Luxury Marriage: Uncle vs Little Wife

Chapter 402

At three o'clock in the afternoon, ye Qingxin and jingboyuan went to the mall to buy a gift for Dou Weier. After a long time, ye Qingxin chose Chanel's skin care products.

Ye Qingxin has heard Dou Wei'er mention it before. The cosmetics and skin care products she uses now are of this brand.

After buying the gift, jingboyuan leads ye to the pregnant and infant area on the fifth floor.

Walking into a baby brand store, the waiter warmly welcomed him and asked for help with a red face. Ye Qingxin saw the shy face of the waiter, turned his head and looked at the attractive man around him. He turned back to the waiter with a smile and politely said, "let's have a look first."

Looking around at a wide range of pregnant and infant supplies, ye Qingxin hugged jingboyuan's arm, "it's only three months, now it's a little early to buy it?"

"Not early." Jing Boyuan said, picking up a new baby's lace up shirt from the shelf and carefully looking at the fabric composition.

His mature temperament doesn't match the pink and tender style of the baby shop. He's tall and very eye-catching at that stop.

"They're all at home. They're still very new." Ye Qingxin has two brothers in her stomach now. She has three brothers in her family. She can pick up two at random and wear enough.

Jing Boyuan smell speech to see her one eye, put down the small shirt in the hand, changed another to see.

Ye Qingxin saw that what he took was light pink, which was suitable for girls. He couldn't help laughing. "You said you didn't want a daughter, so you were right and wrong."

The man buys the thing is generally straightforward and bold, chooses carefully, can appear some ink mark.

Wearing a black windbreaker, Jing Boyuan stands in front of the shelf and carefully selects children's clothes. However, he doesn't make people feel ink. On the contrary, he looks very calm and attentive, especially charming.

Jingboyuan raised his chin and pointed to the sofa in the rest area. "I'll sit in the past. It'll be fine here soon."

Ye Qingxin smiles and goes to sit down. A waiter pours a glass of water and delivers it to him. "Your husband is very kind to you. Few couples come here. It's the husband who selects things, and the wife who has a rest. Generally, it's the wife who selects patiently. The husband sits here and plays games."

There is envy in the waiter's eyes, which is not a complete compliment.

Ye Qingxin smiles and doesn't answer.

After about half an hour, jingboyuan bought all the items needed by the newborn, including clothes, quilts, milk bottles and so on.

Out of the shop, ye Qingxin looked down at the big and small bags in his hand, "buy too much?"

Jingboyuan faintly back: "are to use things."

Ye Qingxin said with a smile: "if you buy so many things for girls, what if they are two boys?"

Jing Bo was silent for a moment and said, "there are not boys' clothes at home."

It means that if it's two kids, you have to pick up the rest of what your brother wears.

Ye Qingxin took jingboyuan's arm and said, "are you so eccentric?"

Jing Boyuan put two hands of things into one hand, holding Ye Qingxin's shoulder, "is there anything else you want to buy? I'll take one. "


Ye Qingxin looked at jingboyuan's wrist on his shoulder. The watch showed five o'clock in the evening.

"It's getting late. We're going to have a wonderful time. By the way, we have to call Suo. Don't forget her."

When the phone was connected, jingsuoso looked a little noisy.

"Heart, what's the matter? I can't hear you clearly. Why don't we talk about it later? "

Jingsuoso was almost speaking at the top of his voice.

Ye Qingxin: "OK."

Knowing that she hasn't forgotten Dou Wei'er's birthday, there's no need to remind her.

Two people come out from the mall, to the parking lot, ye Qingxin a see parked in their car next to the sapphire blue Lamborghini.

The car model is very cool, the color is beautiful, and the license plate is familiar.

The window came down, revealing a peach blossom face as expected.

"What will happen later? Take one with me. " He Jifan opened the door and got off.

Ye Qingxin looked at him warily, "how do you know we are here? We also know that we have activities. "

He Jifan picked the next eyebrow toward Ye Qingxin, "am I your cousin?"

Ye Qingxin: "yes."

He Jifan: "what do you mean? I'm just a relative. Do you have to help me with something?"

Ye Qingxin is more alert and always feels that it's not good.

Sure enough, he Jifan came up, "I know today Weiwei's birthday, she asked you, take me with her."

Ye Qingxin looked at him, "I remember you broke up, Wei'er's birthday, what are you going to do?"

"Who stipulates that breaking up can't be reconciled? My aunt and uncle have been separated for more than ten years. Now they are not still together. They are sweet all day. "

While speaking, he Jifan takes out his cigarette and prepares to light it. Jingboyuan directly opens the front passenger's door and asks Ye Qingxin to get on the bus first.

Putting the things in his hand into the trunk, he said, "if you want to go by yourself, if you have the ability, you will be left behind."

White Land Rover drove away quickly, leaving he Jifan staring at the spot and taking two puffs of smoke. He got in the car and slammed the door, "go by yourself!"

Yu Guang glimpses the present on the co pilot's seat, and he Jifan smiles. He still bites the cigarette at the corner of his mouth, and his smile is a bit ruffian.

The sky is getting dark and the lights are beginning to shine.

Ye Qingxin and jingboyuan fall out of time and are led into the box set by Dou Wei'er.

Jing Suo Suo has come over, holding a super large cup of milk tea in his arms. Seeing ye Qingxin, he raised his hand and waved to her.

Ye Qingxin gives the gift to Dou Wei'er and leads jingboyuan to jingsuo. Next to jingsuo sits Cheng Ruyu. Ye Qingxin greets him.

In the box, in addition to a few familiar people, there are two pairs of young men and women Ye Qingxin did not know.

"Introduce it." Dou Wei'er introduces the fashionable couple to ye, "these two are my agent Abbey and stylist Kevin..."

He also introduced the famous brand-name and snobbish man and woman, "these two are my cousins, my sister-in-law, Dou Jinwen and Hu Jing."

Ye Qingxin smiles friendly to the four. Jingboyuan nods his head slightly. His attitude is cold, but it's not impolite.

"This beauty is my best friend, and this is my friend's husband." When Dou Wei'er introduces Ye Qingxin and jingboyuan, he doesn't say his name.

Dou Jinwen's eyes linger on Ye Qingxin for a moment, and then he looks at Jing Boyuan. The age difference between the husband and wife can be seen at a glance. Dou Jinwen directly asks Jing Boyuan, "are you in business? Sit down. You're welcome. "

That tone, as if he was the host.

Jing Boyuan and ye Qingxin sit beside Jing suoso.

Dou Jinwen added: "this beauty looks a little familiar."

Jing Boyuan suddenly opened his voice in a casual tone. "Mr. Dou has good eyesight. He can see that I'm in business."

"Don't big bosses like to marry beautiful young girls?" Dou Jinwen said a little barefaced, "Mr. Jing looks like a boss, too."

Young people in their twenties like to express themselves, but they don't know how to hide their emotions, and they are not good at observing what they say.

Jing Boyuan laughed and said nothing more.

Ye Qingxin frowns. Dou Wei'er, a cousin, can't speak, and his eyes are uncomfortable.

"Everyone's here, waiter. Serve." Dou Wei'er noticed the embarrassment of the atmosphere and changed the topic: "how about today's exam?"

When it comes to the exam, Jing suoso has two big heads, biting the straw of milk tea, "not so good. I think it's no good to be admitted this year. I'd better prepare for the exam next year."

"Is it difficult?" dou Wei'er asked

Jing Suo shriveled his cheek and took a sip of milk tea. After swallowing it, he said, "it's hard to say, I just can't

Dou Wei'er

"Ah! I remember Dou Jinwen was so surprised that Dou Wei'er and Hu Jing, who were sitting next to him, were startled.

"Your name is Ye Qingxin. I've seen your video on the Internet!" Dou Jinwen's eyes brightened and he turned to jingboyuan, "then you must be jingboyuan, the founder of Bowei group. Nice to meet you."

Then he got up and reached out to shake hands with jingboyuan.

Jing Boyuan also stood up, gave him a shake, and then sat down.

Dou Jinwen took out a business card, bent over and handed it to jingboyuan with both hands. "This is my business card. I'm also in business. I sell bathroom products. Maybe we will have a chance to cooperate in the future."

Jing Boyuan reaches for it.

"I didn't expect that my sister's good friend married the boss of Bowei group. I really don't know what to say." Dou Jinwen rubbed his hands together. It's a pity that it would be his sister to marry this famous boss.

"Don't say anything if you don't know what to say. Have some tea. The tea here is very good. I remember you like tea best." Dou Wei'er's smile almost broke down.

It was an accident that Dou Jinwen and Hu Jing would be here.

Dou Jinwen doesn't understand Dou Wei'er's suggestion. Seeing that Jing Boyuan and Cheng Ruyu are very familiar with each other, he cuts in again. "Wei'er just said that Mr. Cheng is a doctor. I don't know what disease Mr. Cheng is seeing?"

Cheng Ruyu's slender fingers played with the teacup. "I'm a surgeon. If Mr. Dou is injured or has an accident, you can come to me."

Dou Jinwen laughs, "doctor Cheng is really joking."

Just then, someone knocked on the door outside, and the waiter pushed in, followed by he Jifan.

As soon as Dou Wei'er saw him, her fingers tightened unconsciously.