Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 677

In the past, as a simulation training place between mobile engineers, it has been occupied by two Ms.

Roll up the wolf tooth stick with the wind,

The ancient figure shuttling through the waves of sand and dust,

And the steel wing like a rock without any sign of being defeated by the ancient figure waving a mace.



The dust is rolling, and the cold steel body shuttles among them. Every moment of close combat, there are always bursts of deafening metal noises, which make the teenagers around the gate show bursts of startling voices.

In the eyes of these teenagers, perhaps nothing can be as fierce as the powerful visual impact when two huge steel bodies fight madly.

"This... This is?"

Olga, who had just completed the signing of the guide contract to the earth with Orcus introduced by todo, and others, as soon as they returned to the vicinity of the base, they were attracted by the battle that devastated the already terrible wilderness.

"Yo! Commander! Back!"

Just as Olga and others were attracted by the battle between babatos and Freedom Gundam, sinor with a smile jumped out of nowhere and waved to them.

"Hello, Cino. What the hell is this? Simulation training?"

Olga frowned and pointed to babatos who had just been kicked off by Freedom Gundam.

He remembered that when they had just left the base, babatos had not finished the preparation work before startup!

How can we fight with Freedom Gundam now···


It was unilaterally rubbed under the ground by free Gundam.

"Hey! Captain, you don't know. Our new boss is very powerful."

Sinoe smiled and showed a conspicuous smile.

You know, there are few things that can slightly surprise Olga.

"Lord Lei Mingkai?"

Olga was stunned and suddenly remembered the scene when they saw Lei Mingkai sitting in the cockpit of babatos.

"Can you finish the preparation of allowing babatos to restart and enter the battle in such a short time?"

"Hey! Yes! Commander. Can I discuss something with you?"

Sinor nodded proudly, then came close to Olga and whispered.

"Captain, I want to drive the two gallalhorn MS captured by us. I don't know if I can..."

At this moment, Olga understood.

Obviously, Cino, who can meet him in front of the gate, suddenly ran here and waited for their return alone.

Feeling is to become an MS pilot!

Glancing at Sinoe, Olga nodded.

"Ms pilot? That's nothing. Originally, the two MSS were either sold or left to become one of our combat forces. In addition, as long as the new alaiye recognition system given by Lord Lei Mingkai is no problem, it's not difficult."

"Really? That's great!"

As soon as sinor's cheers rang out, they were drowned by the roar of the battle between babatos and free Gunda.

There was a warning in my ear to remind people of nearby activities. In front of me was the free Gundam with terrible maneuverability.

The third moon licked some dry lips.

"Is Olga back? Then the simulation war should be over."

Babatos paused with his right hand, then waved his mace like lightning towards the small mound under his feet.

Suddenly, a burst of dust was rolled up by the mace on the spot, like a small dust storm, which drowned all the views in front of freedom GAODA.

"Oh? Try to capture my vision? Interesting."

Looking at the dust that covered up the vision of freedom GAODA, Lei Mingkai smiled gently and had an action on his hand.

The roaring propulsion engine suddenly burst into unparalleled thrust at the moment when the rolling sand and dust submerged freegaoda. On the spot, freegaoda rushed into the air from the ground and threw all the sand and dust rolled up by babatos under his feet.

The intention of the third moon failed!

Can the idea of March be so simple?

"Got it!"

The low roar of AHAP furnace's full operation came from the sky. Babatos waved his mace like a divine soldier falling from the sky and rushed to the top of freedom.

"How dare you think and do! The third moon!"

Lei Mingkai narrowed his eyes and changed his movements. He was as free as possible. He didn't retreat but advance. He rushed up to babatos from bottom to top with a faster and more powerful attitude than before.


The two men worked together from the sky and the earth, and a huge roar tearing the sky broke out between the steel figures facing each other, which made Olga and others close to each other retreat one after another, looking at the two bodies fighting in mid air in horror.

"Is that... Is that freedom gauda and babatos...?"

Such an incredible question just surfaced in my mind. With great prestige, babatos, like a divine soldier falling from heaven, was caught a flaw by free Gunda. He supported his hands and seized the mace in babatos's hand on the spot.

Then another whip kicked babatos out of the air.

That great strength not only made babatos fall into a large part of the ground, but also cut off most of the mountain head by the hill bearing its impact, leaving only a spider web like crack centered on babatos and spreading around.

"Three days and three months!"

As soon as he saw babatos who had been kicked down from the air by free Gundam and didn't get up for a long time, Olga rushed up and tried to open babatos's cockpit.

"Olga? Are you back? Don't worry! The third month will be fine. The impact of this degree will not cause much damage to babatos's cockpit."

Free Gundam, who fell slowly from the air, threw the mace seized from babatos on the ground.

"Sir, was that really a simulation? I... I don't look much different from the actual combat."

Olga subconsciously raised his eyes and looked at the freedom that covered the sun.

The person who answered this question was not Lei Mingkai.

But the third moon that opened the cockpit of babatos.

In the sound of the cockpit opening, the three-day moon, shaking his arms and moving his hands and feet, first looked at free Gundam, then glanced at the mace thrown on the ground and nodded.

"Well, it's really a simulation war. Olga."

"The third moon, you?!"

Olga was stunned for a moment and couldn't help looking at the scarred armor on babatos, and then at the bright color, but there were not many battle marks on him.

"Is this a unilateral beating?"

No matter what Olga thinks now, this is almost a unilateral beating, but it has greatly improved her proficiency in babatos.

Especially with the help of Lei Mingkai and the zero type readjusted alayer recognition system, the autophagy suffered by the third month of driving babatos more skillfully did not continue to develop until it was irreparable.

"Sir, that's all for today? Olga is back."

After looking around the third month, I found that almost none of the surrounding ground was good, so I took the initiative to put forward the idea of ending the simulation war.

"Well, good! That's all for today!"

MS driving training for March is over after all.

On the third day of the month with the almost cheating alaiye recognition system, in this intensive and intensive actual combat simulation training, it soon broke through the restrictions left by Lei Mingkai and zero on babatos's system, and was able to drive babatos skillfully.

However, as the aftercare repairman, Nadi has a headache.

It was not easy for babatos to do that, but there was a loss of external armor during the actual combat simulation with free Gundam.

"What the hell is going on with this guy? What a headache!"

While talking, Nadi couldn't help looking at the black and gray steel giant parked on the side of the underground gnaku.

From the previous battle with babatos, Nadi had only one impression of the black and gray steel giant.

Mysterious and powerful.

He will never figure out what kind of cards this black and gray steel giant called freedom GAODA by Lei Mingkai has.

First, it can fly freely in the air, and then it is the mysterious armor that is immune to all live ammunition attacks - PS armor.

With these two powerful features alone, Nadi can conclude that the free Gundam can still retreat from the siege of MS troops sent by gallar horn.

of course.

Seeing such a powerful MS appear in front of his eyes, Nadi naturally has a trace of curiosity in his heart.

However, this trace of curiosity is particularly small in front of the pure white lion lying in front of freedom GAODA.

"Forget it! Just keep worrying about this guy's outer armor!"

After seeing the same mysterious pure white lion, Nadi consciously put away his curiosity and focused all his attention on babatos's scarred outer armor.

On the other side, Lei Mingkai, who changed into casual clothes, was invited to the office by Olga.

Obviously, this is a meeting for the next action.

"Sir, although you have left everything to me, I feel it necessary to report to you."

Olga took the tablet from biskat and handed it over to Lei Mingkai.

Lei Mingkai took a look and nodded slightly.

"It seems that Orcus has promised to be our guide to the earth."

What is displayed on the screen is that Tiehua regiment and Orcus signed the entrustment to guide Tiehua regiment to the earth.

"Yes. According to the agreed 45% remuneration, the entrustment was signed after all."

Olga seemed relieved.

This may be inevitable.

As a teenager who has never left Mars, I can't imagine what space navigation looks like.

Olga's current action is only based on the suggestions of the people around him.

Thinking of this, Lei Mingkai threw his tablet computer on the sofa and frowned.

And this appearance also made Olga nervous.

To tell the truth, from the moment when Lei Mingkai invested in Tiehua group with the financial resources obtained from "Hunter" osduna, even if Lei Mingkai repeatedly indicated that he had no intention to interfere with the daily operation of Tiehua group, Olga would always pay attention to the movement of Lei Mingkai, for fear that he might inadvertently offend Lei Mingkai, a major shareholder.

"Sir, what's the problem?"

Lei Mingkai nodded slowly.

"Olga, do you think the remuneration demanded by Orcus is normal?"

Orcus, the company that signed the guide entrustment with Tiehua group, will turn his face and disown others in the subsequent actions, directly report to the Mars branch of galarhorn, and attempt to successfully hold galarhorn's thigh at the expense of sacrificing Tiehua group.

This is something Olga and others have never imagined.

Even before going to Orcus, Olga warned the intermediary between Tiehua regiment and Orcus - todo milconan.

Prompted by Lei Mingkai, Olga, who fell silent, soon thought of a different place.

"Do you mean to doubt todo milconan?"

Lei Mingkai waved and raised his hand to pick up the tablet computer left on the sofa and return it to biskate.

"How did Olga Orcus know why the Tiehua regiment went to the earth? On Mars, even on the death channel to the earth, there are many spacecraft going back and forth between the earth and Mars all the time."

Lei Mingkai raised his chin slightly with his hands and looked at Olga's eyes hidden under the bangs of darts.

"Why did Orcus ask for remuneration so loudly? Was he not afraid that Tiehua group would choose other guides instead? Did he know from the beginning that Tiehua group had no choice?"

"Ge... Your Excellency! You mean there's an insider between us?!"

Biskett shouted quickly, but the next moment he subconsciously blocked his mouth with a tablet computer.


Olga's reaction was one step slower than Kate, but he seemed to have understood what Lei Mingkai meant.

"Your Excellency means that the insider told Orcus about our Tiehua regiment from the beginning."

After a pause, Olga's sharp eyes flickered in the shadow of dart bangs.

"No. it shouldn't be like this! Perhaps, while the ghost disclosed our situation to Orcus, he also contacted the Mars branch of galarhorn by some means or directly through Orcus."

"If so, as soon as our Tiehua regiment goes into space, it will be given by gallalhorn..."

Olga raised his hand to interrupt biscuit, and a clear smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"That's exactly what your excellency wants, isn't it?"

Lei Mingkai didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it. He just said it faintly.

"There are many brave people in this universe who dare to challenge the strong. However, before that, the Tiehua group must make its name. The first step to the universe may be to use Orcus as a stepping stone."