Luxury Marriage: Uncle vs Little Wife

Chapter 350

Dou Wei'er listened to Jing suoso's words, a Leng, "brothers, what do you mean?"

"You don't know? He Yunxiao is he Jifan's younger brother. " Jing suoso bit the lollipop so hard, "he Yunxiao has been studying abroad. He just came back yesterday. How did he know you?"

Dou Wei'er didn't expect that he Yunxiao had such a relationship with he Jifan. She was confused and said, "I met him in a foreign show last year, and I'm not familiar with him."

Ye Qingxin thinks about Gu Jiao's trial. Although she is not interested in seeing it, she still cares about the result of the sentence.


Ye Qingxin lies in jingboyuan's arms, unable to fall asleep.

"What's the matter?" Jing Boyuan's Adam's apple rolled and asked her.

"You say, how will the court sentence Gu Jiao?" The combined punishment for several crimes should not be light.

Jing Boyuan chuckled and stroked her back. "You have to believe that Lawyer Chen will get justice for you."

When he said "you", he meant Ye Qingxin, the children and Mrs. Yan.

On Monday, ye Qingxin was a little out of state in class. After class in the afternoon, he called Chen ting and asked about the trial result. Chen Ting's tone was not proud, but he also revealed a bit of pride. "Madam, don't worry, you will be satisfied with the result. The court sentenced Gu Jiao to life imprisonment, and the verdict will be issued tomorrow."

"Gujiao should not give in." Wutong leaves on the B Wutong trail, and the ground is covered with large Indus leaves.

Gu Jiao still has a chance to appeal.

"Please rest assured that the higher court will not accept this."

What Chen Ting said, ye Qingxin, she did not ask the reason, directly said: "then thank Lawyer Chen, hard work."

"This is what Chen should do."

Ye Qingxin hangs up and remembers that Sheng wenqiong will also have a court session in the middle of next month. There has been no movement in Sheng's home. Ye Qingxin doesn't know if she will be soft hearted then, but she can rest assured that Chen Ting is there.

Chen Ting claims to be second in the capital and even in the whole country, but no one dares to be first.

Half a month later, the news came that Gu Jiao's appeal was invalid, and the sentence came into effect. She had been put into a women's prison.

Just on the day Gu Jiao was sent to prison, Gu Xingde had a car accident on his way to the prison. He rushed down the Viaduct with his car and people, and smashed it on a dangerous goods transport vehicle. His car fell to pieces, which led to the leakage of highly toxic chemical raw materials. The media reported it for several days.

Ye Qingxin saw the scene of the accident on TV and sighed.

Another week later, news came out from the women's prison where Gu Jiao was in. Gu Jiao had a fight with others in the prison and was seriously injured and comatose. She was sent to the hospital for rescue and died.

When the news came to Mrs. Yan's ears, Mrs. Yan silently shed a few tears. She didn't know whether she was distressed by Gu Jiao's bad luck, or sad that she had raised an ungrateful child.

Finally, the Yan family took the procedure to get Gu Jiao's body out, cremated it and buried it in the same cemetery as Gu Xingde.

This spread, many people are saying that Gu Jiao kind of person, deserve no one to collect the body, Yan Family old couple is too soft hearted, just be cheated by her for so many years.

Ye Qingxin hears it and laughs it off.

People die like smoke, all kinds of life, there is no need to care about.

Sometimes in the dead of night, ye Qingxin recalls the scene of seeing Gu Jiao for the first time. She is fashionable and elegant, well behaved, with a sincere smile, like the sunshine at seven o'clock in early summer, full of vitality and comforting.

Originally, the ancient family was also a good family. Although it was not as good as the serious families, it was also a height that the working people of the broad working class could not catch up with in their whole lives.

In a short period of one and a half years, so many changes have taken place.

It's all greed.

In mid November, Sheng wenqiong went to court.

The same life imprisonment, the same appeal invalid.

Ye Qingxin didn't go to the court that day. Afterwards, she heard that Sheng wenqiong had been shouting that Yu Wei was the culprit, saying that she was bewitched by Yu Wei.

However, Yu Wei appeared in court as a witness at that time. People only framed Sheng wenqiong as if she had a grudge against him.

Because Sheng wenqiong can't find the evidence that she was bewitched.

Some time later, at the beginning of December, Mr. Sheng didn't know what method he used to recover the shares of Sheng group in Yuwei's hands.

It spread in a small area, but there was no storm. It was like a small stone falling into the lake. After a ripple, it returned to calm.

Mr. Sheng directly transferred the recovered shares to Ye Qingxin, who became the second largest shareholder of Sheng group and the first largest shareholder of Bowei group. In the end, she became the winner of her life.

Ye Qingxin doesn't know anything about managing a company. Jing Boyuan brings her some professional books. When she's not in class, she takes her children to read business management books while learning German.

Jing Boyuan is proficient in German. With his teaching and his intelligence, ye Qingxin can learn it easily.

In a flash of time, the kids have been growing up for four months. They all have double chins in their necks. Their eyes are big and bright. Everyone likes them.

Their appetite also increased, and ye Qingxin's milk became a little nervous. Sometimes he would feed them some milk powder or rice flour.

that day.

On Sunday, ye Qingxin took the kids to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine for injection. When she passed by the tea bar, she took the kids in.

After more than two months of operation, this tea bar has changed from a deserted one to a bustling one. There is no place to sit in the hall. People like to let Ye Qingxin and the kids go to the back room.

Ye Qingxin looks at the tea bar full of guests and friends. He has to admire the business acumen of Wen Renxi. Although the original Xifan was hidden in the deep lane, it was also an endless stream of diners.

Wen Renxi is different from others. When others open a shop, if the room is full of guests, they must be busy greeting. Wen Renxi wears a loose sweater, a light gray coat, and a knitted scarf around his neck. He sits quietly behind the counter to make accounts, and his eyebrows are always quiet.

She sent Ye Qingxin to Houjian, squeezed a glass of orange juice for ye Qingxin, and cut oranges for the little guys.

Now the little guy is very interested in everything, especially food. When he sees other people eating, he is so excited that he stretches out his fat hand and "babbles" in his mouth. Sometimes Ye falls in love with eating and deliberately refuses to give it, which makes the little guy push his legs.

Of course, only year after year and Dynasty can be so unpretentious. It's very cold at dusk. If you give it to me, you eat it. If you don't give it to me, you look at me with your eyes open. It makes me feel embarrassed to eat again, and you don't take the initiative to eat it.

I like to share a slice of orange with the little guy. Maybe it's a little sour. Every year and every morning I eat it with a grin on my face. My little nose is wrinkled like a small cage bag. I eat it calmly at dusk. Before I have teeth, I can taste it with some water.

"They look so cute when they eat." Hearing people like to smile, ye Qingxin finds that after her wedding, she may have been sad for a period of time. In the last two months, ye Qingxin obviously feels that she is really happy to hear people like.

Ye Qingxin can't help ringing the alarm.

As far as she knows, hearing that people like to ignore Jingyi now means that they don't let go of their heart. Where does the little woman's happiness come from now?

Is that Xia Chengqi?

Ye Qingxin can't help shaking her head. It's impossible. Sister Xi has been waiting for her second uncle for so many years. How can she accept other men all at once?

There is doubt in the heart, ye Qingxin's attention is subconsciously put on wenrenxi.

Wenrenxi is still the same as before, with gentle and decent clothes, plain face and loose hair.

"Sister Xi, someone is looking outside." A waiter pushed the door in.

Hearing that people like to peel oranges every year, Wen Yan does not lift his head. "Who's looking for me?"

"It's the ex-wife of the reporter Xia. She used to come here a lot."

Hearing the action of picking orange peel, I couldn't bear to scratch my eyes.

"Go and tell her I'm not in."

"Good --"

The waiter's voice is good——

"Why, am I that scary? Why is miss Wenren hiding from me? " A strange female voice rang out outside the door, and then the door was pushed open again. In came a woman in her forties. She was well dressed, with a famous brand and more than ten bags in her arms.

Behind her, followed by two middle-aged women who were slightly less dressed, looking at the menace.

Reporter Xia's ex-wife?

Ye Qingxin knows the purpose of this man's coming here.

Wen Renxi looked at the three little guys sitting side by side on the sofa. Without hesitation, he said directly, "what's the matter? Go out and talk."

Xia's ex-wife also saw Ye Qingxin's three little boys. They were wearing a uniform indigo one-piece cotton padded jacket. They were very good-looking boys.

There was a glint of jealousy in her eyes.

The other side is not good, ye Qingxin is afraid of hearing people like to suffer losses, follow out, toward the hidden in the dark several bodyguards make a wink.

The bodyguard leaned quietly towards wenrenxi.

Just a few guests check out and leave. Wen Renxi leads Xia's ex-wife and two other middle-aged women to sit down.

"What's the matter? Let's be frank." Wen Renxi told the waiter to serve tea and said frankly.

"I'm here mainly to remind Miss Wen that although Cheng Qi has lost his way, he will definitely return in the future. I advise Miss Wen Ren to find out the situation, but don't lose his wife and lose her army."

When the waiter served tea, Xia's ex-wife picked it up gracefully and sipped it gently. She said with deep meaning: "Miss Wen Ren, the tea here is really good. No wonder it can keep men." Pause, she said with a smile: "sorry, slip of the tongue, is the guest."

"I think Mrs. Xia is too worried. Mr. Xia and I are just friends, and he never drinks tea when he comes to me."

"If Mrs. Xia doesn't have anything important, I won't accompany her." Hearing people like to get up, "by the way, if Mrs. Xia likes the tea in our shop, you are welcome to come at any time. However, next time, Mrs. Xia should not call the roll to see me. After all, I am not more leisurely than Mrs. Xia. I have my own business to do, and I don't have too much time to spend on unimportant things."

Hearing that she wanted to leave, the other two middle-aged women got up and stood in her way.

"If it wasn't for the fox medicine you put in your tea, how could Cheng Qi be so happy that he didn't want to leave? Miss Wen Ren, I heard that you haven't divorced director Jing, have you? It doesn't seem very good to just come out and hook up three and four like this. "

"I also heard that Mrs. Xia has divorced Mr. Xia. Oh, well, it's wrong for me to call you Mrs. Xia. I should call you Ms. Lu. You have divorced Mr. Xia. Even if I hook up with him, it doesn't matter to you?"

Xia's ex-wife's face changed slightly and stood up, "I know you are not a peaceful woman. I warn you, if you dare to seduce me again, I will not be polite!"

"Don't think that the man you rare will be rare to women all over the world. I have nothing to do with your ex husband. I still want to trouble you. Keep an eye on your man. Don't let him come out and annoy you!" Hearing people's happiness and displeasure, Xia Chengqi's ex-wife beat her every so often.

At the beginning, people could ignore it even when they heard of it. After a long time, people in clay sculptures still had a third of their Qi.

"Excuse me, please." Hearing that people's temperament was about to run out, she pushed aside the two middle-aged women in front of her and went straight to the counter.

Xia's ex-wife winked at the two middle-aged women.

Two people came forward, one grabbed Wen Renxi's arm and pulled back. Seeing that they were going to do something, people in the tea bar looked at the scene and hesitated whether they should meddle in their own business. Ye Qingxin's bodyguards all got up and wanted to step forward——

"What do you do?" A cold drink came in from the door, "let go!"

Su Yuzhuo came over with a cold face. She quickly waved her right hand twice, grabbed the two middle-aged women who heard people like her, spread her hands in pain, held her arms, bared her teeth and breathed air.

"What does she say? She's the wife of the chief executive. You're the ex-wife of a little journalist. What do you want to do?" Su Yuzhuo looks at Xia's ex-wife with a sneer, "if you don't have the ability to control a man, you'll come out to be wild. No wonder Mr. Xia wants to divorce you. Just like a shrew like you, if I'm a man, I don't like you."

"You --" Xia's ex-wife's face became ugly.

Su Yuzhuo is right. No matter what people say, she is the wife of the chief. Although Xia Chengxi has something to do with the one at the top, she is not Mrs. Xia after all. She even has no son under her knees. She doesn't even have a wife. If it's really noisy, she's not sure Xia Chengxi will face her.

Thinking of the recent hearsay, Xia's ex-wife laughed, "I didn't expect that the tutor of director Jing is very good. The relationship between stepdaughter and stepmother is so harmonious. It's really enviable."

"Don't be envious. When you go back and ask your ex husband to give birth to one and a half of them outside, you can remarry with Mr. Xia, and you can be a stepmother. You can teach your stepson and stepdaughter well, and you can be harmonious."

Su Yuzhuo took Wen Renxi's arm and put on a posture of "we just have a good relationship.".

"You --" Xia's ex-wife's face was green and white.

"If you don't leave yet, should I call the police and let them drive you away?" Su Yuzhuo said rudely, "also, don't let me see you here next time. You know, I'm poor and rich, so I can't help but be arrogant. If I miss someone, I can't help it. If I go in for a few days, you'll be different. If you're disabled, will Mr. Xia want a disabled wife?"

When Xia's ex-wife leaves with two middle-aged women, Su Yuzhuo opens her arms to hear people's happiness and becomes quiet with her domineering face.

"You're here for tea?" Hearing people like to know Su Yuzhuo's identity, the smile at the corner of his mouth becomes alienated and polite.

"I come to say goodbye to you." Su Yuzhuo looked at the woman who had robbed her father of his whole heart, "I'm leaving."