Luxury Marriage: Uncle vs Little Wife

Chapter 348

After dinner, master Jing wants to catch Jingyan to play chess. Jingzong refuses on the pretext of something, and catches Jingyi. Jingyi refuses on the pretext of going on a business trip tomorrow and having an early rest, and finally catches Jingyan to go upstairs.

Xiao Yan, Jing Boyuan and ye Jundong go to the small living room. Su Yuzhuo and Mrs. Jing chat in the living room. Ye Lin leaves his chopsticks and goes upstairs to do his homework.

The servants all went to eat. Ye Qingxin pushed the baby carriage out the back door. The moon and stars were bright outside, and the autumn wind was dry and pleasant.

The little guys were lying on their backs in the pram, looking curiously at the moon in the sky.

Ye Qingxin saw that they were serious, and his voice told the story of Chang'e flying to the moon gently.

I'm tired of looking at the moon from year to year. I look here and there. At dusk, I listen carefully and stare at my mother with my little head up.

"Heart, here you are." Jingsuoso came up from behind, "it's boring inside. It's better to come out and tease the children."

Ye Qingxin stopped the story and said, "all of a sudden, there are many elder sisters. They don't go in to exchange their feelings."

"How dare I exchange feelings with her? When she sold me, I have to count money for her!"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't tell me you don't know!"

Ye Qingxin blinked his eyelashes, "what do you know?"

"The first day she was discharged from hospital, she sent Xiao's eldest daughter-in-law to prison on the grounds of intentional homicide." Jingsuoso said and turned his mouth.

"Intentional homicide? Who do you want to kill? "

"It's like her sister." Jing suoso put a string of Osmanthus fragrans on his nose and smelled, "her sister's name is Su fendiao. She died two years ago in an accident. She reported to the police station on the day she was discharged from hospital, saying that her sister's death two years ago was not an accident, but a murder. In fact... I doubt if she married third brother Xiao in order to get close to her sister-in-law and find out the evidence of her murder."

"I heard that it was my cheap cousin who tried every means to get close to brother Xiao and forced him to get married when she was pregnant. But... Who is brother Xiao? If he doesn't want to get married, there are many ways to get rid of her baby, so... It's not a forced marriage..."

"The adult world is too complex for me to grow up."

Jingsuoso's head shakes.

"If you don't grow up, how can you tell elder brother Cheng?" Ye Qingxin couldn't help laughing.

Jing suoso

"I think sister Yi's condition has improved a lot recently. How are you and your brother Cheng?"

Jing one after another face a little red, "I feel very good."

"Are you together?"

"Not yet..." Jing suoso suddenly said, "but recently we often contact each other. Sometimes we have dinner together. I want to have a showdown with him in a while and wait for my elder sister to be better."

Although song Xianyu says that Cheng Ruyu seems to have someone she likes, Cheng Ruyu doesn't have a girlfriend at the moment, so Jing suoso feels that she can have a fight.

Think of this, she sighed, "although the elder sister usually people hate, but I still don't want to see her decadent appearance."

Ye qingxinxiao, Jing suoso silly, fortunately or sensible.

In the pram, all three of them began to breathe.

Ye Qingxin pushes the stroller back to the living room. To live here tonight, ye Qingxin directly asks the three aunts who take care of the baby to take them upstairs to take a bath and sleep.

A baby bath is installed in the toilet of jingboyuan room.

Ye Qingxin went upstairs to help them, washed them and fed them milk. When they fell asleep, jingboyuan had not come up yet.

She goes downstairs. In the living room, old lady Jing, Jing Si and Ji Yi sit there chatting. Jing and Jing Xianxian sit next to each other. Jing suoso and Su Yuzhuo are not there.

Ye Qingxin walks towards the small living room.

Through the side door leading to the front yard, a familiar female voice came from there.

"Don't you wonder why my mother left you then?"

Ye Qingxin stops subconsciously and frowns slightly. As far as she knows, old lady Jing forced Su Mei to leave. Does Su Yuzhuo want to sow discord?

"Half a month ago, I wanted to know." Jingyi's voice rang, "now, it's not so important to me. No matter what she left for, it's in the past."

Ye Qingxin steps towards the side door. The door is not closed tightly. She can vaguely see Jingyi standing on the steps outside the door with a cigarette in her right hand. Su Yuzhuo's arms are around her chest, leaning against the column beside her.

"Because of the woman you've just married?" Su Yuzhuo's tone was somewhat ironic. "I've heard about you before, saying that you didn't marry for more than 20 years for a woman, and you're still alone. I've lamented your infatuation, but I didn't expect that the woman you're infatuated with would be my mother."

"What's more, you have been infatuated with her for more than 20 years, and now you still fall in love with other women. Even why she left you has become so unimportant."

"But... That's enough..." Su Yuzhuo's voice was sad and relieved. "She would be very happy if she knew that you had been holding on for her for more than 20 years."

"It's not in vain for her to defend herself to death for you."

Jingyi's action of delivering cigarettes to his mouth is halting.

Su Yuzhuo took a deep breath. Regardless of whether Jingyi wanted to hear it or not, she said directly: "since I have memory, my mother has said a word to me every day. She said: honey, your father is a soldier, a very powerful general, and he is my mother's hero..."

"She told me about your first meeting, how you rescued her from that terrible place, how you loved each other, she said that you loved her very much, sacrificed a lot for her, she was very sorry, didn't want you to sacrifice more for her, so she sent you a parting letter when you went back to the army, and followed your adoptive father back to his hometown."

"The righteous father loved her all her life, but she never accepted him. She said that she was very sad that she could not keep her innocence before meeting you, but at least she should keep her innocence for the rest of her life after knowing you."

"She never told me your name or where you lived until seven years ago, when she was lying in bed and was ill, she took my hand and told me again and again, my dear, to go to the capital for my mother to see him and see if he was well or not

"If he has a good life, you must not disturb him. If he has a bad life, you should be filial to him and make him happy."

"I always don't understand that she loves you so much. Why did she take my sister and me to leave the capital and leave you because she was afraid that you would be humiliated by her status as a prostitute? Then why don't you go to her? She said you believe when you fall in love with others? Or do you mind her being a prostitute? "

Jingyi takes a puff of smoke.

He looked for Su Mei in those years, but all the clues about Su Mei have been erased

When he realized something, he looked at Su Yuzhuo, "sister?" Isn't she just a sister?

"Pink carving, jade carving, pink carving comes first, jade carving comes second. Su pink carving, my sister, who is one year younger than me in the household register, is my twin sister. When I registered for the household register, the people in the police station recorded the wrong information. Later, my mother thought it didn't matter, so she didn't change it."

Jingyi's eyes sank.

Su Yuzhuo looked at the floor lamp not far away. "She and I were admitted to Beijing University together. Our family conditions were poor. We agreed to work and study together, but she secretly quit school behind my back and worked as a waiter in a hotel to earn money for me to study."

"My mother didn't tell us my father's name and identity until she died. We asked my adoptive father, but he didn't know. All he knew was that you were a general in the capital. Where can we find the capital so big?"

"Later, my sister was cheated into the nightclub and went the same way as her mother did. This time, no man came to save her as her father did. Two years ago, she died in a car accident. The police soon closed the case in an accident. But I knew that her death was not an accident. A few days before her car accident, I was very upset and told me that someone wanted to kill her on the phone."

Speaking of this, Su Yuzhuo tears and laughs, "but all this is over. I avenged my sister. Dad, you can't let the murderer of my sister go unpunished."

Xiao's daughter-in-law's family is powerful and powerful. She is likely to find a way to get people from the police station. After all, Su fendiao has been dead for two years, and the evidence is not enough.

Ye Qingxin is very surprised. Unexpectedly, Su Yuzhuo, who seems to be unfamiliar with the world, has such a story behind him.

After a long silence outside the side door, Jingyi's low voice came: "I know."

"Thank you, Dad." Su Yuzhuo's tone is full of relief.

Ye Qingxin turns around quietly and walks to the small living room.

"Dad, are you happy now?" Su Yuzhuo's question came faintly.

This time Jingyi didn't answer.

"Do you really love your new wife?"

Ye Qingxin couldn't really hear this sentence. When she came to the door of the small living room, she couldn't hear the voice there.

She understood why Su Yuzhuo accepted Jingyi so quickly, and even showed her admiration in her eyes.

Like Zhou Qiaoqiao, Su Mei has planted love for her father in Su Yuzhuo's heart since she was a child. Su Mei even attributes all the reasons why she left Jingyi to herself, not mentioning the persecution of old lady Jing.

It's hard for ye Qingxin to imagine how Su Mei saved her baby in the hands of doctors and nurses holding a butcher's knife. It must have been a sad journey.

Standing outside the small living room, ye Qingxin remembers what Jing suoso said. The reason why Su Yuzhuo tried every means to marry Xiao Yan may be to use Xiao Yan to get close to Xiao's daughter-in-law, so as to find out the criminal evidence of Xiao's daughter-in-law's murder.

She remembers that Su Yuzhuo and Xiao Yan would have children when they got married. I don't know what happened. Her stomach doesn't look like a pregnant woman now, let alone a serious car accident.

Just thinking, the door of the small living room is opened, and ye Jundong comes out first, followed by Jing Boyuan and Xiao Yan.

"What is pestle doing here?" Jing Boyuan sees Ye Qingxin and habitually reaches for her hand.

Ye Qingxin said with a smile, "the baby is asleep. I'll see if you've finished talking. As soon as you arrive, you'll come out."

Four people walk towards the living room.

Passing by the side door, Su Yuzhuo and Jingyi just came in from the door. Their hair was deeply exposed. Su Yuzhuo's eyelashes were wet. She blinked and looked at Xiao Yan. Her eyes flashed by a very complicated emotion.

Xiao Yan copied his pocket with one hand, and the other hand reached out to her. Su Yuzhuo hesitated for a moment, put his hand into his palm, and immediately dropped his eyelashes. The smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to be unreal.

Back in the living room, Mrs. Jing, Ji Yi and Jing Si are still there, while Jing Yi and Jing Xian are no longer downstairs.

"Yuzhuo and a Yan will live here tonight. I've got the room cleaned up." Old lady Jing said, "it's late. Let's have a rest. Pony, take miss and uncle back to the room."

A servant said politely to Su Yuzhuo and Xiao Yan, "Miss, please follow me."

They said good night to the public and followed the servant upstairs.

Looking at their disappearing back, Mrs. Jing sighed heavily and said: "the second child has a future, but I don't know if Xiaoxi can accept that the second child has such a big daughter. Fortunately, the child didn't go astray like her mother..."

The voice suddenly stopped, and Mrs. Jing realized that it was not appropriate to say this in front of Jingyi. She changed the topic and said, "go back to sleep, everyone. It's getting late."

Jingyi didn't respond. She brought in the cage for Xifan from the door and carried it back to her room.

Master Jing has mild asthma and can't see cat hair. Before that, he could only appoint Qu Xifan to stay outside.

Ye Lin ran down from upstairs with his exercise book in his hand, "cousin, I can't do a problem. Can you teach me?"

Jingsi was very upset that his son was so intimate with Ye Qingxin, and said, "my mother will teach you any topic."

Ye Lin hesitated for a moment, carefully discussed: "those questions you taught me before, six out of ten questions are wrong, can you not teach me?"

Jingsi: "I'm not sure."

Ye Jundong is happy that Ye Lin and ye Qingxin get along well. He said: "no matter how well you study in junior high school, you have forgotten for decades. Where can you compare with Xin Xin? If you want Xin Xin to teach Xiao Lin, don't participate."

Jing Si stares at ye Jundong and Ye Lin and turns to go upstairs.

Ye Qingxin said to jingboyuan, "go back to take a bath first, and I'll teach Xiaolin to go up."

Jingboyuan touched Ye Qingxin's hair, "don't be too late."

"I know."

The servant turned off the lights in the yard, leaving only a few floor lamps.

In a bedroom, Su Yuzhuo sat on the sofa and looked at Xiao Yan, who was releasing the watch buckle. He pressed the complex emotions in his heart and slowly said, "let's divorce."