Luxury Marriage: Uncle vs Little Wife

Chapter 401

On Saturday morning, jingboyuan took Ye Qingxin to Jinghe hospital.

Cheng Ruyu is away. It's said that she went to the exam with Jing suoso, but she didn't forget to arrange the doctor for ye Qingxin, doctor Bai and doctor Ning.

As soon as ye Qingxin and jingboyuan arrive, Dr. Bai and Dr. Ning will take ye Qingxin for an examination.

Check the results expected, ye Qingxin really pregnant, has been nearly three months.

Unexpectedly, she was pregnant with twins.

Coming out of the hospital, ye Qingxin feels like a dream.

In the early morning of the end of November, the capital is often covered by thick green fog. At this time, the sun gradually dispels the haze, revealing a bright and lofty sky.

Ye Qingxin looked up at the dazzling sun, turned to her husband, "I'm very happy, and you?"

Jingboyuan hugged her and looked down, "me too."

On the way back, ye Qingxin sat in the co pilot's seat, took out his mobile phone from his bag and said, "give mom a call. She must be happy to know, and then give grandma another call."

Jing Boyuan holds the steering wheel in both hands, and hears that he doesn't say anything. The mobile phone in his pocket vibrates at this time. He frees one hand and takes out the mobile phone from his suit pocket. Seeing the caller ID on the screen, he smiles.

Answer, he first said: "grandma, what's the matter?"

Ye Qingxin just turned out the number of he su'e, heard the words, and turned to look at jingboyuan.

She could hear old lady Jing's voice, but she couldn't hear the content clearly. Jing Boyuan only said "um" twice and soon hung up.

"What did grandma say?"

Jing Boyuan put his mobile phone in the storage compartment and said, "she said that she would go to live with us for a while."

"Why?" Ye Qingxin asked this, not that he didn't want the old man to live, but simply curious.

Then I think of the last time she was pregnant, when three old people were around her. Time flies. The children are more than one year old and can walk. Now there are only two of them.

"I heard that you were pregnant with twins and wanted to take care of you." Jing Boyuan's voice brings back Ye Qingxin's thoughts and is interrupted. For a moment, she forgot to call he su'e.

"Did Dr. Cheng say that?" She laughs, "during this period of time, doctor Cheng has coaxed his grandmother to be very happy. This news that can make the elderly happy, he must first see the tip off."

The whole Beijing and hospital are Cheng Ruyu's, he wants to know ye Qingxin's examination results easily.

When they returned to Nanshan villa, it was nearly eleven o'clock. A black car was parked in the open parking lot of the villa. Ye Qingxin immediately recognized that it was the car that Mrs. Jing and Mr. Jing often took.

"Grandma has come." Ye Qingxin says as she unties her seat belt and gets off. They enter the living room, and old lady Jing is playing with the kids.

Hearing the news, he turned his head and saw Ye Qingxin. As soon as his eyes brightened, the old man left the little guys and stroked Ye Qingxin's stomach. "Fortunately, ah yuan married you at the beginning. After two years of marriage, he added five children to Lao Jing's family. Don't you know that I met Xiaoyu's grandmother on the way here and knew I was going to take care of her pregnant granddaughter-in-law, I envy her so much. "

"Come on, sit down. Don't stand." Old lady laye fell in love and sat down on the sofa, "are you hungry? The meal will be ready in a few minutes. Why don't you ask the cook to make some desserts for you first? "

Ye Qingxin touched the heads of the three little guys who ran over, and laughed back: "I ate a lot in the morning, but I'm not hungry."

Old lady Jing: "did you inform xiao'e? And your grandmother and your grandfather and them

Ye Qingxin shook his head, "not yet."

"Then I'll fight." Mrs. Jing took out her reading glasses and put them on. She took out her machine and began to make a phone call.

Ye Qingxin sees her happy and then smiles. Suddenly he hears the vibration of the mechanical mobile phone. He turns his head and sees jingboyuan take out his mobile phone and go to the French window. The man's figure is straight and broad, like a tall tree, which can easily support a windless and rainless world for his wife and children.

After calling, Mrs. Jing put away her mobile phone and said, "I'll ask the cook to cook more dishes. They all say they'll come to dinner later."

At more than 12 o'clock, he su'e, Jing Zong, Sheng family and master Yan all came with gifts.

At the dinner table, Mrs. Jing and he su'e are busy bringing vegetables to Ye Qingxin, not to mention Ye Qingxin himself. Jing Boyuan has no chance to show himself.

Mrs. Jing used the chopsticks to hold a piece of braised chicken feet for ye Qingxin. When she put down the chopsticks, she said: "this year, the old Jing family has a lot of troubles. The second child had an accident in the Spring Festival, and the accident happened to a yuan in October. I'm not sure about it. Now everything is over. The two children have come at a good time. I believe that the old Jing family will have a smooth sailing in the future."

"It's a blessing in disguise to give a yuan's company a few support funds, which can be regarded as an apology. Don't take xiao'e's case too seriously. You two can get back together, which has something to do with it. In the future, you're all safe. I'm old and I don't want anything. I hope you can be safe."

After dinner, jingboyuan and Jingzong went to their study.

Ye Qingxin puts forward the idea of letting them move to Nanshan villa while both Sheng family and Yan family are here.

"My cousin went to Hollywood for development, and my cousin went to the United States with her. My aunt... Is not at home and can't take care of you. My uncle is so seriously injured that he can only live in a sanatorium in the future. You are the only two in the family. You'd better move in and live with us. It's better to play with the kids when you're free than at home."

Yu Wei didn't know who he had offended. A few days ago, he was maimed and his arms and legs were broken. In the future, let alone walking, he couldn't even take care of himself.

Ye Qingxin went to the hospital to see him after learning the news. At that time, he lived in the intensive care unit. Through the glass, she could feel his despair.

Yu's family is destroyed, and there is only one update left.

"And grandfather, you can also move here. If grandma knows that you have been living alone, she will be worried. If she doesn't take good care of you, I won't have the face to see my mother in the future."

The three old men also had many concerns. After ye Qingxin's persuasion, they finally agreed.

After dinner, Mrs. Jing goes back to pack up. The Sheng family and Mr. Yan also go home to pack up their things and bring them over. By the way, they arrange the house.

The children were taken back to the nursery by the servants for lunch break.

Ye Qingguo was taken to the amusement park early in the morning.

Jing Boyuan and Jing Zong are still in the study. In the living room, he su'e and ye are in love. A variety show is playing on TV, and laughter comes out from time to time.

"Heart." He su'e asks Ye Qingxin.

Ye Qingxin and her side of the sofa, hear the voice turn to see, waiting for her words behind.

He su'e micro smile, "I apologize for my previous behavior."

Ye Qingxin frowned, a little puzzled.

"I've always wanted to apologize to you, but I can't say it. When mom was in a coma with cerebral hemorrhage, I said a lot of unpleasant things to you. Now I think back, I realize how self righteous I am."

"At that time, I wanted to reconcile with a yuan, but I didn't know what to do. The doctor said you couldn't be pregnant any more. I took a kind mother to persuade you to leave a yuan. You don't know. After I first came to you, a yuan warned me not to interfere in your affairs. I didn't listen, and I came to you again. That night, he asked someone to smash the monument of Mu Chen..."

He su'e's tone was calm, as if she was just telling a story that had nothing to do with her.

Time is really a good medicine, can make those things that make people feel like a knife, become calm.

She chuckled, "ah yuan and his father are very similar, are very stubborn, take a fancy to the people, no matter what happens, must get."

Ye Qingxin was surprised.

She did not expect that jingboyuan had done such a thing for her at that time.

"Well, that's a bit far." He su'e looked at Ye Qingxin and said with a smile, "you're much luckier than me. I've been around for a long time to fall in love with the right person. You fell in love with the right person from the very beginning."

After a pause, he su'e asked, "will you forgive me?"

Ye Qingxin's lips burst into a smile, "I have long forgotten."

At this time, jingboyuan and Jingzong came down from upstairs.

When he su'e saw Jingzong, her eyes shone with different brilliance.

Jing Zong came over and took her hand. He said to Jing Boyuan and ye Qingxin, "we'll go back first. If there's anything, we'll call."

The two will be sent to the car, watching the car out of the villa gate, ye Qingxin and jingboyuan go back together.

Stroking his stomach, Yu Guang glimpsed a large area of roses planted in jingboyuan. Although it was getting colder after frost, the roses were still blooming.

Ye Qingxin stops and looks up at jingboyuan's eyes.



The wind of late autumn swept the world, mixing the soft voice of Ye Qingxin with the fragrance of the red rose behind.

Jing Boyuan slightly lowers his head, and his arm is still held by Ye Qingxin. The wind lifts the broken hair beside Ye Qingxin's ear, and he subconsciously reaches out to pin them behind her ear.

The thick fingertips brush Ye Qingxin's ear and feel soft.

"This is a passage I saw on the Internet. There are many versions of translations. The others are flat. There is only one, which makes me very excited." Ye Qingxin's eyes are very bright, like the stars in the sky.

"The floating world is myriad, my love has three, the day, the month, with you, the day for the dynasty, the month for the evening, you for... Morning and evening."

"Do you like it?"

Ye Qingxin asked him.

The answer to her is jingboyuan's kiss, which gradually deepens into death.

The wind blew through the rose and set off waves of flowers.