Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 692

There is silence in the huge gnaku.

Olga, dressed in a pure black kimono, stood silently next to the cockpit of GAODA babatos and looked at the three-day moon that had not awakened since he was unconscious in the simulation war.

Surrounded by the silence, Olga didn't know what he was thinking.

Maybe it's looking at the three-day moon falling asleep.

Or maybe it's blaming yourself.

Except Olga himself, it may be difficult for others to know what Olga is thinking at the moment.

With the gradual progress of time, Olga slowly withdrew his eyes at an important moment and moved from his sleeping face on the third month to the channel outside genaku.

"Sorry! March. This time, I won't wait for you! I hope you don't blame me when you wake up!"

Today is the day when Olga and NAGase bow down.

Although everyone was shocked by the simulation war that put the third month into a coma, after the respective examinations of the old man and the doctors, they all came to the conclusion that they would not forcibly remove the alaiye consciousness system connected with babatos on the third month.

In the face of such a result, Olga once said that he wanted to postpone the ceremony and wait for the awakening of March.

However, markumad denied Olga's idea for the reason that it should be sooner rather than later.

Even, in order not to let Olga raise objections, makumad also made a commitment to take 100% care of the third month.

Therefore, except for the sleeping three days and months, all the people present at the ceremony remained the same.

Olga, who walked slowly out of genaku, saw the figure guarding the door.

"Yo! It seems that this dress is quite suitable for you, Olga."

Olga, the tall man, changed into a black kimono symbolizing the ceremony of worship. It's really like that.

"Don't laugh at me! Lord Lei Mingkai. You look more like me in this dress now!"

Olga shook his head when he heard Lei Mingkai's praise for his clothes, but praised Lei Mingkai's clothes at the moment.

"Really? I'm sorry! It seems that I'm the only one wearing a suit in this ceremony!"

"No! There is no special requirement for the costumes of the participants at the ceremony. You don't have to care."

Olga looked at Lei Mingkai's straight black suit, shook his head, said it was nothing, and casually brought the topic to another topic.

"Sir, I don't mean anything else. But why did you hit that last blow at that time? The third moon and babatos have lost."

Olga refers to the scene when Freedom Gundam suddenly punched babatos on the cockpit while babatos struggled to get up.

Leimingkai was not surprised by Olga's problem at the moment.

On the contrary, Lei Mingkai is waiting for Olga to take the initiative to ask this question.

To his surprise, Olga was so able to hold back his doubts that he didn't ask them out until the beginning of the ceremony.

Lei Mingkai didn't answer Olga's question for the first time, but looked left and right. After confirming that there were only him and Olga, he looked at Olga solemnly.

"Olga. How much do you know about the alayer system?"


Olga was stunned.

He thought that Lei Mingkai would have thousands of explanations, but he didn't think that Lei Mingkai would lead the topic to the alayer consciousness system as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Is it a nano machine that enhances human spatial sensing?! is it a product left over from the old era?"

For a moment, Olga, who didn't understand why Lei Mingkai asked so, hesitated and gave the answer known to the world.

"That's right! The alaiye knowledge system is an ancient technology born in the era of Ecuador sacrifice war. The reason for its birth may have disappeared in history. However, the most common explanation in the world is that this technology was developed and born on the premise of fully activating and giving full play to the potential of Ms."

Lei Mingkai talked about the history of alayer's cognitive system. Some of these histories are known by Olga, but some are unknown to Olga.

"However, from the moment when human beings got the terrible power named GAODA and known as the 72 demon God through the alaiye consciousness system, the curse was accompanied by surviving the implantation operation of the alaiye consciousness system and becoming the pilot of the 72 demon God."

Lei Mingkai slowly breathed out and looked at Olga, whose face was sometimes confused and sometimes understood.

"The power of the legendary 72 demon God is so terrible! But with the release of this power, the pilot driving the 72 demon God will gradually assimilate with the 72 demon God with the connection of alaiye's consciousness system..."

Speaking of this, Lei Mingkai shook his head and looked sideways at the dome of the star of the year.

"No. or, that's not assimilation. It should be said that sacrifice can slightly accurately describe the situation faced by the pilot who further releases 72 Demon power."


Olga was surprised and subconsciously remembered the current situation of March.

The sleeping appearance seemed like a human who had been robbed of his soul by something.

"Don't worry! Now the third month is just a coma. Ordinary coma. I can guarantee that."

Leimingkai's words let Olga relax, but then Olga's heart pulled up.

"Wait! Sir. Did you say that the blow you drove Freedom Gundam before was to stop the sacrifice of the third moon?"

In the end, Olga couldn't believe his conclusion.

"Well, very likely."

Lei Mingkai nodded and then showed a smile of self mockery.

"This may be an accident. I didn't expect that the desire to win on March is so strong! So strong that even in simulation warfare, we will win at all means and costs."

Lei Mingkai's eyes moved away from the dome and fell on Olga's face.

"Olga, I've heard about your childhood. Perhaps the reason why the third moon has such a strong desire to win lies in you."


Suddenly, Olga's mind remembered his childhood. In order to avoid being bullied by others, the young third moon shot the villain in in front of Olga. Then, the third moon calmly looked at himself with trembling hands and a pistol with endless smoke and asked that question.

Probably, this is the root of everything!

These memories flashed in his mind, which made Olga lower his head, both helpless and distressed.

"This bastard! The third moon! It's just a simulation war!"


When the straight suit appeared in front of Olga, Lei Mingkai clapped Olga's shoulder.

"Have a chance to talk to the third month! If the third month goes on like this, he will become the food of babatos sooner or later."


Olga's eyes became sharp, as if something was brewing.

"Yes. Perhaps, at the beginning, the third moon will lose one eye, and then his left hand, left foot and even half of his body will become unconscious until his soul is completely reduced to the alayer consciousness system of babatos."

This is not Lei Mingkai's alarmist talk.

If it is not the final outcome of the steel nail, it is likely to be the outcome of becoming a vegetable.

Olga bit his teeth and finally took a deep breath.

"I see! Lord Lei Mingkai. Now, I'll finish the ceremony first, and then talk to him when I wake up on the third."


Before Olga walked away, Lei Mingkai's voice sounded again.

"If your conversation with March comes to an end, you might as well talk to me. Probably, I will have some ways."

Olga paused and nodded slightly.

"I see! Thank you very much! Your Excellency Lei Mingkai!"

The conversation before the ceremony ended.

Until the beginning of the ceremony, raimingkai and Olga did not talk about the topic of the third moon.

It seemed as if they had never had this conversation before, and everything went on with their activities as usual according to the schedule of the ceremony.

"Miss lacs, this dress suits you very well!"

When Lei Mingkai stepped into the ceremony venue, he heard the exclamation nearby.

In the twinkling of an eye, a group of women's family members were gathered around lac silk, who changed into a black skirt and tied his long pink hair into a high horsetail with white ribbon.

Although Lei Mingkai is a little away from the women's dependents, Lei Mingkai still sees with sharp eyes that the black dress that lacs is wearing at the moment seems to be the dignified black dress that lacs is wearing when she returns to the plant Council at the end of seed-d.

I have to say that lacs's dress really surprised Lei Mingkai.

Not to mention anything else, lacs standing there alone was the attention of the whole audience.

Even if she changed into a black dress with bare shoulders and long blond hair, gudilia was not as good as before.

As for the other women's dependents, let alone.

After all, the ladies of tabbins almost wore a black robe on their uniforms as a sign of solemnity.

I'm afraid the only people who put on dignified dresses are lacs and goodelia.

"Indeed, it is enviable," said Miss ray McLean. "Miss lax is just standing there, and it will give rise to a noble illusion that your royal highness is in front of you."

A calm voice with a trace of envy came from behind Lei Mingkai.

It's makumad.

"Really? I'm afraid lacs would be unhappy if lacs heard such an evaluation!"

Lei Mingkai looked back at makumad who was standing there.

"Oh? Is that so? How about you? You must know that there is no shortage of guardian Knights around your royal highness. In my eyes, you are the loyal Guardian knight. Am I right?

"Your Excellency makumad, you're kidding! I never think I'm a knight."

"Ha ha. That's a pity!"

Makumad sighed, then raised his hand and ordered:

"OK! It's getting late! Let's start the ceremony!"

The ceremony was less than a three-day month, but more Lei Mingkai and lacs participated.

Apart from makumad, Lei Mingkai and lacs, others may just take this ceremony as an opportunity for Tiehua group and tabbins to join hands.

With the end of the ceremony, the mission schedule of Tiehua regiment and tabbins was put forward again.

In that increasingly busy time, the three days and months in a coma finally woke up.

Three days and months after being sent to the hospital for further examination,

And babatos, who was surrounded by many servicemen to dismantle armor and carry out a new round of transformation, immediately became a signal to urge Tiehua regiment and tabbins to start.

"Alas... I'm so tired!"

Looking at the pile of documents that looked like a mountain at hand, Olga couldn't help complaining.

While complaining, Olga subconsciously looked at someone sitting on the sofa and slowly looking at the documents.

"No. Olga, these are your business. I'm just a shareholder and don't participate in the daily operation of Tiehua group."

Before he could speak, someone refused Olga's request.

Even though Olga had not spoken his request.

"Your Excellency..."

Olga's mouth moved, not saying a complete word.

A burly figure appeared at the door.

"General! Are you there?"

Needless to say, this burly figure is Zhaohong.

"Oh, Zhaohong! I'm here!"

Seeing Zhaohong's figure, Olga's eyes suddenly lit up.

He knew that the reason why Zhaohong came here was definitely to find him.

"Hmm? Your Excellency Lei Mingkai is here too? Just in time, I have something to find your excellency Lei Mingkai! General, I won't bother you!"

Unfortunately, what Zhaohong is looking for is not Olga, but Lei Mingkai.

Looking at Lei Mingkai who got up and left the office, Olga suddenly found out whether he wanted someone to help?

These documents are more difficult for Olga than fighting!

How Olga was distressed was put aside.

Zhaohong's side gave Lei Mingkai a heart.

There is no other special reason why Zhaohong came to Lei Mingkai.

Basically consistent with the idea of March.

That's getting stronger!

Lei Mingkai can satisfy Zhaohong with this.


Looking at Zhaohong with his eyes full of hot light in pursuit of strengthening, Lei Mingkai suddenly remembered something that would happen soon.

Something that led to great changes in Zhaohong's future life.

"Zhaohong. I heard that you once had a brother. Right?"

As soon as Lei Mingkai opened his mouth, he immediately made Zhaohong dull.

Such a reaction, as Lei Mingkai guessed, Zhaohong subconsciously forgot the existence of his favorite brother during his long life.

"Your Excellency... What are you talking about?"

Zhaohong's mouth trembled a few times and hesitated.

Lei Mingkai sighed secretly.

"Zhaohong. One of the sources of funds for my investment in Tiehua group is from the villain called" Hunter ". Therefore, I have some information. Some information about the" commodities "sold by him over the years."