Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 676

CGS, no, it should be said that on the wilderness where Tiehua regiment is located, there are two huge steel giants standing again.

A wild shape, with a certain sense of strength, but also a taste of vicissitudes across time.

In addition, the whole body is gray and black, and behind it is a pair of steel wings that are still higher than the gray and black body, even if they are closed.

In the chilly breeze, teenagers from all corners of the base gathered around the gate of the base in groups, looking at the two MS with curious eyes.

"Dad, what happened?"

Sinor, who didn't follow out, walked out of the base, looked at the two steel giants, and looked at the serviceman uncle holding his arms and leaning against the gate.

"Boss said to train MS driving ability for three days and months."


Sinor opened his eyes, but his eyes fell on the old Ms.

There, a long handle and at least 8 maces with attack spikes on the huge head are being held by the ancient Ms.

In contrast, the familiar and somewhat strange gray black MS standing opposite didn't take out any equipment, but stood there empty handed, waiting for the arrival of a certain moment.

"What's that MS?"

Hearing Sinoe's question, Nadi touched his head and carefully recalled the communication with Lei Mingkai just now.

"The body pulled down from the ground here is called Gundam skeleton babatos. Well, even the mace. As for the gray black MS, haven't we seen it kill Graz of gallalhorn with one sword before? Its name seems to be called free Gundam."

"Freedom up to?!"

For Cino, even the teenagers gathered around Nadi, the attraction brought by babatos pulled out from the ground is not as powerful as Freedom Gundam.

Those gorgeous light wings,

That lightning posture,

It is still fresh in my mind.

"The third moon, can you hear me?"

Lei Mingkai didn't care how Nadi and sinor discussed the matter at hand.

"Ah, oh! Got it! Well, is it really all right for me to use this thing? You don't seem to have any weapons over there?"

On March 3, she twisted her neck, closed her eyes and felt the data flow that gradually resonated with her brain.

Although that feeling will bring terrible pain when connecting for the first time.

However, with the increase in the number of connections, it seems that the 3rd month feels that he sitting in the cockpit will become a member of babatos and will no longer share each other.

"Weapons? The third moon. This is the first lesson! Never be confused by what is in front of you! Freedom Gundam even drops the blade and shield. It still has more weapons than you can imagine."

When Lei Mingkai's chuckle started, the gray black MS standing 100 meters in front of babatos suddenly heard a slight roar.

In the slowly rolling dust, the gray black appearance changed quietly.

A trace of color emerged from the gray and black equipment with poor appearance, and quickly spread to the whole body like ripples.

"Change!!!! change!!! Change!!"

Sinor screamed and jumped up on the spot.

In addition to his surprise, sinor didn't forget to stretch out his fingers and repeatedly pointed to the body that restored the posture that sinor and other teenagers were familiar with, which was instantly destroyed by the offensive of general gallar horn.

"That... That's... How... Did you do it?!"

Nadi's body was shaking, and his mind was full of the moment when free Gundam started PS armor just now.

He doesn't know or understand, let alone how to solve this phenomenon for the teenagers around him.

The only thing I can do is to be repeatedly questioned by these teenagers.

"Does that look like I can attack?"

As soon as I saw the freedom of starting PS armor on March, I was a little eager to try.

"Want to attack? Good."

The strong aggressiveness of the third moon is undoubtedly displayed at the moment, but Lei Mingkai doesn't care at all.

As an MS, no, as a Gundam pilot, at some times, a strong desire to attack is more important than any emotion.

"Come on! The third moon!"

As soon as Lei Mingkai's words fell, a burst of sand and stone burst from babatos's position.

In the sand and stone flying, the long mace was raised by babatos, drew a sharp arc in mid air, and directly hit free Gundam.


Babatos tried his best to hit the mace. The roar of the object tore the light wind, shaking the teenagers standing behind the gate back again and again. Even some teenagers with poor bearing capacity could not help covering their ears and retreating from a further distance.


After the roar, when a sound representing the repulsion of the mace came, babatos jumped in front of free GAODA with a backward somersault and fell tens of meters away.

"You're welcome! The third moon."

In the gradually dissipated dust, on March 3, I noticed that freedom GAODA's arm, which should have been damaged, was unharmed.

"Too light? Or didn't you attack?"

The moment when these two doubts appeared, they were denied by the third moon.

"That means the armor of Freedom Gundam is very hard!!"

The wind suddenly rose, and a strong wind was brought up by the moment when free GAODA waved his right arm, blowing away all the dust around free GAODA.

"On March 3, this is a defense system called PS armor. As long as free Gundam starts, no, or before the energy has not been exhausted, this PS armor can provide free Gundam with strong defense ability against all live attacks!"

"PS armor? What's that?"

The third moon was stunned. Once again, she habitually didn't use her brain to think about each other's words.

"Whatever! Anyway, just fight!"

The mace was waved by babatos again and went straight to free Gundam.

However, this time, free Gundam will not stay in place and wait for babatos to hit the mace in his hand at himself.

In that attack just now, Lei Mingkai only chose to stand in place and resist babatos with a hammer if he wanted to let the third month experience the powerful defense of PS armor.

"Too slow!"

In the eyes of Nadi and sinor, the speed of babatos is very fast!

Soon, even the top speed of mobile engineers can't catch up.

However, even with such a speed, babatos was fooled around by the faster Freedom Gundam.

Although the mace in babatos's hand was waving loudly and frighteningly, it did not hit freedom as high as even the slightest bit.

"The third moon, too slow! Hurry up! Hurry up! Babatos has more potential than that!"

Freedom Gundam is like a ghost, constantly appearing around babatos.

Sometimes behind babatos, he raised his palm and hit babatos with a painless hand knife.

From time to time, he launched an impact from the front of babatos, and then at the moment when babatos waved a mace and smashed it down, he flashed aside and hit babatos with a flying leg, which greatly annoyed the third moon, but there was nothing he could do.

"The third day and the moon, your action is too simple! It's OK in land warfare, but in the cosmic environment dominated by three-dimensional warfare, if you only pay attention to the pilot in front of you, there will be only a dead end!"

Lei Mingkai's sermon, accompanied by free Gundam's constant friction of pressing babatos on the wilderness, came from the communication channel, which greatly annoyed the third month.

"Say so much, it's the first time I've driven babatos!"

Subconsciously, the third moon refuted a sentence.

But unexpectedly, Lei Mingkai refuted and went back.

"Really? But as far as I know, several guys can fight on the cosmic battlefield after climbing GAODA. You are still too young!"

The third moon frowned, but did not continue to speak.

But the more forceful action on his hand made babatos's attack, no, the resistance more crazy.

"Are you anxious?"

As the steel wings spread out, Freedom Gundam quickly withdrew a long distance from babatos.

"Don't try to run!"

The wind roared, and the mace twisted with babatos's body and swept away towards the waist of free GAODA like wind and thunder.


There was another deafening roar.

Under the roar again, the people standing beside the gate could no longer insist. They stepped back to the back of the gate and looked at each other.

"Hoo ~ ~ Hoo ~ ~ this... This is too powerful, isn't it? Dad. Will the battle between MS be like this? Ms of gallalhorn didn't show this momentum a few days ago."

Cino wiped the sweat on his forehead, and the look on his face was both luck and longing.

"How do I know? Besides, what's that, P... PS... Armor?"

Nadi tried to recall what Lei Mingkai said just now.

"What kind of PS armor should be the technology that even Gallagher horn doesn't have. Well, it should be said that it is the unique technology of our new boss."


Sinoton's eyes flashed at Nadi, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Don't ask me. After all, this is the boss's personal privacy."

Nadi refused simply and did not give any chance to play a loophole for sinor.


When the mace in babatos's hand was waved, there would be waves of wind and thunder on the whole wilderness.

But the sound of wind and thunder could not make babatos achieve the imagined results.

Standing in front of babatos, freedom GAODA always took down babatos' mace in the form of palm and arm, and then was kicked up and kicked babatos to the ground.

"The 36th time to fall to the ground! On the third day of the month, you need to add some changes to your action! Although the straight action can end the battle in the shortest time, when you meet an experienced pilot, the straight action will make you the target of the enemy."


Lei Mingkai's suggestion stopped the action of March, and seemed to be thinking.


The next second, the third moon, which gave up thinking again, rushed up again with babatos waving a mace.

"Woo woo woo ~ ~"

Different from before, this time, it was not the fist of freedom GAODA that greeted babatos, but a low roar called Vulcan cannon.

"Ding Ding ~ ~"

The bullets fired by the free high head Vulcan gun beat wantonly on the armor of babatos, playing the harsh and dense impact sound.

Although it will not have any impact on babatos in a short time, the third month chose to avoid the edge and suddenly stopped babatos's sprint.

"How do you feel? March."

"How annoying!"

What Lei Mingkai got from his inquiry was a straightforward answer on March.

"That's right! Three days and three months. If the action is too simple, it will be used by the enemy and become an obstacle to their own mobility."

In the electro-optic flint room, freedom GAODA's right hand shook and hit a beam of light.


There is still a trace of hot temperature in the air,

When there is still a beam of residual light in the eyes of onlookers,

Sitting in the cockpit of babatos, the third moon touched ahead.

What the finger touches is the slightly heated screen, which is quite different from the imagination of the third day and the moon. No, it is different from a certain data stream fed back from the alaiye recognition system just now.

"What was that light just now?"

On the 3rd, the moon looked at Freedom Gundam and the rifle held by Freedom Gundam.

"It's just a gadget. You don't have to know!"

Although it has been used once, Lei Mingkai has no intention to expose the performance of Sirius.


But make complaints about zero.

Lei Mingkai paid no attention to this.

"Gadget? Forget it!"

The moon wrinkled on the third day, and then took a breath.

"I lost! Will you continue tomorrow?"

The crisp admission of defeat and the invitation to fight without hesitation made Lei Mingkai smile with satisfaction.

"Of course! I'll train you well before going to the universe! March moon oggs."

On the other side, Nadi held his head and shouted on the spot.

"Can't you? Still come? This time the servicing is so reluctantly! How many more times? What do I do?"

Sinor spread out his hands and sighed.

"Dad, please accept your fate! If it weren't for the only one body, I would also like to try it! I think it would be very handsome to sit on it! Especially when fighting the free Gundam."

"Sinoe! You!!"

Nadi just wanted to say a few words about Sinoe, but he glanced at another Gretz on the empty floor.

"If it's just driving, the aircraft should be able to start successfully after installing the alayer recognition system."


Sinoton was pleasantly surprised.

Nadi nodded, but the next sentence kicked sinor into the abyss of disappointment.

"However, according to the leader's arrangement, the body seems to be arranged for Zhaohong."

Upon hearing this, Xinuo was overjoyed, like a frosted Eggplant - wilting!!!