Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 697

Where the blade passes, there is no enemy of a sword.

If you have seen a series of dazzling performances after the debut of Freedom Gundam in seed, you will understand the meaning of the above sentence.

In addition to facing the main enemy, no miscellaneous soldier can stop for even a second under the light beam sword held by Freedom Gundam.

Just in the blink of an eye, the sword light of beam sword has not disappeared, and the enemy planes blocking freedom GAODA's advance have scattered in four or five.

Although the hands of freedom at the moment have been replaced by the high-frequency concussion blade made by dawn society, the result is the same.

"Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly!"

At the moment when the first man Roddy was cut into a stick by free Gundam, the remaining two man Roddy poured the bullets of their submachine guns towards free Gundam more madly.

In the fire of different lengths and crazy spray, the two sellers who were temporarily driven to the shelves looked at man Roddy's fragmented appearance driven by their companions in horror and called out in fear the name of the man who led them.

"Lord kudar! Lord kudar! Hurry! Hurry! Come and help us!"

In the firelight from the muzzle of the gun, GAODA, who turned into a ghost, appeared in front of the second man Roddy.

The golden electronic pupils were captured by man Roddy's electronic eyes, and the sword light in freedom GAODA's hand bloomed again.


In an instant, man Roddy's armor, which was enough to resist the attack of most caliber guns used by MS, was broken by the high-frequency concussion blade like fragile paper.


The man-machine division heard the terrible sound from the cockpit when the body was damaged. In front of him was the screen that fell into silence after cutting off the power supply due to the imbalance of the power furnace.

In addition, the Jedi pilot seemed to feel that he had fallen into the dead spring, waiting for that moment.

"Zero form. My side has been solved."

This time, man Roddy's level can't compare with that of the previous batch.

Is the level low?

Or is it a temporary duck on the shelf?

Lei Mingkai didn't care much.

At present, the only thing that can hinder them is the Gundam Cushing that should be driven by the male and female kudar Kabayan.

And he is dealt with by zero form.

"Tut! Are those people so bad? Can't they even warm you up?"

Zero hum said.

"It should be temporarily pulled out. After all, as long as the alaiye recognition system is successfully installed, even ordinary people can master the method of driving MS in a short time."

"Hum! That's really a convenient system! I still need some time here. You can finish your work."

With a smile, zero style broke off the connection with Lei Mingkai.

Lei Mingkai knew that this might be a good play of cat and mouse.

That's not surprising.

The zero form of the long toothed lion has been holding back since the accident from the strange space. Until now, it has the opportunity to come out in the form of noumenon.

"Just let it out! I hope that neither man nor woman can hold on for a while!"

Among the dense debris, Gundam gussin stood on a huge piece of warship debris.

Kudar, who was driving it, watched carefully and observed the situation around him.

"What kind of monster is that white light?"

Kudar, who had some doubts about white light, finally believed his subordinates' warning after being hit by the zero type of long toothed lion.

However, from the radar in front of him, it seems that all his subordinates have been eliminated by the enemy.

And he himself was entangled by the white light that was erratic and could not see clearly.


The heavy hammer in gousin's hand was heavily hit on the debris under his feet, splashing bursts of dust.

Does this seem provocative?

The long toothed lion hidden on a nearby piece of gravel looked down on GAODA Guxin and did not launch an attack at the first time.

People who have raised cats or are familiar with cats may know that when cats stare at their prey, they will not attack at the first time, but quietly hide, approach their prey, and then attack violently.

At present, this is the action taken by the long toothed lion zero.

"Sure enough, it's dressed in a turtle shell. The human beings in this world are really interesting."

In the narrow golden pupil is the brilliance of seeing through the real body under the extraordinarily round outer armor of gousin.

As the gravel moves slowly, the distance between the long toothed lion zero and GAODA Gusin decreases.

However, due to the large amount of debris and rubble around, the radar carried by Gundam Gusin did not seem to react at the first time.

In other words, in order to rely on the protection of the dark universe formed by countless debris, bruvas made targeted improvements, resulting in the long toothed lion zero relying on the inertial movement of debris and debris itself to achieve the ideal goal of complete stealth.

"Where is it? Where is the monster?"

When the heavy hammer in his hand was picked up again, kudar knew he could no longer stay.

With the passage of time, if the Mothership under the cover of MS is lost, it is bound to be attacked by the enemy.

If I don't go back in time, I'm afraid I will become a member of the Dark Universe.

In the form of cold bodies.


Under the mellow appearance of Gundam gussin, a large number of propulsion nozzles burst out, separating Gundam gussin from the warship wreckage under his feet with strong thrust, ready to push Gundam gussin back quickly.

However, at the moment when Gundam Gusin took off, flaws followed.


The long toothed lion zero, hidden in the dark and constantly staring at Gunda Gusin's every move, burst on the spot, jumped down from Gunda Gusin's head and hit Gunda Gusin like a meteor.

If this blow hits Gundam Gusin firmly again, even if the body is fine, kudar sitting inside will inevitably suffer a terrible impact.

You know, this guy didn't change into the pilot's uniform he needed to wear in space operations.

"Found you! Lovely monster!!"

However, the zero ambush of the long toothed lion did not seem to get the expected results.

Because, at the moment when the long toothed lion zero rushed out of the shadow, the heavy hammer in GAODA Gusin's hand instantly changed direction. After swinging a semicircle in GAODA Gusin's hand, he drove GAODA Gusin to turn around and hit it at the top of the back of his head with strong inertia.


If, at the moment, the environment in which Gouda Cushing and the long toothed lion zero are located is in the atmosphere, the collision between them will inevitably trigger a terrible shock wave and destroy everything around with the tear of the air.


With this blow, Gundam Gusin successfully blocked the zero collision of the long toothed lion.

However, in the terrible impact, he was severely knocked away and rolled powerlessly. He didn't stabilize his body in the splashed dust until he hit a piece of gravel only a few circles larger than Gouxin.

"But... Damn! What the hell..."

The impact not only made Gundam Gusin lose control for a period of time, but also made kudar feel dizzy.

In the shaking eyes, kudar finally saw the real body of the white light from the screen with multiple shadows in front of him.

A huge and powerful head,

Sharp and terrible teeth,

Sharp and cold claws,

This is the real white light witnessed by kudar, whose vision gradually becomes clear.

"How... How possible? Lion?! how possible!!"

Unlike people on Mars, as a pirate wandering in the universe, kudar does have many opportunities to contact things from earth.

Even if he doesn't have much interest in this, he will learn some from various channels.

But the shape of the white light in front of him was almost similar to that of the lion known by kudar.

In addition to the size comparable to MS, and the whole body is covered with cold steel armor, and···

It can move freely in a vacuum and has the ability to attack with terrible means.

"Creature? Animal body? How is it possible? Even gallalhorn can't have such an body!"

Doubts are springing up in kudar's mind, but he can't get any answer enough to explain the changes at present.

Many doubts and unsolvable answers made kudar feel restless.

"Ah! Whatever! Kill this monster!"

A pirate is always a pirate.

When encountering an unknown enemy, either start or turn around and run.

Kudar seems to belong to the former.

"Boom! Boom!"

The next second, two cannons were fired from gousin's chest.

Two high explosive bombs went straight to the long toothed lion zero.


Seeing this, the long toothed lion did not retreat but advance in zero position, repeatedly waved its left and right claws, and blatantly blasted it in the air on the spot before the high explosive bomb hit it.


At the moment when the high explosive bomb was detonated, the flame and smoke not only wrapped the long toothed lion, but also gave kudar a chance.

"Euler!! die for me!!"

Kudar, who looked at the right opportunity, burst the thrust of Gouxin to the limit, and dragged the heavy hammer in his hand to the center of the flame and smoke.

Kudar clearly remembered that this must be the location of the zero head of the long toothed lion.

According to the experience of fighting the enemy in the past, this blow will certainly drive the enemy to death!


Kudar believes it!

Because that's how the battle ended in the past!

The storm caused by the heavy hammer in Gouxin's hand blew away the flame and smoke that had not dissipated, which also made kudar feel the heaviness of the swift blow hitting the target and the incomparable pleasure.


When kudar subconsciously opened his mouth and made a successful laugh, the smoothness filled his chest and abdomen was suddenly stuck.

In the dissipated flame,

Under the heavy hammer,

A faint but clearly visible light was firmly under the heavy hammer and the long toothed lion zero.

The light, which is so weak that it is almost a piece of paper, can block the heavy hammer enough to smash an ordinary MS in the air, so that it can't go any further and smash the head of the long toothed lion!

"What... What's going on!?"

Kudar opened his eyes and moved his hand. Gunda Gusin moved the heavy hammer in his hand again and smashed it down.


The heavy force, accompanied by the falling of the heavy hammer, hit the light hard.

The blow was fierce and terrible.

Kudar believes!

Because the intense inertial feedback has been transmitted back to the cockpit from Gundam Cushing's hands.


The weak light was still strong and had no intention of being smashed by a heavy hammer.



But more anger.

"I don't care what you are!! I will never fail here!! I will never die here!!"

The radiance of the flame was wildly sprayed back and forth on gousin's feet and body.

In this almost beyond the limit of the thrust, up to Guxin jumped up in an instant.

Then, he descended suddenly, and again waved the heavy hammer in his hand to smash the zero type of the long toothed lion through the strong falling inertia.

"Monster!! die!"


A terrible force erupted.

It shook up countless dust.

Bury the fragile light in front of GAODA Gusin and swallow the long toothed lion.



The heavy breath tore wildly at kudar's lungs.

The screen in front of me is the rolling dust.

"Have you solved it?"



A faint glow emerged silently from the rolling dust.

Behind this brilliance, the pure white long toothed lion took a relaxed step, step by step from the deep pit hit by GAODA Guxin.

"How... Is it possible?"

At this moment, kudar, who had been licking blood at the tip of the knife, finally knew he was afraid.

Although the monster in front of him didn't launch many attacks, he just stood there and let himself attack, but judging from his unharmed appearance, the strength of the monster is far beyond his expectation.

Fear surged in.

Kudar could not help feeling that the death sickle was still around his neck.

"Are you... Are you kidding!! Hello!!"

His eyes looked at the zero form of the pure white long toothed lion. Kudar's roar was both fear and anger.

"You're enjoying it, right!! right!!"

"Look at each other's weak resistance! Kill each other step by step!!"

Kudar's roar rang through the communication channel.

His face was twisted to the extreme, and his mind had been pushed to the limit by the sickle of death around his neck.

"Die!! die!! die for me!!!"

The four cannons at gousin's chest burst out, and the old technique was repeated again.

The result is quite different.



A more solid and visible light blocked the high explosive bomb fired by Gundam Gusin.

In that radiance, the blocked shells vibrated and twisted wildly until the moment when Gundam Gusin waved the heavy hammer again, he suddenly backed back.


At this moment, kudar's eyes are an instant, which is also the light that will freeze his life forever.


From a distance, a terrible radiance erupted from the front of the long toothed lion zero, sweeping Gundam Cushing into it. Until the radiance disappeared, countless armor from Gundam Cushing extended from the front of the long toothed lion zero to the distance, until it rolled endlessly in the boundless void.

Among these armor fragments, a body stripped of all armor and left only a dark skeleton fell into a deep sleep like a sealed giant.