Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

Chapter 97: Agricultural Department

Early the next morning, the Viscounts who heard the news came in front of the coffers that had been burned into a group of coke, and they looked gloomy.

"How is the loss?" After a while, the Viscount Leslie asked to ask Xu, who was next to him.

"I found it early, but there was no loss." After Xu also responded, he frowned slightly and his expression was somewhat puzzled.

Last night, he saw with his own eyes that the ignition star exploded, but it instantly became a group of flames covering the entire warehouse. It didn't look like an ordinary fire, but it was like someone deliberately setting fire.

However, Xu also just arrived in Anweimar City last night. I don’t know a few people here. Naturally, I can’t talk to anyone who hates. How can someone suddenly come up with these things that he brought to him?

After hearing these questions from Xu Yi, the Viscount Leslie was silent for a long while, and suddenly waved his hand, indicating that the head of Ram and other servants had retired.

When everyone retreated to the distance, Viscount Lesley sighed softly and said to Xu Yi: "Xu Yi, I am tired of you."

Xu Yiyi: "The Viscount, why do you say that?"

Viscount Leslie looked northeast outside the wall of the other house, and his face passed a bitter smile.

"Because someone doesn't welcome me back, and this is a warning for me."

Xu also opened his mouth, but eventually did not ask.

It can be inferred from the tone of Viscount Lesley that this must involve a lot of complicated reasons, and it is better not to be involved in the status of Xu.

"It seems that these things are not safe to put here, so I will find a safe place for you to store them." Viscount Lesley thought about it again.

Xu also shook his head. "This is not necessary. Since it has been burned once, I think the other party must have felt that these things have been destroyed. It should not be run again. Not to mention that the Viscount said that this is a warning for you, then the warning. The purpose has been reached, and the result is not very important. I asked the head of Ram to strengthen the alert here, it should be no problem."

Viscount Lesley frowned. "Xu, these things are so important to your glimpse of this time. How do I feel that you are not nervous at all?"

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled: "I was really nervous before I was burned, but after I saw this fire burned up yesterday, I suddenly figured it out. These things are not the key, the key is the meaning of these things. Anything here is really ruined, no problem, anyway, our new Flyer will be able to reproduce at any time. Unless the guys can burn all the new Flyers, it doesn't make much sense."

Leslie Lesley laughed aloud: "You are free and easy, but you are not afraid to be able to get something when you are called by the King?"

"I am afraid." Xu also nodded seriously. "So the Viscount, you have to do me a favor."


After sending away the Viscount Leslie, Xu also returned to the storeroom and looked at the burnt blackness in front of him. Xu’s original relaxed face gradually sank.

Just before the Viscount Leslie, he did not fully tell the truth.

When the fire was born last night, Xu also clearly felt that there was a trace of magical fluctuations. It is obvious that there is a possibility of possessing a magician among those who set fire to last night.

Being able to dispatch a magician to do arson is a small matter. It is obvious that the other party attaches great importance to this matter, and it is obviously a determination to succeed.

If it is not Xu, just catch up, take the opportunity to control the fire with the water magic, and neutralize the magical destructive power contained in the flame. I am afraid that if these things in the warehouse are not completely burned, there will be some damage.

Thinking for a while, Xu also went to another room in the distance.

This room was originally a room, because the warehouse was destroyed, and Xu also let the head of Ram transfer the things in the warehouse.

Pushing open the door, you can see six strange machines standing in the middle of the room. The darkened shell of the flame is full of mottled, looks like a sly look, not really good looking.

These six machines are the ones that Xu also brought from Bangta City, including six small-scale magic harvesters, small magic ripper, and small magic excavators.

This time, he was summoned by His Majesty the King. Xu also intends to personally demonstrate to the King the power of these machines.

The nobles in Bangta City have now been conquered by these machines, and they have placed orders with the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. I believe that His Majesty is no exception.

If His Majesty the King is also impressed and promotes the farmland magic machinery throughout the Kingdom of Lampari, not only will the New Flying Chamber of Commerce be able to obtain a large amount of profits, but it will also help Xu to realize his preliminary planning earlier.

Xu also took a towel and wiped the surface of the six machines in detail.

This work is very time consuming, but Xu is not assured that it will be handed over to the servants who have no knowledge of these machines, so they have to do it themselves.

After spending more than half an hour, he wiped the surfaces of the six machines roughly, then took out a few pieces of magic crystal, put them into the six machines, and then turned on the switch to prepare for a test.

Just opened the switch of the first small magic harvester, when the front of the nail began to turn, there was a mess of footsteps outside the house.

"Xu Huichang, Xu Huichang..." The shouting of the director of Ram passed through the door and window.

Xu also turned off the small magic harvester and walked out with a puzzled look.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw the head of Lahm leading four people to come over.

The four men were dressed in uniform uniforms and looked like they were from the same organization.

Sure enough, after the introduction of the director of Ram, Xu also knows that these four people are all officials of the Agricultural Department. Yesterday, I knew that Xu had already arrived in Anweimar City. I came here early this morning and Xu also met. surface.

The leading agricultural department official is a middle-aged man whose hair has been somewhat gray, and seems to have passed at least 50. After listening to the introduction of the director of Ram, he nodded lightly: "Hui Huichang, you bring What kind of farmland magic machinery? Give us back."

Xu Yimei frowned, this Lord Fisher’s tone sounded calm, but both expression and tone revealed a scorn and indifference that was undisguised, as if they had come to see it and it was already Xu also had a big face, and it was a natural appearance for Xu to hand over things.

Xu also thought that the officials of the Agriculture Department actually received the news the night before, and they came to meet with them the next morning. They must pay attention to the farmland magic machinery they brought. Now, it’s not the case at all. .

"Lord Fisher, I didn't seem to say that I have to hand over the things to the Agriculture Department?" Xu also frowned.

"Do you still want to keep it?" Lord Fisher raised his voice slightly and looked at Xu Yi, seemingly impatient. "Mr. Xu, you have reported that you have brought over the farmland magic machinery, of course, you have to hand it over to us, let us take it back and study it. If it is really helpful to improve the farmland, the Agriculture Department will definitely Make a commendation for your new flying business association."

"Recognition?" Xu Yi was very happy.

This time, he was planning to promote the magic machinery of the farmland. He thought that even the King of the King would call himself. The Agricultural Department should pay attention to it, but did not expect the officials of the four Agricultural Departments to be so indifferent. , where there is a little bit of attention.

From their attitude to calculate, if Xu also really handed over these farmland magic machinery to them, maybe they will be immediately shelved and no longer questioned.

"Lord Lord, please forgive me one more question. I remember that the Agriculture Department said in my letter that this time I mainly wanted to hear the complete farmland renovation plan and the farmer support plan of our new flying business association, and Didn't you say that I want to hand over these magical mechanics? In addition, I never said that I would bring the farmland magic machinery. Where did you know it?" Xu also stared at Lord Fisher.

Lord Fisher’s eyes flashed so brightly, then he glared at Xu Yi and raised his voice. “Mr. Xu, this is not something you should ask. Now don’t worry so much. On behalf of the Agriculture Department, I ask you to bring those farmland immediately. The magic machine is handed over to let us study. Don't you agree?"

Xu Yi’s eyes swept over the three Agriculture Department officials beside Lord Fisher and found that they were also fierce. Just as Xu dared not to agree, they would immediately rush to the ground.

Seeing the four of them, Xu also sinks.

He is not afraid, just thinks that this seems a bit embarrassing.

If the Agriculture Department does not pay attention to itself, then it will never run so early, and if it really pays attention, how can it show such an attitude?

Thinking about it, Xu also shook his head: "Lord Lord, I am afraid I can't promise you. These machines are of other use. If you give them to you, it will disrupt my plan."

Lord Fisher suddenly sinks his face and sighs: "Disrupt your plan? You don't give us the machines, it will upset our AA plan! You think it's important for your plan." Or is it important for our Agricultural Department's plan?"

Xu also smiled lightly: "Lord Lord, this does not seem to be comparable? Perhaps the Agriculture Department's plan is important, but this does not mean that I have to hand over those machines to you."

"Let's relax!" Lord Fisher suddenly burst into anger, pointing his finger at Xu's nose and shouting loudly: "Xu Yi, you are just a small businessman, dare to arbitrarily resist the requirements of our Agriculture Department? You Do you know that if you don’t see what kind of farmer support plan in your chamber of commerce, there is still a little bit of merit, do you even have the qualification to talk to me?”

Xu also frowned and grabbed Lord Fisher's finger and pressed it down. He still kept a calm tone: "Lord Lord, if you continue to maintain this attitude, I think our conversation will stop here. Let's go."

Xu’s calm tone suddenly angered the officials of the other three Agriculture Departments and even angered Lord Fisher. However, he was older and more stable. He raised his hand and prevented the actions of the three companions. Looking at Xu Yi, Zheng Sidao said: "Mr. Xu, do you really intend to defy the orders of the Agriculture Department?"

Xu also smiled and said: "Lord Lord, first of all, our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce and the Agricultural Department are not the relationship between the superior and the subordinate. If you order the word, it seems that you can't use it here. Secondly, can you really represent the Agricultural Department?"