give me a try?" Xu also pointed to the base of the crystal ball.

The man nodded and looked at Xu Yi with curiosity. He seemed to want to see what he was going to do.

Xu Yi spirits a condensate, a trace of magic from the palm of his hand into the base of the crystal ball.

The magic array attached to the base of the crystal ball was instantly excited, and a breeze was blown out on the base. The debris inside the crystal ball used to represent the snow fluttered, and the crystal ball suddenly seemed to have a blizzard.

At the beginning, there was nothing unusual about it. The base of the crystal lacquer constantly blows out a stable breeze through the magical array of winds, which is no different from the ordinary magic array.

However, after a while, the wind blown from the base suddenly changed, and it turned from the upward blow to the oblique upward.

The debris that had already been blown into the air suddenly flew back because of the change of wind direction, and violently danced in the crystal bottle, making the scene that was still stable in the crystal ball instantly become a blizzard.

After a while, the magical array on the base of the crystal ball suddenly stopped blowing the breeze, but suddenly stopped, and the floating debris naturally fell again.

When the debris is completely dropped, the magic array on the base is started again. This time, it is only from a different place on the base that occasionally ejects a stream of air like a fountain, not a continuous blow.

Then the debris that was covered with the base bursted up with the jets and then fell.

The frequency of the jets on the base is fast and slow. Sometimes there is only one jet that ejects airflow. Sometimes the entire base erupts together. The crumbs in the crystal ball are flying wildly, and it looks beautiful.

This process lasted for about two minutes and the base returned to its original upward breeze.

Xu also withdrew the magic, and the crystal ball recovered calmly.

"I will repeat this process in the future?" Xu also asked the man with a crystal ball.

The man looked a little surprised and nodded and asked: "Do you see it?"

Xu also smiled and looked back at the crystal ball in his hand, and his eyes gradually became hot.

This crystal ball doesn't look very surprising, but Xu also knows very well that the magical array of the wind on the base of the crystal ball is enough to trigger a revolution!

Prior to this, both the Xuan learning and the contact magic arrays have already determined the effect when the magic array is arranged, and the effect is completely single, and nothing will change.

For example, the wind cyclone array used by the magic fan, when placed in the magic fan base, has determined the power of the wind cyclone, and then it uses the power to push the fan blade, the fan blade speed will be fixed, blow out The wind is also fixed.

As for the second-generation variable-speed magic fan, in fact, three different wind cyclones are arranged on the base of the magic fan.

When switching the speed of the magic fan, it is switching between different wind cyclones.

However, now Xu is also in the hands of the crystal ball on the base of the magic system, but in the case of Xu has always maintained the same magical injection, there will be a variety of different changes!

Not only the change of wind speed, but also the change of wind direction, even the change of air outlet, the change of frequency, etc...

If you want to describe it, the magical array of wind on this crystal ball has even brought a bit of programming taste!