Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 693

The amazing news made Zhaohong fall into a long shock.

In his childhood, when he was captured by hunters and resold to CGS as a commodity, Zhaohong wanted to realize the promise he made to his brother when he was separated, but he gradually extinguished these ideas under the ruthless reality and the shackles of a man called a seller.

Finally, under the ruthless suppression of reality and the desperate seller, Zhaohong subconsciously deceived himself that his brother who had vowed to save and reunite with him might have died long ago.

In that ruthless and cold universe,

In that unknown corner,

Died quietly.

Zhaohong, who constantly deceived himself, gradually fell into this new family after the establishment of Tiehua group.

All this, everything, was shattered under Lei Mingkai's words.

"Your Excellency... You..."

Zhaohong hesitated to say a few words, then subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and failed to say the shock and doubt in his heart for a long time.

"Changhong, Changhong altland. That's your brother's name, isn't it?"

The name Lei Mingkai whispered became the last straw that completely crushed Zhaohong.

you 're right!

This is the name of Zhaohong's long lost brother.

Even the CGS that bought Zhaohong from the hunter, Maruba never knew the name.

No matter for what reason, in the whole CGS era or the current tiehuatuan era, no one and no one should know the name of Zhaohong's brother.

Therefore, Zhaohong's heart had a glimmer of hope when Lei Mingkai said the name.

"Your Excellency. That's right! My brother... Is Changhong altland."

It is not difficult for Zhaohong to accept the reality.

During his time as a seller, Zhaohong had experienced countless similar scenes.

However, he was afraid that after learning about the existence of Changhong altland, he would be suddenly told the bad news.

Lei Mingkai nodded.

"According to the data left by the fat pig, the boy named Changhong altland did appear in his" goods ". Although there were no photos and images, fortunately, the name Changhong altland was marked with the whereabouts of the buyer."


Zhaohong's nerves tightened on the spot.

The wooden expression was mixed with expectation, surprise and even fear.

"Yes. In fact, the whereabouts of the desperate seller are not complicated. The individuals, organizations and even forces that can buy the desperate seller almost all have the same nature."

Hearing Lei Mingkai's simple analysis, Zhaohong gradually calmed down.

As a seller, he knows that the situation of the seller is precarious and may disappear at any time.

It is lucky to be purchased by CGS private security companies to an extreme extent.

But if it is bought by some groups and organizations in the universe, I'm afraid even the body can't be found in the end.

"That is to say, Changhong is now

"According to the data, although the buyer who originally bought your brother used an alias, from his action records, it is likely to be the pirate and cosmic pirate entrenched in the earth fire channel."

Lei Mingkai changed the name of the information he knew and said it after a little processing.

"Pirate? Cosmic pirate? But I heard gallalhorn has not

"It's just limited to the cosmic route composed of alidenia under the management of galarhorn. Zhaohong. Not all businessmen in the world will trade obediently along this route managed by galarhorn and may be investigated by galarhorn's patrol fleet anytime and anywhere."

"Well, oh..."

When he first heard this untouched knowledge, Zhaohong's expression was confused, but he didn't interrupt Lei Mingkai's meaning, but quietly listened to Lei Mingkai's explanation.

"Therefore, under the long-term operation and exploration of some people, a dark route different from the alidnia welding line was born. This is a route that is not controlled by gallalhorn, but can lead to the earth. Through this route, some people and organizations can send some dark materials and equipment to customers."

"So, was the cosmic pirate born? Relying on this dark route that will not be hit by the galarhorn fleet."

Zhaohong's head suddenly shines.

Lei Mingkai just mentioned the premise a little, and Zhaohong immediately thought of the origin of the birth of the cosmic pirate.

"Yes. In fact, Zhaohong, you desperate sellers may have been sold to Mars through this dark route."

At this moment, Zhaohong finally learned about the whereabouts of his brother Changhong.

If Zhaohong's top sellers purchased by the former CGS are leading to the dark route to Mars, then his brother is likely to exist near or even in the dark route.

"Sir. That... The route we're going to take next..."

"Yes. Next, the route used by Tiehua regiment and tabbins to go to earth is this dark route."

Remington paused and then said:

"Zhaohong, the reason why this news will tell you is just to give you a preventive shot. In the universe, any hesitation will bury a person and even affect everyone on board."

Zhaohong's eyebrows locked tightly. He was not good at words. For a moment, he didn't know how to say his thoughts.

Seeing this, Lei Mingkai didn't force much.

Today, before setting sail for the earth, telling Zhaohong the news of Changhong is not to make Zhaohong's mood disordered because of Changhong's existence, but to give Zhaohong a preventive injection.

Because, Lei Mingkai doesn't want to see brothers fighting again, and then fall into the tragic ending of separation between heaven and man.

"OK! Zhaohong. That's all for today! As long as Changhong really exists in that route, you will meet, or even get together. Believe me, you should also believe everyone of Tiehua regiment!"

Zhaohong opened his mouth, but could not say anything. He could only nod silently.

The tense and orderly preparations for the voyage were finally completed.

However, the three-day month of restoring mobility was used by the doctors on the year star to stay on the year star for examination on the grounds of requiring further examination, and carry out the next modification of babatos.

"Left behind!"

Looking at the shrinking star, Olga couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Before sailing, Olga did talk with the third month according to Lei Mingkai's suggestion. The results can be imagined.

No matter how Olga tries to persuade the third month not to force herself too much, the third month always asks the question that made Olga lose with the same eyes and tone.

"It seems that the conversation between you is not going well."

Lei Mingkai's voice sounded and brought Olga's thoughts back to reality.

"Sir, what would you do if you were in this situation?"

After learning the information about the aleyer recognition system from Lei Mingkai, Olga also went to tabbins and even divaz's intelligence network to search for relevant information.

Although few results can be found, Olga can see some records that are somewhat similar to the symptoms described by Lei Mingkai in the sporadic records of the users of the alaiye recognition system with a longer life.

Even if these long-lived alaiye recognition system users were driving mobile engineers, Olga could not ignore these sporadic records.

Because if those mobile engineers were replaced by MS with more complex operation and larger system, these long-lived alaiye recognition system users would have died in the world.

"This question has stopped me! Olga."

Lei Mingkai smiled bitterly and couldn't give any answer.

Although Lei Mingkai already knew the future fate of the third moon, he was embarrassed when Olga asked how to stop the third moon.

Like Olga, he knows the character of March.

Today's Tiehua regiment, under Olga's leadership, was born with the powerful force of March as the core.

If we want to give up the use of the alayer recognition system and drive babatos to escort the Tiehua regiment on March, then the existence of the Tiehua regiment will lose a major pillar.

"However, Olga, the Tiehua regiment does not have only three days and months. If you are strong enough, the chances of driving babatos on the third day and month will be reduced, which also means that the possibility of being swallowed up by the alaiye consciousness system on the third day and month will be reduced."

"Really? Well, I see."

Olga nodded, turned around and looked silently at the disappearing star in the distance.

All this, we have to wait for Olga to make a choice.

On the other side, lacs, who has a special task, pulled up goodelia and gathered several children led by Ryder.

"Well, lacs, did you call us here?"

Although he was able to stay with lacs, who was very popular among the partners of Tiehua group, Ryder had a very bad feeling when he saw the "iron coffin" placed in the corner of the room and the books placed next to him.

This "iron coffin" is not a literal thing, but the best medical machine Lei Mingkai can find through makumad's relationship before departure.

Lei Mingkai remembers very clearly.

In the final plot, the damned butterfly girl jumps back and forth on the edge of life and death again and again.

Although there is a mother's great power, it is undeniable that the medical machine in this world may really have unexpected miracles.


Rax's words were brief and clear.

Goodelia, who stood next to lacs, smiled.

"Ryder, and everyone else. From today on, you should learn the knowledge in the book, and then use the medical machine behind us to treat the partners who may be injured in the battlefield in the future."

"What? Treatment?"


"Learn the knowledge of those books?"

Suddenly, the partners led by Ryder talked one after another.

If it comes to fighting, Ryder, they are naturally prepared.

However, if we want to learn knowledge and use that medical machine, I'm afraid it's a little difficult for Ryder and them!?


Lachs patted their hands gently and drew Ryder's attention back.

"Well! Don't doubt your ability! You are still in the golden age of learning, and you are carefully selected from the partners of Tiehua group. As long as you are willing to work hard, it won't be difficult to learn how to operate this medical machine. Right?"

Lux is very skillful in dealing with children.

In just a few words, Ryder's little partners were settled, and even ignited their enthusiasm for learning.

But looking at the little friends who even took the wrong book, Ryder always had a trace of confusion in his heart.

"Why should we use these medical machines? Lacs, you should be able to use them too. We should have more important things to complete."

Hearing Ryder's question, lacs and goodelia looked at each other and smiled.

"Goodelia, can you please teach them?"

Goodelia readily agreed.

After taking a look at the ancient Delia who adjusted the books in the hands of the little friends and began to teach, lacs looked at Ryder again.

"Ryder, do you feel a little disappointed about raising you from your job? Do you feel unable to fight with your partners, right?"

Ryder bit his lip and nodded.

In Ryder's immature outlook on life, everyone in Tiehua regiment lives for fighting.

Apart from fighting, I'm afraid there is nothing else that can make everyone of Tiehua regiment gain the meaning of survival.

"No, Ryder. You misunderstood!"

Lachs looked at Ryder's face and knew what Ryder thought.

"It is precisely because everyone of the Tiehua regiment is fighting hard that they need a safe haven where they can rest and treat their injuries. Here is a safe haven for their partners returning from the battlefield to have a good rest and heal their injuries."

Ryder slowly moved his eyes and looked at the little friends who were listening attentively to goodelia's explanation. He seemed to realize something.

"After we learn to operate the medical machine, we can really let everyone in Tiehua regiment heal the injury?"

Inadvertently, Ryder remembered his partners who had fallen ill because of poor medical means and could not participate in the trip to earth and could only stay on Mars when gallalhorn attacked.



If that medical machine can really cure everyone's injuries as lux said, I'm afraid the original regrets will not happen again.

"Yes! Ryder. The key to being able to skillfully use this medical machine and let everyone heal is you and them."

Although Lux's voice was gentle, it gave Ryder a strong confidence.

"Really? Then, I'll learn! Lacs, no, Miss lacs!"