Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 663

The red desert occupies all the fields of vision, and a row of dazzling footsteps extend towards the sky alone on the red covered desert.

Judging from the different depths and dazzling footprints, the people who are printing this line of footsteps on the desert seem to be under extremely terrible pressure.

Is it the death of this red desert?

Or fear from the unknown?

Perhaps there are all these reasons.

But the main reason is the nightmare witnessed by sambas not long ago.

A nightmare caused by the greedy nature of human origin.


That's the leader of sambas and many top sellers.

After receiving the news about the mysterious and beautiful pure white lion from his confidants, the greedy osdor, as always, led sambas and his Jedi troops through the desert to a cave.

Here, they really saw the mysterious and beautiful pure white lion.

No matter who he was, he was conquered by the beauty he used on the spot when he saw the pure white lion.

So he made up his mind to rely on the mysterious and beautiful pure white lion to make a lot of money. Osdor decisively instructed his seller to prepare tools and try to capture the pure white lion.

Even in this cave, his cronies have already found some traces of human activities. Still can't dispel osdor's greed.

"Fool! Maybe those people were scared away by this lion!"

The beautiful wealth was at hand, and osdor couldn't care so much.

Looking at the pure white lion sleeping so deep that he didn't even feel the arrival of himself and others, osdor seemed to have an inexhaustible Golden Mountain in front of him.

The speed of the Jedi army is very fast.

It didn't take much time to get the captured tools ready.

of course.

This does not mean that osdor has the habit of hunting beasts, but that these tools are combined according to the scene.

But before that, these tools were used for "hunters"!


Osdor, who instructed the Jedi troops to come forward, did not expect that this greedy idea would become his last idea to stay in the world.


A dull noise came from the Jedi army towards the pure white lion.

Then, the osterdo side, who had not yet responded, immediately sounded a few dull sounds.

"What happened...?"

As soon as osdor turned around, there was a numbness all over his body, and then a pain so severe that he could almost tear his body.


At the moment when the scream sounded, he instinctively felt unknown. Sambas, who took one step first and then withdrew for a distance, looked at the usual swaggering, waving a whip and instructing his trusted hunters to blow up into a blood mist on the spot.


That terrible sight,

That bloody scene,

Even now sambas has left the cave far behind, he still feels a tremor from death.

"No! No way! No way! This... This world... How... How can there be so terrible..."

The red and soft sand sucked sambas' feet, so that sambas, who had just climbed a sand dune, could not move at all.

But even so, sambas, ruled by fear, even if sucked by quicksand, still struggled and moved towards the other side of the dune···

The hope that he might survive stretched out his right hand.


A human shadow appeared at the top of the sand dune when sambas was about to fall into fear and despair.

"Yo. Uncle, you look like you're working hard! Can I help you?"

The man looked young and friendly.

He looked at the confused footprints behind sambas in surprise and nodded.

"It seems that uncle, you are really working hard! I didn't expect to come here from that cave in this situation."



Sambas, who wanted to ask the boy for help, struggled on the spot as soon as he heard the cave.

The look of fear,

That flustered action,

And the powerful instinct that erupted in the face of fear made sambas break free from the shackles of quicksand.

But the violent force not only made sambas break away from the quicksand, but also made his body balance disordered, resulting in an awkward end in the rolling sand dust, rolling from the sand dune to the bottom of the sand dune.

"Oh, uncle, you are really tossing around! Obviously, your body has become like this."


The friction sound between the sand rang through sambas's ears. At the same time, the strange boy also slipped from the top of the sand dune, stood not far in front of sambas, and looked at sambas's embarrassed appearance calmly.

"Bah... Bah... You... Are you... Sen..."

After spitting a few mouthfuls of sand, without saying a complete word, sambas found that he seemed to leak when he spoke.

The next second, sambas, who looked intently, found that several teeth were falling in front of him.

And these teeth are not strange at all.

Because these teeth are his!!



The screams of panic lit up again and again, and sambas crawled again and again, far away from the teeth falling on the sand.

It seems that these teeth are a nightmare.

"It seems that you have also been caught! Although you didn't die on the spot like those people."

The boy looked down at the teeth, then came forward and squatted in front of sanbas.

"Well, uncle, while there is still some time, can you tell me where this is? There are forces worthy of attention nearby?"

"Here... Where is this?!"

Under fear, sambas's thinking seems to have been unable to think like a normal person.

Only the instinct to respond to teenagers' problems is left.

"This... This is Mars... The world outside the circle

"Mars? Is it really Mars?"

Sambas's answer relieved the boy, and then he asked:

"So, is there a private security company called CGS near here?"


Sambas's eyes lit up as soon as he heard the name.

"Right!! right! Only... If I return to CGS, I can be saved!! ma... Maruba... Maruba alkai will repay you!!"

With the recovery of the memory of CGS, sambas seemed to regain the hope of life and once again sent a cry for help to the teenager.

However, as if he had caught the last straw and told all the information about CGS, sambas suddenly found that the boy did not know when he had retreated a long distance and looked at him from a distance.

The eyes were full of pity.


What the hell is going on?!

Sambas just wanted to reach out and try to let the boy pull himself up, but he froze at that moment.

A touch of gray appeared in front of his eyes.

It's not an ornament,

It's not clothes,

It's the most familiar sight of sambas - in the past, sambas, who followed osdor, was no stranger to the violent beating suffered by the Jedi army.

Among them, there is no lack of this gray white scene.


The call of death gradually approached, making sambas struggle madly again.

But at the next moment, he fell to the ground and fell into the abyss of sin.

"That's it!"

The boy standing in the distance slowly turned around and stopped paying attention to the frightening gray scene mixed with black and red liquid gradually buried by the wind and sand.

This is the inevitable result of human beings, no, it should be said that all organisms, including human beings, have suffered strong radiation.

It's a miracle that the uncle can run such a long distance after being exposed to the gamma rays released by the zero form.

However, this miracle is over.

For the teenager, that is, Lei Mingkai, it was just an accidental accident.

Whether it was the group of people who were killed on the spot by zero type, or this group who struggled to survive after suffering from strong radiation, and finally died after they got the relevant information out by themselves.

The red dust gradually rolled up. For a hundred years, it not only pushed the desert forward into the distance, but also completely buried some things that should have become secrets.

"Sand... Sand..."

Lei Mingkai's footsteps drifted away in the sand until his figure completely disappeared in the sand.

Mars city kreiser.

This is a colonial city established by human beings on Mars, and it is also ruled by earth forces.

However, due to the increasing oppression and exploitation by the earth forces, the independent voice from the interior of the Martian city of kreiser is also more and more huge.

As this voice grew stronger, the activities aimed at earth forces and seeking independence became more and more intense and intensive.

This has cast a shadow over the city's economic prosperity.

A car drove slowly into the city from the suburban highway.

At the same time, the sudden appearance of the car also attracted the attention of the guards guarding the exit of the highway.

"Woo woo..."

A rapid siren sounded, and the guard waiting at the exit of the highway stopped the car on the spot.

"We're kreiser's guard. Please show me your ID!"

The usual opening remarks ushered in an unexpected scene.

With the falling of the window, the rustling pink horsetail and the exquisite face stunned the police on the spot.

"Sorry! We've just come from the earth, and we haven't handled the certificates here yet. Can you accommodate?"

The beautiful pink girl smiled gently, but it fascinated the guard standing next to the door.

"Hmm! HMM! This beautiful lady. Welcome to our kreiser very much. It's just that you're here at a bad time. There's a lot of noise in the city now. I'm afraid it will make the lady lose her good mood."


The pink girl was a little surprised, but then she didn't insist on entering kreiser, but asked other questions.

"Really? Well, I don't know how to get to CGS? My friend has something to entrust CGS."

"CGS? Delegation?"

About CGS, the guards are naturally very clear.


The guard standing by the door lowered his head slightly and saw the man sitting in the co driver's seat.

In an instant, the man's eyes immediately made the guard seem to fall into an ice cave and couldn't move for a long time.

"Sir, sir, sir? Can you tell me how to get to CGS? After all, my entrustment is a little urgent. Please!"

The repeated calls of the pink girl made the guard come back with great difficulty.

But now he doesn't want to let the car stay here for a while.

"Over there, after returning to the expressway, drive north and go down from the first expressway exit you see, which is the road to CGS."

With one breath, the guards watched with lingering fear as they stepped back into the high-speed car and couldn't help sighing.

"That guy is terrible

"Lach, I didn't expect your acting skills to be so good."

Lei Mingkai, sitting in the co pilot's seat, was surprised by lacs's performance just now.

You know, it seems that the original lacs didn't have the title of actor.

"Just for fun."

Lakes smiled and gathered the hair in her ears, but she looked a little charming.


Lei Mingkai was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that the scene just now would be called fun by lacs?!

Can you say that the lac silk in front of you is no longer the lac silk in your memory, but···

"As I said, your little princess is not as simple as she looks."

The zero voice sounded lazily in Lei Mingkai's mind.

"You'd better sleep well! The guy who almost died."

Lei Mingkai pulled at the corners of his mouth and fought back impolitely.

"You!! forget it. I'd better make up my sleep!"

The zero voice gradually disappeared from Lei Mingkai's mind.

Half an hour later, the car driving off the flat and spacious highway entered a relatively narrow and dusty dirt road.

The muddy road with a lot of conditions made lacs the driver frown.

But just then, an engine sound came from a distance.

After lacs and Lei Mingkai looked at each other, lacs immediately parked the car on the other side, waiting for the arrival of the engine sound from far to near.

Against the background of endless deserts and prosperous cities, a three wheeled car slowly appeared at the end of the dirt road.

Judging from the extent of the subversion, the goods of this three wheeled vehicle seem to be sufficient.

It looks like goods to be sent somewhere.

"Could it be her?"

This dirt road,

This three wheeled car,

I'm afraid only someone will appear here at this time.


A trumpet sounded on the dirt road.

The tricycle seems to have found Lei Mingkai and lacs standing on the roadside.

The two looked at each other, and Lei Mingkai immediately raised his right hand and waved.

Sure enough, under the sign of Lei Mingkai, the three wheeled car slowly stopped in front of them.


The door opened and a timid little face appeared in front of Lei Mingkai and rax.

"Excuse me, did your car break down?"