Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 664

Bumpy roads,

Shaking cab,

And the little girl who is dedicated and trying to keep the steering wheel.

These made lacs sitting in Lei Mingkai's arms a little curious.

The world is strange to her.

First, it was as like as two peas of Lei Ming Kai, who were called "the top sellers", but they were actually bullied by the same old people who were just backward. They were closely related to the little girl who was trying hard at this time, Atala Miksta.

Looking at the girl's concentration and efforts, and even a trace of fine sweat on her forehead, lacs couldn't help moving her eyes up and glanced at Lei Mingkai.

"Well, that, ATRA mikesta. Why don't you let me drive? The road is a little difficult."

Lei Mingkai coughed and almost startled ATRA.

Then, under Lach's angry eyes, Lei Mingkai and ATRA smoothly changed positions, and Lei Mingkai drove the three wheeled car that was difficult to drive on the mud road.

In the sound of restarting the engine, the petite ATRA was taken into her arms by lacs.

"Well, Mr. Lei Mingkai, please."

ATRA's eyes wandered around Lei Mingkai's back and gave a timid thanks.

Holding the steering wheel, Lei Mingkai smiled indifferently.

"No, it's just a small thing. If we want to thank you, lacs and I want to thank you. After all, if ATRA MIXTA hadn't shown up, I'm afraid lacs and I would have been on this dirt road for a long time."

"Yes! So it's just a small thing to let Kay drive for you rather than you rescued us in time."

Rath's gentle smile made atraton blush.

At the moment, ATRA couldn't help thinking that the sister named rax Klein was so beautiful and gentle.

"Dong, Dong."

The road situation is really a headache.

Even though Lei Mingkai deliberately avoided those potholes, the mud and stones hidden under the floating soil tortured the three wheeled car.

This is especially true when the goods are fully loaded.

"Be careful. It's okay to lean over."

Lacs slightly tightened her hands and held ATRA in her arms so that she could sit safely under the subversive road conditions.

"Thank you."

Smelling the fragrance from lacs, ATRA's little face was still red.

"Kay, can you drive steadily? It's not driving the Ms."

"Well, I'll try my best! The road is really crazy."

Lei Mingkai has a headache.

"Well. In fact, a few days ago, after the meteor shower, there was a heavy rainstorm here. Maybe for this reason, this road has become difficult."

ATRA raised her head and carefully introduced the road.

"I used to take this road to send materials to the CGS base. Although this road is not very good, it is much better than before."

"Really? Meteor shower?"

Why do meteor showers appear?

Lei Mingkai and lacs knew it well, so they didn't intend to tangle much in this regard, but chose to gently pass the topic of meteor shower.


Across a small hillside, when she saw the CGS base from a distance, ATRA suddenly shouted with her hands together.

"What? ATRA mikesta."

Lach looked at ATRA suspiciously.

"That, that, actually just call my name, ATRA."

ATRA raised her head and looked at lacs with expectant eyes.

Lachs smiled and nodded ATRA's forehead.

"Well, you can just call my name, lacs."


In this way, the relationship between the two sides seems to be deeper.

Just, it's time to separate temporarily.

When there was still the last distance from CGS, Lei Mingkai parked his tricycle on the roadside.

"ATRA. The next journey is up to you. Don't worry! The road ahead seems to have been simply trimmed by CGS."

Lei Mingkai, who opened the door and led him to get off first, puzzled ATRA.

"Well, ATRA. There may be some twists and turns. In order to avoid involving you, the best thing is to separate from us for a while."

Lacs knows what Lei Mingkai will do next.

Moreover, she likes ATRA, a little girl who will stick to it once she has set her goal.

Therefore, she did not want to involve ATRA before the matter was settled.


With a puzzled look on her face, ATRA returned to her driver's seat again, but she still asked:

"Lacs, and Lei Mingkai, aren't you going to CGS too? Why get off now? It's a little far ahead!"

Facing ATRA's doubts, Lei Mingkai patted the door, then closed the door and said:

"These things will be discussed later. Just, after you arrive at CGS, don't say what happened to us."


ATRA's suspicious eyes wandered back and forth on Lei Mingkai and rax, but she couldn't find any suspicious points from them.

Finally, the puzzled ATRA could only drive a rickety three wheeled car to CGS with her head full of doubts.

Looking at the tricycle gradually going down the hill and approaching the CGS base in the distance, lacs withdrew her eyes.

"We shouldn't involve ATRA?"

Lei Mingkai shook his head and said with a smile:

"How? We're just travelers who arrived at CGS later than ATRA."



On the hillside, a young man in a vest and trousers was struggling to dig the particularly rotten soil.

This is a training course called mine laying training by CGS adults.

The intention is to let these teenagers learn how to survive on the battlefield as soon as possible.

However, teenagers know that these high sounding training is just the behavior of CGS adults when they are bored.

Because after today's mine laying training, tomorrow will be mine removal training, and then there will be another mine laying training, followed by another demolition training. Finally, these training will continue until the adults of CGS are tired of it.

It's literally torture.

"Boom! Boom!"

Next to the mine laying training area is a specially designated mobile engineer training area.

In the past, this area was used by the pilots of CGS third guard team who owned and could control mobile engineers.

Among the splashing soil, several mobile engineers with different coatings shuttled around the hillside wantonly, raised their own 30mm machine guns, locked the enemy and fired the training bullets used in the exercise one by one.

After the roaring gunpowder explosion, there was the sound of training bullets hitting the target and exploding.

"Damn it! March moon Augus. The movement is so flexible!!"

A sky blue mobile engineer failed to sneak attack, but the white mobile engineer locked by it reversed the attack and locked from the back in a tooth for tooth manner.

"Dong! Dong!"

The 30mm machine gun kept roaring.

With the explosion of training bombs, the simulated battle between mobile engineers continues, which is beyond the envy of teenagers who can only train to bury mines.

Takaki UNO.

It is one of these teenagers who envy their partners who can drive mobile engineers to fight.

However, Takaki was struck back to reality by a burst of severe pain.

It's a stick!

The familiar touch from his hot face made Takaki know who was the culprit who beat himself up.

Shinai jankus.

He is a soldier of CGS team 1 and one of the adults who supervise Takaki's third team.

In the past, the soldier who relied on his trust to be the boss of CGS, Uruba alkai, was yelling at todo mirkonan, who was responsible for guiding the third team.

The ferocious appearance made todo milkonan, a big bellied but thin wretched man, shake all over, turn around and point to the teenagers nearby.

"Cut! The third team is indeed a waste treatment plant."

Looking at the teenagers who returned to training, Shinai jankus turned around and walked towards the CGS base without paying any attention to Takaki who fell to the ground and didn't know the situation.

Looking at the villain with the stick in his hand from a distance, Ryder, who was close to Takaki, leaned over carefully.

"Takaki, Takaki, are you okay...?"

Before Ryder had finished his words calling his friend, he was immediately attracted by a pink figure suddenly appearing in front of him.

In the breeze mixed with sweat and gunpowder, the long pink horsetail fluttered in the wind, and Ryder's vision was completely occupied by a beautiful face that Ryder had never seen and could not describe.

On this face, there is a concern.

"Excuse me, are you uncomfortable there?"

The pink figure squatted gently beside Takaki and whispered to Takaki.

"I just fainted for a moment. Don't worry."

At the moment when the strange male voice appeared, Ryder, who was attracted by the pink figure, woke up and found that there was another person standing next to the beautiful figure.

A young man who makes Ryder feel stressed.

Looking at him is like looking at the Uruba of CGS. No, it's like a more powerful human.

"Hello! Who is the person in charge here? I hope to meet the person in charge here."

The young man who helped the unconscious Takaki to one side showed his friendship to Ryder.

"Principal... Principal?!"

Ryder was stunned, but he didn't react for a moment.

Just then, todo milkonan, who had just been scolded by Shinai yankus, ran over angrily when he saw Ryder standing there and didn't know who he was talking to.

"Hey! You little devil, go to work! Do you want to die?"

After the habitual opening remarks, the abusive voice almost broke out, but after seeing the appearance of the man and woman standing in front of Ryder, todo mirconan swallowed it back on the spot.

Almost choked todo milconan to death.

you 're right!

That's really a stranger.

But the snobbish todo milconan could see the temperament of the strange man and woman.

Not to mention the young man.

Just the girl who looks elegant and calm in her every move knows that this is not a lady who can be cultivated by ordinary people.

"I'm afraid it's a big business."

Todo milkonan, with all kinds of thoughts in his mind, stepped forward quickly and pushed Ryder away.

"Kid! Wake up Takaki! Let him go to work! I'll entertain these two distinguished guests."

After scolding Ryder mercilessly, todo milconan showed a flattering smile.

"I'm todo milkonan of CGS. I don't know what two distinguished guests are doing at CGS?"


A trace of disgust flashed under his eyes, and the young man, Lei Mingkai, said slowly.

Through the scene just now, Lei Mingkai already knew who the obscene man with a flattering smile was. Therefore, don't expect Lei Mingkai to have a good face to show todo milconan.

But that's what made todo milconan believe his guess.

Lei Mingkai's inadvertent disgust convinced todo mirconan of his judgment.

Big people, don't they just look down on these insignificant little people?



As long as the money in his pocket can be increased, todo milconan said there is no problem with these things.

"Entrust? Those two distinguished guests are really looking for the right person! Now the president is just in the middle of the base. I will lead the way for the two distinguished guests! Please!"

More and more convinced that his intelligence can make him earn a lot of money, todo milconan took the lead and walked in the front, leading the way for Lei Mingkai and lac.

On the other side, Takaki woke up slowly, but vaguely saw the back of the pair walking into the CGS base under the leadership of todo milkonan, and the voice of his good friend Ryder.

"Takaki? Takaki? Takaki, you're awake!! you really missed a good thing just now!!"

Ryder's whirring voice stunned Takaki, who was still in a confused state.

"Lai... Ryder? What happened? So... Who are they..."

Confused and confused, Takaki's eyes were always attracted by the back of the pair entering the CGS base.

"Oh! You finally found out! You were knocked unconscious by that bastard jankus just now. The man helped you here. Besides, the woman next to him is so beautiful!!! Jane... It's like..."

Ryder, who was talking excitedly about what he had seen and heard just now, suddenly had a cassette.

Ryder, who had not read many books at all, racked his brains and couldn't think of anything that could describe the scene just now. Finally, the discouraged Ryder sat next to Takaki and was dejected.

"Who are they?"

As consciousness gradually recovered, Takaki looked at the pair of backs and couldn't help thinking of it.