Luxury Marriage: Uncle vs Little Wife

Chapter 349

"Let's divorce."

Su Yuzhuo said these five words calmly.

Xiao Yan put a watch on the partition cabinet.

Turning his head, he looked at Su Yuzhuo without feeling. Without saying a word, the temperature in the air suddenly dropped to the freezing point.

Su Yuzhuo's hands curled up on her legs and grasped the skirt cloth. She lowered her thick eyelashes, her head slightly lowered, her long hair hung down, and her plain white face was hidden in the shadow. "At the beginning, I tried my best to force you to marry me. You always knew that I approached you with impure motives. No matter what you married me for, I'm very grateful."

"Maybe God can't see my unscrupulous, just take back my children to punish me, now everything is over, I want to go home."

"I give you back my freedom. I hope you can meet someone who is sincere to you in the future."

The nose is a little sour. Su Yuzhuo takes a few deep breaths, which makes his heart sour.

The bedroom was silent.

Su Yuzhuo always hung his head.

Suddenly, the heavy shadow covered the top of her head. Su Yuzhuo's chin was forced up. The cold touch made her shrink.

Xiao Yan's eyes were cold and deep, and his hands were a little strong. Su Yuzhuo's white and full skin changed shape, with red marks.

She endured the sharp pain, obstinately looked at Xiao Yan, and repeated: "you have no use value for me, let's divorce."

The strength of Xiao Yan's hands increased. The long and narrow Phoenix eyes were like falcons. Their sight turned into essence, penetrating Su Yuzhuo's eyes.

Su Yuzhuo's lip color turns white gradually. She is pushed into the sofa by Xiao Yan's strength, and her head is on the back. She is stubborn and does not compromise in his eyes as before.

After a long stalemate, Xiao Yan loosened her chin, raised her hand and unbuttoned her shirt. Soon the man's chest was exposed, tight and sexy.

He gave her a cold look, raised his leg and walked quietly past her to the bathroom.

A moment before entering the bathroom door, a voice without emotion jumped out of his mouth, with a gentle tone, "do you want to leave after using it? No way. "

Su Yuzhuo leans on the back of the sofa and looks at the retro chandelier overhead. The light in his eyes gradually darkens, like the Northern Wilderness after autumn. The cold wind is bleak and desolate.

Another bedroom.

When ye Qingxin comes out of the bath, jingboyuan covers his stomach with a blanket pushed to his feet by Chaochao.

"You wash, I'll take care of them."

Ye Qingxin's head is covered with a dry hair cap, and a few strands of wet hair hang down from her full forehead, adding a bit of mature woman charm to her.

"Why don't you blow dry your hair?" Jingboyuan took her down, took off the dry hat on her head, and wiped her hair as many times before.

"I didn't mean to hear the conversation between the second uncle and Su Yuzhuo today." Ye Qingxin holds the little guy's little foot, a little bit, easily wrapped in her palm.

"What secret did you hear?"

"Maybe it's a preconceived idea. I have a good relationship with sister Xi. I unconsciously feel that Su Yuzhuo and her mother are not good. When I heard Su Yuzhuo talking about her mother tonight, I also feel that everyone has their own bitterness. I have some feelings for a moment."

"Everything has two sides. If you think in different positions, you will have a much wider mind."

"Well." Ye Qingxin leans on jingboyuan and looks at the three little guys with loving eyes. "I don't know if sister Xi can get along with Su Yuzhuo in the future... If she accepts the second uncle again."

The next morning, Xiao Yan and Su Yuzhuo left hand in hand. They didn't look like they were going to divorce at all.

As the car drove away from Jing's old house, Su Yuzhuo said, "I want to see Luo Jianqiu."

Luo Jianqiu is Xiao's eldest daughter-in-law and Xiao Yan's eldest sister-in-law.

Xiao Yan said nothing, but the car went to the police station.

When the car stops, Su Yuzhuo looks at the gate of the police station and turns to Xiao Yan, "I want to see her alone. Can you wait for me here?"

Xiao Yan took out a cigarette box from the storage box, took out a cigarette and put it into his mouth, and said vaguely, "go and go back quickly."

Cold voice, just like his cool eyebrows.

In the reception room, she saw the 30-year-old woman in a number suit, which was no longer noble and domineering.

Su Yuzhuo's eyes were sharp and resentful. "If you want to see me so much, what else can you say?"

These two days, the police station has been calling her, saying that Luo Jianqiu wants to see her.

"Do you know why I killed Su fendiao two years ago?"

Su Yuzhuo looks at her coldly and doesn't speak.

"In fact, you should be able to guess that I killed Su fendiao for the same reason that I wanted to kill you. You shouldn't provoke Yan, the woman who provoked him, you will die!"

Luo Jianqiu's face was ferocious, his eyes were full of hatred, and soon he became proud again. He looked at Su Yuzhuo sarcastically and sarcastically, "what else do you say to avenge your sister? Do you know that the man you sleep next to is the man your sister loves deeply, really is the sister's deep love! Ha ha... "

"Your sister, that cheap woman, depending on her beauty, dares to hook up with Yan. In order to get close to him, she does not hesitate to become Xiao Cheng's mistress. Do you think I killed Su Fandiao because of my husband Xiao Cheng? Do you think it's revenge for your sister to let Yan deal with Xiao Cheng who deliberately planted him at the wedding

Xiao Cheng is Xiao Yan's elder brother and Luo Jianqiu's husband.

"Ha ha... I guess your sister would jump out of the coffin if she knew that her good sister was sleeping with the man she loved? Su Yuzhuo, did you dream that your sister came to you when you were sleeping at night? "

The color of Su Yuzhuo's face faded away.

During the past few months in the Xiao family, Luo Jianqiu tried every means to design for her to have a miscarriage. In the process, she faintly felt that Luo Jianqiu had more affection for Xiao Yan than for her uncle and sister-in-law. Luo Jianqiu realized that after collecting the evidence of her killing Su fendiao, she directly wanted to kill her.

On the national day, Su Yuzhuo was taken to the top of a building by a killer hired by Luo Jianqiu. She wanted to force her to jump off the building and pretend that she was committing suicide. She finally escaped. When she was in a hurry, she was hit by a car. At that time, she thought she was dead, but God gave her a big gift.

Thinking of this, Su Yuzhuo's bloodless face slowly opened a smile, "no matter how, Luo Jianqiu, you lost, you must have heard, whose daughter I am, my father will not let you go." Then she stood up and leaned forward. The tip of her nose almost touched the metal fence. Her eyes looked like a cheetah in the process of predation. She gazed at Luo Jianqiu's eyes coldly. Her voice was very light and her tone was very slow. What she said made the listeners tremble.

"Just wait for the gun." She made a gesture to Luo Jianqiu, "Bang --"

This pictophonetic character made Luo Jianqiu shake violently, and his eyes showed fear.

"You bitch! You are as cheap as your whore sister Luo Jianqiu gets up and rushes over. His handcuffed hand reaches out from the gap between the railings and grabs Su Yuzhuo. "You won't come to a good end! You'll end up worse than me! "

Behind the police came forward to control her, a will her on the chair, "honest point!"

Luo Jianqiu is still cursing madly: "you won't come to a good end!"

"No matter how bad my fate is, I can't be worse than you." Su Yuzhuo slowly sat back on the stool and gently said, "my sister slept with your husband. I slept with the man you coveted for half a lifetime. How can you be the worst? Xiao Yan is good-looking and has a good figure. Unfortunately, you don't have the chance to meet him."

"He is always cold, but there is a place that is not cold at all. It's so hot that it can burn into my soul every time. Luo Jianqiu, you can't feel it in your life. I feel sorry for you."

"Su Yuzhuo! You are shameless! bitch! Bitch Luo Jianqiu was almost mad with excitement.

"Yes, I'm shameless, but I've been sleeping till Xiao Yan. As for you, you can't sleep even if you're shameless. Even if you're naked in front of him, he won't look at you."

Su Yuzhuo, with her red lips in her eyes, smiles like a winner, showing off her spoils to the losers.

Luo Jianqiu stares at Su Yuzhuo's face, gnashing her teeth and yearning to eat her raw meat!

Suddenly, Luo Jianqiu's eyes twinkled. She clenched her fist tightly. In her voice, she hated Su Yuzhuo. "I knew you had a bad intention when you married Yan. You were with him just to revenge me!"

"Yes, so what? The man you hold in your hand is just a pair of worn-out shoes that I wear. If you want to, I can take them off for you. However, it depends on whether Xiao Yan is willing to be worn by you."

Before Su Yuzhuo's words were finished, Luo Jianqiu burst into a burst of laughter.

Luo Jianqiu smiles and pats her thighs to look behind Su Yuzhuo.

When the time came, Luo Jianqiu was escorted away, her figure disappeared, but laughter lingered in this space for a long time, laughing, proud and happy.

Su Yuzhuo keeps her original sitting posture. She doesn't look back and knows who is standing behind her.

The air became heavy and every breath was very hard.

After a long time.

Su Yuzhuo stands up, turns around and looks at the door.

Xiao Yan stood there with his hands in his pocket. The Phoenix eyes, which had no temperature and feelings, were covered with frost for thousands of years.

Su Yuzhuo feels that the blood in her blood vessels cools down a little, but her heart beats faster and faster. A rush of heart beats faster and faster, which makes her flustered.

"You... When did you come?" How much did he listen to her conversation with Luo Jianqiu just now?

Xiao Yan did not say a word, looked at her for a moment, turned away.

Su Yuzhuo stood in the same place for a moment, and raised her foot to follow. When she came out of the police station, Xiao Yan had already stood by the car and smoked. She came and found that his foot was missing a cigarette end.

In late October, the sun has already faded the enthusiasm of summer and become mild. The autumn wind is depressed and the ginkgo leaves are blowing down all over the sky.

Golden leaves with unwilling and reluctant to give up, in mid air played several spin, and finally fell on the cold dirty ground.

Su Yuzhuo stands by the front passenger's door and looks at Xiao Yan, who is separated from her by a car. The golden sunshine is on him and outlines the perfect golden outline.

More than two years ago, Su Fandiao happily told Su Yuzhuo that he had a man he liked very much. He also said that he had a nice surname, Xiao, Xiao shiilang.

Su fendiao didn't say the name of the man. Later, Su Yuzhuo saw Su fendiao with a handsome middle-aged man who was nearly 40 years old. Before Su fendiao was killed, she incoherently told Su Yuzhuo on the phone that someone wanted to kill her, saying that she would die for him, and she would not give up liking him.

Su Yuzhuo takes it for granted that the man in her sister's mouth who loves her very much and would rather die than give up is the elegant middle-aged man she once met.

It took her a lot of effort to find out the identity of the middle-aged man, Xiao Cheng of the Xiao group.

He also inquired about Xiao Cheng's jealous wife.

In order to find out the death of her sister, she approaches Xiao Cheng's younger brother Xiao Yan.

Who knows, in the end, Xiao Yan is the root of her sister's death. What her sister deeply loves, rather die than give up, is Xiao Yan.

Su Yuzhuo felt that there seemed to be a knife in her chest, stirring her heart wantonly.

"Xiao Yan..." two people don't know how long they stood, she opened her mouth to break the surface of the quiet, "those words you hear, that's my heart, we... Divorce."

After the rest of her life, I'm afraid she can't face Xiao Yan's face calmly.

Her sister sacrificed too much for her. When Su Mei died, her sister was only 15 years old. Her adoptive father Su Yusheng was shocked by Su Mei's death and was in a trance all day. Su Yusheng had a brother who had been single all his life. That summer when the two sisters were 16 years old, Su Yusheng's brother knocked Su Yusheng unconscious and broke into their broken boudoir.

Su Fandiao uses all his strength and courage to push Su Yuzhuo out of the door. He hugs the intruder and cries to her: "find someone, quick!"

When she knocks on her neighbor's door and brings someone to rescue Su fendiao, Su fendiao has lost.

When it came out, abuse and ridicule spread all over the world.

Su Yuzhuo often thinks that this is one of the reasons why her elder sister gave up her studies. Her elder sister was breaking the pot. Most of the time, she saw the color of dead ashes in her elder sister's smiling eyes. It was only after her elder sister told her that she had a man she liked very much that she saw the bright brilliance of a girl in her early twenties from her elder sister's eyes.

"Let's divorce. When I see you, I think of my sister's death. Although it's not your intention, it's an unchangeable fact that she died because of you."

Xiao Yan took the cigarette from his lips and walked around the front of the car.

Su Yuzhuo instinctively lowers his head. Xiao Yan looks down at her head and reaches for her face.

"Just want to get rid of my broken shoes?" The voice was deep and cold, like the sound of ice cracking.

"Yes, I want to get rid of it."


Voice down, Xiao Yan let her go, again around the front of the car, into the cab.

"Get in the car."

Su Yu Zhuo some Zheng Zheng reaction not to come over, "go where?"


It is six days since Ye Qingxin heard that Xiao Yan and Su Yuzhuo divorced.

"Why are they divorced?" I saw them in the old house that day, and they had a good relationship.

"Who knows." Jingsuoso has a lollipop in his mouth. His cheeks are bulging like a hamster with food in his mouth. His words are vague: "Su Yuzhuo came to his home yesterday and told his uncle that he would go back to his hometown. He certainly didn't agree. She just said that she had made up her mind. It was like making a TV play."

"I guess she can't stand the cold virtue of third brother Xiao. Who can be comfortable with a refrigerator all night? It's strange if he doesn't freeze to death. Alas, poor brother Xiao, it's not easy to get a daughter-in-law. It's only a few days, and it's gone. "

Jingsuoso bangs the lollipop soundly.

Today is another Saturday. The kids are sleeping on their backs in the baby carriage. Jingboyuan is not there. I don't know which gust of wind has blown jingsuoso and Dou Weier to Nanshan villa.

Dou Wei'er doesn't know Xiao Yan and Su Yuzhuo. He is so bored that he watches the children sleep beside him.

"By the way, it's said that Gujiao will be in court next Monday. Ah, Xinxin, would you like to see it then?" Jing suoso knew it only after listening to some elders last night.

Ye Qingxin also knows about Gu Jiao's court session. Jingboyuan has mentioned to her that she doesn't want Ye Qingguo to appear. Jingboyuan has the full power to handle Chen Ting directly, and Liangyan group has the full power to handle him.

The old couple may not have the heart to see Gu Jiao tried. After all, they have been together for more than ten years. They once had true feelings, or they may have hated Gu Jiao so much that they don't want to see her again.

"If I don't go, it's better to stay at home with the baby to see her." Ye Qingxin looks gently at the sleeping little guy.

After Gu Xingde had a quarrel at Jingyi wedding, he was put out by the police station for a few days. Later, he was honest.

The old lady of the ancient family didn't bother Ye Qingxin or the old couple of the Yan family.

"That's right. She doesn't look good either." Jingsuoso fell into the sofa and stretched, "I used to think Gujiao was pretty good. I really know people and face, but I don't know my heart. Granny Yan has been raising her for so many years."

Just talking.

Dou Wei'er's mobile phone rings suddenly.

She took out her cell phone from her bag and looked at it. Then she threw it into the sofa.

"Why don't you take it?" Jing suoso reaches for his mobile phone and looks at it. The word "he Yunxiao" is on the screen.

"Do you know he Yunxiao? I remember he just came back from abroad yesterday Jingsuoso said casually.

Dou Wei'er looks at her, "do you know her, too?"

"Well, I've known him since I was a child. He often bullies me!" Jingsuoso took the lollipop out of his mouth and said, "I'll take revenge one day."

"By the way, how do you know him? Look at your attitude towards him, he is not pursuing you, is he? Then you have to hold on. Don't let him catch up with you easily and avenge me by the way. "

Jing suoso secretly rubbed his hands, eyes shining, as if he had thought of a way to clean up he Yunxiao, "tell me, is he chasing you?"

"He always wanted to invite me to dinner. It's not a chase." Dou Wei'er kneels down on the carpet of the tea table and puts her arms on the edge of the stroller. She looks at the children in the stroller with bright eyes, and touches their faces from time to time. The soft touch makes her like it more and more.

"Ha! There must be a plan for a man to invite a woman to dinner for no reason. Wei'er is so beautiful. That boy must have taken a fancy to you. Hahaha... God has eyes. I can get revenge for being bullied -- "

Before the words came out, Jing suoso thought of something and said, "I remember elder brother he chased you before, right? Have you ever been together? Now he Yunxiao is chasing you again. How do these two brothers taste the same? Oh, it seems more fun. He Yunxiao is dead! " Jingsuo tut tongue, smile treacherously, "he's dead!"